Time and Tide (2000) Poster


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Thoughtful and Great action - one of Hark's best
genrebusters9 August 2005
Watching Time and Tide is akin to being in a taxicab with a driver, who knows what his final destination is but has no idea how to get there, drives around really fast and somehow makes it to the end--this is not to be said as an insult, but a testament to his skill. Hark works with energy and a sense of recklessness and brevity. He only shows what needs to be shown for the smallest amount of time needed to register with the viewer so that even the dramatic scenes have a kinetic energy.

I would try to give a quick synopsis of the narrative, but I lack both the PH.D in Ludicrous and the necessary drugs to do so without confusion. I have only watched the film a dozen times or so and yet there are still moments where I am puzzled as to the what's and why's of the narrative. There are double crosses, triple crosses, Hispanic speaking Chinese gangs, two pregnant woman, 2 would-be assassin/bodyguards/dead-beat dads to be, a theme of brotherhood and fatherhood and the most elaborate action set piece ever devised. While the plot may be overly convoluted, the themes are strong and add an emotional realism often lacking in action films.

The words "realism" and "Tsui Hark" are not often spoken together, but in Time and Tide he creates a realistic tapestry within to work his hard-boiled action fantasy. An emotional connection between the audience and the characters on screen is what separates the lasting impressions from the fleeting memories of a good movie. Hark gives the two male leads in Time and Tide a purpose for what they are doing; the purpose may be far-fetched, but there is a rhyme for the reason, which elevates the action to an emotional level.

The theme of brotherhood spanning two sides of the law is not an uncommon one for Hong Kong cinema. However, Hark decided to also examine the new trends of young parenthood and children born out of wedlock. This issue was at the time a sort of taboo subject in Hong Kong, especially in an action oriented genre film. But what it does here is give the characters an anchor that grounds them firmly in reality. Viewers can relate to a young father who would do anything for his future children. The worry, excitement, anticipation, and fears of the main characters come into play and really do dictate how the two male leads react to the given situations.

In Tyler's case, he wants to do the right thing and support his child and Ah Jo even if only financially. He works hard to earn extra cash and sneaks to Ah Jo's house to slide the money under her door—he does this because she wants nothing more to do with him but he still feels responsible. What he doesn't know is that nine times out of ten her dog gets to the money before she arrives home and rips it to shreds. Tyler continues to do everything he can to be there for Ah Jo even taking a dangerous job to earn money for their future.

So Hark has established that both the main characters, although not model citizens, are decent human beings who want redemption from their pasts and strive for a brighter future for themselves, their children and loved ones. With this said though, do the ends justify the means? For all their good intentions to make things right, a lot of people end up getting hurt. However, this is a typical kind of spiritual redemption for Honk Kong action heroes—redemption through blood and bullets, and heroic bloodshed.

Before the action starts rolling, Hark gives his characters an anchor with which to ground themselves in reality. The sole purpose of this is so that the audience can relate on an emotional level to the characters and their plights. But, what Hark does when the water starts boiling is firmly rip the anchor away and send the two heroes through a gauntlet of flying bullets, fists, chases and the most dangerous baby delivery ever put on screen.

Imagine this: Many large apartment buildings, dozens of stories tall, all connected with a sort of center court yard and doors and hallways intertwined like an urban maze. Now imagine our heroes being chased through this labyrinth by ruthless Triad hit men stopping at nothing to see them dead. Jack and Tyler sprint though out the complex of destruction, dodging bullets and fists, repelling down the side of the buildings, jumping from awning to awning, stopping only to trade fisticuffs with rival thugs or to pick up a much needed clip of ammunition.

Hark's heroes are not interchangeable, they do not occupy a scene only to be a human punching bag ready to be whisked away at a moments notice by a wire harness. No, Hark's heroes, although put in fantastic situations, occupy a realm of emotional realism. He gives them a sense of humor, passions, personalities and most of the time an enormous amount of skill to kick ass. It is this very fact that separates a Tsui Hark film from the multitude of other well-directed action films. Time and Tide occupies a unique place in the action-cinema genre: not only does it elevate the action and aesthetic value of the genre, but it also adds an emotional depth often lacking from like-minded films.

Time and Tide works on two levels, as a dramatic film and as an action film, both benefiting from each other. The action becomes more intense because the audience cares for the film's characters, and at the same time the drama is more emotional because the audience wants the characters to succeed in their redemption. Time and Tide is not only one of Tsui Hark's best films, it is also one of the best examples of the entire action genre and should not be missed by anyone.
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A welcome return for Tsui to the HK action genre!!
kergillian23 June 2001
The new film from the man who pretty much launched the careers of Jet Li, John Woo *and* Chow Yun-Fat (pretty damn impressive resumé) and Tsui Hark returns with a vengeance. A *very* interesting and intricate film, with masterful performances by Nicholas Tse and Wu Bai.

The one major issue with this film: a very tight plot, but horrible transition. The film was all over the place, and any lax viewer will get easily lost. The explanations are few, and one really has to pay attention to grab necessary details - a difficult endeavour considering the rapid shots and fast pace.

The cinematography is really brilliant, though. Some of the shots were magnificent, and very creative, especially the scene at the apartment complex.

Here's one quick question to ask, though: who the heck was that old chinese sniper apparently working with the Angels?? Just curious, as he keeps popping up with no apparent introduction or purpose...

Anyhow, this film had me talking for days about how good it was, it's definitely worth watching. A must see for any HK action fan. If it wasn't for the sloppy transition and need for a bit of clarity, it could easily have been a perfect ten. 8/10.
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Okay film marred by Hark's trademarks
trancejeremy17 March 2006
Tsui Hark is a great cinematographer. As a director, though, his movies tend to suffer from two things - jerkiness and confusion. The latter usually stems from the former, that is, scenes often lack any sort of transition, but are put together too abruptly. So it can be hard to figure out just what the heck is going on, nor does it let the plot sink in. He tends to focus more on visuals than trying to convey a coherent story.

Time & Tide definitely suffers from his trademark style. It's often tricky to follow just what is happening. That said, there is a very good movie in here, although the main character, the young punk bodyguard, is not particularly likable.

The action scenes are quite unique, especially the fight in the tenement apartment building. I don't think I've seen anything like that.

On the down side, some of the movie, the parts trying to fill out the lives of the 2 main heroes and their pregnant women was sort of a snoozer and something of a cheap way to make the characters more interesting.
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"Time And Tide" Caught My Attention, And Never Let Go.
Jordan-M18 December 2002
The first time I saw this was on Cable TV at 2 AM. I stayed up because I had never heard of the movie before, and the summary said that Nic Tse (one of my favorite young HK actors) was the lead role. Plus, it's directed by Tsui Hark - who has done excellent work with The Legend Of Zu and other such movies. So, I felt inclined to watch. I had almost fallen asleep, but as soon as the opening credits kicked in, I was wide awake.

The following are some statements that ran through my head while watching...

"Hey, the main character isn't invincible!" "Alleyway full of grenades?! This won't be pretty." "Wow, shopping mall action! Escalators are more fun than I thought!" "Oh my GOD... Are they having a gunfight on the side of a building?" "Refrigerators: Sensible AND Safe!" "I need to go to a Cantonpop show!"

There were plenty more, you can trust me on that. Needless to say, I went out the next day and bought the DVD. I have watched Time and Tide over 10 times now, and it still hasn't gotten dull. I guess this movie just ended up being that entertaining. It gets my highest recommendation - so go out and see it. Go on, do yourself a favor and see what HK cinema is really capable of!

"Time And Tide" Caught My Attention, And Never Let Go. It Still HAS My Attention, I Think.
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What the ... aaarg!
Niels-NL23 March 2005
Time and Tide is probably a film that I will have to watch a few times over in order to make sense of it. I won't mind though, it's one of the best contemporary Honk Kong action films. Original, fast and brutal - with a nice dose of humor. But I hope that when I get my hands on the DVD, there will be a director commentary option, because he has a lot of explaining to do. Almost every time he cuts to a new scene I'm pulling my hair trying to figure out who... what the... why... why (Oh wow cool action) what the bleep just happened !!

It's frustrating when you're trying to enjoy a good action movie, and you're begging and pleading for the next scene to make some sense of it all - only to be left flabbergasted in the end.
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Roller coaster ride in every sense
formicidae14 August 2001
Time and Tide has action scenes right up there with The Matrix, The Professional, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. In some cases, the movie is on a level all its own. A couple of camera angles are original, if not breathtaking, and as far as straight out action is concerned, I would rank this movie among the best I've ever seen.

Unfortunately, I found the plot to be pretty slim. When it wasn't downright confusing, it was disjointed--it seemed all the people in it were a little on the mentally disturbed side--and when it did make sense, it was rather boring. This could be because the characters were not really developed in any meaningful way, but it could simply be a result of a story based primarily on cool action scenes. Either way, I was disappointed in the "telling of a tale" department.

As a result, Time and Tide is a tough movie for me to rate. It scores very high for the action, pretty low for the random, somewhat nonsensical plot. When I roll the two together, I come up with a 6 out of 10.

If you like action, rent it. It will still be worth it. If you're not into spectacular gun play and bullet-time explosions, you might still like this movie, but you'll have to work hard to derive much meaning to the whole thing.
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Unusually witty and superbly crafted actioner
moribana9 May 2001
Having read some reviews that called this film "out of control" and "messily plotted", I was expecting some John Woo style craziness with giant plot holes and inconsistencies, which was nonetheless fun-to-watch.

Well it was fun-to-watch, but for different reasons. Time and Tide actually has a very well crafted story full of great characters and sharp dialogue. It is not at all mindless action. The mood of much of the film is quite droll, very noirish. And the action scenes thrill with creativity and intelligence rather than mayhem and body count.

It is filmed in a wild avant-garde style. Indeed the story is TOLD in a very novel visual style that requires great attention to detail to pick up. Its as if Tsui Hark considered how every scene would be typically and familiarily shot, then conveys what happens in a totally unexpected way. Hong Kong filmakers are great experimenters with perspective. Often, for example, you will only get a hint of what happened and the film moves off in an unexpected direction, only to return and more fully tell you what happened earlier. No block building here, one must jump in and and go with the flow.

The film makes no pretentions to day to day realities, and there are some ludicrous scenes paying homage to imagination run riot, but I think these add to the fun, especially since they are delivered with typical Tsui Hark absurd charm.

I originally gave this film a 9/10, and the more I consider it, the more I like it. In fact I'm going for a second viewing tonight. It's shaping up to be one of my favorite Hong Kong actioners.
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Little Cool... Regular +
RosanaBotafogo14 July 2022
At a certain moment, randomly, the protagonist states that the wonderful beach is in South America, he says he does not know the name, but that it is sunny all year round, the food is cheap and there are few people, and they present a folder from Aracaju, even I don't know, yet, the film is average, it lacks something to create that chemistry that makes us love or hate... Either the film is confusing, or I'm slow, or both... Coolzinho... Regular +
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Great action movie
AwesomeWolf5 November 2004
Version: Cantonese, with English subtitles (by SBS).

'Time and Tide' is easily one of the best action movies I've ever seen. Nic Tse plays a regular guy trying to make money for his child, and is way out of his element as a bartender when he joins a protection service. Tse is the hero of the story, but it is Wu Bai who rules most of the action.

Despite other comments about the movie's plot, I thought it was pretty good. Simply put, we have an everyday guy just trying to help someone out, and befriends a bad guy, the action hero, who is working for similar reasons.

However, the action is where its at, and 'Time and Tide' delivers. There are some great, kinetic action scenes, including one inside/on a building, which I think is one of the best action scenes ever made.

9/10 - Great action movie, but may not appeal to fans of the genre. The awesome genre.
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Labor intensive
mrhonorama19 May 2001
The summary line is just a reference to the most over-the-top shoot out scene in a movie that is all about being over the top. The general critical line on this flick is that the plot makes no sense, but the action scenes are worth it. This is pretty much the truth -- in fact, the 'plot' scenes could be trimmed even further -- at times it takes too long to get from one action scene to another. Still, this a solid movie.

The performers, particularly the male lead, are fairly appealing, and it's always fun to see Tony Wong (the baddie in John Woo's HARD BOILED). Hark's direction is kinetic -- he's obviously having fun bringing us along for a ride with his camera. (Trivia note -- Hark fans should grab a copy of the Sparks CD GRATUITOUS SAX AND SENSELESS VIOLINS as Hark appears on the song titled, appropriately enough, "Tsui Hark").

Mike Bennett
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Tsui Hark is NOT yet back on form...
Mrswing12 May 2001
The first time I saw this movie was on a bad tape copy with minute subs, so I gave it a second try. And though my impression is slightly more positive than before, I still count this as one of Tsui Hark's biggest failures. It seems like his wilderness years with Van Damme have made him lose sight of everything that makes for good filmmaking. Little things such as a plot that makes sense, characters with understandable motivations that the audience becomes emotionally involved with, and camerawork and editing that enhances the story and action instead of rendering it a total incomprehensible mess. I still thin Nick Tse is going to be a very good actor one day, but that day hasn't yet come (but then again, he is very young and has a whole lifetime ahead of him to grow and mature - Leslie Cheung was also pretty weak in most of his early films, yet has become a truly excellent thespian). Anthony Wong is criminally wasted. The female roles are mere cyphers, totally unappealing and uninvolving. The bad guys have no relationship to Nick Tse, only to Wu Bai (who looks a lot like chief Venom Kuo Choi), and Tse's involvement with them during the whole final Forty minutes shootout is based on pure accident. There is a lot of action, but most of it is shot in such a self-conscious and hyperactive way that it diminishes what is on screen which is a real pity. I can't find the name of the action director on the web, but he put together some 'different' hand-to-hand action and some high-rise stuntwork that is actually quite dangerous and impressive yet comes across as far less stunning than it should be, simply because of how it is filmed.

Tsui Hark has said he wanted to explore a new way of storytelling with this film. All the more power to him, but I cannot make heads or tails of this film, both on the overall plot level and on the level of individual moments within scenes. Maybe when one tries to implement a new way of storytelling one should first make sure there is a story to tell? It's a great pity that all this effort has gone to waste on a loud, dizzying but pointless and disappointing movie.
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One incredibly crafted Hong Kong action movie.
greendestnysword28 November 2001
This movie is amazing, plain and simple. The most amazing action film I've ever seen, forget The Matrix, Time and Tide is absolutely stunning! Nicholas Tse is definitely some one to keep your eye on, you'll be seeing him again. If you haven't seen this movie, I strongly suggest you do. And, the tagline says it all, this isn't a Kung Fu movie, this is a 100% Pure action film. The story is great, and the action scenes will keep you pressed against the back of your chair. Amazing.
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Novel directing, well-developed plot, fictional style combat scene
aalleekk19894 September 2016
The film tells the story in a very efficient way- sometimes perhaps too efficient that viewer can easily get lost on a slip of attention. However, the plot is well-developed and to a good level of complexity for action movies.

The action scenes are directed in a rather novel way- much of the intensity comes from the suspension of the action build-up, but not so much the action itself. Viewers get an idea of the setting of the fights, but the timing and place of the fighting are totally unpredictable.

This leads to my third point and why I did not give the movie a high score. While the camera angle and the way of approaching the action scenes were intriguing, the fighting itself was unconvincing to me. The gang was supposed to be very professional, but from spraying with Uzi, to using a long rifle with a magnifying scope in CQB situations, not to mention in one scene the killer did not realise his Berreta has en empty mag and had to pull the trigger to find out (well, good news is at least the bolt was in lock-back position). To me a great deal of details were lacking precision and it kind of made it look unprofessional. Still it is way better than many Hollywood action movies and you will be massively entertained if you are not a enthusiastic military fan like me!
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Over the Top Distortion
mwendel23 January 2004
This was a movie that I think got a little lost within itself. The action sequences were enjoyable and fairly well crafted. At some points some of them may seem a little too drawn out, but not for any lack of action. Some of the villains are just ridiculous either because of their sheer stupidity or their unexplained neurotic habits. The plot is very flimsy at best with no real consistent theme as the characters weave their way through the chaos that this movie presents us with. The characters seem to lack any real motive other than money and maybe justice in some strange, skewed kind of way. In the end this movie just left me feeling - that's it? I don't know if this movie is worth the effort to go out and make it a point to see, but I have seen some other movies filmed and put together in this sort of style. I guess it's a niche and if it's your niche you'll enjoy this movie a lot.
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A confusing Hong Kong action movie that works.
Wilson W12 August 2001
Most people will say I'm crazy but I actually liked this movie. I think Tsui Hark is a very clever action director. I seen his American efforts with Van Damme, even though I hated both movies i did like some of the action sequences. Like in Knock Off I really liked the last shootout and in Double Team, when Van Damme's character escaped from that island.

As for this movie Tsui Hark is really given the chance to shine and this time with better actors. I thought Nicholas Tse and Wu Bai did a great job with they're roles as did Candy Lo. I was expecting more screen time with Cathy Liu's character. The acting is pretty good for a Hong Kong action movie. In other words it seem more naturalistic than compared to many other Hong Kong movies where a lot of the time the actors overact. I really liked how the movie was shot. There was this one shot where Wu bai's character jumps from the window of a apartment building and the camera follows him as he decends. It just makes me wonder how they did that.

Now for the flaws, there are a lot of characters that just show up. The plot gets confusing at times and what could of really made this movie better was a better script. I wished they could of build of the Tse and Liu's story a lot more. It was a good attention grabber in the beginning but then it gets ignored at the end and maybe more of Tse's narration of the movie. Despites all these flaws this movie was still good because of the stylish action scenes. So basically look for the action scenes and good performances by Tse, Wu Bai, Lo, and Liu. It's a good popcorn flick to just enjoy.
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coolest action scenes i've seen in a long time
kormakur_g21 October 2001
this movie is definitely the best hong kong movie i've seen yet. most hk movies suffer from a horrible story and worse acting but this one has a bearable one. and it's told at such a speed that you have trouble keeping up. which is good, 'cause it keeps the viewer on his toes. and the action is breathtaking. some shots look like they belong in an animé or video game, not a low budget live action movie. very cool. thoroughly recommended to lovers of good action movies or just cool movies in general.
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Guy Ritchie should be taking notes
jagfx25 August 2001
The effect of music videos over the past two decades on the film industry has been phenomenal. Directors such as Spike Jonze ("Being John Malcovich") & Tarsem ("The Cell") started their careers in the music video game. Soundtracks and their accompanying videos are as much part of the advertising of a movie as the trailers themselves. Most importantly, techniques used in popular music videos are often mimicked in feature films. Economy has played a large part too, and now with the popularity and relative low-cost of digital cameras and effects almost anyone can create a visually alluring piece of eye-candy.

David Fincher upped the ante of digital effects with "Fight Club". A original storyline with an even more original script, it initially received a lukewarm response before becoming a cult favourite. Mr. Fincher is an example of a director using a new medium with a combination of precise care and wonderful abandon.

And then there is Guy Ritchie. A mostly talentless hack who in "Snatch" proved that fancy camera effects and funny accents will wear themselves out if there is nothing to support it.

"Time & Tide" by Tsui Hark is both a homage to the films that helped popularize a new visual style and it raises the bar a few more (large) notches. It is by turns brilliant, relentless, and breathtaking.

"Time & Tide" follows the interweaving lives of a pregnant lesbian cop, two mercenary friends and their underworld dealings, and a pregnant surrogate woman drawn into their world. Thematically it delves into issues ranging from mafia-like loyalty to Peckinpah-esuqe themes of man entering manhood through violence. But what is most impressive in "Time & Tide" is the delicate balance of tension and release. Something that flashy directors like Guy Ritchie should be paying attention too. The last two action sequences are phenomenal and take up a good half of the movie, but with Mr. Hark's careful direction you hardly notice. The first sequence is simply unequaled, taking place in three apartment towers in the tenements of Hong Kong. The second in a train station and stadium downtown. It is in these sequences that requires characters to hold back their flaring emotions in order to survive that Mr. Hark clearly flexes his directorial muscles. In a sequence which involves a young man trapped in an apartment slowly filling with gas, its conclusion is one of the most clever bits of action in recent memory.

"Time & Tide" is the real deal. An action film that delivers from beginning to end and doesn't blow its load halfway through. It is also truly cares about its characters and valiantly tries to delve into large issues. However, it never takes itself too seriously and for any action fan this is a must.

Highly recommended. Do not pass this up.
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Mind Blowing Action Movie!
yossarian1001 February 2004
From being inside a gun as it fires to finding myself in the middle of a gunfight while a young woman is giving birth, she being one of the participants of said gunfight, Seunlau ngaklau is one of the most amazing mind blowing action movies I think I've ever seen. I didn't always understand what was going on but that in no way prevented me from totally enjoying myself. Filled with incredible action sequences, mind blowing stunts, and interesting characters, Seunlau ngaklau is up there on the same level with Matrix, without appearing at all artificial or contrived.
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Basically just a NOISY Hong Kong action film
toclement17 November 2000
Perhaps it's unfair of me to rate this since the action Hong Kong genre is generally not my cup of tea, but I did sit through the whole movie, so I am entitled :)

Surely there are some action sequences that are creatively and excitingly filmed that will satisfy the appetite of the crazy-stunts crowd. But the plot is nearly senseless and Tsui Hark's reliance on cheap tricks do more to cause headaches than adrenaline rushes. Hark's quick and constant camera cuts and use of extremely loud special effects are relied upon to create the suspense and excitement in the scenes, rather than the story and the actual action in the scenes themselves.

This is definitely not an awful movie, and I'll take this any day over these overly cliched Hollywood action thrillers, but in the end, you basically have a decent action movie and a mediocre film. 4 out of 10.
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Dubbed Version 7.0- Cantonese 9.0
jinsooxkim15 August 2001
I think some of the confusing aspects of this movie are better explained in the subtitled versions- this is a trilingual movie! (Cantonese, English, and Spanish) When I saw the dubbed version, there were no subtitles for the Spanish lines- and many subtleties were lost on me. So I saw it again in Cantonese- and I loved it even more. So my advice for English speaking viewers (with DVD players!) is to first see it in Cantonese with subtitles, then see it in English and fully immerse yourself in the mindboggling visual elements and action. Easily one of my top five action movies- along with the Professional, Hard Boiled, Die Hard, and the Killer. Welcome back, Tsui Hark!!!
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For hardcore action junkies only
=G=14 October 2002
"Time and Tide" does have a plot but it's inconsequential and soon buried in shell casings. However, what the film lacks in budget and drama it makes up for with a intensity, verve, and a creative edge which is excessive but fresh enough to prevent the usual numbing that goes with hyperkinetic action flicks. The focus in "T'NT" is the firefight with stunts galore while the more costly car chases/crashes are kept to a minimum and the still more costly big pyro blowups artificially produced. "TNT" also has a pervasive sense of humor manifested in one scene where a woman gives birth while shooting or visa-versa and another in which a man avoids the effects of tear gas by wearing a plastic bag over his head (duh). Fun stuff with flying-fu, rappelling, a army-sized SWAT team, endless heavies, and a couple of protagonists who are always in the thick of it. For action junkies only. (B-)

Note: The version I Tivo'd was dubbed and there were big discrepancies between the dubbing and the closed captions. For example: The dubbed "This is no flea market" translated in CC to "This is like buying vegetables".
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All this and brains too
chase66628 May 2001
The only thing about this movie I didn't understand was why people found it incoherent (not a single mainstream reviewer got it). It's not linear, paint-by-numbers Hollywood exposition - but there IS a definite plot and if you pay attention there's actually some very nice subtle storytelling. Surrounded of course by some very kinetic, "let's see you rip this off" action scenes. Tsui Hark is out ahead of the curve again.
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ghurijii20 July 2001
i wasn't really sure what to expect when i went to see this film, but I have to say it was a pleasant suprise, had humour and some good action scenes, and the actors were not to shabby either................and I have to say, any movie that starts of with an accidental birth due to an affair a barman had with a drunk lesbian policewoman has my respect
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Chinese vs South Americans ???
Sevket_Erhat30 November 2002
Ooh I have been waiting to watch this movie for so long and now I finally got the chance to watch it. I have not been able to understand everything in my first viewing so I decided to write the review after giving it another spin.

The movie opens with quite catchy tune that sets up the mood for the beginning of the film.

Time and Tide is about a story of an ordinary guy that we might bump into every day. Nicolas Tse's character Tyler is that kind of guy. He just runs around with a replica gun in all those scenes and gets beat up quite a lot.

I found this quite disappointing as I have watched this movie after Gen-X Cops and I was expecting Tse to be the hero of the movie but he simply isn't.

Tse runs the story but it's Wu Bai that does all the action in Time and Tide.

The story is about the struggle between two guys from Hong Kong and some mercenaries from South America. It sounds like a very unlikely pairing but it happens in this movie.

As a result of this, guys fire guns, jump from place to place and shed a lot of blood all the way through the last half of the film.

The action actually begins in a hotel lobby then moves on to a car park to Hong Kong Project to Kowloon Train Station and finally to Hong Kong Coliseum. There is so much diversity in the surroundings and they have managed to get the best from those areas.

There is only one complaint from me as far as action scenes of Time and Tide are concerned; there are almost no martial arts at all. Some really good high kicking would have been a very good addition.

But never worry, as I said before there is so much action in this movie to make you feel like "yeah this is the kind of action I really want". There are SWAT Team Operations, Sniper Action plus Cat and Mouse style chase scenes that have been shot very cleverly. All these action keeps you on the edge of your seat.

There are really awesome cinematic action in Time and Tide thanks to Tsui Hark's style and vision. For example there is one scene that before the gun is fired the gun becomes transparent and you get to see the mechanism inside the gun with the bullet fired.

There are some sub plots and emotional scenes which are hard to follow in the beginning so I really recommend multiple viewings to understasnd what is going on. Subtitles are essential as there are so many different languages spoken in Time and Tide.

Overall I was expecting some good looking Hong Kong action from Time and Tide and it did not disappoint. So I'll give it thumbs up. Tsui Hark delivers really good cinematic Hong Kong action with this. Recommended
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Tide and Time
Tweekums30 November 2018
This Hong Kong action thriller is centred on Tyler, a young man who dreams of life on a South American beach. In the opening scenes he has a night of drunken passion with a woman, Ah Jo, who turns out to be a police officer... and a lesbian! This results in her pregnancy but she wants nothing to do with him. To make money he joins an unlicensed group of bodyguards. He also befriends Jack, a young man with a pregnant wife. Things hot up when a group of South American mercenaries turn up; Jack, or Juan they call him, once worked for them and they now want him to kill his father in law. Instead he turns on the mercenaries and it isn't long before they are after him; Tyler also gets caught up in the action.

My plot summary might be a bit confused but to be honest so was I much of the time while watching... strangely this barely matters as the film is chock from of great action sequences. There are numerous fights, shootouts and explosions... we even get a woman shooting at a bad guy while giving birth! I've not seen that in Hollywood movie. Director Tsui Hark does a great job keeping the action very kinetic. The cast is pretty solid; they certainly excelled in the action sequences but also seemed good in the non-action scenes. There are a couple of scenes where fairly obvious CGI is used but they are brief and don't detract from the film. Overall I'd say this won't be for everybody but if you are a fan of Hong Kong action in a modern setting then I'd definitely recommend it.

These comments are based on watching the film in Cantonese with English subtitles.
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