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Jane Eyre (2011)
I disliked this version very much with some exceptions
1 September 2013
I-ll start by saying I've read Jane Eyre maybe 5 times, the last time being about 6 months ago, so I know the tale very well, and while this movie does bring something new to the others, it's just so rushed that a lot of things were left out for me, especially something very important: the evolution of Jane and Rochester's relationship!

They jump into falling in love so quickly I barely know how it happened, they barely talked, they never seemed to spend time together, and yet: bam! magically they fell in love.

The fire scene was also a shock, that scene is supposed to be charged with tension from both sides, and the only "tension" I saw was Rochester nearly naked and him trying to kiss Jane (that didn't happen in the book), both of them were stiff and it felt so forced. And let's not even start with the Orchard scene - woah. Bad in so many levels.

Mia Wasikowska was good as Jane, except for the tree scene where she seemed like a child reciting her lines rather than feeling them. Fassbender, well Rochester is a passionate man and Fassbender was stiff and boring, the only scenes where I saw real passion was when him and Jane returned soaking wet to the house after the proposal, when he tried to choke Mason, and in the living room scene where he was "convincing" Jane to re-think her decision. Plus, since when Rochester is better looking than St. John?

The things I liked though about this movie is Jamie Bell's performance, while he didn't fit the looks, he was cold, severe and great as St John, by far the best one I've seen and now I will picture him when I re-read the book. Mary and Diana were good too (nice to see Lucrecia Borgia again!), and of course, Lady (or Dame?) Judi Dench was excellent as Mrs. Fairfax. The music was fine, the landscape wonderful, it was truly great (except for Ferndean - buried in a deep wood? I saw a nice meadow around)

This movie would have been great if it was longer and didn't leave out important parts, such as Rochester confiding in Jane about Celine and just spending time talking, the veil part, her return a bit more heart- felt. And while Michael Fassbender is a great actor, this role just wasn't meant for him.
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Jane Eyre (1997 TV Movie)
Chopped parts but very true to the book
16 December 2012
I'll start by saying this was the first version I've ever seen, and after watching it, I decided to read the book (not the other way around).

When I first watched it, I really had no idea what the story was about so I wasn't on my guard, and some scenes really stroke me in an emotional level I didn't believe it when I first started watching it. Samantha Morton as Jane was very convincing, not a beauty, not ugly, then I found out that was how Brontë described her in the book. Jane was well mannered, sweet and tender, but with iron will and fire in her soul, it was a perfect combination of a heroin in the book who had to endure a lot of things during her life.

As for Mr. Rochester, well I'm a big CIaran Hinds so I may not be completely objective in reviewing his acting, but for me, he was PERFECT. Yes he yelled, he was too proud, sarcastic, but his raw passion and angst was right there you feel it, and specially in the parts where he seemed to touch heaven, and the other part where hell was right before him (those who read the book or watched the movie will know what parts those are).

The chemistry between Morton and Hinds is amazing, when they are talking under the tree, I really began to cry and felt overwhelmed by the intense emotion flooding my screen, and then in the same tree after the "event", I cried some more because I could feel the despair from Rochester and Jane's sorrow but determination. And finally, in the end, I cried more and more with the strong performance from the two of them.

I read the book afterwards, and yes many scenes are left out (gipsy, Jane's aunt dying, Jane's dreams, the tale of Bertha Mason, Jane's new found fortune, etc...) but considering they had only 1 hour 40 minutes to consolidate an 800 pages book, I believed they did a pretty good job.

I read some comments about people who disliked Hinds performance as Rochester, saying he screams too much, well personally I didn't think he "screamed", he raised his voice and Rochester does that a lot in the book. I watched another version with Michael Fassbender, and it lacked the passion this Rochester has, it actually made me yawn.

I highly recommend this version, the casting is great, overall the movie is very true to the book, and the strong performances given by Morton as Jane, and Hinds as Rochester, is really something not to be missed. If you imagined Mr. Rochester as a handsome, well mannered, with integrity, soft spoken and tender man (in other words, a Jane Austen hero, I can't imagine why somebody would imagine him like that), you will hate Hind's Rochester, but if you imagined as a non-attractive man in a conventional way, sarcastic, snappish, moody, witty, intense, rough, tough, passionate, angry but tender when he must and overall, a tortured soul who finds redemption through pure love, you will not be disappointed with him.
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A raw, human portrayal of a no-so-perfect family
1 April 2012
I was stumbling on the internet and found this movie, and with a cast of the likes of Nicole Kidman, seeing Jack Black (who I passionately dislike) doing a dramatic role, and some minor roles with Ciarán Hinds, I thought it was worth the shot and I was right.

Basically the movie is about Margot (Kidman), whose sister (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is getting married with a struggling artist, Malcolm (Jack Black), and decides to attends to the wedding days before it actually takes place, even though both sisters haven't spoken in years. Both sisters share moments and secrets that afterwards are revealed, and both sisters do not agree on how the other is carrying her life, and while their pre-adolescent kids get acquainted, their lives start taking a certain turn.

I loved the acting in this movie, Nicole Kidman most of her work is flawless, and this is no exception, I can think of maybe 2 or 3 actresses that may have been able to carry the role of Margot as great as she did, but I'm sure Nicole was the best fit as the self-centered, judge and troubled Margot, who is juggling with the idea of leaving her husband while having an affair. Jennifer Jason Leigh, honestly i don't think I've ever seen her before, but she was perfect in this role and Pauline, the insecure, persuasive sister. I think Jack Black, who plays the groom who pretends he doesn't care about other people's opinions, did a good job here, actually in this movie I laughed more than in any of his comedy roles, I sure hope that was meant to happen. He was the only one who actually knew what was going on in the house, and was honest enough to reveal his secret to his bride before the wedding, but only because he was under a lot of pressure. I'm going to make a special mention to Ciarán Hinds, who may have had maybe 10 minutes of screen time, but his character Dick was important in the story as Margot's lover, who shakes Margots foundations and leaves her emotionally shattered in public, and then literally kicks butts (or butt).

I actually enjoyed this movie, the relationships were very well portrayed, real, a film that undresses a family that is supposed to be on the verge of one of the happiest moments of a person's life: a wedding. In the end, we're all humans, and sometimes we don't like how human flaws are portrayed and showed to us.
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Rome (2005–2007)
A masterpiece
24 March 2012
I never watched rome when it was airing on HBO a few years ago. I just recently watched one episode (happened to catch the very first one) on reruns on Latin HBO at midnight on fridays, and I got hooked. Although the first episode "The stolen eagle" is not the best episode, it was intriguing enough to have me watching the rest of the episode up to episode 6, where I just couldn't wait any longer and had to go and buy the DVD collection and watch them all as fast as I could.

I'm a huge fan of history so that's a big reason on why I wanted to watch this show, but it was how the story was told that caught me. Every single actor in this show delivers an amazing acting in ever scene, makes it completely believable, the plot is very intriguing, intelligent, the dialogue is clever and precise in every shot, the music definitely adds an emotion in each scene, everything is so believable you can almost smell how Rome smelled back then.

Special mention to Ciaran Hinds (Caesar), Polly Walker (Attia), Lindsay Duncan (Servilia), James Purefoy (Mark Antony) and Kevin McKidd (Vorenus) for an amazing acting, they brought the show alive and with their complicated personalities, I felt sympathy for each one of them.

So, if you like history, are not afraid to see a little sex and decapitation every now and then (nobody said the show was pretty anyway), and are up to admire a real piece of art that was on TV and that no show nowadays even compare to this one (ok maybe Game of Thrones), watch it.
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The Mother of all Comedies
11 November 2007
I started to explore Clark Gable's movies recently, and obviously I had to watch the movie that gave him and Claudette Colbert) This story has been used many times in movies, if not, watch Shrek (the first one) and you'll know what I'm talking about. Ellie Andrews (Claudette Colbert) is the daughter of a rich Wal-Street man who secretly got married to King Wesltey (Jameson Thomas), but her father won't even hear about it. Sick of being told what she has to do, she escapes from her father and tries to get from Miami to NY to see her beau. On the road, she finds a wise-crack reporter, Peter Warne (Clark Gable) who agrees to help her, but in return he wants her story, exclusive.

That's the main plot, and it happens lots and lots of things that happen while the story develops. Let's just say that this movie set the fashion for men to not wear undershirt t-shirts, it taught people how to dunk a donut and how to hitchhike.

Clark Gable did a wonderful job, who would have thought that "The King" who is known for playing roles of ladies men and serious roles, now plays a comic role. He did wonderfully, he surely deserved the Oscar and you can tell that he had a great time doing this movie. Claudette Colbert was excellent too, great performance as the spoiled girl who always gets her way.

Also the movie is great b/c even though it had a limited budget and only 4 weeks to be done, this movie wasn't entirely filmed in a studio, you get to see nice landscapes and great photography, and i love the dialogue between the characters, lots of memorable quotes on this movie that people still use nowadays.

This is probably the best comedy of the 30's, and the pioneer in the so called comedy genre "screwball". I give it a 10/10, and to encourage people to watch it, let's just say that Friz Freleng created the famous Bugs Bunny after watching this movie. When you watch it, you'll know why.
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Now I understand the need for so much publicity
21 May 2006
This movie needed the publicity to get people to see it. And with that and trailers and all of that, you could get the idea that was going to be one of those movies that you'd have to see at the movies, at least, 2 times. I went to the movies to see it with high high expectations, boy was I disappointed or what? Bad acting, bad dialoge, weak script, and looooooooooooooong, by the near end of the movie all I could think was "please roll credits!"

I know it was a thriller, but I think they sold the idea of the whole "Christ is not what you think he is" so much that all we cared about was that, an explanation. The rest was just filling. I think the whole explanation is about 30 mins and the rest is them getting chased by cops.

I'd have to say that the only one with a good performance was Sir Ian McKellen, he was good and believable, well Paul Bettany was good too, not great. Tom Hanks disappointed me so much, it's the first time I have to complain about his acting. You couldn't believe him for a second. And Audrey Tatou either, she was terrible! jean Reno was all right, not bad but not great either.

I'm a Catholic and the reason I say this movie is bad has nothing to do with the concept of the movie, as a matter of fact, I found it quite interesting, plus I don't care what people say or don't say or he Church or whatever about Jesus, you either believe or you don't, it's up to you and it depends on how easy is to manipulate your faith.

Go and see this movie or wait until it comes out to video, and "find out the truth" The Da Vinci code is a lame movie.
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Downfall (2004)
The best Hitler movie ever made!
28 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've always been a big fan of WWII movies, and mostly, I've always found Hitler to be one interesting character to read about, I've always wanted to know his motivations that lead him to do all those horrible things. Well I have read a lot about him, and watched a few movies about WWII and about him, and every time I would, they portrayed a Hitler who was more like a killing machine or robot, instead of a human being. Which led me to the question: Why did Germans trust this man? How did a man like that, cold and pure evil, could get the sympathy of a country and become what he became?

In this movie, lots of answers can be found. First of all, Hitler's human, what do you know! A charismatic guy, who sure has his rage outbursts, but who also is a man who laughs, smiles, cries, etc.. For example **********spoilers***********

At the beginning of the movie, when Traudl would do her "trial" for being Hitler's secretary, she kinda messes up and closes her eyes waiting for Hitler to yell at her or something like that. Well no, he acts really good and just tells her to try again. From that point on, I knew this wasn't going to be just "another Hitler movie", but something completely different.

********* end of spoiler *******

I loved the acting, Bruno Ganz was terrific, I hate the fact that he wasn't even nominated for an Oscar for best performance. Anyways he's great, completely flawless, great intensity into the character, it's almost like he met Hitler. All the other actors where terrific as well, the music in the movie is great, everything.

2 thumbs up for this movie, the best foreign film of all times for me! (along with Todo Sobre mi madre)
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A good movie about second chances..
19 November 2005
I saw this movie a few weeks ago mainly b/c I went to Italy this year and wanted to see the landscape again, I have no idea what the movie was about and to be honest, I didn't even care.

Well I was really glad I bought this movie because I loved it. Sure it has some parts where you say "how is that possible?" but anyways, a movie is not meant to be realistic, it helps us to dream..

Well the movie is about Fran (Diane Lane), who's going through a tough divorce and is feeling completely miserable about it. Then her friends buy her a tour to go to Tuscany, and of course, she goes. After a while she feels so enchanted by it's magic, that she decides to buy a house there. The whole movie almost starts from that point, she'll meet a lot of people who will change her life forever indeed.

I liked the performances, Diane Lane is funny and serious when she has to be, I thought she did a great job. Everybody else in the cast does a great job as well. And the landscaping is gorgeous, I'd say that's another character of the movie.

Anyways this movie has a couple of twists (can't find another way to call it) and it's very entertaining, so rent it or better yet, buy it! I give it a **** out of *****
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The Grudge (2004)
No matter what people said, I enjoyed this one a lot!
17 April 2005
I just saw this movie last night, and despite all the people saying this movie sucks, I really liked it. Sure you guess what happened and how the cursed began and all, but still it gives you a lot of good scares and stuff.

It's about this girl, Karen (Sarah Michelle Geller, not great but she wasn't bad either), who is assigned to go and take care of an old lady, replacing a Japanese girl who was missing. Anyways all kinds of weird stuff starts happening in that house to everybody who gets involved with it.

Like I said, Sarah Michelle Geller is pretty acceptable in this role as Karen, she does manage to get scared and all, but we still see "Buffy" when she's facing scary stuff, that's not very cool. Bill Pullman is there for like 10 minutes, but anyways I thought he did OK, and everybody else in the cast, special mention to the Japanese actors/actresses.

Anyhow, if you feel like watching a movie that I'm sure it'll give you a good scare at least once, please rent this movie :) ***1/2 out of *****
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The Wash (2001)
I didn't laugh, at all
5 January 2005
This movie was so damn slow, i have no idea when we were supposed to laugh, hated every minute and yet I watched the whole thing. Dre is a terrible actor, Snoop Dogg was annoying and he made me want to kill him, and all the others sucked. Eminem was cool though :D I liked him as that psycho guy calling mr wash every day to threaten him LOL

Lame plot, lame script, bad acting and lots of drugs. Good music though.

I'll give it a 2/10, and those 2 it's b/c 1 is for the music and 1 for Eminem. Here's my advice, don't rent it, and don't buy it, skip it unless you are a die hard fan of either dr dre or snoop dogg.
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The Forgotten (2004)
Good movie, bad ending
26 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see this movie for a long time, it's been so advertised everywhere, here, in the US, everywhere. Good job by the publicists of this movie.

Anyhow the movie is about this woman, Telly Paretta (Julianne Moore) who is having a hard time dealing with the death of her boy, Sam. Anyhow, suddenly, everything starts to be erased, her tapes, photos, etc. And is told that she is paranoid, that her child never existed, etc.. So it starts from that point. Then she meets this other guy, father of a girl who also died in the same accident that Sam died. However, this guy, Ash (Dominic West) doesn't remember anything about his daughter, until Telly starts making him remember. Well then they're being chased and the whole movie takes off from there.

the performances were good, by both stars West and Moore, and the plot was good, it kept you guessing more and more, until of course it was too obvious. Maybe if they would have kept making you guess, it would have worked.

The ending is something that annoyed everybody, it's a stupid ending with happiness everywhere!! it's a movie, you don't always have to give it happy endings! Is not like Telly is real and by giving it a realistic ending, we are going to mess up her life! *** SPOILERS ***** Of course the happy ending is filled with rainbows and butterflies, so happy!!! the boy comes back, nothing ever happened, happiness happiness.

Stupid!!!!! This movie should have had an ending like, she being taken by the cops and taken to the asylum, wouldn't it be a good ending like doctors talking outside a room, then her doctor looks inside the window and we find her in a room for schizophrenic, her talking to "Sam" and stuff like that. You know, making us believe that she was right and there was something wrong, but then take a spin and show us that she really is crazy. Like in "A beautiful mind" we all thought everybody was wrong and he was actually working for that government thing.

Anyhow, that's what I think.

************ I'm disappointed with the movie, but it's not awful either. It's interesting and it's good until a certain point. Go watch it and see if you either like it or hate it. *** out of *****
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Treasure Island (1990 TV Movie)
An awesome book turned into a great movie!
8 December 2004
I remember the first time I saw this movie, it was on TV a long time ago, I didn't even know what it was about but started seeing it and I totally loved it.

Well I guess most of you are familiar with this book, but anyhow, the story is about pirates! aaargh! The map of a treasure that falls in the hands of a boy, handed by an old pirate. Anyways the boy then gets a few people to go get the treasure. But the adventure starts when they sail to seek for the treasure and find out that most of the ship's crew are not willing to share the treasure and have a dark past.

This movie is great, I had no idea Christian Bale played Jim Hawkings, i just saw it right now. He was great, not as great as he is now, but he's good in this movie. Charlton Heston is awesome as Long John Silver, the coolest pirate ever. All the others actors are good, and the dialogues are fun, pirate's dialogues.

I love adventures, I thought this movie was excellent. If you feel like watching a fun adventure involving pirates and treasures, this movie will do! ***** out of *****.
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Amadeus (1984)
The best musical ever made!
8 December 2004
Indeed! this movie will blow you away! of course for all the people who like this genre of music and movies

This is the way movies should be, no special fx that makes you dizzy in the middle of the movie, just acting!

Well the movie is about the life of Wolfang Amadeus Mozart (duh!) with his wonderful music and great script. Great performances and the costume designer was brilliant.

F. Murray is just excellent! he plays so well his role as the jealous and insane Salieri! and Tom Hulce, he's a master, his performance of Mozart is just great. All the movie is really good, I highly recommend it. ***** / *****
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15 November 2004
Wow it's been a while since the last time I laughed this hard at the movies. I loved it!

This movie is about a group of "weird" (I hate to see that word in a sentence next to the word "people") guys who work out at a small gym owned by Peter LaFleur (Vince Vaughn), which isn't getting any income b/c it's going to be taken by the bank, task handed to Kate Votch(Christine Taylor). But that isn't all, the gym wants to be owned by the annoying/gross and long time rival of Peter, owner of Globo gym, White Goodman (Ben Stiller in I think one of his best roles ever). The thing is this guys are willing to do anything to keep the gym, they learned to love that place and they made a bunch of great friends. Anyhow, the only way to keep the gym is to get $50.000 in 1 month, and that's how they get into "dodgeball.." The rest, you have to see it.

A really fun movie, wonderful performances by everybody in the cast, I can't complain of anyone, they were all awesome! Especially Ben Stiller, we're used to see him in roles like "There's something about Mary" as a sweet good guy, but in this one, forget about it! He's nasty, dumb (not the Zoolander kind of dumb, this one is actually funny) and annoying! But that was the character, so I'd say Ben Stiller was perfect. Vince Vaughn was great too, funny and the classic good guy/hero of the movie, I liked him. Christine Taylor was good too :)

I'd watch this movie again anytime, one of the best comedy movies I've seen in a long time :) ****1/2 out of ***** (the half point taken away by David Hasselhoof's came, I have no idea what he was doing or why he was there, but it was stupid and not fun).
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A fun 70's flick!
14 November 2004
I've seen this movie probably about over 10 times when I was little, but now I can't find it and I really want to watch it again!

This movie is plain entertaining, about one of many adventures that Simbad had, including a witch that practices black magic, a terrible curse, an old wise man with lots of answers for lots of questions and even a golden bull, Zenobia's slave. cool huh?

Anyways the plot is fun, you know how's going to end but that doesn't ruin the fun. The Actors are good, not Oscar winners but they do their job and do it well. Script? it's OK, it has some fun lines, most of all from Zenobia.

Bottom line: if I find this movie, I'll buy it in a heart-beat!
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Are you ready for more? ABSO-F***ING-LUTELY!!
13 November 2004
I never really cared for this show, actually when I heard the title I thought it was some of those after midnight shows, but the first time I saw it, I was 100% hooked.

Well the story is about 4 independent women and very close friends and her lives (including sex lives, work, etc), and it wouldn't be called "sex and THE CITY" if it wouldn't involve such a wonderful city as New York, which for me, is another character, so many amazing places, it makes you want to go there. Anyway, the first girl, Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), a writer of a sex column in a news paper, and in her lovelife there's always trouble. She seems to know a lot about sex and relationships but when it comes to show it in real life, she has a hard time. Our second lady and my favorite, Samantha Jones (Kim Catrall), The 'bad girl' of the group. She is a successful publicist, with a very, VERY active sex life. Samantha is the type of girl who lives the moment and doesn't plan her life, she does what she wants, and knows how to get whatever she wishes. The third lady, Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon), a successful lawyer and Carrie's best friend and confident, is the one with the most complex love life. She pushes everybody away because she's afraid of getting hurt, and has the most exquisite sense of humor with the right amount of irony and cynics. And last, but not least, it's Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) on the other hand, 'the good girl' of the group. She's the type of girl who dreams of being the perfect wife, the perfect mom, but being a shallow person doesn't help.

The stories are very clever, is not cheap or vulgar, it's really smart and it has great great performances, from the leading ladies and from the supporting characters, like Mr. Big (Chris Noth), Carrie's love of her life/villain, Steve (), Miranda's cute bartender and wonderful boyfriend, my favorite, Harry (Evan Handler) Charlotte's Mr. Nice Guy hubby, Smith Jerrod (Jason Lewis) Samantha's super hot boyfriend whose actually sweet, and of course Stanford (Willie Garson), Carrie's gay friend. They all put a wonderful effort on the show and make it work just perfect. I also enjoyed a lot to see Mikhail Barishnikov as Aleksander Petrovsky and John Corbett as Aidan. Well the actors are the scent of this show, if they wouldn't believe their roles, this wouldn't work.

Well the plot is unpredictable, you never know what will happen next, and it's all because every detail has been taken care of by Darren Starr and Michael Patrick King who are indeed genius. They manage to make us laugh, cry, feel sorry or anger in the same episode. Not many people have that talent to make you live so many emotions in 30 minutes.

Anyways, I would just like to say, this show is unbelievable, it has everything you could like, excellent performances, clever dialogues, wonderful locations and unexpected situations, what else can you ask? ***** out of *****
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Who would think that such a simple plot could turn out so good?
22 October 2004
I watched this movie a couple of months ago for the first time ever, before I became a QT fan, I never heard of this movie. When I first saw it, I understood why this movie launched him to fame, simply because it is so good!

The whole thing is about a bunch of professional thieves unrelated to each other, planning to make a big robbery guided by a Mobster (that would be my guess) and his son. But when things get messed up during the robbery, the movie really starts.

I thought the dialogues were excellent, I loved them! Especially the whole "like a virgin" thing and Mr. Pink's "I don't tip" thing, it was hilarious. Also the cast was excellent, I loved every single one of them, Harvey Keitel as Mr. White was so good! also Michael Madsen, as Mr. Blond, everybody's favorite "dog" was so great, like QT said in the making of Kill Bill 2 "Michael is like the king of *being cool* in movies" and he is indeed. Also Tim Roth was good as Mr. Orange, and Steve Buscemi was my favorite as Mr Pink. QT also had a small part on this movie as Mr. Brown, his acting was good too.

Anyways the story may seem simple, way to simple, but the screenplay is so very well written and the whole movie is so well directed, that it doesn't matter anymore. I love this movie and anyone who enjoys action movies and good dialogues, must see this movie. ****1/2 out of *****
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A great idea turned into a movie!
16 October 2004
I loved this movie, just rented it and already watched it twice today!

I saw the sequel of this movie sometime ago, I really liked it, and I heard the first part was even better, and they were right! Except from some little things that weren't good, like Billy's (Sean William Scott) lines that were supposed to be funny but they weren't, this movie was good!

The whole movie is about this kid who has a vision of something terrible that is about to happen and avoids that situation with some other people, but once he discovers that "you can't cheat death" things start to get interesting..

The acting is good, and the fx were even better! I loved the plane scene, it was very very well done.

If you are a person who is not grossed out by some blood and some other scenes like that, and enjoy a good thriller, this is a must see! ****/*****
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Duplex (2003)
Not what I expected.
16 October 2004
I watched the preview for this movie in I think was "Lost in Translation" DVD, and I laughed so much just by watching the preview, I thought it would be awesome! After all, it had Ben Stiller, Drew Barrimore and directed by one of my favorite actors ever, Danny deVito. Boy am I disappointed or what?

The idea is good, but it's just not funny, there are some funny parts, but most of the movie just makes you angry! I guess that was the point, but it was also to make you laugh, I didn't.. maybe once or twice, that's about it.

I don't regret watching this movie b/c I really wanted to, but no way I would watch it again. *** out of *****
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Mark my words: the worst movie ever!
16 October 2004
I rented this movie b/c the girl at the video store told me it was fun, so anyways I decided I should give it a shot, plus I like that video game a lot, I usually play it in the arcade and of course get killed, but anyways, and I'm a big zombie movies fan, so I thought this one might even match to "Dawn of the Dead" or something like that.

So anyways, I start watching the movie, and what do I see? The fact that everybody in the cast of that movie were totally unknown people didn't bother me at all, what did bother me was that none of them had skills for acting at all!! I mean it, a chimp could have performed better than them! Totally, 100% not believable, they seemed like children practicing for a school play, with the big difference that kids look cute, these people looked like total idiots! Awful, awful! special mention for the worst actor/actress in a motion picture to that blond girl, I can't even remember her name, the only blond chick in the group, and the other guy, Simon I think. Guys, you definitely need to start looking for something else to do, stay away from the cameras please!

To be honest, I couldn't even watch the whole thing, once the movie was supposed to "take off", it got a lot worse. Terrible script! so predictable, so lame! You don't have to be a scientist to know what's going to happen next. Obviously they had a lot of influence from the "Friday the 13th", but at least those movies come from an original idea and keep you entertained, this one doesn't accomplish neither one or the other.

And it didn't scare me at all, even the make-up used for the zombies was terrible in this movie, which is supposed to be one of the most important ones in a zombie movie right? It looked like they just bought a bunch of cheap make-up at Wal-Mart, mixed it together, and there you go! a zombie!

Well, I just wasted about 1 hour of my life that I will never get back, it doesn't matter if you are a fan of zombie movies, or the game, AVOID THIS MOVIE!!! 1/2 out of ***** (I put 1/2 only b/c after all, at least the actors did show up for their work to finish the movie, although it would have been better if they would have kept this God-awful film in a basement of the studios).
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A masterpiece by Tarantino.
1 September 2004
I've been waiting to see this movie for so long, and when I finally saw it, I loved it! it was worth the wait.

Vol.2 picks up pretty much where Vol.1 left, except for some flashbacks explaining what really happened with the characters. Uma Thurman is back as The Bride, and we get to know her real name finally. Also Daryl Hannah comes back as Elle Driver, the one-eyed killer, Michael Madsen plays Budd, Bill's baby/loser brother, and the infamous Bill is played by David Carradine. The performances are just great, Uma Thurman delivers a great performance as The Bride, we finally get to know her character a little better and the true reasons why she wants to "Kill Bill". I also have to say that David Carradine was perfect to play Bill. He has great charisma and he's so smooth, it's impossible not to like him. Daryl Hannah's performance was great too, and Michael Madsen's too.

Once again the music plays a key factor in this movie, is very well selected and for every single scene the music fits perfectly. And of course, the dialogue. In this movie, we get a lot more dialogue than brutal fighting like in Vol.1, this movie is more centered in explaining what led Bill to do what he did, it pretty much focuses in the past, explaining the whole thing. I especially liked the dialogues between Bill (Carradine) and The Bride (Thurman), I thought they were clever and just great, like all Tarantino's dialogues. Also the locations were excelent, I have no idea where they shot the film, but the landscaping was great, I truly enjoyed it.

Well it would be better to see Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 as one movie, not different, because in the end, you must see them together to understand. So I give this movie a 10/10, I loved it, it was great, great dialogues, great performances, great fighting sequences, everything was great! And I think that Uma Thurman and/or David Carradine (at least him) should be nominated for an Oscar, they were perfect and they deserve that international film makers acknowledge that. Tarantino you are the best!!!
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Jackie Brown (1997)
A movie with Tarantino's signature everywhere!
1 September 2004
I just saw this movie a couple of days ago, and I thought it was very good! Again I had no idea what it was about, and in the beginning it goes a little slow and confusing, but then it gets bigger and better!

Th plot is very complicated, a flight attendant, Jackie Brown (Pam Grier) helps this gun sales man, Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson) to bring his illegal money from Mexico to the US, but she gets caught by the federals (played by Michael Keaton and some other guy, the guy who played Buck in Kill Bill Vol. 1). It pretty much takes off from there, with lots of twists in the plot and playing with one of the worst human feelings, greed.

I liked everybody's performances in this movie, especially Pam Grier's and Jackson's. The story is great, the characters are interesting and the screenplay is great too! lots of clever dialogues. Now I am a big Quentin Tarantino fan, and I'm sure that if I wasn't, i would have never rented this movie, but I sure liked it! I give it a 8/10.
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Ok, now I defnitely HATE this cat!!!
3 August 2004
Well what can I say? This God-awful movie was so boring and dumb that I wanted to leave the theater like 15 minutes after it started!! The only reason why I didn't leave it's b/c my friend is a huge, huge HUGE fan of this cat (yeah, I like him too, but while i watched this movie, all I could think was "I'm going to kill that cat") and wanted to see the whole thing. She didn't like it either! I was shocked!!

It's not the actors, they don't even do a lot, the guilty of the failure of this movie is the guy who wrote the script!! Whoever it is, wow how can a movie become so predictable?? I never read the plot or knew what it was about, but I realized what was going to happen right away! The dialogues, horrible!! Dumb, so dumb!! And the cat!!! Ok we all know the cat is supposed to be arrogant, but at the same time he's supposed to be charming! Is not right to have the whole audience wishing him to die!!

Also the graphics weren't very good, you can tell that when they hold Garfield in their arms, they're holding nothing... it's not real at all

Well this movie is not good, it's only for die-hard garfield fans and for little kids. But there's no way in this life or in the next I would watch this movie again, awful!! * out of *****
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Love Actually (2003)
A "lovely" movie
28 July 2004
I wanted to see this movie a long time ago, unfortunately, here in my country it was released like 3 months ago rather than being released in Christmas.. Pretty much all my favorite actors are in this movie, I couldn't believe when I saw Liam Neeson, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Laura Linney, Allan Rickman and Rowan Atkinson in the same movie!! I had to see it, and I was not disappointed one bit, it was great!

It's 8 movies in one! 8 different stories, all of them totally different, with different stories and different protagonists, but somehow they're linked..

Well besides of the wonderful cast and crew, the plot is pretty good for every single one of the stories, the actors and actresses do a great role in everything they have to do (special mention to Colin Firth, Hugh Grant and Liam Neeson). Also I very much enjoyed that guy who played Karl, the graphic designer guy, he is from Brazil i think, he's in a brazilian "novela", and I thought he was great, and very good looking :P

So, I highly recommend this movie, some people might get offended by some scenes around there (I won't spoil it) but still, I think it's a must-see movie, for people who enjoy cute love stories :) ****1/2 out of *****
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
One of the best movies I've ever seen
25 July 2004
Well I just saw Kill Bill, and I became a big Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman fan. So I heard a lot about this movie, and I bought it.. at first I didn't get it very well because I had no idea what it was about, I never heard about the plot or anything, (yeah, this movie is like 10 years old and I saw it a couple of weeks ago).

Anyways I was so glad I bought it! I even bought the soundtrack, it's just so good! it's amazing how Quentin Tarantino has a natural skill to tell a story that, if someone else would have told it, it would be dead boring or just stupid.. I noticed that in both Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction, all the dialogues are absolutely necessaries! You won't see stupid phrases like in horror movies when the killer is approaching and they say "ruuuun!" d'oh! of course u have to run, there's no need to say it!!- here, if you take away one single dialogue, the whole thing falls apart.

So the casting is perfect, Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman, etc... they were all great, the careers of all these actors turned to a different direction after this movie, for good of course, for all of them (especially Travolta who was dead for Hollywood and thanks to this movie he's still around). Also Harvey Keitel, even his character didn't have a lot of screentime, he did great, he's my favorite.

Well the music is perfect, it fits every single scene (special mention to that song "you'll be a woman soon"), etc... Well it's a great movie, and it's definitely right to be #16 in the list and no wonder why it won the best picture at the Cannes festival back in 1994, TWO THUMBS WAAAY UP!
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