
10 Reviews
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13 August 2019
Completely, and unequivocally disappointed! Story was utter trash. Lawrence Kasdan should've returned to write the story; why not Disney?! All that build up in TFA was for nothing! Luke's character was trashed! Then Leia turned into Mary Poppins in one of numerous dumb scenes?! And the poor treatment of General Ackbar! Not sure how Abrams will redeem the third installment.
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Great Family Movie
12 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie was like going on The Haunted Mansion ride again and I love that ride. This movie was a surprisingly entertaining family movie with a good mix of comedy, horror, romance, action, mystery, and adventure.

Side note, it wasn't explicitly stated, but the evil butler was racist who disapproved of his master marrying Elizabeth because she was half black - the butler used the euphemism "from different worlds".
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Better than Twilight
27 November 2018
The beautiful Teresa Palmer and handsome Matthew Goode starring as star-crossed lovers in a show about Witches, Vampires, Demons piqued my interest. Then I started watching it and now I'm hooked! Show has a good story line with its different take on the witches, vampire, demons myths and folklore. Teresa and Matthew share great chemistry. Loving Teresa's Diana and Matthew's Matthew's intensity. Also great supporting cast. Can't wait for season 2.
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28 October 2018
The only tragic thing that happened in this movie is Barbra Streisand's hair.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Alicia's Great
18 October 2018
Overall this is your average action movie.

But, Alicia Vikander on the other hand is an amazing action star; what a revelation! I love it when Hollywood casts an actor like Alicia in an action role who has the physique/physicality, can believably pull off the action role and perform parts or most of the stunts like running/fighting which results in seamless action scenes between star and stunt double so there's no need for shaky cam or SFX (unlike scarlet johanssen's lame natasha romanoff/BW). Also some of the action sequences are very much like in the video game.
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Belle Should Be Able To SING!!!
16 October 2018
What the hell Disney?! Why did they cast Emma-cannot-sing-well-subpar-actress-average-pretty-Watson as amazing singer, personable, and beautiful "Belle"?! Watching and hearing Emma's attempts to be Belle and sing was painstakingly ugh! Overall her Belle was terrible. Too bad because the other characters were very well cast; shout out to Luke Evans whose Gaston was great.

The title Beauty & the Beast was going to sell itself, it did not need Emma Watson who was never a box office draw in the first place! Disney should've cast a Broadway star as Belle because they can actually sing without the need for auto-tune and act well. Emma was the thorn in this movie's rose.
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Better Than Last Jedi & Rogue One
14 October 2018
Solid story; better than Rogue One and sooo much better than Last Jedi. The visuals were spectacular. I had my doubts with Alden being cast as Han, but he pulled it off in my eyes. You seldom go wrong with the brilliant writer Lawrence Kasdan. Donald Glover nailed Lando's character and all the actors cast were decent. Nice to see how Han and Chewie got to first meet.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
12 October 2018
Solid entertaining movie. I highly commend the great realistic fight scenes where it looks like athletic Charlize is doing all the stunts herself and no obvious stunt person in place of the main actors which is a pet peeve of mine *cough scarlet johanssen's black widow cough* because it breaks my movie immersion.

My only gripe is Charlize's terrible English accent.
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Venom (2018)
Pleasantly Surprised
5 October 2018
Went in with low expectations after seeing the low RT ratings. But Venom turned out to be a fun popcorn flick. Tom Hardy and Venom are entertaining and help carry an otherwise generic plot/storyline. Villain/s weak though. Also liked Michelle Williams in this.
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My top 5 action movie of all time!!! And NO annoying shaky cam!!
16 August 2018
The plot is easy to follow. Ensure you've seen the last 3 MI movies to enrich your viewing experience of this one. Tom Cruise rocks! This is why I love seeing his action movies because he does most of the physical stunts amazingly himself. Also, there are no annoying shaky cam, fast edits, close ups, and/or off the center framing of the action scenes to hide: lazy action sequences, actors' terrible physicality *cough Scarlet Johanssen cough* and/or blatant stunt doubles! Total viewing immersion and the suspension of disbelief does not get broken at all! I'm not sure if Rebecca Ferguson and Henry Cavill used stunt doubles because that's how great the action stunts are - all perfectly seamless between actors and stunt doubles! My pet peeve when seeing action movies is when the stunts including even running are so blatantly done by the stunt doubles *cough Scarlet Johanssen's lame Black Widow cough*. BTW Emily Blunt or Rebecca Ferguson would've played a better Black Widow because they have the physique/stature, athletic physicality, and a great wide range acting chops which would've done justice to the comics Black Widow!

Fallout has great pacing, great action scenes/stunts, great acting, great directing, great music, great locations, great cinematography...........just all round great/amazing! I can't believe the time went by so quickly. This movie is total entertainment and deserves B.O. success, awards, and recognition. Fallout is best viewed on the big screen. Fallout is the best MI movie followed by Rogue Nation.
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