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Very nice $1 DVD
bensonmum229 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
  • A group of American commandos, disguised as Italian solders, must infiltrate North Africa and take of an Italian outpost. In addition to the Axis forces in the area, the commandos face one other obstacle - a battle-hardened and battle-scarred sergeant who doesn't see eye-to-eye with his "green" commanding officer. This may prove to be the biggest hurdle that the American solders face.

  • Commandos has a lot to recommend - action, suspense, cast, and locations. The action sequences are first rate. The final battle scene is a thing of beauty and far exceeded my expectations given the films obviously limited budget. In between the moments of action, Crispino is able to inject the movie with some very suspenseful moments. For example, you can feel the tension in the air when the commandos have their first face-to-face meeting with some of the nearby German troops. Several Euro-movie regulars make-up an excellent supporting cast. Chief among them are Marino Mase (the Italian officer who must work with the Americans to save his men) and Joachim Fuchsberger (the German officer who would rather be at home than fighting a war). The entire production takes place on what I felt were very authentic looking sets. If not for a couple of flaws, this could easily have become a personal favorite.

  • But there are flaws in Commandos. Chief among them is the usually solid Lee Van Cleef. You can look far and wide but I doubt you'll find anyone who overacts and chews the scenery quite like Van Cleef does in this movie. He plays Sgt. Sullivan, the grizzled solder who has seen more than his fair share of combat. He has issues taking commands from the new Captain and he doesn't mind showing it. The problem is that Sullivan shows his disdain for his new CO a little too often and a little too vocally. I just can't imagine a real solder questioning a superior officer quite like Sullivan does in Commandos. It would seem to be a sure fired way to get yourself court marshaled. To top it off, Sullivan's beef with the Captain is so superficial. He never gives the Captain a chance. He dislikes the man from the moment he hears his name. A more realistic disagreement between the two solders would have made the movie much better.

  • There are several budget companies that specialize in public domain films that have released Commandos. I paid all of $1 for my copy and couldn't be happier.
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Another quickie and cash movie
jordondave-2808516 September 2023

Co-written and directed by Armando Crispino During WWII when Mussolini was in power and still had an army, a group of Italian Americans are selected to partake a dangerous mission whereas they were to take over a fort guarded by Italian soldiers working alongside with the Nazis, and then wait for more US armed soldiers to show up! Lee Van Cleef also stars as the troubled captain.

One of the major problems with Spaghetti Westerns and Spaghetti War films has a lot to do with it's budget, and this one is no exception, whereas Sergio Leone makes scenes look very theatrically credible with it's close- ups and camera angles- this film lacks common sense with a lack of charisma leading to predictable results.
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I liked it.
willoughbyworld14 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm another one who got in the bargain bin at wal-mart in an 8 "Classic War Movie" package for $5.50.

It was enjoyable, especially the battle sequences. FOr me it was entertaining to see how everything seems to go wrong for the Americans. There are some technical problems here and there with weaponry and the producers/scriptwriters' love of submachine guns.

It surprised me how halfway through the movie I realized that the Italians and Germans were the ones portrayed sympathetically and the Americans weren't.

The Germans are very well portrayed with accurate Afrika Korps uniforms (down to such details as pink piping and skull collar insignia for tankers) as are the Italians. Conversely the American details are off, from the postwar M3A1 submachine guns to the late war "Ike" jackets.

The use of US tanks is always excusable for me because where were you going to get real German WW2 tanks in 1970? The M24 Chaffees do have Jerry cans and spare track added to give them a Pzkpfw III look and the M47 Patton II's are similarly modified. Though the AMX-10VCI APC with Afrika Korps palms is laughable. Look closely you'll also see that they are very realistically portrayed with scuffed and worn schemes like real Afrika Korps tanks and not the freshly-re-painted-for-the-movie look like the tanks in Patton.

I gotta say it was enjoyable. It ain't a classic but it ain't bad and the little uniform details and sympathetic portrayal of the Germans/Italians made it worth while for me.
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KatMiss25 April 2001
Who would of thought that a low budget Italian/U.S. war drama with no big stars would be one of the best films of 1968? Certainly not me. I saw "Commandos" on the budget video shelf in a closeout store. The price was right ($.99) and it said "Letterboxed Edition" on it. So I figured, it's less than the price of a rental, so why not?

What surprised me is what an exciting and thoughtful film this was. In an era of glamourized war films (The syrupy "McConnell Story" and ludricous "Sands of Iwo Jima" come to mind), a gritty film like "Commandos" is a real pleasure indeed.

It stars Lee Van Cleef, who you may remember from "A Few Dollars More" and "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." He was sort of the Harvey Keitel of that time, an actor who took risks and made unconventional films for the time. This is one of his very best performances. How many actors other than Lee Marvin would take such a risky role? He is heroic, but not by choice.

The plot is not really important. It's your standard search and decease mission film that's been used many times before and after. What makes "Commandos" special is its' focus on two things: mind boggling action sequences and characterizations.

I would like to make everyone aware that for a budget video copy, the video transfer is excellent. The colors are vibrant, the sound is exceptional and the full CinemaScope image (2.35:1)is very revealing in its' compositions. Front Row Entertainment has made this one in a series of films that include "Zulu", the two Chinese made Bruce Lee films "Fists of Fury" and "The Chinese Connection" and the Jackie Chan epic "Drunken Master" ("Legend of Drunken Master" is the sequel)that get the full letterbox treatment. Congratulations are in order and I hope I see more in the series.

"Commandos" is one of those films that either grab you or they don't. It grabbed me. It was not destined to receive any Oscar nods, but since when does Hollywood ever honor a truly deserving film. Look at this year's winner, "Gladiator". I rest my case.

**** out of 4 stars
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One of the Worst Movies of All Times
legwarmers198011 February 2006
I don't know what film the people here saw. This is not a Dirty Dozen or even a Play Dirty. This is a cheaply made, horribly acted, horribly scripted, boring piece of junk. It's not even worth a dollar. They should pay someone to sit through this garbage heap.

Jack Kelly looks really embarrassed to be in this film. I really can't fault his terrible acting job because the script was written for 5 year olds. And Lee Van Cleaf is just as bad. He is totally wooden, listless, and sweats the whole film. He utters such stupid lines as, "This ain't a Halloween Party".

Even the woman in this film is hard to look at and has nothing what so ever to do with the plot. The action scene at the end is at least passable, but aside from that, I'd rather cough up 3 bucks and rent the Dirty Dozen.
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Decent Italian War Flick
SgtSlaughter11 November 2002
"Commandos" was released in 1968 and has been in circulation on public domain home video (and now DVD) in the United States and abroad since the early 1980s. A great widescreen print has now surfaced on DVD, one from the Platinum Disc Corporation and another from St. Clair Vision. This is one of the easiest to find Italian war films, and it's really not too shabby, either…

On the eve of the American landings in North Africa, a band of Italian-American soldiers are recruited for a special mission behind the enemy lines. They will capture and hold a vital oasis the day before the Allies land. Unfortunately, the garrison of Italian soldiers and a German Panzer unit will do anything to stop this takeover.

Director Crispino is all about style, and just about everything else is disregarded here. The main conflict is between Sergeant Sullivan (Lee Van Cleef, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly") and Captain Valli (Jack Kelly, "To Hell and Back"). Sullivan is an experienced veteran, and Valli is a rear-echelon officer who really shouldn't be in charge. Sullivan questions Valli's authority every step of the way. Unfortunately, this conflict remains shallow throughout, and the characters do little besides yell at and threaten each other. As an individual, however, Sullivan is a fleshed-out, battle-scarred veteran who's haunted by images of a failed campaign in the Pacific. Sadly, Van Cleef overacts through every scene, chewing up the scenery so much that it's hard to take him seriously.

The kudos go to the supporting cast, who manage to put on a convincing show from start to finish. Joachim Fuchsburger is fabulous as Lt. Heitzel, a German professor who is now drafted as a Panzer officer. He hates the war, but does his duty for country. Heitzel's character draws sympathy from the audience is his character is naturally fleshed out over the course of a long dinner scene with Valli and Tomassini. It's very nice to see a late-1960s war film in which a German character has a sympathetic role, rather than a clichéd "evil Nazi" part which was so common in other action films produced during the era. On the other hand, Götz George is equally good as Lt. Rudi, a dedicated Hitler Youth-type. The Germans and Americans discuss culture and politics over dinner in one long scene, and this makes their face-to-face encounter during the final battle all the more moving. Finally, there's Marino Mase ("The Five Man Army") as Lt. Tomassini, who commands the Italian garrison and will stop at nothing to escape with the survivors and liberate what's rightfully his. Add to this long list some excellent small roles filled by Ivano Stacciolo, Pier Paolo Capponi, Heinz Reincke and Romano Puppo.

Crispino's focus is on the action, and makes the characters just believable enough to appreciate the big, explosive proceedings. The American takeover of the Italian garrison is excellently shot and finely edited, and the climactic tank battle in the oasis is purely awesome. It's filled with great shots of people getting shot, tanks exploding, bullets kicking up puffs of dirt – there are some shots with action going on in both the background and foreground, making for interesting composition.

The movie has a very realistic look and feel to it, as well. The Americans and Germans are appropriately armed and clad for the time period. The sweltering sun and dry desert are completely convincing. The oasis set is massive and Crispino makes use of every part of it. The interiors, particularly the big dining room, are well-captured with wide shots and pans. At night, the set is well-lit and the action is completely clear.

"Commandos" is a well-written, well-shot and action-packed war drama with a fine supporting cast and some nail-biting combat sequences, which put it a notch above many other Italian war productions in the same vein.

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Extremely bad acting...
themaytz9 June 2021
I can't remeber when I last watched a movie this bad. Direction and acting is just lame. It like if it was all done by kids and their imaginsry friends 😬
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Drama of World War II in North Africa from the Italian Point of View
romanorum124 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It is October 1942 and the Germans are nearly at the height of their World War II successes. In North Africa the German-Italian Axis forces under Field Marshal Rommel are at El-Alamein. This situation is the setting for the movie. Italian-American commandos, led by a humane Captain Valli and a tense Sergeant Sullivan, have the mission of taking an oasis held by Italians in preparation for Operation Torch, the planned American invasion of Africa in November 1942. Without going into details, the movie focuses on the escapades of the commando unit as they first take on the Italians, then pose as the "regular" Italians in deceiving the Germans, and then battle the Germans in a lengthy and exciting action sequence (only to face a bitter irony revealed during the denouement).

The movie was not cliché-filled as Leonard Maltin has written in his Movie Guide. Instead the ending is a complete surprise … BIG TIME SPOILER ALERT … as only one Italian-American (not a lead character) and a German (a jovial sort of fellow) are left. They make a truce and gather the dead. It is pleasing that the Germans are not pictured as nasty Nazis, but as regular soldiers fighting for their country (not a cliché, Mr. Maltin). The Italians too are portrayed as doing their jobs and having contributed to the Axis victories (not a cliché). The movie does indicate that the Italians were hampered by inferior weaponry during World War II, like the Mannlicher-Carcano semi-automatic rifle (not a cliché).

The movie is not perfect, as there are errors, like Valli's improperly worn captain's insignia on his uniform and the 1968-style bikini underwear worn by the Italian woman. Despite some shortcomings, the movie passes inspection and is enjoyable.
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I Seem To Not Be "Getting" This One ...
Steve_Nyland21 February 2006
I've now watched this one about five times and just don't get the vibe. It might be because this is more or less a straight-up war movie that happened to be made by Italians rather than a Spaghetti Western with tanks instead of horses. The film seems to be lacking in the "fun" department too, with a heavy handed musical score, shameless overacting by the usually more low-keyed Lee Van Cleef, a cast of hundreds of nobody's rather than just a dozen or so, and a brooding sense of doom that builds into an over-the-top final battle scene where everyone of importance to the movie dies horribly. Thank God. Even the funky desert goggles couldn't liven things up, might as well kill everybody.

War Is Hell and of course it shouldn't be fun, so fans of mainstream war films will perhaps enjoy this more than the cultists -- and they got the stupid machine guns + uniforms etc right for once, thank freakin' God for that ... I also recognize another Euro War formula element here, and that is the Singing Germans scene. This is where the decadence of the Nazi chic is portrayed by having the high ranking "Krauts" sit around a table enjoying first a hearty, fattening meal & then group-assaulting whatever liquor is on hand. Preferably expensive French wine (looted from the innocent) or top shelf German schnapps (withheld from the lower ranks). And as they get drunk, the Germans begin to sing some Vaterland schnitzel song that has them waving glasses, embracing each other, smiling like fools, and not noticing as the spy in their midst readies his stiletto for a quick execution or perhaps French Partisans loot the ammo dump. Look for Singing German scenes in HELL IN NORMANDY, CHURCHILL'S LEOPARDS and BATTLE OF THE LAST PANZER for more information.

COMMANDOS does have a great sequence where the captured Italian officers break out of their jail cell to fight their American commando captors, and like with Umberto Lenzi's DESERT COMMANDOS this movie sort of tricks you into rooting for the Axis soldiers, including a sympathetic German officer who comes off as rather a decent chap. Lee Van Cleef on the other hand comes across as a sweaty faced, sneering, jittery psychopath barely able to contain his homicidal rage, and the best image of the film has him staring into the eyes of a dead man he killed with his bare hands, reliving a flashback to a disastrous raid gone bad from his days fighting in the Pacific. He is a great exaggeration of the battle scarred WW2 vet, burnt out to the point of not caring about the difference between right & wrong, but so over-wrought that you wish someone would get him his black suit & horse.

The closing battle is a doozy for sure, but I don't know about this one: It's a slog, and sense desperation in the 26 credited scriptwriters. And by the way, those miraculous widescreen bargain bin releases were made from a (now discontinued) Japanese DVD release -- "Clara Vision" or "Front Row" didn't do anything but rip off a nice rare DVD for their commercialized re-burn, and congratulating them for their work is like rooting for BitTorrent. Welcome to the world of public domain genre films, where the point is to rip off the best version possible, undercut the original releases with a ridiculously/suspiciously low price, and as such de-value a rugged little distinctive movie into a bit of garbage on sale for $.49 cents in the store where people go to buy things like forks, mutated Doritos or cheap party decorations.

If that's your idea of progress, here you go.

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It Could Have Been Decent
verbusen12 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I got this as part of Millcreek's 50 Combat Classics for under 20.00 at Amazon. It has some decent movies on it and is worth the purchase. My experience with Italian war movies are that most made in the 60's (well just about all) are comic book with the exception of the one about the Naples uprising and the one about the Battle Of El Alemain, both are good for a couple of viewings before you see some pretty bad flaws with the acting. I had low aspirations for Commandos but the print on this public domain set was so good, and Lee Van Cleef is so warped that I started to get into it and was ready to give this a 8 star review. Then something happened, actually that was incorrect, nothing happened. You can pretty much skip the middle 1/3 and not miss anything, I wish I had. Its a shame too because this film print is really decent and a really wide format wide screen, plus you've got two actors you will recognize, Van Cleef and Heinz Reincke, the German guy who flew the fighter plane over Sword beach in The Longest Day movie (among other recognizable roles he has played to American audiences). Production values are really decent here, the problem is the script, its pretty bad. The story curiously was written by someone who is Jewish, Menahem Golan. I find that curious since it's a joint Italian/German production and clearly puts both of their armies in a good light were as the Americans kind of stink. 6 of 10. Go in with low expectations and you will be happy.
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Cheaply made war film
bkoganbing14 March 2013
Lee Van Cleef and Jack Kelly are the two American stars of this European made war film with an Italian and German cast. Van Cleef is a combat veteran of the Pacific and Kelly is a Captain in his first mission. That mission is a gem.

Kelly and Van Cleef head a team of picked Commandos all of whom have an Italian background and speak fluent Italian. Their mission is to take a desert waterhole over from a company of Italian soldiers and hold it until Eisenhower's army, landing in Morocco can reach it. In the meantime the group is to kill all the Italian soldiers and take over their command like a relief unit and keep their cover under the watchful eyes of the Germans.

Van Cleef is convinced that Kelly is incompetent and Kelly proves him right. Their bickering also endangers the whole mission.

The story is interesting, but the production is truly shoddy. Not more to be said about Commandos.
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One of the best of the Italian WW2 genre
Leofwine_draca14 May 2016
Another fantastic slice of war drama from the Italians, who were at their best filming on a tight budget in the middle of the African desert and blowing up shedloads of jeeps and tanks along the way. Following in the footsteps of dozens of similar offerings post-DIRTY DOZEN, the simplistic plot line tells of a small group of American soldiers who capture an Italian base in the middle of the desert (what for is never quite explained) and then who have to pretend to be Italians when the Germans show up looking for a good time. An excellent script with full-on characterisation, a few moral messages about the nature of war and comradeship, and heapings of suspense (realised through a monotonous but effective chordal note on the soundtrack) make for one heck of a film.

The film is based on a short story by notorious exploitation producer Menahem Golan, with the script co-written (with three others) by none other than Dario Argento, who later found fame as the "Italian Hitchcock". Argento brings his trademark touch of strong characters and violent situations into the story with the direction left in the more than capable hands of genre director Armando Crispino.

The cast is outstanding, with notable performances from all the major players. Lee Van Cleef handles the part of his tough sergeant as well as you would expect, and as a bonus gets extra psychological torment via some Filipino flashbacks. Jack Kelly is equally good as the determined captain who leads the group into disaster. Everyone else is perfect, especially the German actors, and there's a good turn from Giampiero Albertini (ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON) as a loyal fighter. The action sequences are mostly saved for the finale, but what a finale it is: packed with gunfire, explosions, destruction, mayhem and death, this easily rivals much more lavish productions and is the best battle I've seen in a long time. COMMANDOS is a hard film to fault which is why I award it full marks for effort and execution.
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Lee Van Cleef leads a small special force into North Africa to take a Italian/German camp
ma-cortes16 September 2017
Decent Italian/German co-production with enough action and dramatic events to make it worth looking in on . It concerns about the usual commando operation against Rommel 's forces in North Africa , October 1942 , about the Operation Torch . It deals with the inexperienced but stalwart Lieutenant Valli (Jack Kelly) who puts together a group of Italian-Americans (Giampiero Albertini , Pier Paolo Capponi , Ivano Staccioli) led by a tough sergeant (Lee Van Cleef) . They have to take an oasis where there is an indispensable water depot and subsequently they must secure this desert base in advance of Allied landings .All the while these Italian- Americans pretend to be Italian soldiers , disguising as Axis soldiers . After the soldiers have knifed the Italians in their beds , they take the strategic location and meet a beautiful prostitute (Marilu Tolo) living at the base. Sullivan's commandos are to hold this camp and its weaponry until an American battalion arrives . But there is a hidden man (Helmut Smith) on the fort , and problems emerge and things go awry.

It follows the commando-sub-genre with familiar plot and cliché-filled, as an expert group of soldiers into disguise as Italian soldiers in order to infiltrate a North African camp held by the Italians and often hosting the enemy , but things go terribly wrong after that .It displays thrills, noisy action, extreme violence, fatalism and impressive final battle . Violence is extended throughout , as commando members kill in cold blood , point blank , while enemy sleeping and back . Moving and stirring screenplay plenty of twists and turns , written by 6 screen-writers , including the famous Dario Argento and Menahem Golam . Nice acting by Lee Van Cleef as unsettling sergeant who has a war trauma and constantly argues with his superior and fine performance from Jack Kelly as a green by-the-book officer . Support cast is frankly excellent , full of secondaries usual in co- productions (Spaghetti , Eurospy , Peplum) such as Giampiero Albertini , Marino Masé , Götz George , Pier Paolo Capponi , Duilio Del Prete, Ivano Staccioli , Marilù Tolo , and Joachim Fuchsberger from Edward Wallace series , among others .Evocative and atmospheric cinematography in Cromoscope, being shot during July , August 1968 in Cerdeña.Enjoyable and adequate musical score by Mario Nascinbene.

The motion picture was well directed by Armando Crispino . Armando was a good craftsman who written/directed all kinds of genres as Spaghetti , Wartime , Nunexploitation , Thriller and Gialli such as ¨John Il Bastardo¨, Requiescant¨, ¨Rififi in Asterdam¨, "The Castro's Abbess" , ¨Dead or alive¨ ,"auptopsia" and several others
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See This Movie!!!
chow9137 April 2012
See This Movie!!! As for all the nay sayers on this site, it doesn't sound like they actually saw the movie or watched it all the way through.

If you love WWII films or action films, make this a must see. The action is so intense it's difficult to believe this was made way back in 1968. The production quality is very high.

How intense is the action? Well, I've seen this movie twice and I've yet to find a rifle on screen! (no kidding) Every character is armed with a submachine gun. Just as 'Die Hard' tought us, SMGs make for the best action scenes no matter how unrealistic it would be to actually hit a target at 100 feet. (or 50 feet) The plot: October 1942, North Africa. Lee Van Cleef leads a band of New York Italian American paratroopers whom must raid and hold an Axis water supply depot. Most importantly they must be about to pass for Italian solders in order to fool their German comrades.

The oasis depot proves to be a very elaborate but well fortified Axis hotel. There's even a bar and grill and a prostitute.

The GIs do their best to fool the Germans but inevitably the situation cannot hold. Their Italian prisoners escape, more and more German squads keep visiting and worse yet Van Cleef himself is a deranged and unstable veteran of Bataan who hates all superior officers as glory hounds carelessly putting his men at risk.

The final scene is a really great one. I've never seen anything like it in any war movie! It's the perfect conclusion.

For those of you not familiar with the "Spaghetti WWII" film 'Commandos' is a great place to start.

No, "Spaghetti WWII" is not part of the "Nazisploitation" films made in Italy during the 70s and 80s. (remember 'Salon Kitty' 'Last Orgy of the Third Reich' or the Elsa films?) "Spaghetti WWII" films are an overlooked genre that embodied much of what we love about American WWII films. The brotherhood of solders, the hell of war, and the glory of combat. These films were told from either the Axis or Allied side and just like traditional WWII films the Nazis always lose. Even if they are the main characters.

Unlike neutered German WWII films like 'Stalingrad.' The Italians got it right. No drama or romance, just guts and glory.

'Desert Commandos' is a perfect companion piece to this film.
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surprisingly good war film for under 50 cent !
illpoetikill15 June 2006
i bought this movie on a DVD with two sides with this as the main movie and "five for hell" as the flipside for less than a dollar! for some reason i only played the five for hell side and never got around to watching commandos until today. the movie starts out of nowhere, kinda like they cut out the beginning, like other instances of scene clipping threwout this movie, and like I've seen on many of these older movies i get for less than a dollar. for this jarring start to the movie one would suspect the film to be "el cheap-o", but one look at the mean ass sgt. sullivan and you can tell this film has some pretty good potential to be good. then the opening credits roll and that old school, Italian movie masterpiece symphony music comes on and grips any real hard core war flick fan by the nads! setting pace for a grim, gritty, and surprisingly realistic look into covert operations from a time in warfare one doesn't see too much about in film. there are also several instances of revelation of emotional toll and distress threwout this film. flashbacks and dissent abound, the film at times takes on a hallucinogenic, psychedelic frame of mind stance, and can leave one deep in thought about the effects of war on a mans soul. though the mission the "commandos" are on may seem to be absolutely impossible, for some reason this film makes it all seam possible and looks rather realistic, especially for its 1968 release. and anybody who is a fan of tanks and tank crews in film, such as "the beast", will love the presence of the Germans in their panzer units, riding and fighting threw the desserts of Africa. in my opinion commandos is very much a classic, too bad i cant say the same for "five for hell!"
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Italian War Movie with Götz GEORGE and Joachim FUCHSBERGER
ZeddaZogenau17 November 2023
Macaroni Kombat from German-Italian collaboration

North Africa in October 1942: A group of Italian-American soldiers led by Sergeant Sullivan (Lee Van CLEEF) attack the Italians' post and take their places in order to obtain secret information from the German allies about Rommel's next actions. When the Germans soon arrived at the Italian post, the deception worked. But soon two rival lieutenants (EUROPEAN FILM AWARD nominee Götz GEORGE and Joachim FUCHSBERGER) become suspicious: And then all hell breaks loose...

It is thanks to the streaming service NETFLIX that this war film can finally be experienced in its original version. The German synchro was once again extremely shortened. The film by Armando CRISPINO (Das Geheimnis des gelben Grabes) was shot in Sardinia. Dario ARGENTO was also involved in the script and Artur BRAUNER co-produced.

Jack KELLY, Marino MASE, Pier Paolo CAPPONI, Marilu TOLO and Helmut SCHMID (husband of GOLDEN GLOBE nominee Liselotte PULVER) can also be seen in other roles. Giampiero ALBERTINI and Heinz REINCKE (who otherwise delivers the banging performance as usual) have a wonderful scene together at a special point in the film. Do not miss!

Interesting contribution from the war film genre of the Italian film industry!
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A review of the 89 minutes version
JohnHowardReid13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 1968 by P.E.C./C.C.I. (Rome) and C.C.C. (Berlin). Dubbed English-language version released in the U.K. and Australia through 20th Century-Fox Film Corp. Not released in the U.S.A. Released in the U.K. in April 1972 in a version cut to 8,000 feet or 89 minutes. The Australian version was 20 minutes longer at 10,688 feet. IMDb tells us there is also an 82-minutes version entitled "Sullivan's Marauders".

NOTES: I believe this was Fox's final "official" CinemaScope release in Australia. I know the process was labeled Cromoscope in the U.K., but in Australia Fox billed it as CinemaScope and advertised it as such. Unfortunately the 119-minute Australian version is no longer available. The following review is based on the British print.

VIEWERS' GUIDE: The 119-minute version is not suitable for children. The 89-minute version is most strictly adults only.

COMMENT: "Commandos" suffers from a director who insists on getting far too close to the action. True, this approach is moderately effective in the action sequences where the spectacularly staged battles are observed at such disconcertingly close range they are difficult to take in — but they are also of course uncomfortably real. Unfortunately this elephantine television handling is downright disastrous in the dialogue scenes in which the clumsily atrocious dubbing hurts the eye as well as the ear. At least Van Cleef and Kelly mouth their own lines, but the problem is compounded by verbosity. Yet despite all the talk, the plot is a little difficult to follow — what is the purpose of the mission, for instance? — and the characters remain stubbornly superficial. And in the print under review, Miss Tolo unaccountably simply disappears.
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Lee Van Cleef Headlines A Gritty World War II Secret Mission Thriller
zardoz-1326 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Autopsy" director Armando Crispino's historically inaccurate but nevertheless gripping World War II behind-enemy-lines, secret-mission thriller "Commandos" qualifies as a rugged, gritty, suspenseful combat epic. This cynical Italian melodrama about a group of Italian-Americans masquerading as Royal Italian infantry so they can capture an oasis on the eve of the North African campaign in early 1942 banishes any traces of glamour about war. Crispino and fellow scenarists Lucio Battistrada of "Crime Boss," Stefano Strucchi, and Dario Argento of "Suspiria" drew their robust screenplay from a short story by Israel filmmaker Menahem Golan as well as a story by Don Martin of "The Storm Rider" and Teutonic producer Arthur Brauner. Brauner was the landmark German filmmaker who resurrected Fritz Lang's "Dr. Mabuse" franchise during the early 1960s.

Lee Van Cleef delivers a riveting performance as a belligerent, battle-scarred, Bataan hero who survived, along with two other companions, a death-defying ordeal. He relives the horror of the experience throughout "Commandos." Van Cleef has a lot to sink his teeth into, and he looms above everybody. The supporting cast is good, particularly Joachim Fuchsberger as Oberleutnant Heitzel Agen, nicknamed the professor because he studied insects at the university. Götz George shines as Oberleutnant Rudi, the type who could have excelled as dedicated Hitler Youth. The most unusual role--as it says something about the difference between the Allied armies and the Axis foe--belongs to actress Marilù Tolo. She plays a prostitute named Adriana. Although she doesn't have a major part, she poses an interesting complication for our heroes. Interestingly, she points out she can earn more money in the army camp than back home.

The conceit of "Commandos" is our heroes are descendants of genuine Italians, and Sergeant Sullivan and his right-hand man Dino (Romano Puppo of "Death Rides A Horse") have spent a month training them for the mission. Sullivan has little regard for most of them, but he has nothing but sheer contempt for his superior officer, Captain Valli (Jack Kelly of "To Hell & Back") who has never been baptized in combat. Sullivan and Valli get off to a bad start when Sullivan describes their objective as "some harebrained mission you made up yourself." Valli defends the mission and his knowledge. "I know this operation exactly, right down to the last detail." Sullivan criticizes Valli's shortage of experience. "You got a lot of bright ideas, Captain, but do you know what killing is-exactly-with these (makes gestures with his hands) and (brandishing a bayonet) this?"

Later, Valli explains they will parachute two or three miles from their objective and then take an hour to march to an Italian garrison and occupy it. Arriving after dark, they encounter opposition and resort to their firepower instead of knives. Captain Valli refuses to watch Sullivan turn the raid into a massacre, and he spares the lives of Italian Lt. Tomassini (Marino Mase of "The Five Man Army") and many of his troops. Valli warns Tomassini the lives of his men depend on his cooperation with Sullivan and him. "I mean exactly what I say so you better get that through your head." Germans from a nearby base show up for spaghetti, and our heroes struggle to suppress any suspicious behavior, especially from Rudi who wants to locate his missing engineers. Sullivan kills the surviving German engineer, but the Hun shoots Sullivan's pistol. Everybody spills into the open with guns drawn. A soldier apologizes for shooting at a jackal. No sooner do the Germans leave than the Italian hatch an escape plan.

The themes in "Commandos" include the inhumanity of war, experienced versus inexperienced combatants, battlefield shock, and the duty an officer has both to his men and the mission. The irony is the Germans and the Italians are depicted with greater sympathy than the tough guy Americans. The German soldiers get along with each other as do the Italians, but the Americans clash, principally Sullivan and Valli. Other instances of irony occur that heighten the philosophical mindset of "Commandos." The ending summarizes the madness of war. Allied command scrubs the mission that Captain Valli has carefully orchestrated, and he cannot accept this change of mind. Surprisingly, Sergeant Sullivan refuses to obey higher authority. Consequently, "Commandos" concludes with the Americans exploding the water holes and fighting the Germans with tragic results for both Sullivan and Valli.

Mind you, the authenticity of the action doesn't bear close scrutiny. Most military enthusiasts will recognize the flaws immediately. For example, the Afrika Korps tanks are not the genuine vehicles. Instead, they are repainted U. S. Army Chaffee and Walker Bulldog tanks with German insignia, and the .45 caliber M3-A1 submachine guns that the Americans carry weren't available for another year. Allowances must be made, however, and the Cold War tanks overlooked since German tanks were long since kaput, while the "Dirty Dozen" machine guns look cool.

The sun-scorched widescreen photography of "Taste of Death" lenser Benito Frattari makes this desert-locked minor war film look sprawling and the nocturnal actions scenes have a perilous, primitive quality. The strident music of composer Mario Nascimbene enhances the suspense, especially when Sullivan and his men search for a wounded German engineer who remains at large in the compound. Nascimbene makes superb use of classical music from composer Edvard Grieg, specifically "In the Hall of the Mountain King." Whatever the case, "Commandos" neither glorifies nor glamorizes combat. Fighting is a hard sweaty business. Sergeant Sullivan summarized it succinctly to Captain Valli in an earlier scene. "Do you know what blood smells like, Captain? It's a hot smell, and it can get things messed up, too, because most men die hard."
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Hidden gem of a war movie
TuacaTom18 September 2005
I didn't know this movie existed until I accidentally ran across it at a retail store. Intense not so covert war action with good drama between characters and a few twists in the plot. The movie highlights the individual heroic efforts in battle, the insanity and randomness of events during conflict (and the responses by the players), and the disconnect between the battlefield and the strategic planners (both blind to each other).

Sergeant Sullivan (Lee Van Cleef) shows scares from previous conflicts, illustrating the personal side that never is far away from the professional. His past torments him throughout the film. The personal conflict and struggle between Sergeant Sullivan and Captain Valli (Jack Kelly) is constantly simmering and sometimes boiling over. Captain Valli, untested in battle, struggles to lead his newly appointed team on a very dangerous and unpredictable mission. At one point, he displays a dilemma in leadership, having to choose between his hard earned gains in the battle with his new team vs. new direction from above. The result of that decision has enormous consequences.

A very cool movie.
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Mario Nascimbene fans will not be disappointed!
nealos-217 July 2007
As I mentioned in my board comment, I found this film to be entertaining overall and was intrigued by the portrayal of "shell shock" and the "friends vs military obligation" themes. Not to mention Mario Nascimbene's mono-chordal, analog synthesizer sound track that, while annoying at times, really does create a creepy atmosphere of suspense. Lee Van Cleef can really frighten the audience while maintaining a good guy innocence at the same time. Although the Echo Bridge DVD claims the movies are "digitally remastered" and "Enhanced 5.1 Audio", the picture and sound were drive-in quality at best. I managed to butter up the sound with my Sony Surround Receiver, but I can't help but wonder what the experience of a film like this would be like if it were truly restored with the latest in film restoration technology.
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Good memories of Commandos
OC4715016 January 2007
Commandos is one of those movies I remember watching on the late-late-late show back in the late 70s and early 80s. It aired frequently.

I was quite surprised to find it included in a WWII movie multipack I bought at WM. An entirely different description of Commandos was listed, so imagine my surprise when I saw it was the old Lee Van Cleef movie! This movie isn't going to win any awards. There's no historic accuracy to it at all, other than the Germans and Italians were fighting in North Africa (or the Western Desert, for our British friends). But it's still fun to watch.
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Standard low budget war movie
graeylin21 August 2004
I too picked up Commandos in the budget bin. The movie itself was decent...acting a bit over the top from some of the players, the plot very predictable, and the ending a bit smarmy, intent on teaching us a nice lesson about the horrors of war.

The worst part of the film were the technical details. The US Army dropping paratrooper commandos behind enemy lines prior to Operation Torch (factual error... US Airborne troops were no where near ready for a raid prior to Torch). The obvious use of the 1944 M3 Grease Gun as the weapon of choice for the commandos, a weapon which didn't even see North Africa, let alone North Africa in 1942, the year before it made it to Army usage.

One can forgive the use of US Chaffee and Walker Bulldog tanks repainted in German Afrika Tan (after all, Patton did too), but too many errors upon errors crept into the movie to make it truly enjoyable. For 99 cents and a Saturday afternoon, it will serve. As a great movie, it falls far short.
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