It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010) Poster

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Kind of nice that Hollywood can still offer a non-commercial, very moving film like this one
inkblot119 November 2010
Craig (Keir Gilchrist) is depressed. Although his parents (Lauren Graham and Jim Gaffigan) are nice, they are a mildly over-achieving duo who try to gently push their teenage son in a certain direction. This means going to a competitive high school and following a specific curriculum. But, even though Craig is quite intelligent, his stress level is very high and he dreams of "jumping off a bridge". One morning, before sunrise, he sneaks out of the house to contemplate his own suicide but ends up going to a hospital emergency room. The teen insists they admit him. They do. However, the adolescent ward is undergoing renovations and doesn't have room for Craig. Instead, he is placed in the adult psych ward, with a nearly catatonic roommate, Muqtada (Bernard White). In short order, Craig wants to go home but his new shrink, Dr. Eden (Viola Davis) says that is impossible, he must remain for five days. Fortunately, he soon makes friends with an affable patient named Bobby (Zach Galifianakis) and casts his eye on a lovely young female Noelle (Emma Roberts), who bears telltale scars on her wrists. These three strike up a friendship, with Bobby schooling Craig on how to "dress up like an employee" and leave the ward, at least temporarily! It is quickly evident, however, that Bobby has some dark secrets, as does Noelle, and Muqtada seems to be going nowhere fast. Can Craig get the help he needs, even as he helps others? This is a lovely film which highlights the topic of mental illness in a sensitive, intelligent way. Yes, there are patients with more severe troubles than others but all remain part of the human race, as shown here. The cast is great, with Gilchrist doing a fantastic job as the film's main character. Galifianakis, Roberts, Davis, and especially White, do great work too, as do all of the lesser actors. The setting is fairly limited, as most of the action takes place in the hospital, and the costumes are suitably drab, although Roberts looks very pretty in whatever she wears. Then, too, the script is comically insightful while the direction and camera work are quite nice. All in all, if you are hoping to watch a great film that touches the heart, with depth, view this one kind of soon.
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It's kind of an awesome movie.
lewiskendell14 February 2011
"See, that's the part I don't get, Craig. I mean, you're cool, you're smart, you're talented. You have a family that loves you. You know what I would do just to be you, for just a day?"

Despite the fact that most critics were underwhelmed with It's Kind of a Funny Story, I found myself liking the movie. It's sort of a feel-good flick, despite being set in a mental hospital. Imagine a lighthearted version Girl, Interrupted with more teen angst (in a good way).

The story's about a teenage boy who's burnt out on pressure from parents, school, and his peers, exhausted, and contemplating suicide. He checks himself into a mental health clinic hoping for some kind of a quick fix, but instead has to spend five days in the adult ward (the youth ward is temporarily closed). He meets the requisite cast of oddball patients (including Zach Galifianakis), he grows close to the requisite love interest triangle (Emma Roberts & Zoe Kravitz), and he learns the requisite lessons about himself and life. 

So yeah, this isn't exactly a revolutionary movie. I enjoyed it, though. Keir Gilchrist is a likable young actor, and Galifianakis keeps thing from getting too serious with his quasi- mentor character. The young cast gives solid performances, as well (I've developed quite the massive crush on Zoe Kravitz, I hope she sticks around the movie biz for a long time to come).

All in all, not a bad movie to spend a couple of hours with. It leaves you in a positive mood, and the soundtrack is pretty rockin', too.
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It's Kind of a Good Story Too
jonnyhavey10 October 2010
See It Now! Critical Perspective: B+ Personal Perspective: A

This is a film about second chances and in particular giving yourself a second chance. We all get very overwhelmed and stressed out because of our very busy and hectic lives, however, sometimes you just need to step back and give yourself a break from all of the drama in the world and focus on what is really important to you in your life. After a little thought all of the things that stress us out on a daily basis become very petty and unimportant and the things with true meaning and value in our lives shines through. "It's Kind of a Funny Story" is a film based off of the 2006 novel by Ned Vizzini of the same name. The story follows a boy named Craig (Keir Gilchrist) on a five day self-discovery journey in a psychiatric hospital he checks himself into after dealing with depression in his stressful life. He is guided with the help of his doctor Eden Minerva (Viola Davis; Oscar Nomination for "Doubt") and fellow patient Bobby (Zach Galifianakis; "The Hangover"). These two relationships along with a very special girl named Noelle (Emma Roberts) change Craig's life.

The Good: The film follows its genre as a dramatic comedy very well and isn't over sentimental or Hollywoodized at all. Instead it is everything you would want a film with the title "It's Kind of a Funny Story" to be. It really is kind of a funny story and a very good story with some very serious undertones. Overall, the acting in the film is very fulfilling and the variety of different character personas' of the patients mesh very well in a perfect comedic melody. However, Zach Galifianakis is the biggest name actor in the film and steals the spotlight whenever the camera is on him. He plays a character that is very hard to describe. He is both troubled and enlightened, dramatic and comedic, and optimistic and pessimistic. What ever he is, all of the other characters feed off of his energy and look up to him on screen. Galifianekis is joined by Keir Gilchrist (Craig) Lauren Grahm (Craig's Mother), Jim Gaffigan (Craig's Father), Emma Roberts (Noelle), Thomas Mann (Aaron) and Zoe Kravitz (Nia). The cast is supported by a very well written adapted screenplay by Anna Fleck and Anna Boden that will make you laugh and cry.

The Bad: The actress, Zoe Kravitz, does not do a very good job playing Nia, Craig's love interest from before he meets Noelle in the psychiatric hospital. She is a very annoying, stereotypical, stuck up girl that just isn't very believable. It is very hard to believe that Craig would actually like her especially because she is his best friend, Aaron's girlfriend. It is also hard to believe that Aaron is his best friend because he does not seem to treat Craig very good and does not act as a very good friend towards him. This makes both of these relationships to be very unimportant to the overall story.

Final Thought: We all could use a five day break from our lives so we can just enjoy the moment and relax without following a strict schedule that forces us to rush around. We all need contemplate the quotation that Craig's doctor Eden Minerva states at the beginning of the film, "Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference." Go to the theater and See It Now, the film that avoids the typical clichés of the psychiatric hospital comedy and it may just inspire you too.
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Sweet movie.
adrian-rugina1 February 2011
This is a slightly fun movie, but do not expect laughing your guts out. It's a almost a teenage romantic comedy placed in a different environment than the regular college movies. It has good characters and decent casting,and they will grow on you easily. Also, I appreciate such characters that are very enjoyable even if they don;t have more than 2-3 lines, such as Muqtada or Solomon. You may not remember this movie next year, but you might be hearing a friend sayin to you "get up, Muqtada" if you don;t want to get up from your bed :). This is a good 2010 movie, with a low budget,low commercial expectations but with great feedback. Despite dealing with depression issues, the atmosphere is positive and delivers a good feel at the end. Nice to see this kind of movies from time to time.
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nothing stands out in this
MLDinTN2 August 2011
There wasn't anything that happens in this movie that stands out. It's not really a comedy or drama and I didn't find it entertaining. Even Zack G. didn't do anything funny. It's about a teen, Craig, whom is depressed and dreams about suicide. So, he goes to a mental ward and gets checked in for 5 days with all the adults because the teen ward is closed. He meets one girl his age he sort of makes friends with. Then there is Bobby whom has a kid and is in there for suicide attempts also. Craig meets a few other "off" characters. The main thing he does is make life easier for all the patients because he gets along with everyone and throws a pizza party on his last day. So, now you see why it was boring.

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Its not a comedy, but is good!
ZeroCoolRO21 January 2019
So the movie was tagged as "comedy", but in movie is nothing funny. As the title says, the movie present us the life of a teen who's depressed and put himself into a psych institution ....there he meets a girl, he likes her at first sight, and all movie is about those 5 days that he stays inside that institution.

Most will consider "a boring story" or "a boring movie" .. i've read some review with 1 star ... and I can't understand those guys. If the movie isnt full SCI-FI and made on computer with explosion and aliens isnt good?

The story can be inspired from real life, in real life many teens go thru depression and you come here and say that "the movie is a pile of garbage, a bad story.." come on!

Yes, the movie is kinda slow, and almost nothing interesting happening, but is all about the story, how he gets there, how he met people with many problems that he have, and how he works on helping his room mate... its all about connection with other humans mostly.
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It's Kind of a Funny Story — An angst teen finds refuge in a mental hospital
AvidClimber11 March 2013
It's Kind of a Funny Story is about what you do when you are served that one extra drop of water that makes your glass overflow. We don't have an instructional book to help us go through life, yet once we're born, we're expected to live. That can prove too difficult for some. This is for them.

The story is simple. The acting is good. The subject matter has plenty of room to be explored and will make you think. This is the film where I think Zach Galifianakis has given his best performance.

Now, the main flaw of the movie are the therapy sessions and how the main character evolves throughout his stay on the psychiatry floor. Those are common mistakes and easily overlooked. I've rarely seen a realistic psychotherapy session in a film, and few people can make sense of them.

Beyond that, it's a quiet flick that aim at making you ponder life. It's not a depressing piece, or a high tension one, so it's an easy watch.

If you're not looking for action or laughs, but still want something relatively positive, this might be for you.
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barbarakayrich4 December 2010
An important movie, and an original movie whose originality is not its reason for being. That is, "It's Kind of a Funny Story" has emotional chops. Musical chops as well, but that's another review.

Yes, the shadow of a memory of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" came to me while watching, but I have to say this echo did not lessen "Kind of a Funny Story" by comparison. It's not an angry movie. It's not a star vehicle. It's not a plot-fest. It is not ego-driven. It is not desperate for laughs, though I laughed hard on several occasions. In fact I'll see it again to remember those lines.

This movie gives you time with interesting people. Defenseless and ordinary, and beautiful people. Teens need to feel, we all need to feel compassion for ourselves and everyone around us pushed to depression. "Funny Story" while not grimly realistic is realistic in heart.

Zach Galifianakis has transcendent scenes. Keir Gilchrist is just lost enough. Much to admire in the film-making. This one should not sink under the radar.
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It Starts on a Bridge
ferguson-630 September 2010
Greetings again from the darkness. Attended a screening last evening and came away a bit surprised. The preview, thanks in part to Ida Maria's blaring "Oh My God", had me convinced this was going to be a typical slapstick teen comedy. Instead, co-writers and co-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck deliver a black comedy-drama that has appeal to both teens and grown-ups.

The story revolves around Craig, a 16 year old who is feeling depressed and suicidal given the pressures of a relentless father, looming college entrance exams and a screwed up social life. You are right if you are thinking this sounds like just about every 16 year old on the planet. The difference here is that Craig checks himself into a psych ward ... he ends up in the adult wing, as the teen wing is undergoing renovations. Craig is played by Keir Gilchrist, who I can best describe as a young Keanu Reeves clone, only too smart rather than too clueless.

Since this is a comedy, you can imagine the characters who fill the ward. Craig bonds with Bobby, played by Zach Galifianakis, who seems happy to play the mentor role for Cool Craig, but just can't seem to find the strength to live his own life. Of course, we also get the emotionally damaged hot girl played exceptionally well by Emma Roberts (daughter of Eric, niece of Julia; Nancy Drew). The film accepts its own stereotypes for the other characters with labels such as "the schizophrenic".

The message of the film seems to be that we all go through stages of doubt and uncertainty, and the best "cure" is to somehow remove the stress and discover our real talents and personality. You may end up creating art in the form of a brain map, or even a music video of Bowie/Queen's "Under Pressure" (an elaborate inset to the film).

The filmmakers appeared to struggle with where their line was for the direction of the story. With previous films "Half-Nelson" and "Sugar", my guess is their vision was a much more complex and darker script rather than the final version which has more mass appeal. The Zach Galifianiakis character specifically, seemed poised to make a real statement. Instead we are left with his reserved, knowing smile as Craig presents him a gift and the hope of getting together for ping pong. Also, not much story is given to Emma Roberts and her penchant for cutting herself. She seems magically cured after a roof top encounter with Craig. Anyway, the comedy sections are more successful than the drama sections, provided you are able to find humor in the illness and weakness of others.

This is certainly not at the level of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", but it is an entertaining film from a comedic perspective. It will probably be remembered as Zach Galifianiakis fist role where he flashed some real acting chops, and hopefully as Emma Roberts breakout role.
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Fun and moving story about a teenager under pressure
jlf-849-61731019 September 2010
"It's Kind of a Funny Story" is based on the book of the same title in which Ned Vizzini tells of his experience checking himself into an adult psychiatric ward at the suggestion of a suicide hotline. The film by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck is lighter than their previous two films, "Half Nelson" and "Sugar", which deal with drug addiction and an immigrant's experience. Still the issue of teenage suicide is a serious one, even though Vizzini's book, and Boden/Fleck's screenplay, treat it with many comedic moments. Keir Gilchist from "The United States of Tara" is nuanced and convincing in the lead role, and is backed up by a strong supporting cast led by Zach Galifianakis and Emma Roberts. If you can remember or relate to what it is to be a teenager under pressure from school, parents, friends, and life in general you will like this movie. It will make you laugh, cry, and be glad to be alive--isn't that what film is all about?
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It's Kind of a Charming Movie
evanston_dad15 June 2011
"It's Kind of a Funny Story" is a refreshing antidote to the seemingly endless parade of movies and T.V. shows about teen angst.

In it, Keir Gilchrist, in a winning performance, plays a young teen who's vaguely depressed for reasons he can't explain, is overwhelmed by the seriousness of the world in which he lives and even harbors the occasional thought of suicide. Thinking himself seriously messed up, he checks himself into a mental ward for a five-day stint, only to find out once there that he's nowhere nearly as screwed up as he thinks he is -- certainly not as screwed up as the other people on the ward who deserve to be there -- and that he's not suffering from anything that pretty much every other human being on the planet doesn't suffer from from time to time.

The lessons he learns will sound pretty familiar and sound like a summary of lines spoken by Ruth Gordon in "Harold and Maude." They're all about living life instead of being afraid of it, doing what makes you happy, and not letting others life your life for you. But though the moral of the story is as ordinary as morals come, it's delivered in a charming way, and the movie overall is extremely easy to like.

Grade: B+
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A Truly Delightful and Indulgent Little Movie
david-961-96465227 January 2011
This is one of the most rewarding pictures I've seen in a long time. It's a breath of fresh air from the usual mainstream hokum, mixing black comedy and dry humor with genuine warmth and empathy. It's a movie you don't want to end, but when it does, you kinda want to give it a big hug.

There are no cheap laughs or lame gags here - the humor bubbles along like an undercurrent, echoing real life. Life is a constant source of amusement - we just have to recognize the fact and tap into it sometimes.

The storybook device, where the protagonist speaks directly to the audience, was perfectly weighted, cutting in at just the right moment to pace the movie and remind you of the pretext.

All the characters were well-rounded and authentic - I was particularly impressed that Craig's psychiatrist was played totally straight. The temptation to have her do or be something slightly crazy or contrived must have been great, but it was thankfully resisted. Likewise, the inmates of the psychiatric ward - there's a charming and utterly believable sense that everyone's a bit off kilter, rather than jokingly deranged.

The patients in the film aren't the butt of the joke - society and its proclivities are. That said, as a British viewer, I found it more difficult to appreciate how academia and peer pressure drive school-kids to anti-depressants and therapy - and for them to be impressed by the fact. I probably missed some of the main messages and in-jokes of the film, being from Yorkshire, rather than New York.

Nevertheless, I don't think you can fail to love this film. Zach Galifianakis is adorable, Emma Roberts is gorgeous and Keir Gilchrist manages to combine confusion and teenage erudition superbly.

If nothing else, you have to love the self-indulgent interludes, especially the 3D animation through Craig's fictional, line-drawn world and the wonderfully camp group performance of 'Under Pressure'. The soundtrack is spot on right to the last - who knew traditional Egyptian music could be the saving grace?
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Good story about a funny story!!!!!
The Good: The film follows its genre as a dramatic comedy very well and isn't over sentimental or Hollywoodized at all. Instead it is everything you would want a film with the title "It's Kind of a Funny Story" to be. It really is kind of a funny story and a very good story with some very serious undertones. Overall, the acting in the film is very fulfilling and the variety of different character personas' of the patients mesh very well in a perfect comedic melody. However, Zach Galifianakis is the biggest name actor in the film and steals the spotlight whenever the camera is on him. He plays a character that is very hard to describe. He is both troubled and enlightened, dramatic and comedic, and optimistic and pessimistic. What ever he is, all of the other characters feed off of his energy and look up to him on screen. Galifianekis is joined by Keir Gilchrist (Craig) Lauren Grahm (Craig's Mother), Jim Gaffigan (Craig's Father), Emma Roberts (Noelle), Thomas Mann (Aaron) and Zoe Kravitz (Nia). The cast is supported by a very well written adapted screenplay by Anna Fleck and Anna Boden that will make you laugh and cry.

The Bad: The actress, Zoe Kravitz, does not do a very good job playing Nia, Craig's love interest from before he meets Noelle in the psychiatric hospital. She is a very annoying, stereotypical, stuck up girl that just isn't very believable. It is very hard to believe that Craig would actually like her especially because she is his best friend, Aaron's girlfriend. It is also hard to believe that Aaron is his best friend because he does not seem to treat Craig very good and does not act as a very good friend towards him. This makes both of these relationships to be very unimportant to the overall story.

Final Thought: We all could use a five day break from our lives so we can just enjoy the moment and relax without following a strict schedule that forces us to rush around. We all need contemplate the quotation that Craig's doctor Eden Minerva states at the beginning of the film, "Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference." Go to the theater and See It Now, the film that avoids the typical clichés of the psychiatric hospital comedy and it may just inspire you too.
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if "i'm depressed. just don't be!" was a film this would be it
atomeckova2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
See i'm not an expert or anything but i don't think this film actually understands how mental illness works. the main character who apparently had depression calls people with other mental illnesses "freaks" and could be basically described as ableist. other than that 2 of the female characters serve only as the main character's love interests and 2 other are only relevant to the main character's development. so yeah there's that 4 star rating
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A Not-So-Funny Story
CinemaFrostedBetty16 May 2011
It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010), directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, focuses around a teenage boy, Craig (Keir Gilchrist of United States of Tera) and his interactions with other patients after he checks himself into a psychiatric ward. The film is not horrible by any means, but it's not necessarily the most marvelous film I've seen either It's pretty safe to say It's Kind of a Funny Story stays fairly true to its title. Despite it being set in a psych ward, this film is cute and light-hearted. However, I wasn't blown away. The characters were genuine, but I couldn't find much depth to them. Zach Galifianakis, stepping outside his normal comedic roles, proves that he can successfully take on intellectual parts, but this choice may have been a miss for him. Not because he is not talented, just because of bad writing. It's an optimistic film, but highly forgettable. This film just felt out of place in this time. It's Kind of a Funny Story is "kind of" lots of things, but I just can't put my finger on something that it fully establishes itself as. If you need a dose of laughs and loonies I'd stick with Milos Forman's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975).
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It's kind of a predictable story
kosmasp19 January 2014
But that doesn't make it a bad movie obviously. You will see where this is going, what role Galifianakis is playing, whom our protagonist will end up with, where his coming of age story goes and what the overall message is. Having written that all out, it's a nice story to tell and it is told with gusto.

It's also the actors who bring their best into the roles, even if you think they have been pigeonholed (like Zack G.). The jokes work and the payoffs come at the right time. A feel-good movie if there is one. Light but with touches that might make you change some of your views (especially concerning life in general).
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A sweet take on a terrible disease.
shiraz_a21 October 2011
This movie talks about depression – something I have experienced a great deal in my life, so it was easier for me to relate to this issue. This turned out to be a sweet comforting movie.

Depression is a topic that needs to be handled with discretion. I didn't have many expectations with this movie but it surprised me. The beginning was enough to suggest that it would not be disappointing.

I love Zach Galifianakis's comedy style with his straight face and funny one-liners. It doesn't go hardcore on this terrible disease or pretend to suggest a solution for it. I'd say it is kind of a funny story. Watch it.
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Above average comedy-drama
dslacker11 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
An entertaining if not original comedy about a 16 yo who checks himself into a NY clinic rather than jump off a bridge. Turns out the teen wing is closed for renovations so he's put in with the adults - and a very cute girl his age. Needless to say, hi-jinks and a romantic hook-up occur. It's unfair to call this a teen "One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest" as it has no such aspirations and there is no Nurse Ratched. It does have the usual cliché that his 5 days there results in considerable progress in his own problems as well as many of the other patients. Some excellent lines, a robust musical number, and a fine cast raise this above most of the dreck in the cineaplexes.
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Great Acting, Script, and all around movie
SpringerStudios26 September 2010
The real treat about this movie is the performance from Zach Galifianakis and Emma Roberts. Both of them do a superb job, and left me wanting even more. The entire script is actually funny, and I mean funny as in you will be giggling the entire movie. This movie just makes you feel good, it makes you want to experience life even more. It has a great message, and keeps to the plot of the book a lot better then most adapted screenplays. Going back to the acting performance though, it really is something. While Zach Galifianakis usually plays the oddball in blockbuster comedies, he does a FANTASTIC job being a psych ward patient who is absolutely hilarious. Emma Roberts shocked me, to be honest. I've only seen her in Nancy Drew and a small glimpse in her Tween TV show "Unfabulous" in which her acting was borderline on being downright awful. In this movie, she completely breaks out of that role, and jumps into one that the people who aren't the ages of 10-13 and female will actually like! Several times during the movie i honestly didn't believe it was the same girl. She really does a great job. The bottom line is that this movie is great. It's not the best, but it is a movie worth seeing that has a very good story and great acting to complement it. See. This. Movie.
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a watered-down adaptation
bburns24 October 2010
Ned Vizzini's novel "It's Kind of a Funny Story" is an incredibly accurate portrayal of what it's like to live with hyper-anxiety. I should know. It's a condition I've had as long as I can remember. Unfortunately the movie adaptation is a little lacking.

Co-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck seem to want to do a film that does for mental hospitals what Wes Anderson's "Rushmore" did for prep schools. Like "Rushmore", "Funny Story" gives us quirky characters, a wink-nod style of editing, and an eclectic soundtrack. However, Boden and Fleck lack Anderson's wry sense of humor and his willingness to make his characters unlikable.

In the Jason Schwartzman role is Keir Gilchrist as Craig, an over-stressed 15-year-old who checks himself into a hospital for suicidal depression. Unfortunately, the teen psychiatric wing is under construction and he is put into the adult section. In the Bill Murray role is Zach Galifianakis as Bobby, who becomes Craig's best friend and mentor--largely because they both see themselves at a different age in each other.

The acting is superb all around. Especially Galifianakis. Like Bill Murray in "Rushmore", he shows the dark underside of his comic persona. This is not to say the viewer won't recognize his shtick from other films. His funniest moment (I thought) was lip-syncing the David Bowie part to Queen's "Under Pressure".

Where the movie falls short is that--probably to keep the film PG-13 so teens could see it--all the references to pot-smoking from the book are gone and the sex is very toned-down. Also, there is the issue of racial political correctness in the casting: In the book, Craig's psychiatrist Dr. Minerva is a Greek immigrant and his unrequited crush Nia is half-Asian-half-Jewish. In the film they're both African-American, played by Viola Davis and Zoe Kravitz respectively. And I was disappointed that Asif Mandvi was limited to one scene as Dr. Mahmoud. In the book, he's the most important non-white character, but in the film, most of his lines are given to Jeremy Davis as Smitty the volunteer. (If there is any justice in the world, Asif will be the next "Daily Show" star to blow up.)

But my biggest complaint is that they didn't include what I thought were the book's biggest concepts: "tentacles" (responsibilities that breed even more responsibilities that often conflict with each other), "anchors" (things that can be enjoyed just for themselves without complication), and "the shift" (the hoped-for moment when the anxiety goes away and one can live a normal life). Without these concepts, it's impossible to explain to an outsider how Craig feels.

"It's Kind of a Funny Story" is a wonderful book that answers the question that I heard too many adults asking when I was in my teens and 20's: "Why would anyone want to kill themselves when they're too young to have any real problems?" The film is a well-acted piece that unfortunately only scratches the surface of what the book has to say.
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My 359th Review: Clearly one of the better films of 2010: Fleck / Boden do it again
intelearts30 January 2011
Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden are, in this reviewer's opinion, the best writer / director team working in film today. Both Half Nelson and Sugar (Which made my top 5 for 2008) were good and here they go more mainstream and produce a simple yet vibrant low-fi comedy. If you go expecting the Hangover, a full on comedy, then this might take some adjusting to - it is more than that. It reminded us most of the same vibe Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist had.

Craig (Keir Gilchrist) is an angsty teen and checks himself into a psych ward for 5 days. He is excellent, like a cross between Justin Long and Michael Cera and should get good work off the back of this. Here Craig meets the wizened Bobby (Zack Galifianakis), who has a complete emotional range here, his hangdog is perfect and watched closely you'll see every thought and facial gesture with real pleasure, and a teenage girl his age, Noelle (Emma Roberts). The supporting cast have groupworked this really well and it all just gels nicely. The film is a journey of self- discovery.

What lifts this is it doesn't have a mean bone in its body yet delivers beautifully - this film is firstly, optimistic about pessimism and abounds with humor, laughter, and originality, and secondly, Fleck again coxes the the actors to simply act, without excess.

It does a wonderful balancing act of making us see the world afresh too. In addition to all this it is totally refreshing to see a teen movie that is about teens and their world and not just another slapstick sex comedy.

I could only wish for 20 films a year like this, rather than the cookie cutter production values that govern Hollywood. The common trait in all three films are honesty, struggle, and eventually, something more. That's three in a row for Fleck / Boden - and I, for one, can't wait to see the fourth...
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Suicidal in Brooklyn
jotix1003 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having admired their previous work, we approached this film with interest. Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden are a good team whose "Sugar" and "Half Nelson" showed they had the potential to do excellent work. The present film shows that promise reflected on their last effort, which we caught the other night on cable.

Craig, a teenager suffering from depression, has fantasies about committing suicide. His angst makes him visit a hospital near where he lives in Brooklyn. The Argeron has a place for people like Craig. After he is examined he is sent to a ward where people with psychiatric problems are treated. Once inside, Craig, who had no idea what he was getting into, has second thoughts.

The Argeron is just the opposite of other hospitals of the past in which all kinds of insane things happen. For the most part, the inmates are well treated under the direction of a kind, and understanding Dr. Eden Minerva. Craig, who is initially turned off with his new reality wants to leave as soon as possible, but Dr. Minerva convinces him to stay for the required stay of a week.

Craig meets Bobby, as he awaits his turn outside the emergency area. Bobby, who is dressed in hospital garb, is a patient himself. Bobby will be a big brother to Craig and takes him through the ropes, showing the newly arrived teen how to cope with the other inmates. Craig spots Noelle, a somewhat enigmatic young woman. Craig secretly aches for Nia, the girlfriend of his best pal, Aaron.

"It's a Kind of a Funny Story" is based on a novel by Ned Vizzini, adapted for the screen by the creators, Mr. Fleck and Ms. Boden. The team stays away from the usual antics that can be expected of a film dealing with mental health. The film is fun to watch and moves at a quick pace. It includes a wonderful sequence where the inmates of the ward make their own kind of music by imitating their singing idols.

Keir Gilchrist surprises for his portrayal of Craig. This young actor makes a good impression who makes us believe he is none other than the suicidal teen reaching out for help. Zach Galifianakis is an added asset in every film he is asked to appear. His Bobby is an excellent example of the way this actor keeps getting better all the time. The beautiful Emma Roberts is seen as Noelle and Viola Davis makes her Dr. Minerva a really understanding doctor.
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Let's have some fun with this....
filmchasing20 March 2011
A depressed teen admits himself into a psych ward & meets some colorful folks.

Complex issues switched up and told in a free-spirited way. There's nothing sugar-coated about these characters, which is probably why I like them so much. Pluses for having them relate to our current society; these characters could be someone on your own street.

With a narrative & creative style similar to 500 Days of Summer, this is an oddly inspirational tale.

Comic relief provided by the excellent Zack Galifianakis.

Great music, great film!
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the funniest and in general the second best psych ward film ever (cookoo's best)
rdukeesq7 August 2011
So I watched "it's kind of a funny story" from 2010 starring one of my favorite comedians Zach Galifianakis and some kid. So was it good, I say hell yeah this movie was great it's almost worthy of a non skewed 8 on IMDb. I say almost just because it is really really good but not like classic good. This film is truly of the indy variety and one of my favorite films that I have seen recently. It is imaginative, original, well written, well shot, well acted, you name it. This movie touches on some very sensitive subject matter as it does take place almost entirely in a psych ward in a hospital. This movie is the story of a teenager going through some tough times, not because he has a rough life, but because he is just feeling a lot of pressure and stress and doesn't know how to handle it. He has a good life by most anyone's account which is something he acknowledges. I grew up in a similar situation to this kid and could empathize and appreciate what he was going through. Zach plays a great supporting role opposite the kid, he is very funny at times and at other times we get a glimpse into what brought him to stay in the loony bin. This film has one of the funniest movie scenes I have seen of any movie ever and it involves a beaver (sort of). "It's" incorporates fantasy and animation beautifully on top of everything it has going for it. So now we ask is this movie for everyone, NO! This movie is esoteric and an independent film. Look if you like the pixies you will like this movie. If you just asked yourself "whats a pixies?" don't watch. if you like concise reviews of interesting films please read my other reviews at
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It never seems to click.
tristanbunn22 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film out of boredom one evening with high hopes considering my love for coming of age type films. Well after 40 minutes I found myself wondering, "When is something going to happen?" I was waiting for something to connect to me emotionally and make me feel for the characters. However, all I received was a boring story that leads to a predictable ending leaving me feeling nothing. Keir Gilchrist was boring in his role, although I don't believe he had a lot to work with. I kept expecting the story to dive more into Zach Galifianakis' character and give the actor a chance to show off his true acting abilities. The film never goes there. It addresses his condition and his relationship with his daughter very lightly, but not enough to make the audience care. In fact, the film fails to make the audience care for any of the characters. Emma Roberts does a fine acting job although the chemistry between her and Keir Gilchrist is non existent (which I don't blame on her). If you are ever looking for time to kill then perhaps you can give this movie a shot, but I wouldn't spend any money on it. I was very disappointed.
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