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Ranger Things
Minus_The_Beer31 March 2018
With the seemingly endless popularity of superheroes, robots, dinosaurs and gigantic monsters on the big screen, it was only a matter of time before a franchise where superheroes transform into gigantic robotic dinosaurs to battle gigantic monsters would be resurrected. That's right: everyone's favorite half-hour toy commercial from the '90s is back to kick nostalgic butt! The "Power Rangers" have been re-booted with a slickly made, big-budget popcorn flick that wants to remind you of your care-free childhood days spent in front of the TV. It also probably wants you to forget the atrocious 1995 film.

It almost works.

With a gang of fresh young faces in place, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers get back into action, sans the clumsy Mighty Morphin title. Also missing in action is a great deal of the trademark humor and inherent corniness that made the original series so much fun to watch, even long after most of us had grown up and out of it. In place of these elements are a stronger focus on character and backstory, as we not only get to know more about the teen titans, but also about their allies and enemies. Yep, even the Rangers' big-headed mentor Zordon and his haywire sidekick Alpha (played by Bryan Cranston and Bill Hader respectively) get some time to shine, as we learn more about how they came into contact with the power of the Rangers. Likewise, villainess Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks) is given ample time to roam and wreak havoc, as she murders her way across town in search of gold, all the while jamming some Social Distortion. We're a long way from after-school Fox TV, friends.

The kids all play variations of the characters we came to recognize in the original run. Here we have Jason/The Red Ranger, the natural leader and jock with a heart of gold, as played by Dacre Montgomery. Stealing nearly every scene is RJ Cyler as Billy/The Blue Ranger, a brainiac who proudly confesses to being on the spectrum. Naomi Scott steps into the role of Kimberly/The Pink Ranger. This version of Kimberly is a rebel and a frequent target of bullies (haters gon' hate). Rounding out the crew are Becky G as Trini/The Yellow Ranger and Ludi Lin as Zack/The Black Ranger. These characters feel slightly under-cooked in comparison to the three "leads." Trini and Zack both appear troubled and withdrawn, proud conformists who are tough as nails. A glimpse into their respective home lives gives each character a little more dimension. Together, the five teens must learn to work together if they are to stop Rita's plan to end all human life. In spite of the film's short-comings, all five actors are on point and keep things are lively as possible, even when the script fails them.

Most folks are going to come into a film like this expecting a super smash of monster on robot action, and although the back half of the film makes good on that promise, the hour and a half (!) that leads up to it might leave some viewers (especially the younger ones) a bit cold. While the increased focus on character is more than welcome (given how shallow the original series was), it gets a bit redundant a third of the way in. The new characters are established firmly from the start, but the story doesn't quite know how to advance from there, leaving the middle piece of the film a little laggy and repetitive. A lot of the story beats we've seen from other (and better) superhero films are repeated and to be quite honest, it gets hard not to tune out. When the slam-bang finale comes crashing down, it (mostly) quenches the thirst for big, goofy fun but not quite. The end result is a film that feels a little muddled, as if the committee that pieced it together didn't quite know what target audience they were trying to reach. Not as dumb as "Transformers" but not as fun as, say, "Guardians of the Galaxy," "Power Rangers" straddles the middle a little too comfortably. Or maybe these characters and their accompanying concepts work better in smaller doses. There's still some fun to be had here, make no mistake, but more often than not, it feels like these Rangers are operating with slightly diminished power.
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Fun, but not great.
NewGirlNickMiller30 November 2018
Everyone that is writing a negative review of this film is saying that it didn't live up to expectations, ruined their nostalgia, was boring, was stupid, etc. So let's address some of that.

Didn't live up to expectations: If you're going into this movie expecting something amazing and ground-breaking, you're going to have a bad time. If you're expecting something more like Transformers, you'll have fun.

Ruined nostalgia: Nostalgia is a self-ruiner. Nothing ever lives up to what you remember when you were a wide-eyed child filled with wonder. Let's face it. Power Rangers was a really dumb kid's show even back then. We all just think it was baller, because we were kids when it was airing.

Boring: Some say it was boring, and I'll admit it was slow to start. It took a while to get it's stride, but if you can stick it out, it's a pretty fun movie.

Stupid: This movie has all the teenage high schooler tropes. I mean, you would almost think it were a modern day John Hughes film in the first half hour or so, because god is it tropey. That's okay though. I feel like the production team did this on purpose. This film doesn't take itself that seriously, really.

My take on it is that it was fun. There were parts where I cringed. There were parts where I wanted to just shut it off. I'm glad I stuck it out, because it's not a terrible film as long as you're not expecting something on the level of Hitchcock. If you are expecting that...why?

Remember, think for yourself when it comes to film. Don't take reviews too seriously, because not everyone has the same tastes.
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Very odd, slow to start and unoriginal
wmig-865834 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts very slow. And is a case of everything they do magically works in their favour. Spoilers!!

In the first 45 minutes we see a bunch of different kids stumble across some stones, then make the cafeteria food and drink explode, jump 60 metres then coincidentally one falls into this big lagoon type thing in a cave and again, It works out for them finding this big alien ship. If you are expecting anything like the original power rangers you will be very badly let down.
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Power Rangers meets 2017
coltonjc13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has high production standards, by far the best production standards for anything Power Rangers or Super Sentai ever. Secondly, everyone on screen does a great job with their characters. The kids in the movie are fantastic actors who will have many big projects in the future.

There are scenes that are intended for teens rather than kids, but if you can get over that and just enjoy the movie, you will be pleased. They are looking for a 15-35 demographic here.

The main issue is that there is a lack of memorable scenes and the movie needed more action spots. Maybe even dug a little deeper into the mythology behind the Power Rangers. Explain why they exist and who the dangerous people in this world is.

I believe the studio and producers were thinking that this would be an origin story and there would be many movies. But it did not do that well at the box office. New ideas are needed, maybe even doing a little more over the top stuff from the TV series.

Something is missing here, which is why it got a 7 out of 10 for me. There's so many places that future movies can get to, but not sure if we will get sequels.
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Fun teen action movie
dar041713 February 2020
Fun teen action movie that will bring you back to your childhood.
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Not the ideally Power Rangers movie any fan would want
jaidanh3 March 2021
The majority of this Power Rangers movie is just some teen angst drama. Now I have nothing against teen angst being portrayed in film and TV. But we're talking about a Power Rangers movie. This movie tries too hard to be serious and mature. There's humor every once in a while, but it doesn't fit with the serious tone. And while we're on the subject of seriousness, the color palette used in this film is very dull. It's the same washed-out color palette used in Man of Steel and Fantastic Four, which has been used in so many movies, and it's completely outdated.

The script is quite bland with several pop-culture references. Some of the dialogue can be inappropriate for the kids that watch this film.

The acting is okay, but the characters have feeble character development and can be very unlikeable. The most likable characters I can think of are Jason and Billy. Other than that, there's not a lot of characterization for the heroes of this movie. I wouldn't consider them fit to be role models. The Rangers don't have strong chemistry with each other. In the original TV show, they were already friends before becoming the Power Rangers. In this film, since they're only meeting each other for the first time, they fail to build a connection and understand each other. Even Zordon can be seen as unlikeable. In this film, he can sound irritable, whereas Zordon in the original show was more optimistic.

Some aspects in this film are just stolen from The Breakfast Club. I'm not saying that because the film opens with a detention scene. There's way more than that. For starters, the Power Rangers all follow the same character traits as the main characters in The Breakfast Club: The Nerd (Billy), the Jock (Jason), the Outcast (Trini), the Princess (Kimberly), and the Rebel (Zack). The campfire scene where the Power Rangers reveal bits about themselves is similar to The Breakfast Club's circle confession.

One of the BIGGEST issues I have with this film is the mass product placement from Krispy Kreme. My god, it's everywhere between the middle and end of the film. The final battle literally takes place at a local Krispy Kreme.

Speaking of the final battle, it's the ONLY fight scene in this 2-hour movie. If you were expecting this movie to be packed with fighting sequences, get ready to be disappointed.

So yeah, I wasn't entirely pleased with this film. It doesn't have much replay value, and I wouldn't recommend this film to kids. I liked the visual effects and the soundtrack, but yeah, that's about it. This film was just very uninteresting. Hopefully, the next reboot does something much better.
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Not bad at all
donbarredorapc13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Before reading there may be small spoiler ...

I was a fan of the series for years, and I still find the best the first generation, for this movie I was very anxious, and now that I saw it, I can say that I do not exceed my expectations, the action scenes a bit slow, very Melosa the movie at times, and frankly hoped a bit more cliché, but in short you have to talk about the good thing now, the soundtrack pretty good, in fact the listen although for a few seconds that classic electric guitar of the 90 I get excited , Effects and designs of suits and zord very good except for the megazord, and it is necessary to emphasize something, that is the suspense, they play with the fan that knows by memory that will happen but they play with it when, despite everything a promising start I hope there is A sequel since there were things pending, here is a diamond in the rough, maybe with a better creative team can get a good saga, maybe it will not be at the level of matrix, godfather, Lord of the rings, but if you can Be better than the saga of Transformers and harry potter.

traslated from Spanish with google
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A half-hearted stab at nostalgia mining
Mr-Fusion7 July 2017
Two hours long and it takes them 90 minutes to finally don the costumes. That's the essence of "Power Rangers", a movie that offers plenty of buildup with a clumsy payoff. A lot of money and time went into the mo-cap, but there's something to be said about the fluidity of spandex fight scenes. And strangely enough, I think I liked it better while it was a generic superhero origin story, "Breakfast Club" archetypes and all. Even still, these are decent actors and they breathe life into a pretty weak script.

It's funny, I was never a Power Rangers fan growing up (though I certainly put in the effort) but I didn't end up liking this movie because of the writing; too much effort turning this into a serious teen drama and not focusing on the goofy appeal of the show. It was silly then and it should be now.

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Pays Homage To What Made Power Rangers Fun For Us As Kids
hlazox27 March 2017
From a power rangers point of view, I think this movie was a 10 on 10. People who are interested in watching this movie, must go into the cinema with the right expectations.

Please don't expect this power rangers movie to be as deep, as a movie like 'the dark knight', 'batman v superman' or 'shawshank redemption'. Historically speaking, power rangers had a corny production vibe to it, especially visually and this is one of the reasons kids fell in love with it. Kids at a young age, aren't as could as they are when they get older at interpreting deep philosophical messages; which is why power rangers in general isn't the type of show/movie you watch, expecting to leave the theater with a huge epiphany about life.

I'd class this movie as overall fun and entertaining to watch. What I loved about it is the was never a scene whereby I felt bored. Though let me not exaggerate things and make you feel like every scene has got action in it, which is obviously not true. The point is the movie manages to keep an audience who walks into it with the right expectations, actively engaged in it.

The were moral lessons one can learn by watching the movie. Issues like how to work as a team, how to be a leader, human mortality, opening yourself up emotionally to your friends, resisting conforming to societal expectations and having an open mindset.

A few downsides to this movie were the graphics kind of looked cheap -- as in the visual effects weren't as real-like, like a movie like star wars the force awakens in my opinion. The villain came off as corny and audiences who like serious movies, probably won't like this movie. Though keep in mind -- the cheap looking graphics, corny villain and sometimes lack of seriousness in this movie is what makes power rangers the franchise it is today.

So don't go into the theater expecting a movie with extremely deep philosophical points, that tells us humans are ultimately self-serving individuals etc.
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Be Warned, This Aint Morphing Time
jaysanchu073 December 2023
Dang, Dean Israelite had us fooled with Power Rangers' potential offerings. From its marketing stints, the film seemed poised to tap onto our childhood nostalgia with some old fashioned morphin time, with a promise of 21st century filmmaking elements that elevates. It is then a massive disappointment that this adaptation was a fiasco of teenage melodrama, that dragged on for most of its runtime. It is then easy to forget, that this was a superhero movie. Worse, its messages were confusing & never compelling, a waste of time & energy. When Israelite finally foregoes the cheese-fest & steps on the pedal, the action spectacle was frustratingly unworthy of the time consuming debacle. It was lame & claims NO PLACE within the genre's recent toe-to-toe bad assery. As for its superhero lineup, the Power Rangers were a mishmash of uninteresting characters that consists of the usual teenage tropes, weakened further by overused backstories, annoying mannerisms & serious lack of chemistry. Sadly, Rita Repulsa doesn't escape the atrocious dramatis personae writing, with her laughable spiels, generic motivations & lame-ass prowess.

In case not clear, Power Rangers is a drama-thon bust that parades itself as an action-packed fanfare. Hollywood ruins yet another childhood memory.
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Pleasantly Surprised.
destinymckenna17 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers

The movie definitely surpassed my expectations. When the trailer was first released, I thought about going to see it but was not truly interested. When it was released to the public, I bought it and was surprised to like it as much as I did. Though it won't be up for any awards, it was enjoyable and fun to watch.

If you want to see it because you were a fan of the old television show, be prepared for disappointment. This movie was not made to appeal to the previous generations. It has elements of nostalgia, but if you go into it expecting what you watched as a kid, you will not like this movie.

KEEP IN MIND PEOPLE that this movie is PG-13, so if you have KIDS, you might want to look out for cussing, sexual innuendos, rebellious behavior, and scenes that IMPLY things of a sexual nature. It's a film about teenagers, so what more could be expected? Tapping into the teenage world, it was refreshing to see teenage drama play out in a way that is true to the real world.

And the characters are truly everything people have been asking for and a major step in the right direction for the film industry. You have black, white, Asian, Indian, and Latino characters all sharing lead roles with one being apart of the LGBTQ+ community and another with Autism. And both aren't shoved into the background at any point. There is even dialogue in the movie referencing their different colored Power Ranger suits and their different ethnicities: "Five kids, five colors, five different colored kids!"

Problems I had with the film include CGI not being the best at times and the characters taking quite a while to mesh together and become a team. You also don't get to see them in their armor until the ending of the movie, which I can understand they tried to build up for suspense but didn't work the way the crew wanted it to. The movie wasn't as action packed as you expect a superhero movie to be. While I liked the fact they incorporated the ranger colors into the costume design, it seemed to me like they tried to overcompensate for the bland armor of the TV show by creating something shiny and new, but that just fell flat in my opinion. They just looked awkward to me in the scenes where they finally had morphed.


Despite some points, this movie is overall a great watch. The ending does hold a cliffhanger with the role of the green ranger in the next film, but with how this film did in theaters, I would say do not watch after the credits unless you want to be taunted with the idea of a movie that may not be created. Holding out for a sequel.
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Just another super hero movie with nothing new
pulkit1104 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Five high school students accidentally acquire powers that make them super strong and fast and have to save the world. There's not much new going on in this movie as compared to the other super hero movies and it's more an origins story rather than a full fledged Power Rangers film.

The worst thing about the movie is the villain. Rita is pretty bland and there's nothing interesting about her.

The only thing going for the movie, in my opinion, is the humour and CGI. Overall, an enjoyable movie if you are a fan of power rangers or superhero genre in general. One time watch!
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A Mess that Could have been Nostalgic Fun,
lesleyharris3015 April 2017
Power Rangers is an atrocious movie with a poorly developed plot and an disinterested cast. I did not have high expectations for this film, but I was a fan of the television series as a child and thought it would be a fun tribute. Instead of that, it takes what made the Power Rangers a hit in the late nineties and forcefully updates it for today's standards, taking itself far too seriously for such a ridiculous property.

The majority of the cast are uninspired, clearly only there for a pay check. The Rangers, with the exception of RJ Cyler and Ludi Lin, seem to have no desire or ambition to act. The more A list cast do not shine either, Elizabeth Banks is far too sweet and attractive to thrill us as the lead antagonist, while Bryan Cranston just seemed out of place, which was a shame, as he could do so much better.

For an action film, it is not very exciting. It takes up far too much time setting up the Rangers, followed by about twenty minutes of poor action sequences that are jam packed with CGI and poor one liners.

I found myself regretting my decision to watch this movie more and more throughout. Dull and poorly paced, Power Rangers is too serious to be fun, but not serious enough to be intriguing, I would avoid this one.

A group of teenagers use new powers that they have been bestowed with to protect the galaxy.

Best Performance: RJ Cyler / Worst Performance: Elizabeth Banks
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Good movie
djfrost-4678618 November 2018
I didn't grow up with the power rangers. I really didn't care for the power rangers and the people who liked them. This movie was a good movie. Better than alot of crap Hollywood pours into us.
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Power Rangers
tr9122 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Most people had already decided that this film was going to be bad, so you knew it would get panned either way.

I liked the original show as a kid in the 90s but with the numerous spin off shows and movies that followed, I never really stuck with the series. I got older and simply moved on to different things. Apart from the basics, my memory of Power Rangers had pretty much faded.

This isn't exactly a film that we needed but I thought it's 2017, it probably has a big budget so it may well be fun. While I found it to be watchable, there was plenty of faults that even a casual viewer will notice.

The story is simple but takes way too long to get going. There is simply not enough material here to warrant a 2 hour run time. There isn't really anything exciting about any of the characters and the first half just shows them meeting each other. I liked Billy (pretty funny) the most.

OK so an hour later and a lot of talk about nothing, we learn that there is a villain who wants to destroy the world and the Power Rangers are the only ones who can stop her from doing so. Obviously.

Then we have some failed Morphin and finally they suit up (with like 20 minutes left of the film). The action scenes were good but nothing special. The suits were kinda weird and the Red Ranger looked more like The Flash.

I would say the thing that annoyed me most about this film was the dialogue. I can honestly say I think they spoke more about Krispy Kreme than being actual Power Rangers. Too much unnecessary build up and the action scenes at the end just weren't spectacular enough.

Despite all the faults, I still found it to be watchable. I don't think it is really aimed at fans of the old shows/people wanting nostalgia. It is more about gaining a new set of fans and it wouldn't surprise me to see more films/shows following on from this one.
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90s kids avoid!
lalegre-0513624 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This reboot is by far one of the worst I have seen. I grew up in the 90s and my love for power Rangers was dear. If you are an original fan please DO NOT watch. The film was sexualized and at times a little disturbing. This remake is for a whole new generation. If this is what we are producing for the next generation then this is unsettling. The audience In the movie seemed to enjoy this movie but as an original fan I had to walk out half way. The actors performed more on a chessy, no acting skills level. The villain was a tormented individual with no talent. Zordon was completely different, more of an aggressive angry frustrated personality. That alone made me walk out, original Zordon was patient, wise, and kind. I believe we got 15 minutes of fighting if that in this 2 hour movie. Everything that was once positive about the series, was completely missing in the movie. Sad to say, the new Power Rangers movie was a disaster.
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A completely new and AWESOME Power Rangers beginning!
niggor9226 March 2017
I saw lots of reviews for this movie, I guess most of those people are real Power Rangers fans. And i still can't realize: WHAT THE **** DID YOU EXPECT?!

This is a REBOOT. A completely new story, just like director said. This is the first movie in a new superhero franchise, and it needs to have a focus on the story and its characters, not on battles and morphing sequences. It's made for everybody except kids, because it's dark and much more serious than the TV show which was made mostly for kids. We have five teenagers and each of them has his own issues he needs to solve himself in order to become a hero (Power Ranger) and save the world. Every next situation in the movie makes our heroes closer to each other and stronger as a team.

I personally enjoyed watching this movie because it is dark, amazing, emotional, funny(of course not that much like the TV show), and has AWESOME introduction to the whole story and its main characters. I can only imagine what's planned for the sequel. CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT!!! #GO #GO #POWER #RANGERS
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Mighty Morphin with SPOILERS at the end.
WhenAmyMetSalad21 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
TL;DR - Slow, boring, not entertaining, Fant4stic was better.

I followed this movie around the time it was first announced and even partook in the boards and seeing all the news and leaks about the movie. I was not too fond of certain things about this movie especially certain casting as I felt it wouldn't fit. I honestly really wanted to enjoy this movie but when the trailer hit I had a bad feeling and should have stuck to it.

My friend dragged me to go watch it with him and I hated almost every minute. After reading mixed reviews the ones that resonated with me are the ones that shared my same opinions.

The movie lacked good comedy, needed to improve on action. It dragged and dragged with these poorly acted characters and mundane character development for our protagonists. The only fun character was Rita. Elizabeth Banks did a great job making that character hers and making her feel more menacing than she was in the show. I've only ever liked her in one other franchise and that was The Hunger Games so to be honest I am surprised I liked Rita as much.

--- ***SPOILERS BELOW***---

The movie started off good with the ending of a battle scene which introduced our antagonist and the seriousness of a threat our heroes will encounter down the road. Rita literally kills the previous Ranger team and is the ever so loved Green Ranger which was teased and theorized throughout set photo leaks. This scene and the final Battle where Rita gets B-chSlapped to the moon was the only entertaining thing in this whole movie. Everything in between was utterly boring. You will seriously have a more fun time watching the Ghostbusters Remake or the Fant4stic reboot.
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Not bad, but not great.
jonwycoco14 December 2017
Acting is a little overdone, but then again so was the original. As a person who grew up with the show when it first aired, this rendition is meant to be another genesis story. Provide a little more background and bring it up to today's technological specs.

While I think it tried too hard and perhaps did try to take itself a bit too seriously, if you come in with an open mind about it, you'll be somewhat surprised and may find that you enjoy it. I found that the camera angles and cinematography was okay, but it had moments where it felt very cheesy.

If they could have picked up a really good director for action / sci-first (eg Whedon), we could have had a really excellent and fun movie. Alas, it falls slightly short of good. If you're looking for a bit of a campy movie with some good cheese factor, check it out. Otherwise, perhaps pass this one up.
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This is not a good movie (SPOILERS)
asillett-5704529 March 2017
This movie is boring, poorly written, and stupid. It's not stupid in a fun way, either.

I went into this movie with expectations that I would have for a Transformers movie; I hoped for explosions, fun action scenes, and cool CGI. Guess what this movie had? NONE OF THAT. Because it was so boring, I was forced to sit through boring scenes of people talking about boring back stories.

This movie suffered from the same problems that Superman v Batman and Suicide Squad suffered from: they tried so hard to fit so much stuff in, that the pacing is terrible and nothing feels like it goes together. The whole movie is very forgettable except one scene... (Spoilers, kinda)

The opening scene, when the Red Ranger (who's character name I can't remember and can't be bothered to go back and look) gets into a car chase with the police after pulling a prank at the high school. The cinematography and camera-work is fantastic and really got my hopes very high for the rest of the movie. It's reminiscent of the tank scene from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. It's a little difficult to pay attention to everything that's going on, but at least it looks cool and keeps you engaged, UNLIKE THE REST OF THE MOVIE.

Overall, I would say that no matter what reviews people read, they're going to see it no matter what. Also, (spoilers again) when they finally morph into the animal robots (I never watched the show much, so maybe I just don't get it) they play the original theme song from the show for no reason other than to force nostalgia.

At least the original show, from what I did see, was campy and fun. This movie can't decide if it wants to be serious or funny (just like Suicide Squad). Come to think of it, this movie has a lot of similarities to Suicide Squad, except with Suicide Squad, it had more than THREE ACTION SCENES IN THE WHOLE MOVIE.

This is a bad movie. Go see it.
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It is a Kids movie, origin story, so please calm down
amichnea27 June 2017
Anyone that was a child when the Power Rangers was on TV will be early 30's to late early 40's. Writing a review based on your memories stating that this movie destroyed the Power Rangers of old time is just sad.

I actually liked it and yes I am one of those kids. The movie is very simple. They are building up the characters, each being a misfit, they are teenagers so YES you will get a lot of the teenager drama that comes along with being a teenager. It is pretty much an Origin Superhero movie, slow at start but ending with a Bang when the heroes discover their full potential.

Why would anyone compare this to the Transformers? It is filmed the same way, the special effects are pretty much the same but this is because at the end of the day they have similarities (robots, transforming) and they can only show them one way. Bear in mind that Power Rangers type of series have been around since the 70s and 80s especially in Japan and China. So NO they did not copy Transformers and the first Power Ranger movie was actually done before any of the Transformers movies. Unfortunately any movie that shows big robots and morphings will be compared to the Transformers.

The movie does keep true to the original series and I have enjoyed it. I also liked seeing some of the original rangers in the crowd.

Does it deserve a 10? Probably not but neither does a 1 nor do other waste of time movies/series deserve a 10. Your kids will enjoy it and so will you.
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A fun movie for the family
jackwarner99921 March 2017
I was one of the first people to be asked to watch power rangers in December of 2016. I went into the theater not expecting much from this movie but I was wrong, it was a good movie. Not great or OK it was simply good. It had great CGI and the acting was good for a young cast. I loved the first 2 acts of the movie they were really strong and had good story telling. But act 3 in my opinion seemed silly and sort of rushed. The first 2 acts were great because of 2 things. Great characters and a steady pace. The character development was great and I liked how the writers really stuck to making them interesting so that the audience would care about them, especially RJ Cylers character. Nothing was rushed and was going at a great pace and then all of a sudden act 3 came into play and it turned into a mediocre action film and wasn't very exciting and I believe that is due to the villain. I was not a fan. Her motives are too over used and simply a lame character. The actress was fine but the character it'self wasn't anything special and made the action scenes dull. Other than that the kids will love it and if you are a power ranger fan I think you will be pleased. It's fun for the whole family.
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Sadly common & uninspiring, not much to get excited about
I_Ailurophile11 February 2023
This does NOT make a good impression right out of the gate. The brief prologue accentuates that this new vision of the franchise aims to be dark and gritty in the same way as too many modern superhero movies are; early exposition greets us with boorish "humor," and overemphasis of shadows and dark hues in the color palette to further cement the grit. 'Power Rangers' concretely informs in early scenes - through direction, cinematography, action, stunts, effects, music, and more - that it's slick, modern, cool, and flashy. All it actually needed to be was fun, with cartoonish violence commensurate to what we saw in the TV show of the 90s. Instead we're greeted with grim violence that tries to be as realistic as possible, and cartoonish introduction of the characters' powers that's frankly a little cringe-worthy. (Remember Edward's demonstrations of his powers in the first 'Twilight' movie?) It tries so hard to update the concept with modern sensibilities of the MCU or DCEU, and with a mind for what teen and young adult viewers are accustomed to in recent years, that it becomes common and unexceptional, loses sight of what made 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' such a hit in the first place, and to be blunt, just becomes tired and obnoxious.

It all looks great. A lot of hard work went into the production that I deeply appreciate. The diversity of the primary cast and characters is most welcome (though of course the chief protagonist has to be a white dude), and I think the cast performs well (even those in small supporting parts; hi, Erica Cerra!). Elizabeth Banks has minimal time on-screen as villain Rita Repulsa, but she's clearly loving it. The effects look good, both the practical creations and the regrettable overabundance of CGI (that is at least on par with anything in modern action flicks); the sets, costume design, and hair and makeup work are terrific. The crew put in good work all around. I don't agree with all the choices made behind the scenes, mind you, including instances of direction or cinematography. The new design of Zordon's lair, and how he presents, are plainly over the top, as is the new appearance of the power suits. The design of the Zords here frankly reminds too much of how the Transformers look in Michael Bay's "live-action" films - nondescript chunks of metal with no substantial identity, little more than junkyard kluges with slightly different color schemes and configurations.

And that might be the real takeaway here, that 'Power Rangers' has no meaningful identity of its own. It's clearly a reimagination of an established franchise, yes, but it specifically takes all its cues from Marvel, and DC, and other blockbuster action flicks of the last 15 years or so (not least 'Pacific Rim') that after a point all tend to start blending together. This also applies, emphatically, to the writing. Characters and their development, dialogue, scene writing, narrative, plot development, humor, the forging of the team, and anything else one might name all work overtime to emulate comparable titles, becoming kind of indistinguishable in the process. The writing informs the execution in turn, so it and the direction, action sequences (that effectively wait until the last quarter to show up), music, and to some degree as well the acting, all share the same traits in some capacity: heavy-handed, overwrought, ham-handed, lacking tact or nuance, if not simply imitative and unremarkable - and at the same time, often coming across as weirdly oversimplified. The location of the MacGuffin leads to cheeky jokes that I suppose someone thought was unique and clever; the last moment in which we see the Megazord is both copied and pasted from other such fare, and altogether aggravating in its kitsch. Scenes of team building come off as the perfunctory, obligatory connecting of dots rather than earnest plot. And so on.

I admire the effort. I distinctly disagree with too many decisions that were made in how to proceed with this feature, but everyone involved put their best foot forward and gave it their all, the cast and crew especially. I would, genuinely, like to see stars Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Becky G, and Ludi Lin in other pictures, and see more of what they're capable of. Yet whether the blame lies with director Dean Israelite, the team of writers, the producers, or someone else or some combination thereof, 2017's 'Power Rangers' is bereft of what made its predecessors so enjoyable in the first place (even at their worst), and just disappears into a very crowded sea of modern action films. There were, I think, some very good ideas here, but they rather get lost in the mix, and at best the title is basically just average. Factor in particular faults that grate on one's patience, and my favor takes another step down. Why, though in different ways, I think this is sadly on par with ill-considered franchise antecedent 'Turbo: A Power Rangers movie,' wherein the crew did good work, and the cast tried, but the writers and directors were just phoning it in. Well, no one is phoning in their contributions here, but the result is unfortunately just as uninspiring when all is said and done. I wish all participants nothing but the best, but whether you're an action buff or a devotee of all things Power Rangers, I just don't think this rendition makes the grade.
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The 21st Century Reboot of Popular 1990s Kids TV series
MichaelNontonMulu22 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I were pretty entertained with this movie. It was quite full of humor and fun all around. Watching the new Power Rangers suits were also pretty cool, especially if we compared against the suits from the original TV series back in the 1990s. Of course the special effects in this movie was pretty amazing. The CGI was done pretty nicely and neat. Loved the action sequence in the last part of the movie during the fight between the Rangers and Goldar. Sound effects were good, and maybe would be more amazing if you see in Dolby Atmos theaters. After watching it for full 2 hours, the movie duration seemed to be just nice. It was not too rushed in the process of characters introduction and the time spent for the training to become the Power Rangers felt sufficient. It did not take too long or too short, and still have enough time for the big finale. Overall, the pace of the movie felt just perfect. The movie had brief moments of jokes that felt more appropriate for teenagers and not suitable for children. So I feel that the movie seemed to be aimed more for teenagers rather than for children, although the original series were actually shown in kids TV. This is also the reason why a lot of adults also watched this movie to reminiscent the good fun time when they watched the series (my wife was a great example of this audience). In addition, the movie also had some cheesy moments and felt very light. There was no over-complication of plots, just a simple good old fashion pop corn movie to be enjoyed without over thinking. For this kind of movie, people should not expect a deep conversation and various twists. This is a movie that I feel would provide the fans of the original series satisfaction. Almost all the characters were there in the movie, with of course other characters that might join the sequels. This movie also had some brief interesting scene during the mid end- credit part. But there was nothing at the very end. So there is no need to wait till the very last scene if you are in a rush to the wash room. So if you are looking for a fun light team of superheroes movie based on the popular 1990s TV series, then you would not be disappointed and you would be entertained by this. But if you are looking for a heavier super hero movies from popular comic books like Marvel comics or DC comics kind, then this might not be your thing. Especially if you are expecting a heavy drama full of logics kind of movie. The choice is yours.
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Impressive. Not bad at all.
subxerogravity23 March 2017
Another installment in nostalgia.

When I first heard about the Power Rangers being brought back as a film franchise I was pretty jazzed about it. It does not hurt that the closest thing to bad press I heard about the movie was that they needed to push back the filming, which only allowed them to add the star power of Bryan Cranston and Elisabeth banks.

Only indifference I had towards the movie was that as corny as the TV show was the concept of a group of overachieving teenagers being selected to become the best of the best makes sense (Especially because they are teenagers, they should be the best of the best at lease). Because dark is cool these days, the Rangers needed to have more edge to them, which is why this new team is made of "diamonds in the rough" who society has scrub off as screw-ups. So the idea is that Bryan Cranston who plays the big giant head Zordon, has the power coins pick those who have the potential to be the best of the best.

Out of all the superhero movies that are coming out, Power Rangers is not the best of the best, it's definitely a diamond in the rough that has potential, but still needs more training. I did like the cast of teenagers who had some very distinctive personalities, as they try to even out the characters. I did love the fact that the Blue Ranger was played by a black dude, and The Black Ranger was played by an Asian dude (it's less distracting than what happen in the TV show).

Bryan Cranston's star power did nothing to make his Zordon a better giant head, but Elisabeth Banks was great as Rita Repulsa. In a time with Superhero movies having weak antagonist, I got to say, I enjoyed what Banks did with the character and loved to see her on the screen.

So I went into this really wanting to see this and I was not disappointed. It's not really what I expected as it's not the kung fu spectacular the TV show was, but it is a good movie. Not great just good.

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