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The Mystery Of It All
abelardo646 February 2005
Johnny Depp takes us by the hand and in the gentlest most reassuring way leads into the heart, soul and mind of an artist. How easy is for the world to judge. How frightened we still are of all we don't understand. The very nature of innocence is suspect because innocence belongs exclusively to the innocent. Every time the world claims to protect it, tends to destroy it. "Finding Nerverland" is filled with moments of enlightenment. Moving and powerful moments but none more so than Julie Christie's face as she applauds, converted to the fantasy transported into her daughter's house. The moment and the enlightenment are short lived, but, somehow, remains in my mind as a glimmer of hope. If for a moment she accepts the mystery of it all, maybe we all could. Johnny Depp is the best American actor of his generation, period. Kate Winslet is a stunning rarity among her contemporaries. She doesn't look like anybody else and the camera catches every tiny little thought that crosses her marvelous face. Congratulations Mr. Forster you can count on me from this moment on as a devoted fan.
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Now that we're past the hype... don't miss this movie!
lochnessmummy29 December 2004
Every holiday season Harvey Weinstein and Miramax talk up one of their properties, fully expecting everyone to bow and throw awards at it as soon as it's released. This year it's Finding Neverland, which has produced a lot of buzz in favor of Johnny Depp's sophisticated performance. Although the film deserves all the praise it gets, it is understandable that moviegoers are a little weary with another dramatic period piece, with another "oscar caliber" cast, about yet another take on Peter Pan.

The bottom line is, this movie is phenomenal. Exploring the major theme of Barrie's play (that of a boy who never grows up), Finding Neverland refrains from condemning grown-ups, but exalts the wild magic one can enjoy as a kid. For James, who had to deal with his family's reticence upon the death of his brother, the real tragedy occurs when a child is forced to grow up too fast.

My favorite idea from this film is this: life finds a way to put into our lives the people we're supposed to be living our lives with. James and Sylvia needed each other, and they needed each other at that particular time. Life took care of them.

The film does indeed move at a snail's pace. Consider that part of the set design. Just as the characters go about 1905 London in top hats and buttoned-down gowns, so does the movie develop in a manner which would have been fitting for a time which preceded MTV-generation attention spans by about a hundred years.

As for the acting, it is wonderful. Depp is understated and gallant, Kate Winslet is lovely and tragic, and they're both better than I've ever seen them. Julie Christie is brutally ominous as the matriarch who can gum up everyone's happiness. Dustin Hoffman, although out of place, brings a dry wit as a risk-taking businessman. The boys playing the Davis kids are a lot of fun to watch and play their dramatic parts perfectly.

If you want something where all the pieces of the magic puzzle that is movie-making come together with grace, charm, and humanity, you won't find a more rewarding film than this.
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Superb Acting and Brilliantly Made
blackburnj-18 December 2004
Finding Neverland is one of the best films I have seen all year. Depp and Winslet are superb and their supporting cast is very strong in particular Julie Christie, Dustin Hoffman and Freddie Highmore. Forster's direction is tight and he maintains a story which had the potential to drag. Depp delivers a performance that is truly believable and he interacts with his co-stars well, in particular, Freddie Highmore who delivers a performance that outshines Depp's. It is a tour de force of acting talent. Clearly Highmore has a great career ahead of him. 9/10 for a superb piece of film-making, made diligently but, unfortunately, up against such strong contention, it had to make do with a disappointing award haul.
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One of Depp's finest films!
varbelaez32322 November 2004
I am not a film critic by any means, and don't aim to pose as one. That being said, I felt that this movie was by far one of the most touching and entertaining movies I have seen in my short 22 years. The cast is fabulous, every actor plays his/her part so to speak.

The story centers around J. M. Barrie, creator of Peter Pan, and his journey to writing the well-known play. It highlights his genius, while also showing the painful isolation that comes with being a mind ahead of your time. There are some liberties taken when put against the actual events that led up to the birth of Peter Pan, but don't let this dissuade you from watching--"Finding Neverland" was never slated as being a documentary!

Being a huge Johnny Depp fan, one would think that my judgment would be tainted by his involvement in the film. However, even I can admit to a failed Depp movie (i.e. The Secret Window). At first, I thought that putting Depp outside of his usual character type, a mildly strange pirate/writer/doctor/investigator/man with scissors for hands, might signify a substandard film. Boy was I wrong! He nailed J.M. Barrie and was absolutely captivating throughout the entire film. I hate to sound like a starry-eyed fan but I thought his performance in this movie was downright Oscar-worthy!

Depp is magnificent, but he does not carry the weight of this film on his own. A slue of other fine actors and actresses, Kate Winslet and Freddy Highmore just to name a few, give absolutely divine performances. Do yourself a favor, shell out the eight bucks and go see this movie!
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Depply Beautiful
filmquestint4 February 2005
I don't know how good this movie is and I don't care because I loved it. It left me kind of numb. Moved, transported, enchanted. That's exactly how I want to feel when I get out of a movie. "Finding Neverland" gave it to me, in spades. Johnny Depp, hey Johnny you're the best we've got. I forgot that it was you two minutes into the movie, I only knew I loved that character. That in itself is part of the many miracles the movie has in store. Yours, is a performance of perfect beauty. Kate Winslet is quickly becoming my favourite actress. Julie Christie is, was and always will be my "Darling" but Freddie Highmore, you and your brothers gave me one the best evenings in a movie theatre I had in a long, long, time. My girlfriend just read my comment over my shoulder, her comment was very succinct: "You write like a woman" Okay, let's see if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Good night kids.
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Magical and very affecting
TheLittleSongbird3 September 2010
Of course it takes liberties with the truth, not the first biographical drama to do that, but I cannot deny that Finding Neverland was very magical and affecting and was beautifully crafted not only in visuals but in acting too. Plus it made me believe in Peter Pan again, and that is a wonderful feeling as Peter Pan is one of my all-time favourite stories. The cinematography, costumes, locations and scenery are absolutely stunning, and the score gives the film its magical feeling. The script had its deft touches, the story had a perfect balance of the humorous and the tragic, and director Marc Forster deserves credit for making even those mundane events into something somewhat enchanting. The acting is wonderful too- Johnny Depp is nothing short of magnificent as JM Barrie as he alternates between being playful and sensitive, it was his sensitive side especially that made his performance so good. Kate Winslet is very tender as Sylvia and Dustin Hoffmann impresses in a smaller role. Even the kids were good, especially Freddie Highmore who offers a wonderful portrayal as the serious-minded Peter. In conclusion, beautiful film, very affecting when it needed to be and quite magical to say the least. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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fantasy within a fantasy
nick suess25 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a fantasy about a fantasy, and as such it poses questions as to how we should view it. As a work of art, it evokes wonderfully the 'belle epoque' that centred on the first decade of the 20th century, when life was still permitted to be beautiful before it was torn apart by the shells and mustard gas of the decade that lay in store. And it does so with characters who enter stage left, exit stage right, and deliver the occasional sensitively lit monologue along the way. The most revealing moment is a shot of barely a couple of seconds duration, when after bidding goodnight to his wife who has entered her own separate bedroom, Barrie opens the door to his and reveals the briefest glimpse of a fantasy landscape within.

This is Barrie's fantasy, and the whole story is Barrie's life as he would have wished to fantasise it. Perhaps least satisfying is his cardboard cut-out wife, whom we see portrayed as a minor hindrance to his creative genius, especially as she dares to express jealousy that he prefers to spend all his time with another woman. We don't see the jealousy of Sylvia's husband Arthur, who was sufficiently inconsiderate not to die of cancer until about 9 years after Barrie first met Sylvia, and who most definitely resented his intrusion into their family life. This emotion has been transposed into Sylvia's mother, whose antagonism towards Barrie somehow does a 180 degree flip in the five-tissue fantasy scene that brings Neverland to Sylvia's home as she is on her deathbed.

Viewed as a work of biography, it falls apart through its gross inaccuracies. Viewed as a fantasy, it really ought to spend more time in Neverland, where it really belongs. If it is to successfully bridge the gap it needs to establish the link and better explain why Barrie needed his frequent departures into Neverland, certainly going a little deeper into this than the bland statement that his brother had died. This had in fact been an utterly profound event in his childhood. His mother had referred to this brother, David, as a boy who would never grow up. It was David who was the inspiration for Peter Pan, and Peter Llewelyn Davies merely provided the name. Peter Pan first appeared on stage three years prior to Arthur's death, so it was not inspired by the tormented angst of fatherless Peter. That's fantasy.

Pretty to watch. 7/10
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The Wings of Imagination
merrywood2 December 2004
The real J.M. Barrie was influenced and inspired as a child in Scotland by the adventurous stories of Robert Louis Stevenson of pirates, Indians and kidnapped boys. As a young journalist in London in the peak years of the Gilded Age his vivid imagination took him from novels to stage-plays.

Barrie loved games and founded a cricket club with fellow writers Arthur Conan Doyle and P.G. Wodehouse. An old nugget describing his personality tells of his comments upon himself and others that often appeared in the newspapers. He once remarked to H.G. Wells, "It is all very well to be able to write books, but can you wiggle your ears?" It was in the very early years of the 20th Century, now 101 years ago and the same year that in the windy Outer Banks of North Carolina that the Wright Brothers took flight that Jamie Barrie's Peter Pan soared into the air on wires in the London stage.

Marc Forester's fascinating film biography adapted by David Magee from Allan Knee's play, "The Man Who Was Peter Pan," now comes to us in this delightful, moving account, 'Finding Neverland.' It presents historical reality between lushly imagined expeditions to a fictitious Neverland. It's performed impeccably by Johnny Depp as Sir James Mathew Barrie and an extraordinary cast under the able direction of Marc Forster.

This is the loveliest film of the year, highly recommended. Bring Kleenex for the final scenes and see how difficult it is to leave the theater and return to today.
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the gentle Scotsman
LunarPoise27 January 2009
Powerful acting from an impressive array of names makes Finding Neverland a deeply moving film. The play Peter Pan is the shining light Barrie crafted to clear the shadows that clutter everyday life. The film, like the play, has a magical, translucent quality. Depp inhabits Barrie fully. The accent wobbles now and again with patches of Leith and Brigadoon breaking through, but Barrie's quest to show the child in us is the best of us is lovingly depicted in Depp's characterisation. Winslet, once again, rises to a challenging role. With outings like this and her stint in Little Children and Jude, she is inheriting the mantle of Streep as actress with the most range. We don't see enough of Julie Christie these days, but her rare gifts are all the more appreciated when so potently displayed. A great actress doing justice to fine writing - every word she utters is like cut glass. Hoffman cruises but does not disappoint in a role that seems to have been written for Jim Broadbent. And all credit to young Freddie Highmore - in such distinguished acting company, he elicits and earns our tears the most.

An air of sadness orbits Barrie, his child-like behaviour a counter-point to it. His writing, his take on life, are triumphs of the human spirit. Elegiac, life-affirming, and timeless, the movie embodies the life and work it chronicles.
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jasonflum11 December 2004
I always tell my students that they can't claim a movie they just saw as their favorite movie ever because it has yet to stand the test of time. Every now and then a movie comes along that defies that rule for me -- a movie that as soon as I finish seeing it I know that it is an instant classic, if not "my favorite movie ever." American Beauty was such a movie.

Finding Neverland is such a movie. Every minute of this movie was simply incredible -- I felt like the kids in the theater on the opening night of Peter Pan. Johnny Depp is absolutely astounding, as he usually is, as JM Barrie. The rest of the adult cast doesn't quite come up to his level, but are uniformly strong. The kids, especially Peter and Michael, are wonderful. Maybe I just love the British accent, but one of my favorite scenes comes very early when Barrie meets Michael in the park -- Michael's accent reminded me so much of the kid in The Little Prince!

What raises this movie above standard fare, though, are the clever entries into Barrie's imagination. The magical moments in this movie seem to literally jump off the screen. Without a doubt, a film worthy of Oscar nominations for Depp, screenplay adaptation, cinematography (the pirate ship scene is gorgeous), and best movie of the year. Treat yourself - despite the PG rating, this is NOT a movie just for kids -- believe... 10/10
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James M. Barry mini-biography dealing his relationship with an agreeable family
ma-cortes28 February 2007
This story is a semi-autobiography about James M. Barrie's life . This realization titled ¨Finding Neverland¨ (2004) by Marc Foster has a very good cast such as Johnny Depp as James M Barry , Kate Winslet , Kelly McDonald as Peter Pan , Julie Christie and Radha Mitchell . It concerns on the friendship between a famous author , actually lack of inspiration named J.M. Barrie (Johnny Deep), unhappily married (Radha Mitchell)and a family formed by a widow named Sylvia Lewelyn Davis (Kate Winslet) and his four children , besides appearing the widow's mother (Julie Christie) . His friend Arthur Conan Doyle (Ian Hart) tells him the gossips by the high society caused for the relationship with the mother and children . Meantime , the stage promoting (Dustin Hoffman) makes one play's debut with a failed premiere , but now Barrie is inspired by the family and with a new release titled ¨Peter Pan¨ achieves a huge success . The tale talks an adventurous boy who refuses to grow up . But Sylvia's health worsens and and the problems go wrong .

The film contains drama , humor , fantasy and a lot of fun . It's an entertaining movie , a little on the stagy but it still shines . Sets and production design are astounding and glimmer . The highlights of the film are the representation of Peter Pan play which turns out to be colorful and delightful , with an enjoyable adolescent who doesn't want grow up well played by Kelly McDonald . Pleasant performance by Johnny Deep nominated for Oscar and a ductile acting by Kate Winslet . Special mention to lovely hummable musical score which won a deserved Academy Award by Jan Kaczmarek . Evocative and atmospheric cinematography by Robert Schaefer . The motion picture was magnificently directed by Marc Foster (Monster ball , Stranger than fiction) . Rating : Better than average . It's a terrific familiar amusement that will appeal to classic novel fans.

Other films and stage productions dealing with James M Barrie and his classic personage are the followings : The original Broadway production of "Peter Pan", or "The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up" by J.M. Barrie opened at the Empire Theater on November 6, 1905. It ran for 223 performances, closed on May 20, 1906, and starred nineteenth-century stage actress Maude Adams, who never made any films ; silent film ¨Peter Pan¨ (1924),and starred Virginia Brown Faire as Tinker Bell , it use much of Barrie's original dialogue , Peter Pan (1953) with voice by Bobby Driscoll, Kathryn Beaumont, Hans Conried ; ¨Hook¨(2001) with Steven Spielberg with Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook , Robin Williams , Freddie Highmore , Julia Roberts , Bob Hoskins as Smee , Maggie Smith and Caroline Goodall ; ¨, and recent version ¨Peter Pan¨ by JP Hogan with Jeremy Sumpter , Raquel Wood and Jason Isaac .
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Wonderful Johnny Depp
SnoopyStyle26 October 2013
It's London 1903, J.M. Barrie's (Johnny Depp) latest play is a flop. On an idyllic day in the park, he befriends widower Sylvia Llewelyn Davies (Kate Winslet) and her four boys. The youngest being Peter (Freddie Highmore). Sylvia's mother Mrs. Emma du Maurier (Julie Christie) disapproves of her independence, and truly disapproves of her friendship with Barrie. JM's wife Mary (Radha Mitchell) isn't much happier. She'd hope to social climb upon Mrs. du Maurier's standings but in the end, she can't take being left out.

This is a wonderfully sweet movie. Sure a lot of it has been changed from the real history. That really doesn't matter in the least bit. I love the dog. I love the beds. I love all that stuff. It's great to see Johnny Depp in a more reserved role. He is more than wacky characters, and has wonderful chemistry with the kids. It's a gentle family movie for everyone.
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Not mend to reach for boundaries, but as good as it is
tvalstar9928 December 2004
First of all I want to say that Winslet an Depp are 2 of the best actors of their generation.

I find Finding Neverland a touching story. Depp convinces as Barry (nice accent) and all other actors are well known and show their best. Nothing wrong with the acting. The story is emotional, but not too emotional or too smooth. The magical elements that come in when Barry takes the children into his imaginary world is beautiful and well balanced. Nothing wrong with that.

And that is maybe also a little criticism about the film. It doesn't bother itself with deeper things, like rumours about Barry's pedophilia, however mentioned briefly. There could have been a nice opportunity to make this film more special. But this movie wasn't mend to reach for boundaries. And why should it? As a beautiful and well acted drama this film is as good as it is. Let us just stay with that. Fine by me.
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Barrie Reassembled.
onepotato230 December 2004
When watching this movie, with it's deterministic cause and effect, wall-to-wall clichés and hackneyed sentiment, can anyone be so naive as to think that this is actually how Barrie's life played out? You watch it in a posture of disagreement. Hollywood biopics aren't based on the individual lives anymore, they're just rewrites of previously successful biopics. If Hollywood made a movie about your life it would be filled with such perfect synchronization that you'd barely recognize your own story. Any personal complexity would be obliterated by some all-explaining, simplistic backstory. Your story would resemble "Rocky" because it's the only life-arc Hollywood knows how to produce anymore. We couldn't leave the audience pondering anything left open-ended as they exit. This movie doesn't trust an audience to figure things out without being led to them. I perceived the captain hook/mother reference eons before the movie literalized it for me. I could see the 25 kids twist coming for days.

This is a completely average movie. Not horrible but not great. Hence it's likely to be showered with a few Oscars next year. There's nothing the Academy likes better than congratulating itself for finally noticing patterns put in place over the previous thirty years.

From the New Yorker article "Lost Boys" by ANTHONY LANE:

"Arthur Llewelyn Davies, also adored his boys, and it may be unfair of "Finding Neverland" to omit him, for streamlining purposes, from the scene; by the time that Johnny Depp meets Kate Winslet, she is already a widow, whereas Arthur was very much alive when Barrie first entered the consciousness—and, little by little, the home—of the Llewellyn Davies family.

"Finding Neverland" is a weepie. From the moment that Barrie met George and Jack, and started to ponder the means by which they might be rendered immortal, the story is sad, but the reality is even more dismal: 1907—Arthur Llewellyn Davies dies from cancer of the jaw. 1910—Sylvia dies of lung cancer. The five boys are orphaned; Barrie is made their guardian. 1915—George is killed in the First World War, fighting with his regiment in Flanders. 1921—Michael, an undergraduate at Oxford, is drowned while swimming with a friend. The two bodies, when recovered, are found clinging together.

On April 5, 1960, Peter Llewellyn Davies, by then an esteemed publisher, threw himself under a subway train in London. We should not presume to read a mind in torment, but we may note in passing that, if he had lived another month, he would have reached the centenary of Barrie's birth and thus, one imagines, a fresh flurry of interest in "Peter Pan"—"that terrible masterpiece," in the words of Peter Llewellyn Davies.
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New perspective on Peter Pan!!!
mellowsongs17 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Finding Neverland covers a short period of the life of writer Sir James Matthew Barrie and the creative process that led him to write Peter Pan.

I must admit that I was never a fan of Peter Pan but this movie gave me a whole new perspective.

Seeing how the people and events around the author inspired the play (specially the Davies family), and how in turn the play affected them was heartwarming.

The author believed that one can overcome hardships, sickness and death through imagination; and he wanted to share that with the people he cared about.

Great performances by Depp, Winslet, Hoffman and the actors who played the Davies children specially Freddie Highmore.
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10 Stars! If you see no other movie this year, see this one!,
gradyharp23 November 2004
FINDING NEVERLAND is that rare work of art that transcends the medium of film and becomes a spirit-altering experience. Strong accolades? Gush? Perhaps so, but squeeze time out of the clutter of life and the holidays to see this movie and be transported to a place that nurturingly reassures us that the cycle of life is indeed good. Find Neverland!Marc Forster ('Monster Ball') has created a lovingly tender look at the playwright JM Barrie (Johnny Depp) in 1903 when, down on his luck with theater flops, unfulfilled by a marriage of Victorian standards to a beautiful but aloof and social climbing wife Mary (Radha Mitchell), and with writer's block, he encounters the Llewellyn Davies family - a widow Sylvia (Kate Winslet) and her four boys, George (Nick Roud), Jack (Joe Prospero), Michael (Luke Spill) and Peter (Freddie Highmore) - playing blissfully in Kensington Gardens. Barrie is captivated, draws the boys to him with his patient and infectious enthusiasm for play, and bonds with this family, gaining the obvious seeds for his highest achievement or creation, PETER PAN.How these seeds grow, despite the soft, yet supportive, growling of his producer Charles Frohman (Dustin Hoffman) and the not so soft interference of Sylvia's wealthy haughty mother Madame du Maurier (Julie Christie), form the storyline of this film. The magic comes from the skill of the writers (Alan Knee and David Magee) and director, the cinematographer (never has Victorian London glowed with such elegant gaslight presence), and the musical score by Jan Kaczmarek. Cameo roles are treated with tremendous respect: Eileen Essel as Mrs. Snow, Ian Hart as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Kelly MacDonald as the first Peter Pan, etc all are brief but fully realized and poignant. Given this support it is obvious that the talents of the lead performers will shine, and they glow they do with such understated performances that make the simple story of the sanctity of the inner child so cogent that there is not a dry eye in the house during the thankfully long credits. Johnny Depp continues to prove that he is one of the finest actors on the screen today: his Barrie has a flawless Scottish accent and a manner of movement and facial expressions that make him a gentle hero. Kate Winslet, never more beautiful, likewise embodies Sylvia with exactly the right amount of perk and pathos, and as her mother, Julie Christie is strikingly beautiful and unfailingly solid in a role less than loving. The boys are artfully recreated, never absurdly over the top, always very close to the bridge that crosses the craggy canyon between childhood and adulthood. Growing up has never been better portrayed - by all of the characters!In a time when too often films that address magic and imagination rely on computer effects to create creatures that are comic book absurd, FINDING NEVERLAND relies on simply showing the stage mechanics of the play, suspending wires and all, even in the climax of the story when Barrie brings his successful play to the living room of the ill Sylvia in order to keep his promise to her to take her to Neverland. No gimmicks here, just solid stagecraft very much in keeping with the inherent magic of Barrie's enduring play. This is a brilliant cinematic accomplishment - a feast for the eyes, the ears, the brain, and the soul. Please don't miss it! Grady Harp, November 2004
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FINALLY! Sentiment you can swallow!
dbreazer28 November 2004
I don't cry at movies. No eyes welling up . . as a rule. Okay, I cried during Henry V (the Kenneth Branagh version) when the French army slaughtered all the pages in the English camp. I don't even tend to care for movies that might make me cry. I spend my hard earned big screen cash on movies with big effects or epic vistas ( think The Matrix or The Lords Of the Ring) Finding Neverland was a glorious exception.

Beautifully acted, sweet but not syrupy and perfect for a break from all the holiday madness, Finding Neverland was a true gem. I don't believe its for as young of a crowd as I watched it with ( the 4 year old beside me was constantly needing plot clarification from her mother) but both my 47 year old husband & my 32 year old self were enchanted! In this jaded day & age it was a relief to see a movie that had romance without overt sexuality, a PLOT , and true emotion without sentimentality. And where did they find these child actors? Luke Spill, Joe Prospero, Nick Roud and especially Freddie Highmore were excellent. Rarely have I seen children perform on screen so realistically and charmingly. I'm sure they'll all have brilliant futures if they chose to stay in the business.

I would say something here about Johnny Depp but what is there to say? Besides, I'm biased- I've never seen a Johnny Depp movie I didn't like, & I'm sure I've seen every one! Julie Christie was a powerhouse playing a difficult character in the most likable way.

Don't let this movie slip under your radar! Finding Neverland will warm your heart without your having to turn off your brain. By the way, if you have a soul, take some tissues to use at the movies end.
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Okay, I'll admit it – I got sucked in
FilmOtaku23 February 2005
Never having been a fan of "Peter Pan" and therefore ambivalent to J.M. Barrie himself, I wasn't in a big hurry to see "Finding Neverland" despite the many accolades it received. However, since it showed up on the IMDb Top 250 list and as a Best Picture nominee I figured I'd better check it out.

To my surprise, I found the film to be extremely beautiful and charming. "Finding Neverland" chronicles the creation of Barrie's play "Peter Pan" and its profound effect on the lives of the people in Barrie's life as well as theatergoers in England. Barrie, (Depp) a mediocre playwright who is not able to reach his audience and is therefore beginning to bankrupt his faithful producer Charles Frohman (Hoffman), is writing one day in the park when he happens upon the Llewelyn Davies family. Sylvia (Winslet), the mother (and a young widow) is trying to corral her four young boys and when they run into Barrie they immediately become friends. Barrie begins to spend increasingly more time with the family, much to the chagrin of his wife Mary and Sylvia's mother Emma (Christie). It becomes clear that the Barries' marriage has been slowly falling apart for some time now, but because of their time apart and his obvious adoration of the Llewelyn Davies family, the deterioration becomes more rapid. Emma, on the other hand, is the typical overbearing mother who disapproves of Barrie, mainly because he is ruining Sylvia's chances of "landing" another man. When a crisis strikes the Llewelyn Davies family, Barrie grows closer to Peter, the second youngest son, who is still grieving the loss of his own father, and the loss of his imagination; something that Barrie tries to help him through.

The only other Marc Forster film I had seen prior to "Finding Neverland" was "Monsters Ball", a film that I really didn't like, but more for its actors and story than for the production of the film. I was therefore intrigued by what his treatment of this film, a completely different subject matter, would be. I found this film completely and utterly aesthetically beautiful. Even before the "Peter Pan" and Neverland scenes, I was struck by the gorgeous Victorian sets and costumes, and the interesting way that Barrie's imagination was expressed. (Opening up his bedroom door and seemingly walking into a green meadow is just one of the many examples) The Neverland scenes were simply stunning, so much so that they were profoundly emotional. I particularly loved a scene when "Peter Pan" was premiering, and orphans that had been invited by Barrie to watch the performance experienced it for the first time – I can't stand children, but the looks on their faces and the reactions of the aristocratic members of the audience to the children was so very touching. There were things about the film that I did not care for regarding the film of course; without giving a lot away, I thought that there were a few moments of easy resolution (particularly involving Barrie and his wife) and I think that the relationship that Barrie had with Sylvia was a bit TOO subtle, because when he discloses his feelings for her I remember thinking, "Oh. Really?" Obviously there was great affection, but not to the extent that was realized. I also noticed that the alleged pedophilia was obviously not addressed; something that I expected but was hoping wouldn't be glossed over.

I've come to expect top-notch performances by Johnny Depp at this point, and he absolutely did not disappoint in his portrayal of Barrie. He was utterly charming, and without the use of makeup or Tim Burton, really became somebody else that was not recognizable as "Johnny Depp playing (fill in the blank)". I'm not a huge fan of Winslet, though I do recognize her acting ability, and I thought she was very good in this film. Certain actresses do period pieces well, and she is definitely one of them. She was entirely believable as the mother of the boys and exuded warmth and protectiveness, yet showed that she is still young and can horse around with her sons and Barrie because she enjoys it.

I was kind of expecting that I would feel this film took the place of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" as a Best Picture nominee, but after experiencing the film I feel it is very deserving of its nomination. Those who know me will probably be shocked that I enjoyed this film so much because I normally have no interest in cute sentimentality (and furthermore, children) in film, but because Forster created such a beautiful film, I have to give it a solid 7/10.

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Beautiful, Moving Movie with Very Few Flaws
sidunrau31 December 2004
I had heard that this was merely a "chick flick." Hey, my wife is the one who wanted to go see it. As it turned out, I went with three other guys, and we all loved it.

Some movies entertain; some teach; some open up new worlds. This movie opened up new worlds. With each passing scene, carefully woven from the previous ones, it was like crossing yet another threshold into another world. The story unfolded deeper and deeper with each new scene, each layer adding not to complexity (the story is rather simple), but to the depth. Depp and the others (esp. the young actor who played Peter) easily lead the audience deeper and deeper into the paths of authenticity, healing, love, friendship and the triumph of inner strength. The other characters, likewise, garnish the central story excellently.

The only flaw I saw is, I'm sure, a matter of taste and perspective; I felt the grandmother was simply too two-dimensional and not as believable as she should have been, though she, too, had some beautiful moments that truly added to the film.

Having much experience with divorce (being a divorce attorney) I found the unfortunate relationship between Depp's character and his wife believable to a tee: two people deeply in love with each other yet more committed to personal pursuits than tending the difficult relationship we call marriage. Ironically, though Depp's character ultimately became the main caretaker of the four boys, by following the tender feelings of his heart, he allowed his marriage to evaporate by not following the other tender feelings of his heart.

Nearly perfect. I give it a 9 out of 10.
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A Bit Dull, But Picks Up As It Goes
gavin694219 September 2012
The story of Sir James M. Barrie's friendship with a family who inspired him to create Peter Pan.

I have a few quibbles with this film. First being it is not strictly accurate. I feel like the film tried to balance history with fun, but history got the short end of the stick too often. Barrie deserves a good biopic, and this just is not it. I am particularly referring to the absence of Arthur Davies -- his being gone makes Barrie seem even more scandalous than he probably was.

I also thought it was rather dull at first, though the second half was much improved. History does not have to be dull -- both "King's Speech" and "Iron Lady" are excellent films that present history. This film seemed almost devoid of history... when was it set? How did that impact the characters? It is not clear.

But I do not mean to be so harsh, as it actually was a rather good story. Seeing Julie Christie is a plus, and Dustin Hoffman never fails (his role is much too small). Kate Winslet did a more than adequate job, and Johnny Depp was... well, decent. (I find it hard to judge Depp because he has reached that level of stardom where it is easily to see him than it is to see the character he portrays).
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Very moving outstanding film
Tigerbai15 December 2018
I cried couple times, so well written and acted. Hidden Jem. Must see for all movie lovers. I wish I'd seen it on the big screen.
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kkvwilson1 January 2005
Today I viewed the premiere of Finding Neverland and found it most disappointing.Entertaining?Yes...but very factually incorrect. Johnny Depp was pleasant, but too young,too attractive and too tall....with no sign of the pipe.

Barrie didn't meet a young widow, but,after meeting her, and also her boys in the Gardens,became very friendly with Sylvia and Arthur Llewellyn Davies.This friendship lasted for the 10 years until Arthur finally succumbed to his facial cancer, and on his deathbed, Lleyellyn Davies made Barrie promise to look after his boys and wife for the rest of their days. The film showed J.M. and the family sharing his country cottage, but did not show the fact that the whole family took a nearby house for the season and lived separately.

In the movie, Sylvia basically said she was in love with Barrie and they both admitted they expected it to go on forever. It has been suggested that Barrie tampered with her will to get control of the boys.

Factually, both Arthur and Sylvia trusted Barrie with their boys, and rightly so, and wanted him to oversee their futures. Any suggestion of impure thoughts towards them are disgusting.

When his wife left him and they eventually divorced, he was distraught....and lost.

The film does rightly show Barrie's sense of fun and tremendous imagination, but it should be remembered, and shown,that he had deep sense of empathy with many characters and "Peter Pan" was the only play of his to survive the years to be completely written for the "young at heart".
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Beautiful, charming, heartbreaking and wonderful
EijnarAmadeus2 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
FINDING NEVERLAND simply lets Johnny Depp fly from being everybody's best friend in the extremely slick and stylish pirate Jack Sparrow into a mind-opener, writer and failed in success James M. Barrie.

Kate Winslet goes from the giggling, weird, mood-swinging Clementine from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, into a lost but in the same time cheerful widow Sylvia L. Davies.

It's truly a beautiful little masterpiece. FINDING NEVERLAND is such charming, excellent in every way that you simply can't find anything negative about it. It's truly wonderful scenes as Depp's writer character hanging out with the family, trying to get a kite in the air is just so beautiful watching. But FINDING NEVERLAND finds it true class work in it's changes from fantasy and reality, seeing threw the eyes of a mind-unlocking Johnny Depp that sees everything else than we see in happenings. As when the Davies' family's strict grandmother points at one of the small boys, Barrie sees a hook in the old woman's hand and we can clearly see him shaping and creating the character of Captain Hook.

Threw all the beautiful scenes and truly inspiring settings, there are nice laughs put between and emotional work on the finest piece of work. Creating great settings as a small house on the county side, a elegant theater - all off course having its special place in the whole movie the picking of locations and moods are really breathtaking.

Johnny Depp does one of his best character performances ever, and with fine dialogs and fine poetic sentences threw the movie this can't do anything than be one big, charming beauty in his filmography. The whole idea of making a movie about how the writer of Peter Pan invented and started creating it, it's itself just original and great.

James Barrie being a successful writer are having dry times with his pen and paper, making disappointing plays, and with the theater owner Frohman counting 100% on him. While sitting in the park he suddenly bumps into a widow and her boys, this awakes a magic inside him and spending a summer with the family he gets new, incredible ideas and starts writing like never before. Although having problems with his wife, James Barrie realises that he has to put everything in his mind to create this play into something that would become Peter Pan.. STARS: 5/5
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Charming and creepy....a strange combination.
planktonrules9 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
creepy--especially when seen today treated own wife horribly--very selfish Barrie was VERY successful before Peter Pan Like most bio-pics, "Finding Neverland" plays a bit fast and loose with the facts in order to build a better story. Now this film is NOT completely made up but if you study about J.M. Barrie's life, you'll see it does differ quite a bit from the film. For example, Barrie knew Mr. AND Mrs. Davies quite well and they lived much longer than they did in the movie. Additionally, you'd get the impression that Barrie was a failure as an author before he created Peter Pan, but he was highly successful and well thought of before Pan. But, to make a greater sense of tension, the film changed the facts here and there. So, as you watch, keep this in mind.

The film begins with Barrie's (Johnny Depp) most recent play flopping. At about the same time, he meets a young widow, Mrs. Davies (Kate Winslet), and her young sons at the park and befriends them--particularly the boys. They become playmates (which is pretty creepy if you think about it) and they behave almost like a family--which is really bad for Mrs. Barrie--who is left at home to fend for herself. Not surprisingly, people begin to talk--both about him spending time with a woman other than his wife as well as his preference to spending his time with young boys. Considering our present sensibilities, this isn't at all surprising that people would talk and that the Barrie marriage would crumble. Much of the rest of the film concerns his production of the play "Peter Pan" as well as the decline of Mrs. Davies and future of her sons.

If you completely divorce this film from reality and simply enjoy it for what it is, then you'll most likely enjoy the film very, very much. The acting is quite nice, as are the costumes, sets and music. The writing, though not always accurate, was also very good because it really stirs up a lot of feelings in the viewer--and as a result, it's enjoyable throughout. It's a shame they didn't trust the complete and true story, though, and that's why I give this very high quality production a score of only 7.
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Fantasy squelched by schmaltz
BadWebDiver12 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a reasonably interesting and fascinating look at J M Barrie, and his relationship with the Llewellyn-Davies family, and his inspiration for one of the greatest literary pieces in English - Peter Pan.

The recreation of the original stage productions was very interesting and impressive. The actors playing the actors were very fun and sincere, and the whole backstage subplot was certainly a highlight of the film.

Johnny Depp has certainly come a long way in his career, and this role is certainly a demonstration of the nuance and emotional depth he can achieve in his performances now. Very dramatic serio-comedy with a large dose of imagination seems to be his specialty. I can remember when he was just a young teen magazine heart-throb starring in a TV drama show with ambitions of being a pop star. And I thought the oldest son George was very convincing and well-played, with another good performance that mixes light comedy and light drama.

(Spoiler Warning)

But this storyline is totally killed by the deadly slow pacing, self conscious "serious" drama delivery, maudlin story developments, and heavily clichéd "big sentimental tearful" moments. The final scene had me heading for the doors in stomach-churning nausea. In fact the whole final fifteen minutes or so just about erased the whole effect of the rest of the film, which I thought was rather tolerable. Let's face it; this script has "pretentious award-nominated" practically stamped all over it. It doesn't really say anything meaningful to a contemporary viewer. It's just a cynical exercise in emotional manipulation which is what's passing off for "serious, legitimate, proper drama" in modern cinema.

Sure, the idea that people need to keep their inner child and be accessible to the vivid imagination within is a commendable theme. But illustrating it with a sentimental character death and feel-good phrases presented by a weeping child is not the most creative or interesting way to present the idea. It's almost like we're going backwards to the sensibilities of the Victorian Age all over again. I guess Peter Allen got it right - "Everything Old Is New Again".
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