
29 Reviews
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Realive (2016)
What a depressing mess
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I waited 1 hour and 42 minutes for the main character to have a revelation of hope and faith in life only to be greeted with a character who whines and whines and complains about everything including the good memories of his life. I hate movies that have a good concept but the writer is clueless what to do with it. This one was beyond clueless. It could have been such a great story of a future where disease is no more and then what does it look like for a person who must renter society in a different time. Would they adjust? Would they regret their decision yet make the best of it. Yeah. Could have been that. Instead we have a man who chooses suicide not once but twice rather than live the life he's been gifted with all while having no regard for those who love him and are left behind. It was just a mess. His flashback memories were a frenetic nightmare that included over and over and over again a chicken getting its head ripped off. Why? Then horror scenes of failed experiments. Pick a genre. Buy a plot. What a depressing mess full of unlikeable characters and horrible messages.
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Constellation (2024)
Way too long. I want those hours back.
30 March 2024
So the initial premise seemed interesting. Then about episode 4 I had the sense this was going nowhere good but surely they'll be a payoff so I just kept watching. After episode 6 or 7 I realized this is going nowhere but I'm in this far maybe the ending will be good. Nope! I really kind of want those hours back. I love good sci-fi especially with alternate reality vibes but this just kept falling flat episode after episode. Started out with a bang and went nowhere. The ending was so disappointing I was left not caring about any of the characters at all. The writing was to blame on this one. Maybe, just maybe it would have been ok if it was 4 episodes instead of 8. I sure wish I had a dollar for every time someone yelled "Momma!" or "Alice!" I'd be a rich woman. And it was one of the series where the lead actor (Rapone) was so annoying you felt zero sympathy for her character. Not a good place to take your viewers. It could have have so much better. Save the hours in your life and skip this one.
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Visually Spectacular and Chalamet Captivates
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dune Part II is visually spectacular and Timothy Chalamet has grown into quite a gifted actor. The worm riding is everything you hoped it would be and there's no way this doesn't win the Oscar for Cinematography and Special Effects and Sound. But the real star of this story is Paul Atreides and our focus rightly stays there. A wonderfully complex character, and any fan of the books knows that Paul is not quite hero, not quite messiah and not quite villian. A tall order for a young actor but Timothy Chalamet "commands the stage" and finally someone plays Paul Atreides with the nuance Herbert wrote in him. Credit must go to the director too who clearly guided his actors to find the performance within and most all of the characters live up to Herbert's vision and Villeneuve's interpretation. I say almost because I did not care for the direction they took Chani's character and we are robbed of the years spent together and instead Chani and Paul are reduced to teen angst. Gone is their son and his sister remains unborn forcing us into a very short timeline where we are to believe a LOT happens within the length of a pregnancy. We are robbed of some of the details of Fremen culture but that said, it was still wonderful. I was glad Jamis' wife was written out so there were good changes. Zendaya does a pretty good job and she's charming on screen but this was a pretty flat performance mostly because they didn't allow her to be Chani from the book. I also still don't care for Rebecca Ferguson's Lady Jessica. I loved this actress in White Queen but you can tell she didn't do her research and read the books (as she so often brags on late night TV). To me the character is so much bigger in the books. Ferguson plays her with one note. But back to positive - I loved Javier Bardem as Stilgar although he was arguably a touch too Zealot, Josh Brolin's Gurney Halek was perfection but too little music from him. And Austin Butler's Feyd-Rautha?! What a wonderful surprise! That kid has range! The final knife fight was choreographic beauty.

I would give it a 10 but I think they should have spent a little more time on Fremen culture but I suppose a Spice Orgy would be difficult for 2024. All in all I loved it! Well done! Can't wait for Dune Messiah.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
8 hours I'd like to have back
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well that's 8 hours of my life I wish I could have back. It started out so great. I thought, oh this is going to be such a fun whodunit but then after about the 3rd episode it just devolved into a bath of bad writing and acting. The premise that a woman's dead husband was not actually dead and that her sister's murder was somehow connected was interesting. Sadly the writer didn't know where to go from there and fell into a deep well of cliches, implausibilities and "are you kidding mes" and it just went downhill with every passing episode. Let's start with the main character, Maya. What an unhappy, angry, irritating woman. She never misses an opportunity to show she knows mixed martial arts and can "take you out" as she assaults people both literally and verbally. We're supposed to like this woman and cheer for her. I think. Hard to tell. The actress who plays her is so flat and emotionless you just don't care about her issues at all. Then there's the police detective who has a mysterious illness. He is reckless and obstinate to the point of annoying so we don't feel anything for him either. I wanted to mind you. The friend Shane seems clearly to be the bad guy but he's not despite being a stalker and just creepy. Maybe he was supposed to be a red herring but we never get that. He is seen standing outside her house in the dark, he lets himself in at odd hours, he sets off her car alarm and then stands in the shadows watching her. We never get a decent explanation.

Then the rich cliche family who of course we know aren't nice but in such a cliche way that it's almost funny.

But really it's the plot and solution of the murder mystery that disappoints. You just don't care about Maya so that when we finally find out her secrets it makes no sense and we just don't care. It could have been so good but the plot was resolved in such a disappointing way we were left with nothing. The.characters were weak and in the case of Maya in particular, so annoying that it was just disappointing.

Speaking of Shane, there's an 18 years later scene and it winds up being a bit creepy instead of nice as the stalker Shane, established as at least 25 years older than Maya's child, winds up marrying her and having a baby?? Why?! There's also a subplot about a 1/2 sibling that goes nowhere and if it was supposed to be another red herring it missed by a mile. I gave it 3 stars because I actually enjoyed the first 3 episodes and the premise and had hope that it would improve. Honestly 3 stars is generous but it wasn't the worst thing I ever watched so...Mayne it was a better book.
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Maestro (2023)
Had a really hard time finishing it
5 February 2024
What a disappointing mess of a movie. It felt like a self-indulgent vanity project for Bradley Cooper who not only chewed but ate the scenery throughout. Oh did you know Bernstein smoked? Well if you didn't the constant, and I mean constant, smoking was so pervasive it felt like that was the main message of the film. The choice to always have a cigarette in the main character's mouth felt like a desperate attempt by an actor to create a character through behavior alone. Here's a hint, I don't need to be beat over the head with a character trait to understand the character. Aside from the distracting constant smoking (I could smell it through the screen it seemed) the movie was wayward and boring. I wanted to hear beloved music and hear about periods of time surrounding West Side Story and Fiddle on the Roof or Candide and hear about his lyricist partnerships but instead we get to watch smoking Bradley sitting at the piano for long periods of time writing stuff most people have never heard of or watching an overacting Bradley conduct Mahler. Yawn.

The biography part was so boring I forced myself to finish it the movie because I thought there must be a reason it was nominated for best picture. It took me 2 tries. I kept thinking it would get better but alas it did not. I have no idea exactly what Cooper wanted us to take away from this film. Marriage is hard? Don't marry a gay man? Being gay in the 50's was hard? Being a musician is hard but art is worth it? I really don't know. It was so fractured even from an editing standpoint that sometimes I thought I must have missed a scene.

Oh well. Fortunately his music is easy to find and listen to. A genius of a composer, conductor and musician whose story and music sadly did not find its way into this film.
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Would give it an 11 or higher if I could! LOVED IT!
27 November 2023
Lessons in Chemistry review

What an exceptionally written show with an exceptional cast; exceptionally acted, directed and produced on every level. Wow! Just wow! It has been a long time since I have seen anything that good. It moved me, made me think, made me fall in love with characters and made me mourn the loss of them and the end of the show when it was done. Everything about the show was perfect down to the costumes and set design. The characters were real and intelligent and the women especially were strong and smart without beating you over the head with it. The relationships were refreshingly close and real and never stooped to cliche tropes so often seen in today's productions. I have recommended this show to everyone and will continue to do so. It's like finishing a great book. You hold it in your hands and feel satisfied to have visited in that world and sad that your time there is over. Whoever decided to pick this up and produce it - THANK YOU! Worth every dime of an Apple+ subscription.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Surprisingly I really liked it
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a fan of messing with classics and I was prepared to hate this but instead I actually really like it a lot. I even teared up at the end just like I did in the animated classic. I mean who isn't brought to tears by swelling Alan Menken music and the Prince and his love? I'm also not a Melissa McCarthy fan but she was excellent as Ursula. Excellent! I loved the colorful pallet throughout and I thought Halle was absolutely adorable as Ariel. Her voice was gorgeous and perfect for Ariel. A favorite new additional scene was Eric's study where he has a collection of sea stuff just like Ariel has her collection of human stuff. Stroke of genius idea there. One of my favorite scenes was "Kiss the Girl". They nailed every element with a perfect flashback to all the things that made the original a favorite scene. All the people complaining that the CGI was crappy or this and that was subpar? Get a grip. It was a really well done live action version of a beloved classic.
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What the heck was that?!
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS: So let me get this straight - the senior officer doctor murders someone important to the Federation in a premeditated unprovoked attack and he's still walking around as the doctor of the ship?!?! Captain Pike suggests it's not his place to decide who lives or dies and the doctor says "well it was hard, he was bad" and instead of throwing him in the brig and relieving him of duty Pike just kind of shrugs his shoulders and gives him a pass? And then they find out the doctor was the butcher and no problem there either?! What the actual heck?! And here we go again with the Discovery-esque insubordination and attitude from the crew. So the crew doesn't like the Klingon being on board and number one tells the captain to change course because the crew's not happy?! What the heck?! You do as your captain says or get off the ship. TERRIBLE EPISODE! And stop shoving Ortega down our throats. Sulu would never behave in such a manner. She's irritating as hell and her insubordination is not amusing or cute as the writers seem to think.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Really hard to watch
24 April 2023
I can't think of a more unlikeable character than Kate played by Kerry Russell. She has one gear: Angry with a side of intense and nasty. I kept expecting her head to explode from the tension she was generating with every word out of her mouth. I am a huge fan of Rupert Sewell but he seems to basically be there as Russell's punching bag. Everyone else seems to hate their lives as much as Russel's character does as sarcasm and sharp retorts are the common every day language. On top of that, the plot is really difficult to follow. Way too much political babel and names and titles that easily confuse. And I love cerebral complex plots as a rule. This was a real miss for me.
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Sad they forgot to include Tolkien
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Being a huge fan of Tolkien's magnificent writing, I had really high hopes for this show but 6 episodes in and bored is my main emotion. Galadriel is intolerable and lacks all the nuance and genius of Tolkien's character. The actress works my last nerve with her whisper acting and one note delivery. One cannot make up for a good script by making sets and scenes beautiful. Nor can you expect endless violent battles to make up for the lack of plot. Too much talking without saying anything. Too much violence without purpose. Too much grey toned wash on everything. Too much whisper acting. And Halbrand as some sort of Aragorn feels like an insult to Tolkien somehow.

That said, I'm giving it a 5 right now because despite the boring and awful Galadriel storyline, I am intrigued by the potential of Isildur's backstory and the pre-Hobbits have potential and Durin and the Dwarves are wonderful (but naturally we don't get enough of them) and Elrond has potential. The jury is still out on Meteor Man - if it's Gandalf like I suspect it is they have some serious work to do to make him worthy of Tolkien's character. Anyway, 5 stars for now. I'd love to have them prove me wrong and force me to raise it to a 10.
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WeCrashed (2022)
Unlikeable, unbearable people who don't get what they deserve
1 April 2022
So here's the thing here. It's easy to blame Leto and Hathaway for the irritated and annoyed feelings produced by this show but I'm pretty sure they're doing an excellent job portraying two real life narcissistic asses who don't give a damn about anyone and who think they are God's gift to the planet. What I hate most in this world is to see people like this rewarded for that behavior and so far after 5 episodes that's exactly what this is. Hours of watching a couple of really unlikeable people walk over anyone and everyone, recklessly destroying people for sport it seems, on their quest to get rich all while flaunting their elitist, entitled attitudes. Sadly the promise that they crash and get what they deserve is never realized because this couple in real life is still worth billions despite their "crash." Watch if you must but take your blood pressure medicine beforehand. I just wish that Apple and other film/series makers would spend more of their energy on stories where the good guys win (so to speak).
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Best Picture nomination?! How?!
16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Best picture nomination?! Really?! I don't even know what to say to describe the overlong nothingness of a movie this is. The two main characters are so flat and uninteresting I was honestly bored to tears. They have no chemistry and their relationship goes nowhere. Even the Bradley Cooper and Sean Penn cameos presumably included to give the film some...I don't know what...were pointless and did nothing for the movie. There didn't really seem to be any plot and I was constantly wondering how a 15 year old was able to rent retail space and do most of the things he does in this movie all while the implication is that he's still in high school yet we never see him attend a single class or do a single piece of homework. The slim explanation we get is he was some kind of child actor star but his whole being screams, "how is that possible?" His mother basically disappears with no explanation about 1/3rd of the way through the film so she's not helping him even though they could have easily written in a fun eccentric mother character to explain a lot.

The whole thing was just weird and dull and a waste of the ridiculous run time of over 2.5 hours. It was at least and hour too long. Even the soundtrack was a snoozefest. With so much iconic 70's music to choose from they manage to choose music just as forgettable as the film itself. We never even find out why the movie is called Licorice Pizza. Ugh. How it made the Best Picture list alongside such amazing films as CODA is truly mystifying.
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What a disappointing mess
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what this movie was trying to make me feel but if it was sympathy they missed. All I felt was anger and irritation at this selfish woman. Yes, raising kids is tough and yes, there are sacrifices that have to be made but guess what?! Make them. These are little humans that are learning from every single thing you do. We never get to see the result of the trauma this woman inflicted on her girls but I'll bet it was massive. Ugh. I'm having a hard time identifying a more unlikeable character in recent memory. And the men were all painted as inept, cheating, asses. Really?!

From a film art perspective it was so slow and so character driven on awful characters that at one point I looked to see how much time was left in the film and after seeing there was still 52 minutes left I almost bailed but didn't because I thought surely this will be worth it. It was not.

The baby doll analogy was so bizarre. I mean seriously she basically steals a doll from a child who has posted reward posters for it. So weird.

Ed Harris, the only joy in the film is of course painted as a lousy father but at least he had the hint of an interesting character. Sadly we never get to explore it.

And lastly there's the spoiled young mother Nina played by Dakota Johnson. She is meant to reflect history repeating itself but she's just another unhappy selfish mother who is more concerned with her sex life than her daughter.

Bottom line, the script for a movie or play is everything. This one could have been great. It could have said something significant. Instead it's just a bummer with no redeeming value. What a disappointment.
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Belfast (2021)
A beautifully nuanced film
8 March 2022
This is a beautifully nuanced film told from the perspective of a 9 or 10 year old boy and because it's from his perspective many of the adult themes are filtered and we see all the wonderful innocence of a child's hopes and dreams but also his fears and lack of perspective. There is a simplicity to the film that actually underscores a deeper subtext. The grandparents are beautifully performed and again because it's from the perspective of a child they are all warm and fuzzy memory without flaw and it's lovely. All the performances are perfectly done but newcomer Jude Hill was exceptional. The black and white choice worked particularly well and helped transport us to the 1960's. The fact that it was semi-autobiographical Kenneth Branagh was a treat as well and I loved that he had fun showing us glimpses into the man that he would become with little peppered items like an Agatha Christie book and a Thor comic, as well as his love of plays and movies and classic TV. It is a beautiful movie, sad under it all, but a true reflection of life through the lens of our young, untainted childhood.
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Spectacular remake
2 March 2022
This is an incredible remake of one of the best American Musicals. Everything about it works. I found myself tearing up with genuine emotion when Tony and Maria sang Tonight and you have to hit it on the nose to get tears from me in a movie. The whole movie hits in on the nose. Newcomer, Rachel Zelger was born to play Maria and is absolutely electric on screen. Ansel Elgort is the perfect Tony (who knew he could sing like that?!). Visually this film is art from the lighting to the location choices to the creative choreography to the gorgeous costuming! It sticks to the original play/movie which many feared it wouldn't and even throws in a few modernized Romeo and Juliet moments straight out of Shakespeare's play. It's a beautiful film and I have to think had it not been for the damn pandemic more people would have seen this work of art. See it now. It's long but worth every moment. I can see why it's been nominated for the Best Picture Oscar! My only negative note is while the Spanish was beautiful to listen to, I would have like a translation for the Spanish that was spoken. I get why the choice was made not to subtitle the Spanish and it worked to really demonstrate the culture and flow of language but I would have liked to have known what they were saying. Overall a beautiful film. A real piece of art.
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CODA (2021)
What a special film
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a special unique film full of perfectly measured acting and touching moments. Simple in concept but rich with the depth of so much more. Some truly touching moments so well framed and acted it earned many of my tears. Best moment: *spoiler* when the daughter sings to her deaf father and he experiences it by touching her vocal chords. Wow. Also great was the moment when all is silent during the concert and we experience what her family does. Also had the effect of reminding me how blessed I am to be able to hear the beauty that is music and to never take that for granted. One tiny point off from me - again *spoiler*: it is preposterous that the professional accompanist could not accompany Ruby's choice of a Joni Mitchell classic. But it worked for the touching moment that followed so I'll forgive it.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Art on film not to be missed
13 January 2022
Squid Game is one of those films/series that sticks with you days and weeks after you watch it. It's hard to put your finger on exactly why because at face value it's a really bloody gore fest. I have a very low tolerance for violence and gore but somehow this isn't about that. It's a study of human nature; a tale of haves and have nots, oppression, luck, desperation, love, friendship, greed and hope. Korean film is so rich in story telling it's simply refreshing. This is an exceptional work of art. I loved so many things about it but the main character and the old man and the successful pride of the neighborhood are spectacular in every nuanced scene. I think what makes Squid Game so great is that we recognize these people either in ourselves or in those around us. We cheer for them, hate them, understand them. Don't miss this film. Watch it with subtitles and let the native Korean language lead and watch it in doses. Binging is a LOT to handle in this one.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Oh the delicious subtext and metaphor
13 January 2022
Such a simple concept with such an equally simple yet powerful message. The dripping metaphor and subtext is spot on. The writers and actors get so much right in this movie including the sobering lack of intelligence on planet earth (or at least in the United States.) I loved the commentary undertone. I almost wanted to laugh at times but it was so close to on the nose it was hard to allow it. The most powerful images in this film were the images of the living beings other than humans that would be lost in such a extinction level event. The concept was quick and not overdone but very powerful. I liked this movie for a lot of reasons but mostly it was a clever "check yourselves humans" lecture that I thought was cleverly well done. A special nod to Timothee Chalamet's walk-on role. He did so much with so little dialogue and screen time I was duly impressed. He left me wishing we had met his character much sooner in the movie. DiCaprio and Lawrence were delightful and Streep is always fun with her "wicked character" hat on.
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What a disappointment
22 December 2021
This could have been so much more. It could have been tribute and truth but instead it is a disjointed mess making me question why this story was told at all. There wasn't enough content to make you care about any of them and Nicole Kidman's performance (and I'm a fan) is flat and irritating and bitchy without depth. Barden makes a decent Desi but we really get very little of him and his accent is so thick I had to use subtitles (and I'm from Miami!). Macy who plays William Frawley was great but again not enough of him. Same for the actress playing Vivian Vance who was basically given a sidelined nothingness of a character to work with. The word for this movie is disappointing. Whining, bitching, smoking, mess. Really, what was the point of this film?!
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One of my favorite Christmas feel good movies
20 December 2021
This movie is one of my all time favorite Christmas feel good movies. I watch it every year while I wrap presents. It's a totally unbelievable but who cares if it is movie about a lonely woman who finds herself in the home of the perfect family at Christmas and finds love along the way. The chemistry of the actors is fantastic and seeing Bill Pullman in his youth is always a treat as is seeing Peter Gallagher. Pullman and Bullock warm my heart and make me smile every single time I see this movie. The whole thing is romantic Christmas the way Hallmark only wishes they could create.
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Ballet 422 (2014)
Would have been a higher rating if...
30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So and hour and 15 minutes invested in watching the creation of the ballet and we don't get to see the whole ballet?!?! I always enjoy behind the scenes at the ballet stuff but what a disappointment after seeing all the pieces we don't get to see the whole puzzle. Sigh. Other than that, it was fun to see these professionals all working together to produce a production and they did a pretty good job of being a fly in the wall.
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A magnificent gift
26 November 2021
What a treasure! If I could give this 20 stars I would. Some of my earliest memories are of the Beatles and I can still remember every word to every Beatle song even though other memories in my life have faded. This film is a gift to the world. A found item in the most magical of attics. To see the collaboration, the talent, the brotherhood in such intimate detail is truly wonderful. I loved every minute of it. Peter Jackson is also a gift and it must have been near impossible to decide what to leave in and what to exclude. Like LOTR he nails it, managing to honor the content without forcing himself of it. It will always be difficult to watch John knowing his unacceptable end but what a great tribute and memorial this is. And sweet George. While others screamed for Paul, I was always a George girl. If I could just go back in time and take the cigarette out of his hand I would. Alas it is the way of things. Thank you Peter Jackson for this most wonderful of gifts!!
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Dune (2021)
Changed my rating from 6 to an 8 because...
1 November 2021
February 2024 Update: So my initial review was less than stelllar but after I watched the movie I re-read the book and then gave the movie another watch and you know what? I stand corrected. It is a really good adaptation of Dune with fantastic casting and script adaptation. Some of my initial comments stand and I do think this is always going to be a better book than movie but I've upped my rating and opinion. Looking forward to part two.

Some stories are meant to be read. This is one such story. The characters and the stories are too cerebral and just don't translate to the screen. Why do they feel the need to remake this movie every couple of years? Look, I love sci-fi. I love epic stories. I love a good piece of cinematic eye candy. I do, but this failed to deliver on almost all those fronts and disappointed me almost to the point of boredom at times. The monochrome-colored everything alone was tough to take even when expected. The little piece of greenery we see at one point was literally like water in the desert. And while the costumers tried hard, the clothing blowing 12 feet out from the body in the the desert wind looked cool once but would that really be the style? Excess fabric flying dramatically? Not very practical. It was a cool visual, but too much when they used it in scene after scene after scene. The performances range from ok to pretty good. I liked Timothy Chalamet in the lead for the most part but everyone else felt like a walk-on cameo. I loved Rebecca Ferguson in the White Queen but she looked so out of place in this world. It was almost as if her character was too big for her and the actress was literally being swallowed up by one of the sand worms. She just seemed lost. So 5 stars because it had a few moments and I appreciate the effort put into the cinematography but overall takeaway is: stop trying to make this book into a movie and just encourage people to read it instead.
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Clickbait (2021)
Oh. My. God. Soooo good!
20 September 2021
This was soooooooooo good. Grabs you from the first minute and keeps you on the edge of your seat up to the last. A serious cautionary tale on many levels and just a good old fashion mystery on others. Loved it!!
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The Dressmaker (I) (2015)
A great script, perfectly acted and produced
17 June 2018
A great script perfectly acted on all cylinders. Wonderfully drawn characters and a story perfectly told through the sometimes very comedic caricatures of the residents of a dusty middle of nowhere outback Australian town. Kate Winslet gives the kind of performance that made us fall in love with her years ago and Liam Hemsworth is every bit as dreamy as you imagine he would be but Hugo Weaving steals the show and Judy Davis is spectacular with her nuanced mad mum scenes. I happened upon this movie one afternoon and almost passed it by because I'm not a big fan of dirty dusty outback films but boy am I glad I watched this. Don't miss this wonderful film!
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