Detroit: Become Human (Video Game 2018) Poster

(2018 Video Game)

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This game is truly something special
Kingofnarwals27 May 2018
When I saw the very first trailer for this game, I knew right away that I would enjoy this game. Although I was a little skeptical considering the game was written by David Cage, I decided not to judge because I hadn't played any of his previous games.

After playing through this game twice now, I believe that Cage has made something big here and I'm talking really big.

Let me first talk about the best parts of this game.

I was first introduced to Chloe in the main menu, I think it's a cool little feature how she guides you through your options in the main menu, and when you finish the game, she does something pretty cool in my opinion (I will refrain from spoilers so you will have to play it fully if you want to know what happens).

The voice acting is incredible. There is not one character that I can remember that didn't sound convincing to me. Their facial expressions are believable and just all around fantastic.

The graphics in this game are beyond gorgeous. I played this game on a regular PS4 and I was blown away by the graphics. The surroundings are beautiful and I absolutely love the setting for Detroit.

The story is one of the best I've ever played. I was so interested in Connor's story arc, the LA Noire/detective style missions were very fun to play, his friendship with Hank (or lack thereof due to choices you make) was really well made. Kara's story arc was probably my favorite out of the three. Her relationship with Alice was practically perfect. I did tear up in the sequence when Todd loses it on her (this is a very serious game with some dark tones). I also got a little emotional in the Zlatko mission where we found how he treated his androids, just terrible. Markus's story arc was also well made. One of my favorite missions in the game was the android graveyard mission. Just the thought that these were once just androids being sold to someone, only to be torn up or destroyed and left to suffer with nothing left but despair is just spine tingling. The twists that are done in this game were totally unexpected, yet made sense when you look back. The ending brought me to tears. The best part is that you can play it again, and something entirely different can happen. The actual story only lasts around 8-12 hours, but there are so many choices and endings, that in order to really finish the game, it could take you 50 hours.

The choice selection was done to perfection in my opinion. Although sometimes, I might make a choice out of the four, but the character will say nothing related to it, I believe this is one of the only choice driven games out there where choices actually do matter. The flowcharts for each main mission show at least 2-5 different endings. I once heard that the script was over 3000 pages or something like that, this is a big game.

The soundtrack is phenomenal. A different composer was assigned to the three characters to give it their own little spin. I think that was a great decision.

Let's move on to the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way.

The camera angles are a bit frustrating at times, sometimes I might want to walk somewhere and the camera angle will switch so I'm walking away from where I need to go, but it rarely happens and it doesn't affect anything at all.

I'm not shy to giving out 10/10 on a game, because games like these deserve it. I like to compare story driven games to my favorite game of all time The Last of Us, a game that focuses on story and the relationship between the two protagonists. Detroit did something I thought no game could ever do, and that was make a story and characters almost equal to that of The Last of Us. David Cage does not deserve the treatment he gets from some people, he made a game that people will be talking about for years to come, I am proud to give Detroit: Become Human a perfect 10/10.
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One of the Best Games of This Generation!
lolifofo28 May 2018
This game blew my expectations away. I thought it would just be another slightly gimmicky but fun David Cage game, but NO, Detroit: Become Human is absolutely amazing and another PS4 must-have. This is one of the best interactive adventure games I've ever played. People always say that these types of games aren't for everyone, but I actually believe this is one of the more likely games to be enjoyed by the biggest number of people. Don't let it get under your radar and do support excellent and innovative single-player games!
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So Good That I Created An Account Just to Rate It!
shawnmcg-4920611 August 2018
Detroit: Become Human is a brilliantly written, visually stunning, masterpiece. I could ask almost nothing more of the story, it is one of the few games where your choices actually matter. The characters are unique and lovable, they had me gritting my teeth when doing bad things "to see what would happen" The visuals are by-far the best I've ever seen in any game, and the mocap is phenomenal. This game grabbed me, and I could never forget about it, I watch YouTube videos for the tiniest things to this day. If you have to play one game this year, play this one.
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A masterpiece of 2018
jamesarooney23 December 2019
This Game is amazing I fully got into this when it came free from PlayStation plus The Graphics were amazing too its very dark also challenging at some times The voice acting is awesome with Real emotions you will get addicted to this Game as I said this Game is a masterpiece
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8512223 September 2019
Greetings from Lithuania.

After finishing "Detroit: Become Human" (2018) i safely said to my self - this is hands down one of the very best games i played that came out in 2018. The same thing i was saying constantly during the game itself.

I really enjoyed every story and storytelling in this game - they were all very interesting to me. The game was emotional and involving. As a one who played "Heavy Rain" and really liked it and the one who kinda enjoyed a bit of "Beyond two souls" i can say that "Detroit" is not my favorite from this company.

Overall, "Detroit: Become Human" is an amazing roller coaster of superb storytelling, great stories and interesting game play. This is definitely one of the very best of the year.
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Be human(?)
kosmasp12 May 2021
If there wasn't Blade Runner, this might be considered an ultimate Science Fiction game/movie. Still as it is this is as amazing as gaming gets in my book! So much story, so many choices and even action thrown in for good measure. I played it a few times to get all the endings this has in store for us. You will play different characters throughout the game and it will make you care for all of them ... even when they are or will be pit against each other.

Gaming was never as great as it is now. With graphics giving us everything we wish for and whatever we think we needed ... and it only gets better and more realistic from here on out. Now I could rate games that I didn't like too of course, but as of now I really want to boost those that I dug a lot. And those are the ones with a story ... an intriguing one at that! Because morally speaking there is so much you can decide here ...
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Probably the best Quantic Dream?
Moviememmer25 October 2019
  • Interesting story and characters
  • Challenging choices
  • Sense of vulnerability to main characters
  • Pretty good graphics
  • Interesting investigation mini games

  • Markus storyline abit boring at start
  • Some levels can be a little uneventful

Verdict: One of the best of these types of games, makes you really care for the characters and story

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Brilliant ! Moving ! A Gaming Master Piece !
djxtreme7816 June 2018
This is the quality of game I dreamed of when I was a kid in the 80s . What I envisioned games would be one day . Not only did this game have me hooked from the momment it started but it had me visibly emotional at the end . There were many times I forgot I was even playing a game even tho I was , it was so emersive , the actors were brilliant along with the story lines . The game play was great although I would have liked the directional control on the left hand side of the controller as having it on the right wasn't intuitive but made you aware that you were actually playing a game at times . The graphics were next level , a truly Massive jump in quality gaming . I can't wait to see what comes next . I mean I seriously thought some of the male androids were sexy lol that's how life like it was getting as you sometimes forget you're looking at computer generated graphics . I can't wait to see what's next , as long as they take the time to be as meticulous as they were with this game just to pump out new games for profits . This was the first game ever where I didn't complain once about the 99 dollar Australian price tag as I believe it was worth every last cent . Well done everyone !
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David Cage is A Genius.
shahabaz29 December 2019
One of the best Game of this Generation. Every Choice matters in this Game. So, Choose Wisely!
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beccysmedley30 May 2018
This game is amazing; I already thought it was going to be great from the demo, which was so detailed and fun to play, and from the fact that the writer (David Cage) has written two other similarly great games (Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls).

Choice games have always been a go-to for me as well, as they make the story personal for the player by having multiple outcomes, and for Detroit, there were many outcomes instead of just a couple which shows how much time and effort has gone into creating this. One wrong choice whilst playing the game could result in very bad consequences for the character you're playing as, so throughout the game your quite tense to try and keep everyone alive.

The characters are all so unique and fun to play; they're all androids but they all have different personalities which you instantly connect to. It's also great to see how their individual stories intertwine with one another, from start to finish instead of just at the end.

The quick-time events are so tense and constantly keep you on the edge of your seat, and the action sequences are beautiful, along with the movement of the characters and the scenery; the graphics are just breath-taking.

Finally, the stories of Connor, Kara and Markus are so fun and interesting to play; they all have unique paths and you can meet so many characters along the way (these characters will create individual relationships with other characters too which is exciting, as everyone has different opinions and thoughts about certain things that happen in the game, so you have to choose who to agree with). The acting is also very good, as the actors/ actresses make you fall in love with their character and want to fight for them and in a way, protect them.

There are so many aspects of this game that make it so astoundingly beautiful and one to remember, and I'd 100% recommend it to anyone thinking about buying it, or just anyone in general.
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Literally my favorite game in the world.
manizeh-7812626 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously. I'm amazed by how much hard work was put into this. The soundtrack, the effects, and the story are stupendous. I also like how you are able to make choices that seriously affect the story. Also what's interesting is that doing something in one character's story makes or breaks another character's story.

EXAMPLE: If Markus starts a revolution, then Kara, Alice, and Luther won't be able to cross the Canadian border through border control. On the other hand, if Markus takes a pacifist approach, Kara, Alice, and Luther will be able to cross the Canadian border through border control.

I also love the character depth that this story has. I also think that it is important to look through everything and think through your decisions (hence my earlier example).

EXAMPLE: When Connor gets Hank out of his drunken state at Hank's house, you are able to look through different things in his living room and kitchen. If Connor doesn't find a picture of Hank's son, Cole, you will not be able to survive the scene where Hank confronts two Connors, which also depends on whether Connor becomes a deviant or not.

The game is pretty complicated, yet fruitful, which is why this is my favorite game 200/10. 😂
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An amazing story
wahoughton4 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Detroit: Become Human has an amazing, complex story that keeps you wanting to play more. The moment I beat the game I went to the main menu and started the story over again. This time choosing different options to witness hidden parts of the story that I didn't witness on the first play. I accidentally killed Kara and Alice when they were fleeing Jericho and I regretted it. This was a game that had me invested into the characters and their stories. The game really shows how ignorantly selfish humans can be. I will definitely be playing the game for a 3rd and maybe 4th time.
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You're spending all me androids!
Pjtaylor-96-13804431 March 2020
'Detroit: Become Human (2018)' is a bit of a mixed bag. It's centred around three androids who begin to understand their existence and place within the world. The three playable leads each go on distinct journeys which intertwine at critical points. Like 'Heavy Rain (2010)', the characters can die. As such, a lot of its set-pieces are suspenseful and its choices carry weight. It's incredibly clumsy with its storytelling, though; it mixes up civil rights metaphors with holocaust imagery. It's entertaining on a surface level but it's nowhere near as profound as it thinks it is. It also has its fair share of straight-up goofy moments. Still, it's enjoyable. Its choices shape the narrative in relatively natural ways, with a good amount of variation between potential outcomes. A lot of them are more binary than we've come to expect and often aren't described all that well (their outcomes are unexpected). Yet, this makes sense within the context of the plot, as each main character starts out fairly robotic and progresses towards a form of humanity. The piece builds towards a cross-cutting finale which is fairly satisfying. Its ending is based upon a number of choices made during this segment, which is better than it being based on one major choice right at the end. Some of the climaxes feel slightly unsatisfying because of the every specific things you have to do to achieve them, which aren't always obvious enough. Regardless of its issues, though, the game is fun and, generally, well-crafted. Its story is a bit hit-and-miss but that doesn't stop it from being a generally entertaining time. 7/10
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Missed the mark on core themes, pandering, 80% cliche mediocre writing - READ
hunter_kudjo3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
FIRST AND FOREMOST - Congrats, you bothered to sort by low rating and check for any critiques of this game. 90% of the rest of the reviews here are infatuated and will defend DBH to the very end. For you, this is a sign of intelligence (ironically given game subject) and you want to hear a differing opinion.

Detroit: Become Human is NOT a bad game. I give it 5/10 instead of 1 because it has some fantastic, heartbreaking, and very well-acted scenes that really push the plot forward. 80% of the rest of it, not so much. Not at all in fact. At the end of the day, this is a fun game to play, and a lot of time and millions of dollars of effort went into making something truly unique for everyone to enjoy and really reflect on.

What isn't unique is nearly the entire plot line(s), which almost kind of ruins everything. Having played Heavy Rain and Two Souls this is a very disappointing title from David Cage. It seems a lot of subtly was lost, despite how bad people say HR was. I actually enjoyed HR's authenticity much more, despite dumb chase scenes, mundane player interaction. The story and many unique stories is what sold HR.

In DBH, we had essentially three major themes tied to three major protagonists: Humanity (Connor), Revolution (Markus), and Race / Motherhood / Slavery (Kara). In science fiction, let alone almost all fiction, humanity makes for the best, classic, and most inspiring themes. Reading these comments I can't decide if these fan boys haven't ever seen A Space Odyssey: 2001, the original Blade Runner, Ex Machina, or read anything concerning artificial intelligence by Isaac Asimov. The "are robots alive?" question has been pondered in all of these and in many Hollywood films for decades, and only the aforementioned classics offered something truly unique and thought provoking. Detroit: Become Human, on the other hand, only manages to baseline at the basic concepts much like the movie Her. Also like Her, there was real potential with DBH that Cage evidently threw away to better pander to a more common denominator of an audience.

Yes, slavery is bad. Yes, self-thinking machines should be human equivalents. Yes, overthrow your evil oppressors. Very obvious things we all agree on. However to each of those you NEED to ask WHY. It may seem bizarre to ask "WHY is slavery bad?", but consider this obvious statement:

None of the three playable protagonists here human.

A playable HUMAN protagonist would have really offered the audience some possible insight as to WHY humans may have believed, acted, and responded in DBH the way they did. The incredibly one-sided android-only perspective boringly demands "Android Good, Human Bad" from the player. The Kara storyline came only barely close to breaking that norm when Kara was under the impression that she was protecting a human child. Where is the other side of the coin? Where are the androids that loved their humans and their humans stood to defend them? Where are the human detractors fighting alongside in Jericho and at the camps? Hank and Rose are the only ones that come even close. In a much more logical, moving, and realistic scenario, androids would have the support of thousands if not millions of humans that grew bonds with them, taking up arms one in the same. Almost like a certain war the U.S. had a long time ago with itself.....

Understanding the human perspective and conflict was a theme intentionally ignored by Cage, assuming because it didn't play nice with the la viva revolution! vibe of Markus' cause. The Civil War had more moving complexities and grey areas than DBH did. Cage tries to connect lines between black slavery and android slavery, but it's simply not as interesting or compelling. The core of Connor's theme "what makes you alive?" is far better than Kara and Markus' underlying theme of "everyone is so racist! revolt!". Cage panders major cliches to Nazi concentration camps, the Underground Railroad, Jim Crow laws, even tying Canada as the equivalent of the Union North and the U.S. as the Confederate South. It's overwhelmingly too simple and too ridiculous for a subject and game that could've been really really good. Weirdly enough Bethesda's Fallout 4 addressed the human/android question MUCH better with multiple factions, consequences, and moral barriers.

Luckily, you can play how you like and not the "correct" way to play. The multiple "bad endings" are actually more realistic and speak volumes more than when every single thing goes the way of the protagonist. I could also go into the scifi details of why aren't the androids stronger physically and more overwhelming to American forces, etc, but all the prior points are really the core of my frustration with this game.

Detroit: Become Human, is most definitely a cliche story about the possible conflict between human / android, and instead of address the human question, goes after race and revolution, flailing on both in the process.
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A beautifully realised Adventure!
mooreneco29 May 2018
Despite many reviews marking this down due to its choose your path nature, that is what David Cage and his talented team at Quantic Dream do and do extremely well. An amazing and deep storyline told with finesse and emotion, presented with outstanding visuals, whilst dealing with difficult social issues. The best yet from this studio! If you enjoyed David Cage's previous games or Supermassive's Until Dawn then this is a must buy!
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Mind-Blowing Experience
o-caneo6 June 2018
Where do I start.... I'm still recovering from beating the game last night. An absolutely incredible experience that will last a life-time. Being a fan of David Cage's previous titles my expectation for this game was super high, and still it managed to blow it out of the water.

If you want an experience that falls somewhere between a video game and a film with incredibly deep themes and excellent acting, you have to pick this one up. This is not meant to be rushed through, sit back and enjoy the ride. I played this with my wife and we both had a blast going through it together, discussing our decisions, and the aftermath of those decisions.

Game of the year for me. (played both MH:W and GoW)
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cheatersquad3 August 2018
This is one of my favorite games out there. David Cage hasn't been too good with his games in the past, however this one is just beautiful. The soundtrack, the backgrounds, the characters, are all stunning. The soundtrack is very nice and always fits perfectly with the event. The backgrounds are always to pretty and elaborate, which you just gotta appreciate. The character movements are very fluid and human like. Story wise, there is so many choices and paths to choose. It can be stressful and heartwarming. It keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes story-driven games and is good at button mashing.
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If you haven't played this game yet pick it up now
austinfairley15 August 2018
This has to be one of the most beautiful games I have ever played, the mixture of gameplay with a perfect setting and music that fits the events perfectly this game has to be if not is the best game I have ever played, and you don't have to be a hardcore gamer to get into it, those of you who enjoy a good story and others who enjoy control over there actions, this is the game for you
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Truely enjoyed this title
oussamaredcode31 July 2018
Played this on my Playstation pro , really enjoyed playing it the story is amazing , gameplay is unique , the fact that the player decision affect the story deeply is just amazing , for me the best thing of this game is player choice is respected and truly affect the gameplay
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The First Game or movie that i want to Review
ekremkilic7 January 2020
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Cliché my ASS. Best game of all time
sleemoly5 July 2018
I honestly was quite skeptical about this David Cage game before one of my friends said it wasn't as bad as they say. Thanks for their thorough persuasion I got convinced to buy this game and try it out.

I do NOT, and I sincerely believe that nobody ever should be disappointed by such masterpiece.

This game is different. It really is. It's not one of the pointless games that shoot down everybody and blood sprays everywhere. It's not one of those games that have no meaning but to entertain. It really isn't. It has much deeper meaning and it should receive an award for that.

Cage chose to discuss how many things in the past repeat itself in the future and how people are affected by it. It discusses morality and philosophy, and what truly is right in a society like today and at the future.

He chose to dicuss the weight of life and the power of being able to think. The consequences of pacificst and violent choices. The consequences to staying loyal to your own kind for all that matters or choosing to do the right thing to save the greater good for everyone.

It's not easy to see such things in a world like today.

To all of you people saying this is a cliché, biased story that includes racial history that occured to a 'real person',

You are wrong.

Cliché? You know why? Because it's a highly anticipated future that many people expect. But this game chose to express it differently. And it should deserve a good rating. And racial history that occured to 'real people'? I'm sure Cage is aware of all those things. He chose to display it that kind of way because he knew that history would repeat itself. It was realistic. And if people can't get over the fact that the reality is heavier than they want it to be, they will be the very ones to make history repeat.

Other than that, the graphics are amazing and so is the music. It really adds the emotion part to the story.

Anyway, great game. Deserves an... off the charts rating. I wish I could give it a 100/10.
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sleemoly13 July 2018
This game deserves so much applaud to the point where my hands should theoretically fall off.

it was such a thrilling, mind-blowing, nail-biting, laughing, crying emotional rollercoaster that at least half the population should be able to play. I am so, literally, irritated I can't give this game an infinite amount of stars.

David Cage's games do not fail to impress me again in my high standards.

This game isn't your typical thrillers or RPGs that let you shoot your enemies down and gain satisfaction from it. It isn't just a CD that contains a three hour long story that's there to entertain you and to bring you to a world where you can do whatever the heck you want without consequences.

It discusses so much sensitive topics from the past then smoothly implements it in the future and reminds us how things will turn out if we refuse to coexist and if we repeat history. Things like slavery and what it means to be human are tossed around softly yet it engraves such a big message to my mind. It discusses philosophy and morality that can be defined differently by each individual. It's like a never ending onion that you can peel and peel.

It contains so many lessons that many people in the world today refuse to understand or accept in such a compressed period of time and it literally changes people as a person (it did to me too!). This story seriously isn't a game... it's something we must anticipate and expect in the future. It's very impressing on how well the Quantic Dream team managed to do that.

Other than that, how about we discuss the mind blowing graphics? The team managed to recreate Detroit in their game so well and beautifully yet they make it clear on what consequences the city took to become such a leading place. I especially love it when rain takes place! Things become a lot more dramatic.

The music? What do you all expect from such an amazing game? It represents the character and the setting so much and it will enhance the emotion in the game so much.

This game isn't work 50 bucks, i'd buy it without second thought for 200!

I assure you this game is something I would remember for life.
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Digital "Choose Your Own Adventure" story
Rob_Taylor28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You remember those books. The Fighting Fantasy series and so on. Where you read page one and then, at the bottom, you were offered three or four choices of things to do. Each choice told you to turn to a different page, where the results of that choice were made clear by reading the page and then more choices etc., more page turning, more reading.

Detroit Become Human is the digital equivalent of this. In fact, there are already game versions of the Fighting Fantasy series books available to play. The difference with the latter from their book origin is that they altered the format slightly, bringing in more gameplay options, combat etc. DBH, by contrast gives you nothing but those original books, made into digital.

Oh, but it is very pretty. Very, very pretty. Plenty of mo-cap and gorgeous environments to look at. Actors that do their jobs very well and get you invested in the characters.

So what is the fly in this ointment?

Put simply, the story is a little stale, and handled here somewhat clunkily. It isn't anything you won't have seen before, and done better, in pretty much any scifi film or show involving androids finding their sentience. In fact, DBH borrows extensively from films like Blade Runner, I Robot, Johnny Mnemonic and shows like Almost Human. The rather blatant parallels to apartheid and slavery are not well managed here. Instead, the story chooses to bludgeon you about the head with the issues, rather then employ any guile or subtlety. Throw in a dash of domestic abuse and the omnipresent theme that "Humans Bad, Robots Good" and you have a recipe for a story that revels in its ineptitude.

But, you say, I play games for fun. Is it fun? Is it satisfying? What about the actual gameplay?

Well, there isn't any real gameplay to speak of. You get to pick dialogue choices during the scenes that lead to more choices and so on. Occasionally, you get to engage in what I'll call "Satan's QTE's" but that is it. Picking choices and QTE events. That is your gameplay.

Well...QTE isn't so bad, you might say. But you'd be wrong. I've yet to encounter anyone that truly enjoys this form of "gameplay", which came about purely to enable cinematic action sequences. Most people would rather play through such encounters with whatever game systems are available. The problem with DBH is that it doesn't have any game systems other than the choices and the cinematics.

That might still have been fine, but for the utterly boneheaded decision to use every conceivable controller button/stick and movement to design these QTE's. I'm serious. Enter one of these QTE sections and you'll be not just pressing square, triangle, circle and X. No, you'll be doing that, plus pressing triggers, wiggling the twin sticks around, swiping the touch pad and waving the entire controller about. It's just too much and, unlike normal QTE's, where if you screw it up, you just replay the QTE, here a failure can remove one of the characters from the game, or screw up the story you were hoping to see irreparably. It is just nonsense.

So...not good on gameplay, and not a stellar story. How come it has such a high rating?

It's down to the characters, which are simplistic, to be honest, but likeable and the graphics. That, plus there are numerous story branches that allow for a certain amount of replay value. You can miss great swathes of story if you make the wrong choices. In fact, if you want to get the most out of the thing, a second or even third playthrough is almost mandatory. However, the rather lacklustre story will likely have sapped your enthusiasm by the end of your first run. You can go back and just replay individual chapters, but this is likely to be about as much fun as watching all those deleted scenes on a bluray disc.

SUMMARY: Looks beautiful and is reasonably engaging, but is more interactive story, than game. Wide as an ocean, but shallow as a puddle. May suit those who love QTE and a lack of gameplay with their games. Watch a playthrough on Youtube. It's cheaper.
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The good reviews are blinded by the impressive branching narrative
phineasmolloy1 January 2021
5 stars exclusively for the complexity of the narrative, which, when you really think of it, is actually understandably achievable by a massive team of people that deliberately abandoned key parts of what many people would consider actually make a game. The controls make 0 sense, forcing you to (on PC) click random buttons at any time to interact with the world. It's also extremely tone deaf, comparing the struggles of androids to real life racism. For example, androids are made to stand at the back of the bus, there is an opportunity to use a raised fist as a symbol of power, and there's the option to say "WE HAVE A DREAM". Not to mention the countless comparisons to slavery. The androids-rise-up narrative is always thrilling one, but this was pathetic and a complete mockery of real events.

The ending is unsatisfying and ends abruptly if you make any mistakes along the way. It feels as though there's one thorough, thought-out finale and everything else they wrapped up quickly just to create the illusion of player choice.

I have truly never felt so compelled to write a review about anything in my entire life. If I could get revenge for the time I wasted on this game, believe me: I would.
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Incredible Story with Meaning!!!!
kvindurantula7 June 2018
Not many video games these days truly tell a good story... this one not only does so, but also executes it in a PERFECT manner. The most emotional story of the game is with Kara. ALL the stories are BEAUTIFUL! Game play and graphics are gorgeous. I LOVE THIS GAME. IT SHOULD BE A MOVIE! But a movie wouldn't serve justice for all the interactive possibilities!
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