Humane (2024) Poster


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Great Concept, Horrible Execution
znmjkkxnm28 April 2024
I watched Humane. I liked the idea. And the movie kept my interest. But I just couldn't really believe it.

If D. O. C. S. did all that, (by "all that," I mean details that would spoil the movie if I were to write them,) and any family knew about it, that information would spread like wildfire. It wouldn't have been a big surprise to the family.

The end was cheesy AF. Not believable at all.

I disliked the politics of the film also. It would have been way more believable to have the World Health Organization doing all of it, rather than a single political party.

There are numerous other things that just didn't add up in it also.

Buuuuut... it held my interest. And the CONCEPT of the film was very original and intriguing, which is way more than I can say for the other movies coming out nowadays. The movie was good, but it could have been great with just a bit more thought put into it.
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nice enough idea but can't carry the whole movie
MikesIDhasbeentaken26 April 2024
The concept of this movie is pretty good, government needs to reduce population so pays people to be euthanised. Rich guy invites family round to tell them he's enlisted to do this. All kinda makes sense and can go along with the general idea.

The rest of the movie makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, the company that come and do it, the behaviour of the family, every action, further development of the original concept, decisions of everyone involved, nothing works. There is that single original concept, and thats it.

But actually that single thing was kinda enough to keep watching and see how it plays out, to its inevitable dissatisfying ending.

Nice idea. Ok to watch, could have been waaay better in every single way.
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It's not bad
rosecalifornia26 April 2024
So I won't go into a movie summary since IMDb already does a pretty good job of doing that. It is watchable, but kind of slow to get started. The acting is very average for all involved except for the two main character husband and wife...they of course are quite seasoned. The soundtrack, yea that is really lacking. And actually takes away from many scenes while always playing softly in the background. But where this film is actually quite strong is the cinematography. Whoever the cinematographer was for the movie knew his business. Not a single shakey-cam anywhere. They set up the scenes and and shots it all really well. That is something so new. Typically it is annoying shakey-cam and high school level film class shots. So it's worth a watch.
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One dimensional filmmaking
jamesimearns27 April 2024
The idea here is necessity of death due to human failure and the focus is on the rich. Death to the rich. Fine, we're all thinking it, but a film about it would have to be nuanced and intelligent because no matter how damaged we are we all want to live. This film pits a few family related shallow characters against each other. No one has any real arguments for prospering. No one has any really good argument for human existence continuing. The film is a continuous stream of political cliches, memes, sentiments you could find on your favorite social platform. This is lazy filmmaking. This is not worthy of your time.
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A scratched an itch, for me anyways.
MK_Ultra_18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Went in blind, other than the film promo poster/first look tease a few months back. The thoroughbred family name still remains very relevant to myself, growing up in the 80s worshipping Caitlins father and seemingly carrying over to Brandon's last few most excellent offerings.

It's a debut, and for that alone, I applaud C. Berg. Its well done, a little darker than I'd like in some scenes (mostly takes place in 2 locations---inside the patriarch homestead, and outside the front yard.

It's a dysfunctional family in its highest order, maybe moreso that Rian Johnsons cast of Knives Out of more recent outings. You have an adopted recovering addict that has made more than 3 very bad decisions in his life, though maintained succeeding in fine arts and an accomplished pianist, a spoiled entitled politically connected adulterer who child hates him, a cold calculated "karen" of a sister, who also has a child that hates her and another that strives to be an actress. So you lock this mess into a large home while they go "Lord of Flies" on each other after fighting over who will take the place of one of the two that "enlists" (as part of a depopulation method due to food shortages and the the dying planet) after one decides to take off when the "depopulater team" show up, and aren't leaving without the two contracted bodies.

What ensues is more of a dark and societal satire approach that held my interest moreso than the brethren "bad child vampire" film in a not all that dissimilar vein, "Abigail." While not as graphic with the body horror, blood is split. Repeatedly and often.

A for effort, and a solid B for delivery.

Welcome Caitlin, your vision is not unlike your predecessors and will be interesting to see where she goes in her next vision.
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Enjoyable till the end
TVisDoomed28 April 2024
I thought it was a new good idea until it got to the 2nd half of the film which seems to be the trend of movies now, they know how to hook you in but not know how to end it properly.

1) How is noah this stupid? He gets betrayed.. TWICE by this ashley chick and still decides family. I thought they were going for a whole different tone with the constant "We're like a family here" but nah.

2) They go on and on throughout the movie how DOCS is almost like another federal government agency like the CIA/FBI so killing one I couldn't see any celeb getting away with. Yet they kill supposedly 5 of them and they're all just fastforwarded into whatever future and everyone is ok?

I thought for sure they were going to go for another purge theme on how the system was actually twisted with the lying of % volunteers but nope its touched once and never again. Feels like this movie missed a severe opportunity.
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Can we get a Cronenberg Family Dinner TV Special on Netflix?
karmapolis033 May 2024
After stumbling upon many negative reviews around here, I felt compelled to share my thoughts with my first review. This film doesn't quite hit the lows that many claim, nor does it reach the heights promised by its premise.

The core issue is rather straightforward: the script (skillfully executed by Michael Sparaga) leans heavily into satire, however, it appears that not everyone involved in the production fully embraced this idea. The film oscillates between moments of absurdity, humor, thriller, and straight-up horror, leading to a somewhat disjointed direction. While there are occasional flashes of comedic bullseyes, the constant comparison to David Cronenberg's esteemed body horror of work is inevitable, despite the absence of substantial horror elements (barring a few graphic close-ups in the third act).

The movie would have greatly benefited from leaning further into its satirical elements rather than focusing primarily on horror and suspense. This failure to fully embrace its comedic side left me feeling somewhat confused. Is it a left-wing nightmare? A mockery of right-wing extremes? Probably neither. This imbalance, favoring horror over absurdist hilarity, likely contributed to the dissatisfaction of many viewers. When the socio-political message becomes too apparent in any form of art, there's a risk of either angering or boring the audience.

Still, if viewed as a satire, the movie with its one-location concept offers an entertaining experience. It serves as a commendable directorial debut and showcases a standout performance by Enrico Colantoni, who knows exactly what kind of movie he's in.
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The worst horror movie of 2024?
gmod-1166227 April 2024
Caitlin Cronenberg's Humane is a sluggish attempt at social commentary wrapped in a messy, one-note thriller. Set in a future plagued by food scarcity, the film squanders its intriguing premise by drowning in its own self-importance. Despite a talented cast, the characters remain thinly sketched caricatures, devoid of any real depth or nuance. The plot meanders aimlessly, weighed down by heavy-handed moralizing and clunky dialogue.

While the film occasionally flirts with unsettling imagery, it ultimately fails to deliver any genuine tension or suspense. The violence feels gratuitous and disconnected, lacking the impact needed to resonate with the audience. Even the central conflict, supposedly a life-or-death moral dilemma, falls flat due to poor execution and uninspired storytelling.

Humane desperately wants to be a thought-provoking exploration of ethical quandaries, but instead, it comes across as pretentious and contrived. With its muddled message and lackluster execution, this film is a forgettable misfire that squanders its potential at every turn. Save yourself the time and skip this one."
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js-661301 May 2024
How do you sully the Cronenberg name? Well, this is a start.

Maybe that's too harsh, as "Humane" is a passable movie going experience, but it does pale next to what poppa David and brother Brandon have unleashed lately.

After a career in photography Caitlin Cronenberg joins her family of filmmakers with this auspicious eco-thriller debut, and it does look great. It has that. It also has the spunky yet amateurish charm of the early Cronenberg films, where horror sprinkled with macabre comedic touches is the payoff of to quickly ignored and outlandish plotlines. The set up to "Humane", a voluntary 20% euthanasia program to combat climate change, is great. Even better, a well to do family gathers for a squabbling dinner only discover that one of them will be "volunteered" before the night is over. Greater! Jay Baruchel turns in another stellar performance, this time as the fast talking, back-tracking, squirming son who is squeamish about walking the walk he's talking. Greatest!

The rest of the movie is a sibling rivalry gone extreme exercise, as the kids are literally at each others' throats. Spoiler: things get bloody. Sounds, er reads good on paper, but the execution is just not up to the task. The plot holes are too egregious to ignore, and the action not engrossing enough to forgive the sketchy story line. A thriller without the thrill. Perhaps filming during the Pandemic hampered the production, who knows?

There's enough here to satiate those without expectation, and if including Trooper's "We're Here for a Good Time (Not a Long Time)" seems like a laugh riot knee-slapping inclusion, well, then you may dig this.

  • hipCRANK.
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The most Canadian movie you've ever seen
nqxrsrt15 May 2024
Canadian black comedy at its finest. Silly acting, "humane" euthanasia, censorship, ridiculous security uniforms, addict advocacy, human trafficking, this movie has it all. It really embraces a lot of Canadian turmoil we've been dealing with as of late and whips them into a satirical story of the horrors of being stuck in a home with a toxic family.

While the family seems unnecessarily toxic, the premise of the movie.itself is equally wild. Once you're able to push those barriers aside you'll enjoy this movie to some extent. For those of you triggered easily, this is perhaps not the best movie for you.
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Finds its way after a rusty old start
jtindahouse26 April 2024
It's hard to hate a film like 'Humane'. It's a reasonably original concept and it doesn't want to do anything other than entertain you. Sure it's a little clunky, particularly at the start (it is a feature-length debut director after all), but it finds its rhythm along the way and becomes a pretty enjoyable film.

The dialogue in the film could certainly use a lot of polishing. It makes a lot of the characters come across stiffer and stranger than I think they were intended to be. The film is lucky that in the latter half it stops relying on dialogue as much and the action takes centre stage.

This is a film where I would suggest if you're not vibing with it at first, give it a bit longer. Give it a chance to find its way and you might just have a very good time in the second half. 8/10.
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Comedy horror family dinner film...I'll call it No-Thankskilling
tknmzombie5 May 2024
Oh wow, can you believe it? We've all experienced those fun family dinner moments, haven't we? But this one really tops them all. It kicked off with a lousy father figure, and things escalated quickly. In less than an hour, they went from grieving his death to trying to kill each other. And get this - there's a massive inheritance up for grabs. On top of that, the dad signed a contract stating that one of them had to die because his wife bailed on their suicide pact. Where did she disappear to? Who knows, who cares. The family drama is already intense without her. And let's not forget the adopted sibling who just wants peace and happiness among everyone. Yeah, that's definitely not happening. If you're a fan of horror comedies featuring wealthy, dysfunctional families battling it out to survive, this movie is perfect for you.

The movie never really delves into the reasons behind the disaster. It does mention the Amazon Rainforest burning down, which is a major issue for humanity, whether before or after the disaster.

But, according to the film's premise, Thanos was onto something.
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Some wasted potential turn this into mediocrity
aronharde3 May 2024
In 2024's "Humane" we are introduced to a wealthy families dinner party that transforms into a night of horror and betrayal. Due to an environmental collapse, humanity is forced to shed 20% of its population and after the father of the York family dies, they are confronted with a situation that seems unsolvable at first. But without spoiling anything, the siblings certainly don't have much of a problem to betray each other and go for the easiest way out to save themselves.

The premise seemed interesting enough and with Caitlin Cronenberg as the director I was intrigued to say the least. However the movie ultimately falls pretty flat and becomes a rather underwhelming flick. It's well acted and overall the production looks pretty solid. The premise is slightly stupid but also interesting and unique in its own way. However the movie never manages to evolve into something memorable. It's able to pass the time but overall doesn't leave lasting impression and therefore ends up being pretty ordinary. [5,4/10]
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Watchable but a bit low budget.
deloudelouvain3 May 2024
Humane is just good enough to watch once if there's nothing else to do, nothing more, nothing less. It feels a bit low budget. The acting is so-so from certain members of the cast, the rest was okay. It's not really a horror story unless you're easily horrified. Nothing really scary about this movie, maybe a bit thrilling. As for the sci-fi aspect I guess the plot will not be sci-fi for much longer. I mean overpopulation, it's already starting and it's only a matter of time before we get stuff happening like in Humane. In short, the movie is watchable, just don't expect to be amazed because you won't be.
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pensacolacomputer27 April 2024 first I do not have the words to describe how I feel about this movie...but I'll try. The amount of cringy moments in this movie is off the charts. This is probably what would happen if one political party got control for too long. If you've been paying attention, a lot of people want to depopulate the planet and have openly said so. And, people are being euthanized today with the help of their government.

Also, If you are on the up and up with current movies and see the way they are trending, you can probably guess what happens in this movie before it even happens. You can also probably guess WHO survives. Yes, It's that predictable.

2/10 - A movie for a modern audience 🙄
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Quite good.
Patient44426 April 2024
This one is definitely a success! Considering its cast, something was lurking under the water from the start, and little by little, it grew and became an original movie, with great moments and a lovely finish.

One of the best plot developments I've seen in recent times, wonderful actors, beautitul dialogue, quite an experience I tell you.

Definitely something to recommend, just give it a little time, let it work its magic and be amazed! Looks like a small production, if only not for the actors, but beside that, it had that indie feel to it. Something fresh and delicious, home made! I'm quite sure a lot of people will appreciate Humane.

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Flawed & rather silly play-like near-future dark sci-fi
danieljfarthing2 May 2024
In quirky, play-like, near-future dark sci-fi "Humane" earth's ongoing eco-disaster means the human race must downsize by 20%, leading the Canadian govt to pay volunteers to die via euphenasia teams like that of Enrico Colantoni. But when famous & wealthy Peter Gallagher & wife Uni Park announce their own plan for the situation, at dinner with his adult kids (Jay Baruchel, Alana Bale, Emily Hampshire & Sebastian Chacon), the evening doesn't run smoothly. Brandon Cronenberg is well set to follow in dad David's iconic directorial shoes, but his sister Caitlin, with this her debut (directing Michael Sparaga's flawed and rather silly script)... not so much. Disappointing.
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A Great Concept Done Well Enough
johnnyhbtvs2729 April 2024
Humane builds on an interesting concept but doesn't quite stick the landing. The opening half hour does a good job setting up the plot and opens up different ideas to a really good premise.

Once Enrico Colantoni shows up he becomes the star of the show giving off Bobcat Goldthwait vibes without the voice. He is great in this part ranging from sympathetic to menacing in the blink of an eye.

For a debut feature, this is good work from Caitlin Cronenberg and shows the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's nice to know once David is done directing he has Brandon & Caitlin continuing to make thought-provoking work.
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Very bad and mediocre
JonyVeana13 May 2024
Boring and nothing new here, is just another boring family fighting against each other, im watching this everyday in my family, my mother fighting over with my dad because of her thinking he cheat on her, my sister and the psychological problems and food problems, my brother and his depression and my grandma with her dementia, my family is a mess, but we are together, that's what family do, they stick together, this movie family is just weak and immaturity that's why in proud of my family

Sorry i needed to get this off my chest, im suffering right here, i seriously need help, any kind of help to be honest.
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So much fun
jamydeutch-127 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the people who are tossing bare minimum scores at this. There isn't atrocious acting, the shots are pretty darn decent. You're telling me you'd score madame web higher? Cmon. Lake Mungo gets 6s and this is snatching sub 4s? Give me a break.

I really liked the pacing and the premise. It's fresh. I only think they could've fleshed out some backstories a bit better on the main characters and maybe shown some shots of other families tossed in perhaps to give a better sense of "how it's ACTUALLY going.

Also... (spoiler here) I think it's a bit glossed over to have DOCS assume nobody has guns. This is America. A lot of people have guns and a lot of people you don't expect to have guns, have guns. Their behavior was a bit haphazard. Although, that played into the main antagonists demeanor a bit (another spoiler) ...until he started begging for his life.
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Dystopian dilemmas captured in horror noir
AJ_Nel29 April 2024
Acclaimed Canadian photographer (and carrier of the infamous Cronenberg gene), Caitlin Cronenberg dipped her toes into (well longer than one minute) directing with the dystopian horror noir "Humane". The film is set in a world where overpopulation requires all governments to meet a culling target and the US opted for voluntary culling against payment. A dilemma develops when through a series of events four siblings are required to decide which one of them should be "culled". Events start to play out with some very cool gore and more than decent acting. The facial expressions captured in unobtrusive detail truly enhanced the "noir quality" of the film, but certain scenes were somewhat over-the-top resulting in almost slapstick comedy. All and all an enjoyable film. 6.5/10.
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Extremely rough, shows promise
mesaxi3 May 2024
I'm being very generous with a 4 because it's Caitlin Cronenberg's first film. I think she shows promise, it's hard to see but it's there. Whereas her bother takes his concepts more seriously, Caitlin took a very silly, tongue in cheek approach to this movie which is more reminiscent of the greatness of their father.

In broad strokes: Humane quickly glosses over the improbable scenario of every country agreeing to eliminate 20% of it's population to stabilize planetary resource consumption before you have a chance to pick it apart too much. It goes on to present a family whose wealthy father invites his amoral and/or underachieving children to a dinner to announce that he and his wife (not their mother) have agreed to do their part for society and be euthanized, but...his wife got cold feet and ran off. The government euthanizers show up and the father goes through with it, but they were called for two bodies and won't leave without a second. So the question then becomes which sibling will step up and be the one who dies?

Enrico Colantoni's performance is what makes this film watchable, most of the other performance were very rough and that's my biggest criticism for Caitlin Cronenberg. Gallagher, Colantoni, Baruchel are all more or less pros who can hold their own, but she didn't get equal performances out of the other actors and there was a contrast. The film did look good though, and the pacing was pretty good too (maybe a couple of lulls).

Something to put on if you want to kill some times. It's about even with, maybe a little better than the recent Shyamalan movies.
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Worse movie i have seen in 2024 so far
vango_al7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I dont write reviews often, but i just had to warn people not to waste their time with this failed production.

If you just believe the silly plot of people volunteering to be euthanized (its more probable people would riot and a civil war would break down, than people to comply), this is just a bad movie overall.

I absolutely hated every character in this movie. At one point i was just rooting for a random security guard.

Everyone is dumb as bricks. Especially Noah that gets betrayed twice and still trusts them.

Also everyone is a superhuman, they get stabed multiple times, one of them in the neck, and still function properly.

Noah doesnt need a cane anymore and by the end of the movie walks normaly.

No idea how they all survive by the end without getting into trouble, but hey who needs logic?

The acting is atrocious, thats all.

I regret the 90 minutes i wasted on this film.
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Visually Striking, Narratively Shaky
petrovskiyess1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Caitlin Cronenberg's "Humane" ventures into the eco-thriller genre with a chilling premise: a voluntary euthanasia program to combat climate change. The film shines visually, a testament to Caitlin's photography background, and Jay Baruchel delivers a standout performance as the conflicted, fast-talking son. However, while the setup intrigues, the execution falters. The sibling rivalry turns predictably bloody, and the tension fails to build effectively, marred by plot holes and a lack of engrossing action. Filming during the pandemic may have hindered production, but the result is a thriller that struggles to thrill. Despite its flaws, "Humane" has enough dark humor and visual flair to engage those without high expectations. It's a promising yet cautious debut from a Cronenberg stepping into the family legacy.
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Decent premise, awful execution
kademan-4096225 May 2024
Humane is quite simply a bad mediocre movie. So mediocre that it can't offer anything aside from a wasted premise for a murderous political drama.

To get the very few positives out of the way, the movie looks competently made, the bleak near-future setting was eerie, and the character of Bob gave some well-timed dark humour to the film.

However, the movie drains its semi talented cast, with some performing much better than others. The characters are all awful, aside from the employees of the organisation we should hate since they're pretty much just doing their job's. Each sibling is terrible in their own way, an egotistical maniac, a political monster, an indecisive sheep, and the seemingly calm one, who acts so out of character towards the rest of them later that it made him no better than them. The premise of 'who would you choose in your family to die?' was a good one, but is made so uninteresting by making every member so selfish and/or obnoxious. The movie also takes a while before it feels like it's properly getting started which make the first fifteen minutes feel like it could've been summed up in two.

Overall, saved by a few of the more minor aspects to be considered terrible but not good enough to warrant a rewatch any time soon, or maybe ever.
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