
9 Reviews
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Predators (2010)
B category action flick
2 September 2010
From the trailer, and previous Predator and AvP movies I was expecting a well done action flick, a good sequel to the predator franchise and since I am following Antal's work I was expecting bits of creative / personal or artistic addendums.

Unfortunately none of this happened. Not just I haven't found those extra things I expected but It wasn't even a 'well-done' A category action flick.

The script is not just uncreative, full of clichés but these clichés are not well glued together. Many times I was wondering, "is it irony or serious?" I couldn't submit myself to the thrilling feeling these kinds of films should deliver because of the silly jokes and poorly written dialogues. And it was too serious to be laughed at (unlike 'the Expendables' to say a good counter-example)

I seriously do not expect character evolution from such a movie, but then lets not pretend there is one. Each and every turn of character and plot was boring and without novelty.

There a bit more than normal logical problems about the Predators. First they had a flock of dogs, used their guns and cloaking armor. But they somehow forgot all about this later on. And I could just go on like many of you did here, why is the environment so like earth, why no weapons, why so ways to kill those bastards later .....

To sum up, it is not well done. It B category i wouldn't advise watching it in theatre, buy it on DVD and enjoy it after a hard day of work with a glass of beer. And after all its not that bad...:)
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Chameleon (2008)
Who are you ? - Thats a very good question...
30 August 2009
"People always believe what they had wished for. They let themselves fooled, in order to get what they want: the illusion that they can be somebody, that they are not alone, that there is a way out of this mess Illusion is expensive but it is worth it"

The film is about a male Cinderella. An orphan wants to be somebody from nothing. He wants no women nor career, he wants money. "If you have money: you are somebody". At least thats what he thinks. He makes money from seducing lonely girls and taking their money. He is a real sociopath, master of deceit, a man with many faces. But who is he actually? Asks an old man from him. "Thats a very good question..." Eventually he falls in love with one of his victims, thats where the plot gets more and more complicated. He gets stuck more and more into his own web. I tell no more not to spoil it. It is not cliché, rather it is filled with twists and with depth. The words this comment begun are really filled with meaning. The viewer sympathizes and in the same time despises the protagonist. And after the end we ask the same question: Who are we? What are my disguises? What do I really want? Am I being fooled?

Ervin Nagy's acting is just amazing. His expressions, his voice. Everything is in its place. The others are also all right. The music is suspenseful and smart. Not more not less than it is required for such a film. In case you are afraid that this might be a low quality eastern European product, this is not. This film is absolutely makes up for the world or American standards.

Thank you!
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Mental (2009)
Shrink MD
13 August 2009
Psychiatry and psychology is a hot topic these days. We had to wait for too long for a psych series to come out. We had a psych thread in Sopranos, it was great but it was not the core of it. We have In Treatment which I find fascinating. But this comment is not about it...

So lets have an old, inhuman psychiatric ward. Filled with doctors and patients with various kinds and sorts of problems. And lets put a messiah doctor inside who is kind with patients and will carry out a revolution. And we also need special and fascinating cases from the broad range of psychiatry.

Hm.. sounds good. Except... We have seen something like this. Ah yes it is House MD. One of the first and still best 'new line' series. Is it a good idea to copy a leading show? Hm... maybe but then you have to accentuate the differences and you have to make it a quality product. Unfortunately MENTAL failed in both of these aspects.

As a med student and aspiring psychiatrist I can say the medical cases are of varying degrees crap. But of course I am the only one who might be disturbed by this.

The characters are 2D. Simple and uninteresting. There is nothing interesting about acting or visuals. The overall plot about the evil doctor conspiring against our precious good doctor is childish and too simple. To tell the truth I lost interest before it could turn out what is up with Mr. psychiatrist and his not answering ex. sorry...

I was really enthusiastic about this show because it is about a psych ward. I tried really hard to enjoy it. But failed. I think you will also fail to do so....
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Being Human (2008–2013)
How is it like to be a vampire? just like 'Being Human'
13 August 2009
A vampire, a ghost and a werewolf living trying to be human in the suburban areas of Bristol. They are struggling to be both human and alien, that is to be both normal and special.

About the script@: The story is in line with the new wave of sci-fie/fantasy: it does not focuses on the various ways of drinking blood, on the special abilities of a werewolf. Its not about the metaphysical world where vampires and werewolves wage their never-ending battle (ok, a little bit). It focuses on the everyday life, struggles, emotions and the psychology of vampires, ghosts and werewolves. It is not hard to see that is all about us.

The plot is complex, it offers personal mysteries and inter-race conflicts. The characters really have a side they do not know and that they have yet to discover. So they are really 3D. On the other hand there are some threads that does not suit. Mr. Werewolf being a complete idiot with woman. That is like coming from a teen movie.

About other things@: There is nothing about the cameras. The special effects are a bit creepy, especially the werewolf. I don't know why they do average special effects instead of mysteriously hiding the transformation and then we could perfectly fill it in with our fantasies....

The acting is the worst part. It is very much overacted. Too accentuated emotions, cries. It nearly spoils the show.

To sum up: I will keep watching the show because I find the basic story and the plot advancements fascinating. But I don't consider this a good show because one of the important aspects of it (namely the acting and some parts of the plot) are very much below average.

So what I can advise is to: Check it out for yourselves!
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Eden Log (2007)
Archetypal Art sci-fi
16 November 2008
I am glad to read the positive comments about this film, but also I can understand those who found this film slow and were not able to enjoy it. I think film is dedicated to a narrow audience: One must be moved by archetypal imagery alone (I mean the lack of gripping plot here) and enjoying just the atmosphere; without motion, without anything for the conscious mind.

At the beginning I was at once gripped by the atmosphere. Scenery, camera motion is the best part of the film. (If you don't watch this film in the cinema, complete darkness is advised.) The nearly-monochrome images, the play with light and darkness is used artistically and originally to keep us perplexed and uncertain; to show us the struggle for consciousness of man.

The viewer is so to say forced to identify with the protagonist. Here the camera viewpoint is very important and very well done. The camera shows the scene always from the protagonist's viewpoint or he himself.

While watching the viewer (or at least I) constantly tries to grab a wider view of the actual place, but he can not do that; his view is narrow as is the protagonist's. Thus the viewer is able to empathize with struggle of the protagonist, feel hes fear, anger, struggle, anxiety. This is combined with the lack of information and understanding about what is going on so again we feel uncertain and perplexed.

I love archetypal imagery and I am satisfied by them alone. Thats why I didn't feel the movie lacks the plot. But I cant deny it lacks. I actually love the uncertainty it has. I must admit, that I don't understand everything, and that is maybe not the end I would write to it. But thats it. I still love it this way.

And just because I read in an other comment... The rape-lovemaking scene is just perfect. It is so natural. And again I like the play, the uncertainty.... is it rape? is it love by first sight? is it a natural ground-and-earth way that ADAM and EVE meet? who knows....

So... thank you for this film!
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Anamorph (2007)
original ideas and cliché direction
6 November 2008
First of all, lets assume that this is a thriller-crime movie and thus is to be interpreted in the context of Silence of the Lamb and other serial killer movies. Thats all right, I like the genre.

What this genre needs is I think: 1) a psychological thread; a detective with psych issues, love, faith e.g. and these issues tend towards some sort of solution or elaboration 2) an intellectual thread; a complex, mind-stimulating, yet not too far- fetching murder case. 3) good realization; atmosphere that presents us the above two as (at least spiritually) real.

This film accomplishes these tasks: 1) An obsessive+compulsive detective with affection problems, buried past etc. And there is "character development", I like the atypical disintegrating end which is barely relieved by the end title music. 2)An artist-killer is not a never-heard-of idea, but anamorphosis is good idea. I liked the way the murder cases interconnect. I liked the way this all leads to the past. I liked, that some characters say 'forget about the past' some say 'go back! its the same'. 3)atmosphere is good, music good, murder scenes especially good.

Why did I gave it a 6? It is not original. Especially as for atmosphere creating, directing and filming. It is absolutely filled with clichés. There are original things are the character of the detective and the final...but maybe thats all... I still would say it is worth watching it, but it is just an other serial killer movie.
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2 September 2008
I gave it a 4. Not because its actually a 4, but because with this title, with the atmosphere of the old x-files a much much better film should have been done. There is so much potential it, and it let me down. This film was like Silence of Lambs, the only problem is that 15 years have passed. The effects, the music, the narration is so well known to boredom.

When I heard the title: "I want to believe" and read that it will be about faith and thought maybe a thriller can touch these philosophical question and show a new perspective. But I was wrong. I am very sorry about that.

Apart from that its watchable and forgettable.
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Swingtown (2008)
my series!
2 September 2008
I don't know why I love this series so much. I must say I am not fond of series I watch only House m d. And this was sort of love on first sight... I download it every Sunday (i cant watch it in Hungary and neither online)

I didn't live in the 70' when it takes place so I cant tell whether it is actually like this or not. I just think the actors are true in the sense that i believe them what they play. And the psychological play among swingers and their children is just believable. It shows both sides of the coin, swinging is not all bad or all right. And most important: I love all the characters, thats what makes this series so great for me.

I heard they moved it from Saturday to Friday because of the low ratings... I cant judge this film objectively because I love it, maybe its not that good, but its for me for sure!
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Unrest (I) (2006)
eyes of a med
7 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am about to write about this movie with the eyes of a medical student. I will use my critical eye pointing out mistakes and stupid things, but I say I did enjoy this movie!

Im studying in Hungary and of course the medical curriculum is different everywhere so note that I compare things to my own experience, and certain things may be different in the USA.

1. There is the scene where the two assistants come in with the body, drinking coke and a pack of McDo on the body. This is not real, this is a laic imagination about a pathologists view. There is no problem with listening to music or talking about anything possible (including eating, sex, ...) during dissection, but eating Is a problem because it is dangerous. Everybody can understand that. Who does not, gets sick real soon. Anyway the hygienic rules are not so strict in this hospital. They wear mantle and gloves or just pop in, in their green suit they wear all day. The latter is not possible. We wear mantle, gloves and extra mantle we throw away after dissection and gloves on your shoe (you can imagine the whole corridor bloody in footprints)

2. You are not put in deep water in first year. You see bones first, then an arm or leg, then viscera. In third year you have pathology where is the first time you see a body not in formalin, and who died some day ago. In pathology we always know everything about the patient. We have his whole medical documentation including name, age, address, everything. And homicides, suicides does not get to pathology or anatomy classes the get to forensic pathology, where are no first years.

3. They dissected that body - I dunno - 2 or 3 days and just opened the chest. It is a 2 minutes work for a professional and 5 for somebody who never did it. A complete dissection takes about 2 hours long.

4. The funniest thing is the formalin tank!! I must say I have seen nothing like that, we have tanks like that but they are not so deep and organs are contained and there is no need to plunge in them, just a long glove if you want something. So I can barely imagine a tank designed so that it is hard to get a corpse out and that stick gets stuck in it. And when they jump in... I couldn't but laugh!!! I couldn't get a corpse out I surely wouldn't jump in, i would get the corpses out one by one. And even if I had a bath in formalin my eyes and mouth would ache like very much and I wouldn't be able to open it let alone kiss anybody. (and would possibly die of cancer)

5. There is no so many blood in a many year old, dissected body that you can draw bloody line on the hallway.

6. (not medical) Its also funny when our heroine goes for her dead fellow. Drags the book from under his all- in-blood head and disappears nobody noticing or stopping her.

7. Most important!! Nobody reads atlas of anatomy before going to bed. Not because of bad dreams, but because you've studied enough all day and you want something else.

These are what I remembered... I repeat again it was an enjoyable movie for me, and the music was just Wonderful!
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