
13 Reviews
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World's most depressing movie...
17 December 2004
Two friendly couples try trading spouses to see if that will help their lethargic does create some drama but more trauma comes about instead. These people waste time, and waste love on someone who cannot truly love them back and wonder what went wrong. They each have two beautiful children that finally in the end make them come to understand what is important. I feel so happy never to have chosen the paths these two couples did, not about being morally superior, just about not wanting the obvious results from poor judgement and sexual greed. A lesson for those of you who think easy sex can make you happy, a depressing one for those like me that have already known better and watch lives dissapating in the process. I hope everyone can know a better Life.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Worst Movie Ever !!!!!!
1 October 2003
Please don't waste your time on this one as I did , I am trying to save you two hours of your life that you can never retrieve. I am ashamed that I ever watched this one, rent ANYTHING INSTEAD and I mean anything. I am also ashamed of the actors involved with this project. If I could have the two hours back, I promise, I would do community service for FOUR hours. TAKE HEED. There they be S___t.
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Bad Seed (2000)
Strong movie with some plot holes...
1 October 2003
This movie is about obsession, salvation and finally redemption. A loving but absent husband,(Luke Wilson) is told by his wife that she is having and affair,leaves to think things out only to return and discover his wife is dead. He is now the main suspect and needs to find the real killer. In his journey of exploration,hires the private dick, Dick, excellently portrayed by the awesome Dennis Farina. The lover engages the husband in an intricate cat and mouse game that ultimately comes to a shocking discovery. But mostly this film is about normal people when put under pressure do just about anything and think it is reasonable at the time. What makes this one different is that when all is said and done one man makes a choice that will change his life forever.
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Pipe Dream (2001)
Refreshingly sweet...........
20 August 2003
A movie being made about a movie being made, behind the scenes stuff that you never get to see made this soulfully made and sharply done little film a hit for me. The actors found ways to get to you, an all around great and believable job each and every one. Much fun here to be enjoyed. Highly recomended for a great movie watch. Bring the popcorn and have a sit!
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Iron Maze (1991)
Implausible plot....
15 August 2003
Improbable script, nobody acts this way in real life. The scene where the Sheriff takes the self confessed killer into the office and then puts the only other suspect on the speaker phone is just ridiculous. The only reason I picked this film to watch is the marvelous and wonderful J.T. Walsh. A truley authentic actor whose time on this Earth was cut way too short. The only other reason to watch is the plotline between Jeff Fahey and the kid "Mickey" who had no other person to count on. The ending, while good and fuzzy, still didn't make the emotional payoff for watching this film in it's entirety. I give it a 4 out of 10. Three of those goes to J.T.
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Cute movie with heart...
11 April 2003
While not Oscar worthy material for any of the four accomplished actors here, Waking Up in Reno must have been a hoot'n a holler for all players. How refreshing it must be not to worry about how this might affect their future work. The characters are a delight from their "trailor trash" mentality to their hillbilly accents and you really begin to care about them right away. Thornton and Richardson are the married couple with difficulties and by evidence of some long awaited affection they are truley in love and just need a good bump on the head to remind them of who they are and want they want and need. Swayze and Theron are the younger couple with Life's road ahead of them and if a vaction to Reno to watch a MONSTER TRUCK RALLEY is anyindication it's going to be a doozy of a ride. It's predictable and got all the angles of a T-Square which is where the humour lies and if you don't take yourself or your problems too seriously you'll laugh as I did. Which is what I think the movie is about anyway. So, sit back and enjoy a heapin' helpin' of Southern Fried Humour with a side of grits and don't be surprised if you find yourself coming back for more.
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Secretary (2002)
Ain't love grand...?
5 April 2003
Two twisted people "find" each other...and discover that obsession + compulsion equals Love. Otherwise, it's just going through the motions, NOT going through the e-motions. The way to a Mans heart is apparently not through the stomach, but hunger always has a way of satisfying itself. A darkly humorous tale of the couple next door and what goes on behind closed doors that keeps that 'spark' alive. Pushing the parameters of what might be considered good taste in Hollywood, this movie draws you in from the start and keeps you there. Very entertaining and I had to have three cigerettes due to the erotic nature unfolding before me on the screen. The tension was fine and I give this movie an 8 out 10. You don't agree? Then spank me I'm so bad!
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Tadpole (2002)
Indie Schmindie...
24 January 2003
The technical quality and production values of this movie made me feel like I needed to reset my tv colors, etc. And the awful camera work (apparently supposed to heighten(?)the so called indie effect) was ,well, awful. Comedy? About the rape of a 15 year old boy? OK so, he was willing...what 15 year old boy wouldn't be, but, by law he doesn't have a vote in the matter. Hand's off you HORNY OLD BROADS, what if he were YOUR SON? Anyway, the movie as a whole did not capture my interest nor my laughter even as witty as the dialogue became SOME time. This was a tired and very unoriginal "Graduate" with a tired and not nearly as interesting a character as when Dustin Hoffman was the young man. Not to mention the YOUNG man in question was 26 years old playing an unconvincing 15 year old. Disjointed in so many ways I can't believe I had this much to say about it. * out of ***** but only because Sigorney Weaver was in it.
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Sparkling Family Dramody.....
24 January 2003
I'm white, so late's get that out of the way since it don't matter no how...Whoopi is the best in this fine comedy/drama of a man who's just lost his wife due to circumstances we don't get to see. His little girl, however, loses the will to speak, feeling her Mother's loss so greatly. He needs a maid/nanny and luckily manages to (after much funny trials) to find and retain Ms. Washington (Goldberg) whom the daugher (played brilliantly by the marvelous Tina Majorino) (think Shirley Temple with an attitutude) falls in love with. Goldberg has her usual attractive 'spark' and then some...I fell in love with her, too, in this family fare. It is warm and inviting and allows us all to feel the very best about ourselves in a time that was definitely against almost all of that. Thank God for movies that find the best in Life to reflect in a genuine manner. Also, the magical quality this movie holds makes this movie a diamond among the charcoal they often peddle today as gems.
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Hysterical Blindness (2002 TV Movie)
19 September 2002
A played-down, but still gritty and mostly honest look at how women 'survive' our male oriented, female knee-bending society. Gena Rowlands is the light in this film as the matriarch figure to 3 girls. Her own, Deby (Thurman) and Deby's best friend, Beth (Lewis) and her daughter, Amber. Gena finds love late in life only to discover she waited too long for Nick (played tenderly by Ben Gazarra), nice guy, Deby can't stand. (Read jealous) Beth becomes attracted to and sort of involved with the bartender at the local (read dead) bar. Deby picks up reluctant Nick at same bar and invents a possible future with him to all her girlfriends, whose constant pressure of questions concerning their imminent "engagement" threatens Deby's sanity and self esteem. It seems her Dad left her and her Mom early on and took with him her budding confidence. As the girls struggle with Life issues they discover their greatest strength lay in their own closeness, no matter how vulnerable that also makes them to each other.
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Chasing Sleep (2000)
Ahhh! To sleep,perchance to nightmare...
22 November 2001
Married Professor(Jeff Daniels) awakes from the only sleep we see, to find his wife missing. Only thing is, he's missing time, too. He's been severely sleep deprived before we even enter the scene and the wreckage that's been left behind is all we have to follow. It's an excruciating journey into a mind unraveling from a crime, too unbelievable and too horrific to be possible. The film also makes good comment on a Society so pill-laden, that the use of psycho-tropic drugs is common place and is used to deal with our day to day existence rather than with our real emotional selves. Our Professor, who, never leaves his downtrodden, filthy household is a representation of the stultifying damage that can occur during severe depression. And that the fragile thing that keeps us all connected, can be damaged, even if by only one other, in deep despair.
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Dead Awake (2001)
Who is the REAL Desmond Caine?
6 November 2001
An insomniac learns how to "wake-up' during a murder investigation blamed on him during his late night walks thru the hood...women dying to be his secretary, a whacked out Detective, and people at the local diner trying to help all adds up to...? Well, you should watch to find out. Trivial kind of flick but good late night watching, Stephen Baldwin at his mediocre best I've seen in a while. I loved it for what it was...
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Dead Awake (2001)
Who is the REAL desmond Caine?
6 November 2001
An insomniac (Stephen Baldwin) learns how to wake up during a murder investigation that pits him against women that would die to be his secretary, a whacked-out detective searching for the truth and a sleazy diner full of so-called friends that only want to help. Stephen Balwin puts in another regular performance but this time with a script that shines. It is amost cult level...almost.
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