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Charge it to my account!
jotix1001 April 2009
Oliver and Roderick Montpellier, two English brothers, make a bet that any man given a one million pound note, can live off the fat of the land just by showing off the good fortune of having it in his possession. Then, if by the end of a month, if he can show the intact bill, he will indeed be a man worthy of whatever fortunes might befall on him because of the sheer luck of proving the brothers right.

The lucky recipient of the note is one Henry Adams, an American in London who is just a poor man with no money, or prospects of a job in the near future. He tests his good fortune when he decides to dine at a modest restaurant. As the bill comes, he shows his one million pound note, which of course, the owner can't possibly change. The meal is free.

Henry Adams then discovers how he can go through his present situation relying on the fact that he is a millionaire, without really being one. He is given a set of smart clothes, a suite at one of the best hotels in town, and an introduction to high society, something that is not always available to Americans, even rich ones, as Henry appears to be.

This delightful comedy of 1954 was a total surprise. The film, made in England at the famous Pinewood studios, was directed by Ronald Neame. Based on a Mark Twain story, which we haven't read, it counts on the great work of Gregory Peck, a man that was one of the most charismatic performers during his years in the cinema. Mr. Peck is the whole movie; it's unimaginable to think of any other actor playing Henry Adams.

The supporting cast shows familiar faces of consummate English players who contribute to create the Edwardian atmosphere. Ronald Squire and Wilfrid Hyde-White are the Montpellier brothers, whose bet trigger the action. Reginald Beckwith is the mute valet who sticks by Henry through thick and thin. Jane Griffiths plays Portia, the woman that conquers Henry Adams heart. Also in the cast we saw Hugh Griffith, in a non-credited role. Joyce Grenfell, another delightful character actress, has some brilliant moments as the Duchess of Cromarty.

An enjoyable movie. Catch if it ever plays on your classic movie channel. You won't be disappointed!
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Man with a million
ackstasis19 January 2009
Arriving home, with a long day of work behind me, and another ahead, I was in the mood for something friendly and undemanding. Ronald Neame's 'The Million Pound Note (1953)' was exactly what the doctor ordered. This lightweight British comedy is, for one, wholly and absolutely pleasant: notice how there is not a single villain in the entire film, every character likable in their own, distinctively-British way. The old family friend, whom we are certain is a grumbling and untrustworthy shyster, turns out to be an honest entrepreneur. The man who arranges to deprive Henry Adams (Gregory Peck) of his wealth is merely a doddering old eccentric who just wants to show some patriotism for a personal lark. This is the sort of film whose conclusion is never in any doubt: Peck will get the girl, achieve happiness, and learn to live without the extravagance to which he thought he would become accustomed. Frankly, I can't imagine the film ending any other way.

When penniless American stowaway Henry Adams (Peck, probably on his way to Italy to film 'Roman Holiday (1953)') requests a small loan from the US embassy in London, he is flatly denied by an indifferent official. However, a pair of childish millionaires (Ronald Squire and Wilfrid Hyde-White) have an even greater plan for him. They loan Henry a rare million pound note, which he is forbidden to cash in, for just a one month engagement. Pretty soon, every store and hotel owner in the city is tripping over themselves to offer him free services, irrationally smitten with the honour of serving a wealthy American, however unorthodox his dress manner may be. Of course, the arrival of "millionaire" Henry Adams doesn't go unnoticed in the high societies of London, and Portia Landsdowne (Jane Griffiths) is soon love-struck with the humble American, though his apparent wealth hinders rather than aids their love affair. Will the couple be together by the film's end? You don't need me to tell you.

Though I had expected 'The Million Pound Note' to be a slightly wooden comedy, it was great to find the film regularly inciting a hearty chuckle. Two moments stand out above all the others. Firstly, Gregory Peck opening the brothers' envelope for the first time to pay for a hearty meal, and dazedly apologising for not having anything smaller (the store-owners accept Henry as an "eccentric millionaire" and offer the meal for free). Secondly, the charity auction event in which the famous American millionaire carefully counts the coins in his hand to bid £82 12s, before inadvertently bidding £5000 for a rather commonplace vase. As lightweight as it may be, the film also aims a few modest jabs at the superficiality and hypocrisy of British society, most of the characters welcoming Henry Adams only when under the impression that he is absurdly wealthy; there's a harsh but all-too-true irony in the fact that Henry can only secure a cash loan once the American embassy believes that he doesn't need it.
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A Peculiarly Hard Bank Note to Spend
theowinthrop22 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is an amusing trifle, set at the turn of the century in England, but based on a story by Mark Twain of all people. Twain at his best could take a trifling idea and run off with it. He demolishes detectives in "The Stolen White Elephant", which describes the ineptitude of detectives in finding a huge creature that has run off. Similarly here he demonstrates the limitations of money and how easy one can live on credit by simply having a note that nobody can cash.

Two brothers who are very wealthy give the Bank of England one million pounds so that they can settle a bet. There is a single bank note for one million pounds in existence. What would happen if someone in need were given the note as an act of charity? An American sailor is shipwrecked, and brought to England when rescued without any money on him. He is given the note. Like the two wealthy brothers in "Trading Places" they have a bet: will the sailor survive or starve to death because nobody can cash the note? Less we think that such notes don't exist, the Federal Reserve System used to use a limited set of $100,000 bills with the face of Woodrow Wilson (the President who signed the Federal Reserve Act into law) for transfers between the branches of the Federal Reserve Banks. I do not know if they are still in use. There were also notes for $10,000 (with the face of Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase - who okay-ed the first national "greenback" currency), and for $5,000 (with the face of President James Madison, who refused to save the first Bank of the United States, but did push the recharter of the second Bank of the United States - a semi-private early version of the Federal Reserve System).

The film follows Gregory Peck's discovery that he is a guinea pig for this bet, but making the most of it. The two brothers (Ronald Squiers and Wilfred Hyde-White) stay mostly in the background. Both give good performances, and while I agree with another writer on this website that Hyde-White is better remembered today, Squiers was a widely respected film and stage actor of the time ("The Rocking Horse Winner", for example). Jane Griffiths plays the aristocrat who falls in love with Peck. A.E.Matthews has a nice role as a Yankee hating aristocrat, who suddenly realizes that there is one thing worse that that - a greedy Briton. And Hugh Griffith does the most with the part of a suspicious newspaperman.

Twain was fascinated by a legal case of the 1870s, the Ticheborne Claimant, wherein an impostor claimed title to a baronetcy and it's multi-million pound estate. Twain even wrote a novel, "The American Claimant", based on the incident. One of the noteworthy incidents of the actual case was that "Ticheborne Bonds" were sold promising profit to investors who would give money needed for the Claimant's legal fees (if he won, they'd be paid out of the estate). Similarly here, in the film, bonds supporting Peck's honesty are printed. At one point there is a run by the bond holders when they believe that they've been lied to.

It is a very amusing trifle, and well worth catching whenever it appears on television.
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A Million Pound Guinea Pig
bkoganbing3 August 2008
The Million Pound Note finds its way into the hands of a penniless American sailor who hasn't a pence to his name as he arrives in the United Kingdom at the turn of the last century. Gregory Peck who plays the sailor by chance runs into two elderly English brothers, Ronald Squires and Wilfrid Hyde-White, both filthy rich and are having an academic discussion around money.

They give Peck a million pound note from the Bank of England and the idea is to present himself as an eccentric American millionaire and for one month live off the reputation of that note. Peck's not to pay one shilling or break the note in any way. He's to live strictly on credit for that month, live I might add in a posh London hotel, typically posh for the 1900 or so.

Before I watched The Million Pound Note tonight I saw a variation on the same theme in Pretty Woman. Julia Roberts goes to a chic Rodeo Drive store in Beverly Hills and the first time arriving in her hooker working clothes, she's shown the door, but quick. But as Richard Gere said to her, they don't respect people, but credit cards yes, the higher the spending limit, the better.

The Million Pound Note was Gregory Peck's first venture into comedy and if you're looking for a lot of gags and belly laughs, skip this film. What you will find is a nice piece of whimsical humor where Peck's essential decency is kind of turned on itself for laughs. He's perfectly willing to be an guinea pig as the two old gents will give him enough money to get back to America.

But in this as in so many films, Peck doesn't count on falling in love with young aristocrat Jane Griffiths. She doesn't mind him being penniless or so she tells him, but snooty aunt Joyce Grenfell sure does when word comes out Peck's a fake.

The Million Pound Note is a good film with Peck in a perfectly suited character for himself. And it proves the old adage that millionaires are eccentric and paupers are just crazy.
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really rather good
didi-520 January 2007
A rare foray into British films for Gregory Peck, and the journey seems to have done him good as this film shows him in one of his better performances (alongside Roman Holiday and To Kill a Mockingbird).

Henry Adams is given the million-pound note of the title and is challenged to keep it, intact, for a month. And that's the whole premise of the film - but along the way there is a chase along a windswept street, a dumb strongman, a rich girl, a gold mine, Joyce Grenfell, a bet, and a rather snooty tailor.

The film manages to poke fun both at the Americans and the British, as well as highlighting the class differences still prevalent in this country even today. Henry Adams' plight could be the one of any lottery winner in 2007, although this being movieland, all works out for the best in the end.

Interesting to compare with Mr Deeds Goes To Town, another film about a dotty philanthropist who comes into sudden wealth.
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money man
blanche-215 July 2010
Gregory Peck is a "Man with a Million" in this 1954 British film directed by Ronald Neame. Besides Peck, the stars are Ronald Squire, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Hartley Power, Maurice Denham, Bryan Forbes, and Portia Lansdowne.

An out of work, broke American sailor, Henry Adams (Peck) is given a one million pound bank note by two men who have made a bet. If Adams can return the note in one month, intact, the two gentlemen will help him find work.

Turns out that all he has to do is show the note, and he's showered with clothes, a swanky hotel room, and introductions into high society.

This is a slight but entertaining film about the power of money or even implied money. When Adams goes to get help from the consulate originally, they can't do anything for him. When he shows the note, they offer him a loan. It rings true in today's economy, where wealthy people have no problem getting loans from a bank, but if you really need one - forget it! Peck is young, very handsome, and quite good. All in all, this isn't much, but it is a good watch.
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The Polar Difference A Piece Of Paper Can Make
Chrysanthepop20 December 2008
Based on Mark Twain's novel, 'The Millionaire Pound Note' takes an interesting satirical look at the hypocrisy stemming from class distinction in the 50s England. England is a country where class and wealth are given extreme significance, especially among the rich. The film shows the hypocrisy that existed among these people, how the rich are quick to change face when in an instant they find out that you're a man of wealth and how within the next moment they revert back to their condescending selves when all wealth is lost. Interestingly, 'The Millionaire' also briefly looks at how the English perceived Americans in that era. Rich Americans were welcomed as outsiders and the poor were quickly shunned away. The fact that he's an outsider either makes him more appealing or the complete opposite. The story sticks to the main theme by emphasizing on the hypocrisy of the upper class society but at the same time it also creates a balance that prevents the movie from being a mockery of the British society. The movie drags at some point but the love story appears at the right time and there is plenty of comedy to keep one entertained. A charming Gregory Peck totally nails the part and the luminous Jane Griffiths is a treat. Reginald Beckwith, as Peck's sidekick Rock is amusing. The ending is a little predictable but the director does an overall good job by rounding it up and presenting his points.
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I'm not gonna do any cycling and I'm not gonna do any Ascotting. Sailing is my hobby.
hitchcockthelegend22 November 2009
Also known as Man With A Million, The Million Pound Note is based on a short story by Mark Twain called "The Million Pound Bank Note". It's directed by Ronald Neame {The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie/The Poseidon Adventure } and stars Gregory Peck {To Kill A Mockingbird/Cape Fear}, Ronald Squire, Joyce Grenfell, Jane Griffiths & Reginald Beckwith .

It's Edwardian England and American seaman Henry Adams ( Peck) is stranded and down on his luck. That is until he becomes embroiled in an unusual wager between two wealthy, eccentric brothers, Oliver (Ronald Squire) and Roderick Montpelier (Wilfrid Hyde-White). Giving him an envelope, they tell him that it contains some money but that he must not open it till 14.00. Thinking they are crack pots he goes along with it anyway, and much to his amazement the envelope contains a one million pound note (£1,000,000). It transpires that Oliver believes that the mere existence of the note will enable Adams to obtain whatever he needs without spending a penny, while Roderick contends that it would actually have to be spent for it to be of any use. Hence the bet is on and a promise of a job for Henry if he can go for a month without breaking into the note.

Chirpy yet astutely cynical is The Million Pound Note. The laughs come courtesy of the ridiculous way that people react to money and those that have plenty of it. As Henry {a wonderfully cast Peck} moves from penniless bum to upstanding wealthy gentleman, without spending anything, the moral of the story is blatantly obvious. Very much a forerunner to the Eddie Murphy starrer Trading Places in 1983, it also has similarities with Twain's own The Prince And The Pauper, themes that always produce interesting results as regards the human condition. There's the obligatory romance angle in the piece, which thankfully doesn't cloy the picture at all, and Neame has an array of interesting characters from which to keep the story zippy {watch out for a delightful turn from Reginald Beckwith as Rock}. A real safe recommendation this one, across the board it works well, both as a comedy, and as a wry observation. 7/10
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Nice social commentary and otherwise a rather pleasant diversion
planktonrules3 August 2009
I almost gave this film a 7--it was very close. This film is based closely on the Mark Twain story of the same name.

The film begins with Gregory Peck--alone and penniless in London. He doesn't even have the money for a meal or a place to stay. It's so bad that when a little kid throws a partially eaten pear on the ground that he's tempted to pick it up and eat it...when out of the blue, two gentlemen call to him from the balcony above. He is escorted up and they treat him kindly. After inquiring about his circumstances, they assure him that they'll make him a loan and not to worry. They hand him an envelope and instruct him to go buy himself dinner.

A cursory look in the envelope shows that there is indeed money inside, but when it comes time to pay the bill, he discovers that it's a million pound note (a fictional amount, by the way) and the people in the restaurant cannot possibly make change. However, they don't seem the least bit interested in his paying and immediately extend him any credit he wants. The note along with the money, by the way, tells him that he's to have the money at no interest and he's expected to return it in one month.

Later, when he goes to buy a decent set of clothes, they treat him like a bum--until they see the million pound note--at which case, once again, he's given unlimited credit and they dote on him. The same thing then happens when he goes to stay at a fancy nearby hotel. Word soon spreads all over London and now suddenly EVERYBODY wants to be his friend and extend him credit.

There's a lot more that occurs in the film--particularly in regard to how the Brits view social class and wealth as well as the whole idea of being a celebrity for celebrity's sake. It's all rather droll and mildly amusing, though not as wonderful as it could have been. I am having a hard time putting my finger on why, as Gregory Peck was terrific. Perhaps it's the way everything comes together perfectly in the end--regardless, it's a very good film but one that left me feeling a tad...well...flat.
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Gregory Peck with Mark Twain in England
SimonJack26 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Man with a Million" is one of the few comedy films that Gregory Peck made. Known as a dramatic actor, Peck didn't play characters who could spew witticisms or clever lines, or who went through hilarious antics. But, he could hold his own in comedic situations, as in this film. He is mostly a straight man who gets into situations that are comedic and in which the cast around him are more the sources of humor. I think his best comedy was "Designing Woman" of 1957 with Lauren Bacall. He had some very laughable situations in that film.

This movie is based on a Mark Twain short story, "The Million Pound Bank Note," published in 1893. It closely follows the Twain story with a few changes. The one thing I would like to have seen unchanged was the ending in Twain's story. One of the Montpelier brothers is revealed as the stepfather of Portia. The movie was filmed in London and at the Pinewood Studios in England. It was released there in January 1954 under the title, "The Million Pound Note." The J. Arthur Rank Organization made the movie and it was distributed in America by United Artists.

The cast are all quite good. Peck is Henry Adams and Jane Griffiths plays the girl he falls for, Portia Lansdowne. Hartley Power is the Adams family friend, Lloyd Hastings. The Montpelier brothers are played by Ronald Squire (as Oliver) and Wilfrid Hyde-White (as Roderick). Joyce Grenfell is Portia's mother, the Duchess of Cromarty. The large supporting cast includes a number of people in various business settings who are very good and humorous with their airs and then humbling demeanor after learning that Adams has a one million pound note. These include George Devine as the Chop House proprietor, John Kelly as the Bumbles Hotel manager, and Maurice Denham as the exclusive tailor, Jonathan Reid.

Mark Twain (nee, Samuel Clemens) set a number of stories in England. He was an avowed Anglophile. From his first trip to England in 1872, he fell in love with the culture, the people and the country. But this didn't stop him from poking a little fun at the Brits from time to time. He was taken under wing by the upper-class and wrote glowingly of the people, their love of history and tradition, and the countryside.

This story is a soft satire of both England and America. The Duke of Frognal says rhetorically to the Bumbles Hotel manager, "Are you trying to tell me that American money means more than an Englishman's name? I won't stand for it. This country's going to the dogs."

This movie is a fine production from the Twain story set in England. It doesn't have rollicking laughter, but it has warmth and an endearing tale amidst the mostly gentle humor. A later film, made in America, did a successful take off on the Twain story. "Trading Places" of 1983 was an adult comedy that starred Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd.
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Twain Story With A Twist
DKosty12329 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Mark Twain's story is converted to the screen play by a respected British Woman which I think helps the story flow better. While this is not the classic script like To Kill A MockingBird Peck would get later, it is a good chance for him to show the talent he has.

Wilfred Hyde-White who would later become more known for television roles is one of 2 brothers making a bet that if they give a poor man a million dollar note that he will able to get anything he wants with tht note. Peck's American character just happens to come along and when he reads the note with the million pounds, he knows he has a month to use the note and then present it back to the brothers intact.

The note acts like a VISA Credit card as no one can change it, and it allows him to buy lots of things on credit including his first lunch. Things snowball as everyone from charities to tailors and a hotel give him credit. Some things in this script show the Twain touches.

For example, Peck enlists a circus Strongman to help guard the note, though the guy can't speak. An American friend uses his name to try to become rich on a gold mine. There are several other subplots on how Grant becomes accepted in British society as an eccentric millionaire.

Then there is the beautiful young red-headed grand-daughter who falls in love with him and not his money, which he really does not have. The film is really quite strong except the ending. The note the brothers put with the million pound note promises him a job when he brings back the note intact/ At the end, the only job he gets is becoming the grand-daughters husband. The borthers wo supplied the note never say what job they are supposed to give him, instead bickering about a disagreement on who actually won the bet, because of the technicality of the granddaughter.

The charity auction sequence in a way is just a part of the plot to advnace the relationship between Peck and the Grand Daughter. It might be the most crass money sequence in the film as it seems a lot of Brits are willing to wait to be paid.

The British way of doing the story makes it entertaining fare. The film is in color, though the sets and location make it look like the film was shot on a shoestring. The quality of the script and the strength of Peck carry this film.
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The Education of Henry Adams.
rmax3048236 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Gregory Peck is Henry Adams, a raggedy, good-natured American shipyard worker stranded in London and penniless. Poundless too, and this was 1903 when a pound was worth a pound. He's picked off the street at random by two millionaires of a betting disposition who hand him one of only two existing notes for one million pounds. If he returns the note intact at the end of one month, he'll have any sort of job he wants. Peck doesn't discover until later that he's rich beyond imagining. And he's aghast, as is the suspicious waiter who has just served this ill-groomed customer an expensive meal. Peck tries to return the note but his benefactors are on holiday for the month. It's all up to him.

That plot point is a little confusing. Maybe I missed something. But suppose that, instead of giving the note back in a month, Peck just said, "The hell with it," and skipped town? He could live like a Pasha for the rest of his life.

At any rate, when the public discovers that Peck has the note, everyone kisses his ring. Tailors give him a free wardrobe, Bumbles Hotel puts him up in the Bridal Suite, London society opens its doors to him, and when rumors start that Peck has invested in the New Hope Gold Mine, the price of shares skyrockets.

There are less harmless memes. Nobody has seen the note recently. They've been operating on the sociological principle that "if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." Does he really HAVE such a note or is Peck "an adventurer"? Peck's fortune goes down, then up again, and he winds up in a clinch with Lady Bracknell's niece or something.

It's based on a story by Mark Twain, a curious writer. He had a fine sense of irony, perhaps because he'd lived through the Civil War and was even briefly in the Confederate Army. "Tom Sawyer" is a child's adventure story but "Huckleberry Finn" is not. Twain poked understated fun at European pretensions and especially nobility. Huck and Jim pick up two scalawags who get into a quiet conflict over their social status, until one finally admits that he's the lost son of the King of France, which Huck swallows.

That European nobility business gets a poke in the eye with a sharp stick in this film. So does capitalism. The question that wafts like a bouquet through the comedy is whether simply having a lot of money is better than being a gentleman. Is it better to be rich or to be a Duke?

Peck's forte was never comedy. He seemed by nature to be upright and bourgeois. And, to the extent that he was amusing on screen, rather than only likable, it was because that air of self righteousness was made ludicrous by events. His reaction is always one of masked embarrassment. It requires only the slightest change in his features. He must have had a very good time playing a mad Nazi scientist in "The Boys From Brazil." The cast is filled out with familiar faces from British movies of the period.

It may have been written by Mark Twain, whose name is itself a joke, but it's veddy British, colorful, and funny. You'll like it.
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A falsehood we can believe in may be more important than the truth
JamesHitchcock21 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Although it stars Gregory Peck, one of America's most popular and charismatic film stars of the period, "The Million Pound Note" is surprisingly little known today; mine is only the 17th review it has received on this site. Part of the reason is that, unlike most of Peck's output, it was not made in Hollywood but in Britain. (Peck made another British film, "The Purple Plain", during this period). Even in Britain, however, few people seem to have heard of it.

The film was a based on a short story by Mark Twain. The basic idea, that of two elderly, wealthy brothers entering into an eccentric bet which affects the life of a complete stranger, is similar to that in the later American comedy, "Trading Places". That film was a contemporary satire on the "greed is good" attitudes of the 1980s, but "The Million Pound Note" is a period piece set in the early twentieth century. (The exact date is uncertain. A forty-eight-star flag flying outside the U.S. Consulate would seem to indicate that the film must be set in 1912 or later, but some of the costumes, and the absence of motor vehicles in the streets, would suggest a rather earlier date).

The hero is Henry Adams, an American who finds himself stranded in England by an unusual combination of circumstances after a sailing accident and needs money for his passage back home. By chance he meets the two brothers, Oliver and Roderick Montpelier, who give him an envelope, telling him that it contains money. When Adams opens it he finds that it contains a single banknote to the value of one million pounds. (This is a fiction invented by Twain; in reality the Bank of England has never issued notes for such a sum. For the purposes of the story, however, we have to accept that the note is genuine and not a forgery).

Like "Trading Places", "The Million Pound Note" is a satire on the capitalist system, but satirises it in a rather different way. "Trading Places" sends up the rapaciousness and heartlessness of the rich, represented in that film by the greedy, avaricious and corrupt Duke brothers. The satire of "The Million Pound Note" is directed less at rich people themselves than at the absurdities of the system through which they have obtained their wealth. While Adams has the note he is taken to be an eccentric millionaire. He can obtain whatever he needs without having to pay for it. (This is the reason for the wager; Oliver has bet the sceptical Roderick that mere possession of the note will enable the possessor to obtain limitless credit)

Adams is accepted into the company of England's grandest High Society and is asked to back a business venture when a fellow American wishes to start up a gold mine. He does not actually have to put up any money himself; the mere fact of his association with the project is enough to start a boom in the value of the company's shares. When he temporarily mislays the note and a rumour spreads that he never actually had it in the first place, the share price plummets. It does not matter that a geological report has indicated that the company is actually on the verge of striking gold. What matters to the capitalist system is not reality but belief and confidence. A falsehood that people can believe in can be more persuasive than the truth. Businessmen may like to think of themselves as hard-headed realists, but in Twain's eyes they are as prone to fantasy and delusion as anybody else. Indeed, they are more so, because they operate within a system which depends upon fantasy and delusion in order to function.

The film was directed by Ronald Neame who two years earlier had made "The Card". The two films have much in common. Both are based on literary sources, "The Card" on a novel by Arnold Bennett. Both are comedies set in Edwardian England. And both have similar themes, the importance of belief, even credulous or misplaced belief, to the money economy. (Or, to be more accurate, to the credit economy. The very word "credit" is derived from the Latin for "to believe"). Denry Machin, the hero of "The Card", is a young man who makes a fortune by promoting business schemes which, if not exactly dishonest, are nevertheless heavily dependent upon his charm, persuasiveness and plausibility. When one under-capitalised venture seems set to fail, he manages to save the situation by persuading an aristocratic lady to back him. As with Adams, the mere fact of her association with the scheme brings the investors flocking in.

I would not rate this film quite as highly as "The Card", perhaps the greatest non-Ealing British comedy of the early fifties. Nevertheless, it has a lot going for it. It has some serious points to make, but makes them in an amusing way with wit and style. Gregory Peck had a wide range as an actor, but he was often at his best playing an ordinary, decent man who finds himself in extraordinary circumstances- "The Big Country" and "To Kill a Mockingbird" are two other examples- and here he makes a charming hero. It is visually attractive, being shot in what would today be regarded as the "heritage cinema" style. It may be little known today, but I would consider that it deserves to be known more widely. 7/10
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Gregory Peck in a comedy!
HotToastyRag8 August 2017
Imagine a cross between Brewster's Millions and Trading Places, and you'll get Gregory Peck's Man with a Million. Wilfrid Hyde-White and Ronald Squire, are rich and idle brothers looking for a little fun. They come up with a bet: give a total stranger a million pound note, and tell him that if he lasts a month without spending it, they'll give him a good job. One man thinks it's the knowledge of having untouchable wealth that will propel the pauper into the high life, and the other thinks he'll have to spend it to get ahead. Greg plays the Man with a Million, or in other countries' release, the man with The Million Pound Note.

If you like those types of movies, you'll like this one, since it doesn't stray very far from the usual mold. There's a moral debate, lots of jokes, lots of satire about the upper class—it stems from a Mark Twain story—and a fair amount of silliness. Plus, it's a period piece and Greg looks very handsome in his beautiful clothes, so you'll have plenty of eye candy. If you're looking for a more serious Gregory Peck movie, you've got tons to choose from, but it's nice to see him step out from his Atticus Finch person and have some silly fun every once in a while.
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"What A Charmingly Whimsical Gesture!"
stryker-511 July 1999
Two elderly brothers, wealthy English gentlemen, establish a wager. They entrust a million-pound banknote to a penniless American, to see if he can live for a month purely on the good will which the note will engender, without ever having to cash it.

Gregory Peck plays Henry Adams, the innocent American, in this stodgy romantic comedy, based on a Mark Twain story. His love interest Portia Lansdowne is played by Jane Griffiths. The film is really just one gag, strung out for 90 minutes - a pauper has no friends, whereas a millionaire is surrounded by sycophancy and limitless credit. Markets deal in confidence, rather than cash.

The film is unarguably well-made. The performances are sharp, the incidental music comments neatly on the action and the 'look' is sumptuous. And yet there is something flat about Ronald Neame's direction, and the laughs are rather thin on the ground.

Verdict - Ostensibly a good idea, but not enough to support a full-length film.
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eddie-835 September 2000
As others have noted this is a one-joke comedy with the joke scarcely strong enough to carry the 90 mins. The movie is at its worst w hen it strains too hard to be funny with much pulling of flabbergasted faces and one ludicrous scene when the `note', obviously on a string, blows away and Peck dementedly chases it through the busy streets of Victorian London.

Gregory as the American Everyman excused from the English Class System looks and sounds fine if a little smug in a few scenes where possession of the eponymous note gives him the upper hand.

The big cast of British character actors including always enjoyable Joyce Grenfell as a dotty duchess in a slight variation on her usual jolly-hockey sticks character makes this fable on capitalism just about worth a look. Special mention also to A.E. Mathews striking just the right note as an antediluvian peer.

I found curious the billing of Ronald Squire and Wilfred Hyde-White, playing the brothers behind the scheme. They have exactly equal time at the beginning and end of the story but Squire is listed second with Hyde-White fifteenth! I'm sure Wilfred of My Fair Lady fame is the one remembered today.

Please note alternative title `Man with a Million'
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Two old geezers manipulating the poor to becoming rich, but there's no trading places.
mark.waltz24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, I knew I had seen that plot somewhere before, and the characters played here by Wilfrid Hyde-White and Ronald Squire are brothers just like Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche in that 1983 modern comedy classic. They notice the downtrodden Gregory Peck on the Street and decide to give him the test of handing him a banknote for 1 million pounds, giving him a month to see what happens with it and if he comes back with the entire amount, they will give him a job. They then disappear from view from the majority of the film, and as Peck makes his way around London, word gets out that there's an eccentric rich American in town and that opens doors to all the find houses in London. He falls in love with the pretty Jane Griffiths, niece of wealthy do-gooder Joyce Grenfall, and the local stock market becomes busy with investors in a gold mine from which the note is based on. It's a question of true love being found for Peck and Griffiths rather than marrying for money, and the results are wacky to say the least.

Frankly, the whole stock market subplot bored me (mainly out of my disinterest in investing schemes), but it was very funny to watch Peck make his way around the city looking like a very handsome, clean-shaven bum and gain favors in the best hotels, restaurants and clothing shops. A hysterical segment has the hotel managers confusing a mute weightlifter for Peck, and of course the good-natured Gregory invite him to join in. Lighthearted and colorful, this isn't certainly an earth-shattering comedy of manners, but Peck is a dashing down on his luck honest hero, and it's easy to root for him. A fine supporting cast of eccentric comic actors helps make this flow by easily. It's the type of film that is like a bowl when you watch it, but easily forgotten. This was the third time I'd seen it, and I remembered nothing about it.
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greg peck.. just after roman holiday
ksf-221 December 2021
The opening credits tell us this was from a mark twain story. Gregory peck, just after his big break, roman holiday. While looking for work, henry adams meets two brothers, who propose a bet with him. If he can return the one million pound note to them in a month, he can have whatever job he wants. Sound familiar? This has some similarities to trading places from 1983. This version has ups, downs, and adventures with other people, and charities, which expect a large donation from him. That, and the fact that because of his name, everyone thinks he comes from a rich family. Co-stars joyce grenfell as the duchess... she was mrs. Barham in the americanization of emily. It's a fun mis-understanding of mis-adventures. Directed by ron neame; nominated for three oscars. On movieland tv, it's called million pound note, but in imdb, it's man with a million.
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Nice, One-time Watch
Jini-B25 June 2020
This movie is a humorous take on the concept of monetary status, and how the idea of perceived wealth is more important than the actual possession of said wealth. While the movie does not compare to the genius of To Kill A Mockingbird and isn't half as charming as Roman Holiday, it is a feel-good movie in and of itself.

The American protagonist is down on his luck, trying to find a way to sustain himself on British soil - a situation he finds himself quite on accident. Two eccentric British gentlemen have a wager between themselves and choose this American man to help them reach a conclusion. He is handed a one-million-pound banknote and is sent out into the streets to live on it for 30 days. The man, Henry Adams (Gregory Peck), is not told much about the wager. He finds himself in a series of interesting situations that ultimately lead to one of the Britons winning the bet.

The movie is based on a short story by celebrated author, Mark Twain, and I'd have to admit, I liked the short story better. Some creative liberties were taken in the movie, and I preferred the original version in the story. Moreover, the novelty wore off fairly quickly. It would have been more interesting with some other witty elements, but it was a nice movie nevertheless. I enjoyed the idea of the story and how the movie talks about our society and the economic influence people enjoy due to the concept of perceived wealth.

The acting department mainly features Gregory Peck, as he has the maximum screen-time, and he does well with what he has been given. The female lead, Jane Griffiths, appears quite late into the movie, and even then does not have much to do. The supporting cast includes actors that were funny enough, but not so memorable in their respective roles. Overall, the movie was pleasant enough but can only be considered a one-time watch.
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Gets Devalued After a Good Start
TwittingOnTrender25 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Starts off well, with lovely London locations and a pleasant performance from Peck. The conceit is good, but then what is obviously a short story gets padded out with a tedious, slapstick "wind blows note away" scene and a drawn out love interest angle. Unconvincing also is the way the people are so easily bowled over by the very SIGHT of a million pound note (which, as far as they were concerned, didn't legitimately exist) - handing over hundreds of pounds (in 1903) worth of goods, food and accommodations, and then how easily they turn and turn back with the farcical twists of the plot. Disappointing after a strong start.
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Top Absurdist Fantasy by Classic American Writer - The Million Pound Note
arthur_tafero24 December 2018
This is good stuff, eh what? Written by Mark Twain and starring Gregory Peck, The Million Pound Note is a can't miss opportunity for movie lovers. With a sound supporting cast and a storyline that gets more preposterous by the minute, this movie will have you laughing in no time. It has the feel of a great Christmas film, even though it has nothing to do with Christmas. You will kick yourself if you miss this comedy.
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Sumptuous Picnic
Goingbegging13 May 2020
This film is mainly Gregory Peck just being Gregory Peck, and that is good enough for most of us. The setting is England around 1890 - what Mark Twain called the Gilded Age (specifically not the Golden Age), and it is from one of his stories that the film was adapted.

The plot is certainly original and fun, but it doesn't half creak along the way. An American sailor finds himself stranded and starving in London, where a pair of rich eccentrics think it's a giggle to lend him a million-pound note to see whether he can live on credit for a month and return it to them, after which they will guarantee him a job. Sure enough, every supplier in town is mesmerised by the note (and naturally, unable to give change for it), so Peck does indeed live the high life, free on the house.

That provides an excuse for a rich panorama of high-society events, including a stock-market crisis, and I envy the theatrical costumier who got the contract for all those top hats and morning coats. Here the production was helped by a particularly good use of early Technicolor, which serves to heighten the atmosphere. And the cast-list is stupendous - Joyce Grenfell, Maurice Denham, Bryan Forbes, Hugh Griffith, Joan Hickson, Wilfrid Hyde-White being only a minute sample of the unusually large company.

We need not dwell on the let-downs. A silly piece of business with the banknote blowing about in the wind. Confusion over the reactions of Peck's new girlfriend to his wealth or non-wealth. A mute weightlifter arriving by very contrived means to become Peck's sidekick. And a surprisingly unconvincing performance from the veteran A.E. Matthews, more reciting than acting. But there's an unchanging moral to the story, about the bogus friendships that are born of perceived wealth.
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We are only interested in money?
bcnkor24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is a masterpiece explaining and seeing how we label and the behavior and how low people fall with the treatment of a millionaire person. The best movie in the history of cinema that deals with the value of money and its consequences. Everyone moves for money and interest, but that when you have it you also bring things that stability and security.
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It was an OK 1950's movie!
Irishchatter26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this film because the mother was flicking through the channels and we decided to give it a watch.

I have to admit, it was alright like. I wouldn't call it the best movie I've ever seen.

Although it was good seeing Gregory Peck as the main character, I have never seen him as a young man before but I have to say this is my first movie when he was young.

I only saw him on the Omen but nothing else until this!

I don't have much to say about this movie but, I do consider it watchable!
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The Million Pound Note-Even Greg Peck Could Have A Bomb *
edwagreen12 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, even the great Gregory Peck could make a colossal bomb and he sure did it with this 1954 ridiculous nonsense of a film.

Two old codgers, one played by the venerable Wilfrid Hyde-White, make a wager to see if someone with a million pound note can get by by not spending it.

Along comes a homeless Gregory Peck and the two rues give him the note. It's basically a story of what money can buy. With all that money, Peck seems relevant to society and doors begin to open up for him. As rumors spread that Peck really doesn't have the money, those doors are about to close up until movie writing changes all that.

It's an inane film which really lacks any quality.
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