
15 Reviews
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Baby Driver (2017)
Oozing style; a truly unique experience
21 April 2022
The story is nothing new, or special, and even serves to bog down the movie at times, but despite that the cinematography, action and choreography make this movie truly unique and a blast to watch.

The movie has an almost constant flow of music, which is being played in-world, listened to by the protagonist. And most significantly audible events are synced with that music: Gun-shots, tire-squeals, closing doors, crashes. The protagonist even restarts a song at one point so that it will sync with what is going on.

This makes for an extremely interesting audio-visual experience; something truly unique, and because of that it's a movie I would wholeheartedly recommend to anybody.
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Red Notice (2021)
THE Average Action Comedy
8 March 2022
There's a couple pretty stupid plot points, but nothing offensively bad.

At the same time, there's a few good scenes as well, but nothing that really shines.

This movie is truly the epitomy of the average action comedy. You've seen it all before if you're familiar with the genre; there's nothing new, nor anything remarkable.

But sometines that's okay; this is a perfectly average way to spend an evening.

I'd say this is best enjoyed with company, so you can riff on the stupid stuff.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A bloated, but good movie
13 January 2022
This movie could have been a decent bit better with some bloat trimmed off; I think they could have trimmed about 15min of unnecessary scenes for a tighter more poignant narrative. The extra ending was definitely one of the worst offenders, being very pointless for the narrative and just seemed like it was there for a cheap laugh.

But even with the bloat, it's a good movie, well worth watching, for the interesting parallels to current events, if nothing else.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Charming and lighthearted, occasionally existential
8 December 2021
This is a delightful little series that remains consistently charming and light, while occasionally tackling deeper themes without getting too nestled in them.

A strong final season with a proper ending left me happy about the series as a whole. It's a series I can recommend if you want something to take your eyes off the misery going on in the real world.
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A fun, stupid and long comedy
19 November 2021
The movie definitely had its' share of fun scenes, but a good number of scenes were a good amount longer than they really should have been, reducing the comedic effect of the jokes.

And of course, the movie and plot is very stupid, for good and bad, but were you really expecting anything else?
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
A good show with some slumps
11 October 2021
It's a fun show with many laughs. It gets very formulaic at times, especially around early to middle Season 3, but it successfully progresses toward the end of it.

Season 6 was a slight let-down; the writers try their hand at a time-travel story and fail for the most part.
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Bones: The Psychic in the Soup (2015)
Season 10, Episode 11
Dangerously stupid
2 May 2021
Bones is a series normally quite enamored with science. Science has rigorously disproved mediums. Bones has had its' stints with BS in the past, but to have characters pronounce their acceptance of something wholly unscientific, something literally mainly used by scam artists, is not just stupid, but straight up harmful. It is legitimizing harmful behavior to people not versed in the topic and it is not okay.
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Hart of Dixie (2011–2015)
Like being embraced in a cosy warm blanket
15 March 2021
This series as a whole is just a warm, lighthearted, pleasant, good time. It is also frequently stupid, but usually in a humorous way. It's mostly centered around the love life of the main ~5 characters. The final season nicely wraps things up, without any annoying setups for continuation; it's a contained story. I recommend giving it a watch if you're looking for something easygoing that you don't need to focus on to keep track of.
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Standard romcom in a new wrapper
7 March 2021
Very much a bog-standard, predictable romance movie, carried by the superficial wrapper of a non-standard(for romance movies) culture. It's a decent watch if you have some time to kill, but not something I recommend going out of your way to watch.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Unremarkable flair
12 February 2021
It has some good action scenes(mainly the scene with the bat) and some fun flair, but aside from that the plot and characters are pretty forgettable.
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Unremarkable fun
11 February 2021
The story is mostly re-treading old archetypal beats, but the great visuals and fun theme elevate this otherwise unremarkable movie from plain mediocrity. Give it a watch if you want something visually appealing that doesn't require deep thought.
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The Good Liar (2019)
Solid performances can't save an unbelievably bad script
31 December 2020
It took me all of 20minutes to guess the ending(coming over an hour later) down to pretty minute detail(minus the "Nazi-part"); that should give a good idea of how predictable the ending is. The "Nazi-part" is mainly backstory providing some motivations; it came out of nowhere and just feels like it was shoe-horned in. It gets kind of ridiculous when characters all of a sudden turn cartoonishly evil, not to mention how unbelievably dumb Roy gets close to the final twist; seemingly forgetting all of his financial savvy just because the plot needed him to. Had I not watched this movie with somebody else I probably wouldn't have finished it and would have been happier for it.
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Sahara (2017)
Beautiful, but dumb as rocks
26 May 2017
The saying "All flash, no substance" feels like a perfect descriptor of this movie. The painting-like visuals of this movie are fantastic. The people in charge of that definitely deserve some praise for what they've accomplished. Now if only these people could be paired up with some people that are competent at crafting stories.. Because the story is anything but well-crafted. Most characters are extremely underdeveloped and shallow, with motivations being as flimsy as a leaf in the wind. I don't remember a single character in the movie being the least bit interesting; such utterly forgettable characters.

Give this one a skip unless you're tired and just wanna look at something pretty while you shut your brain off.
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Her (2013)
Beautiful, but full of holes
27 July 2015
Let me just start out by praising the cinematography. The movie looks absolutely beautiful from start to finish. Brilliant use of colors and movement. Acting is also praise-worthy.

What isn't praise-worthy is the plot. The movie has absolutely zero regard for how the technology behind AI actually would work. But this is fiction, so I have some tolerance for technical inaccuracies. But that's far from the only problem with the plot. If we were to replace the AI component of this romantic drama with a human (and all relevant plot points something that would happen to a human) we would have a pretty standard romantic drama. The plot is the same old crap that has been done time and time again, just with a new coat of paint this time around. Not to mention the numerous plot holes.. The only part of the plot that stands out is the ending. It sets up several possibilities, and then ends at just the right moment, leaving you wondering about what happens. I really liked the ending, but it can't make up for the rest of the plot being pretty brain-dead.

It might be worth watching if you want to see something visually impressive, as long as you can bear the lackluster plot.
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This is time-travel done correctly.
21 November 2013
Finally a time-travel story that isn't bogged down with paradoxes and inconsistencies. Those usually bug the crap out of me when I see things from the genre. (Doctor Who, Stein's;Gate and Bioshock Infinite are all notable examples of stories that fail) *very minor spoiler* The fact that they only travel into the body of their past self is what eliminates most of the problems. But even then, they don't focus as much on the traversal of time as other stories do (and fail). The only problems with the traveling is the "teleportation" they do. Like her moving instantly from one place to another. Along with her transferal of momentum to her previous self. Those make no sense, but they're not given much focus either, so I can forgive those faults. *end spoiler*

The entire story is an obvious labor of love. So much detail has been put into the characters and which parts of the story you are being shown. The movie never feels like it's wasting your time. Only towards the end did I feel like they were dragging a bit. I loved the big twist. It was done really cleverly.

I also wasn't impressed with the voice acting, nor sound effects. The main character sounded really fake when she was laughing and crying. Really fake. It bugged the crap out of me. She was good outside of those moments though. As for the scenes, they just often didn't have the atmospheric sounds they would have in real life, which made the scenes feel more fake. The voice acting and lack of atmosphere are probably why I wasn't too impressed with the final "goodbye", which I will not go into detail about to avoid spoiling anything.

Overall I would recommend this movie to anybody, as it achieves greatness in almost every single aspect.
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