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Excellent historical drama
11 June 2024
As recounted by an aging daughter: at the end of the Edo era, widowed young samurai Seibei Iguchi (an excellent Hiroyuki Sanada), who is struggling to support his two young daughters and his senile mother on a small stipend, is reluctantly drawn back into the 'bushido' way when he is forced to demonstrate his expertise with a sword in a fight with the abusive husband of a friend's sister. This excellent revisionist jidaigeki as many of the elements of a classic chanbara but is much more reflective on the meaning of honour and loyalty when long-entrenched social standards breaking down and leaders no longer seem to warrant the unquestioning loyalty and obedience that they demand. The storyline is realistic yet somewhat unpredictable (at least to me, what I kept thinking was going to happen didn't) and compared to the genre's usual over-the-top swordplay, the limited 'fight scenes' are subtle and believable. The cast and the script are quite good (I was watching an English subtitled version), as is the cinematography and score. Anyone expecting a 'samurai action film' may be disappointed but anyone looking for a historical drama about Japan just before the massive social upheavals of the early Meiji period should greatly enjoy Yoji Yamada's sad, meticulous tale about a man at the end of his era.
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Lawman (1971)
Harsh revisionist western with a good story and an excellent cast
10 June 2024
Über-competent hardcase lawman Jarred Maddox (Burt Lancaster) rides into the town of Sabbath, looking for a band of cowpokes who shot up his town, killing an old man in the process, only to find that the townies are beholding to Bronson, a wealthy local rancher (Lee J. Cobb), whose men Maddox seeks, and are hostile to the lawman serving justice, especially after he shows up with the body of one the local men draped over the back of his horse. While fans of oaters may not find a lot new, the script and the cast are very good and the tough story is interesting and more ambiguous than usual for the genre (reflecting revisionist trends popular in the 60s and 70s). As always, Lancaster is very good in the role as the inflexible 'nothing matters but the law' marshal, as is Robert Ryan as Sheriff Cotton Ryan, a former 'lawman' (a frequently used term) who lost his nerve and just wants to live out his life quietly taking money from Bronson and accepting the derision and ridicule dumped on him by the 'real men' of the town. The third in the triptych is Bronson, the typical 'men like me built this land' type who has accepted the day of the gun is over and figures that he can just talk or buy his way out - needless-to-say an approach unlikely to work with the rigid Maddox. Other than some implausible shooting abilities (a characteristic of almost all entries in the genre) and some unrealistic blood-spurting, the film has a nice sense of realism. There are some directorial weaknesses: notably too many dramatic 'zooms', but the cast and script more than make up for the occasional trite flourish. Not novel but well done and a lot more thought-provoking that the usual horse-opera.
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Grizzly (1976)
Bad news bear
9 June 2024
A monstrous über-ursine with a taste for man-meat terrorises a National Park. Essentially a land-lubber's 'Jaws', Grizzly was one of the first homages to/rip-offs of Spielberg's icthythian mega-hit and was heavily criticised when it came for being a shameless knock-off (and not a particularly good one). A one-note plot is to be expected given the premise, but the script and acting are generic, the special effects poor (most noticeably at the 'climax'), and the bear is just not that menacing (a real griz was used but there are no actual 'interactions' between bear and people - the 'action scenes' are mostly shots of the bear roaring (faked), then a quick cut to a prop-bear claw followed by another quick cut to a bloody victim). There are a couple of good gruesome bits but most of the victims just look like they were splattered with hot-sauce. The story-line struggles to build tension, even resorting to some nonsense about the bear being some kind of gigantic primeval holdover, that it is 'smarter than your average bear', and that it's sole raison d'etre is gobbling down rangers and campers. The score is hit and miss with cheerful opening-credits theme would sound more at home leading into a 70's sitcom about a 'plucky young women moving to the big city' than heralding a nature-gone-bad horror about a 'colossal carnivore eating innocent campers'. Dumb and derivative.
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Great WW2-era Navy pic
4 June 2024
The high-speed, light-weight Patrol Torpedo Boats and their crews struggle to prove their worth in the early days of the war in the Pacific. This gripping war-time adventure-drama, based on the eponymous novel by William Lindsay White, was helmed by John Ford and starred Robert Montgomery (both of whom had served in the USN in the Pacific) and John Wayne (who famously did not serve in any branch of the service - the back and forth about this lacuna in the backstory of Hollywood's ultimate 'American Hero' makes for interesting reading). With the cooperation of the Navy, Ford had six PT boats at his disposal (not perfect matches to what would have sailed in 1942 but still awesome to watch) and the film's battle scenes are exemplary. Lensed during the war but released after VJ day, the film is infected with a bit of the jingoism expected in the era's semi-propaganda entertainment, but it's not excessively manipulative and the anti-Japanese rhetoric is kept to a minimum. The cast is great, as is the story and the script, but the real stars are the mahogany-hulled boats bouncing over the chop, dodging shell busts and machine gun fire to drop torpedoes at their sometimes magnitudes larger foes. Sure, the film exaggerates the success of the 'Mosquito Fleet' and some of the less inspiring parts of the story are omitted (in the early days, the crews frequently risked their lives to launch faulty torpedoes that sailed under the target or impacted with a 'clank,' not a 'bang'). I am always saddened when I read that most the PT boats ended the war being dragged out of the water, stripped of weapons and useful parts, and then burned on the beach - the cost of maintain the wooden hulls was more than the post-war navy was willing to shell out. A few still survive but 'PT-73', the co-star of 1962's 'McHale's Navy' (a 70' Vospar MTB that started life in 1945 as a PT-694) was wrecked in a storm in 1992. Excellent.
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Ninja Kamui (2024– )
Flashy but repetitive and eventually uninteresting
4 June 2024
Higan (aka Joe Logan) a renegade who has given up the cold, emotionless Ninja ways for love, is targeted for extermination by the chief Ninja, and ends up embroiled in a gigantic scheme to rule the world after he embarks on a pogrom to avenge his slaughtered family. Although there is some interesting imagery, after a while the endless fights, the 'mecha-suits', the nameless drones getting shot up of chopped up etc, all started to look the same and having lost lost interest in the plot halfway through, only watched to the end half paying attention. While I like some anime, this series typifies what I dislike: too much emphasis on style, not enough on story or character.
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Sky King: Sky Robbers (1958)
Season 4, Episode 2
Underwhelming episode of the ancient 'flying-western'
4 June 2024
Schuyler 'Sky' King (Kirby Grant) and Penny (Gloria Winters) get mixed up with thieves targeting the proceeds at the local air-races (at which Penny is entered in the "Debutante Race"). This vintage 'pilot-cowboy' program was already more than a decade old when I first complained that it was taking up valuable Saturday morning time that could have been devoted to cartoons. Having recently spotted a few episodes on Tubi, I decided to flashback for 30 minutes and check out the old show. It has not aged well (although IMDB scores suggest that this was not one of the better episodes). While there are some interesting '50s era airplanes on display, the story was simplistic and Sky King's climatic solution to the problem (needless to say from above in The Songbird) was critically implausible (I suspect I would have raised a skeptical eyebrow even as a wee lad). The show was clearly aimed at the youth market and, while Penny was cute, the script and Winters acting wasn't up to making her anything more than a youthful 'TV character'. Grant's lines weren't much better, and the show ended up being about as realistic as the cartoons that it was displacing. Still, 'Sky King' is a piece of TV history, so I will try to hunt down one of the top-rated episodes and give the Ike-era airborne-oater another chance.
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OK for what it is - a dated low-budget '30s 'sci-fi' chapter-play
30 May 2024
Athlete, navy-man, and overall übermensch 'Crash Corrigan' (stuntman Ray Corrigan, who subsequently went by Ray 'Crash' Corrigan in films and TV work), along with intrepid 'girl-reporter' Diana (Lois Wilde), young sidekick Billy (Lee Van Atta), avuncular boffin Professor Norton (C. Montague Shaw), and comic-relief buddies Briny and Salty (Smiley Burnette and Frankie Marvin) travel by rocket-propelled submarine to the lost continent of Atlanta, where they are immediately caught up in a war between the evil despot Unga Khan (Monte Blue, stealing cues from Flash Gordon's faux-Asian arch-enemy Ming the Merciless)) and his black-robed henchmen (including Lon Chaney Jr.) and good-guy Sharad (William Farnam) and his white-robed followers (for a 'nice guy' Sharad seems ruthless enough when presiding over blood-sports in the Atlantean coliseum). Everyone's near reverence for Crash gets a bit smarmy after a while (or in Billy's case a bit creepy), especially considering the hero's outfits occasionally border on campy-outrageousness (skimpy fish-scale briefs and a head-piece sporting a prominent fin) but the stuntman and gorilla-imitator turned actor acquits himself pretty well as a cunning, quick-fisted, and resourceful hero (the rest of the cast are functional and nondescript). The Republic serial is very similar to Mascot's popular 'Phantom Empire' 12-parter (1935) starring Gene Autry: both feature a technologically advanced 'lost' kingdom in political ferment, incredible 'scientific gadgetry' including ray-guns, mechanical men, 'flying torpedoes', and viewing machines (that can see anywhere, no camara needed), and both chapterplays conclude apocalyptically which oddly don't seem to bother the heroes, who are now safe on the Earth's surface. As depression-era serials go, 'Underwater Kingdom' is typical, and 'OK'. The storyline is simplistic, there are numerous unacceptable implausibilities (Billy can pilot one of the Unga Khan's flying machines!?), characters seem to inexplicably know the names of things (such as 'vol-planes' 'volkite' robots) when first encountered, and several of the cliff-hanger resolutions are 'cheats' (the 'before' and the 'after' footage don't match). Not surprisingly, production frugality is evident, notably in frequently repeated scenes (when the submarine ascends, bubbles are sucked back into the engines) but some investment and imagination went into the fearsome 'Juggernaut' (I likes the sound it made) and the lumbering volkites (goofy but much less ridiculous than the behatted tinmen menacing Gene Autry in the Phantom Empire. More interesting as history than as entertainment but fans of vintage sic-fi should enjoy it in a smug, eye-rolling way (as I did).
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OK 'lost world' shtick with amusing dinosaurs
27 May 2024
Rumours of a mysterious island populated by prehistoric holdovers prompts a zealous photographer and the woman bankrolling him to charter a ship and head for antediluvian adventure. The plot is a classic and, considering the era and budget, the Cinecolor film is not too bad. Admittedly, other than some distantly seen stop-motion sauropods, the primeval creatures are laughable: the fearsome 'ceratosaurs' are unconvincing 'suitmation' costumes, the 'dimetrodons' are models with apparently nonfunctioning legs, and the 'giant ground sloth' looks more like an overweight orangutan with snaggly demonic teeth (the creature is likely Ray 'Crash' Corrigan in one of his ape suits, unsuitably modified). Still: kudos to the filmmakers for attempting to show 'real dinosaurs' rather than simply gluing fins and horns to iguanas or baby alligators (à la Irwin Allen or Bert I. Gordon). The human characters are all OK with Barton MacLane standing out as the nasty, hard-hitting and lascivious Capt. Tarnowski (his solution to the suffering of a crewman being fought over by carnivorous dinosaurs adds a bit of a hard edge to the film). Virginia Grey is a touch bland as the obligatory endangered dame but the evolving 'love' triangle between her and the increasingly annoying Ted and the increasingly brave John is interesting as these things go. All in all, not bad for what it is. Forgiving fans of the genre should enjoy it - I did (and would have loved it as a kid).
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An interesting 'work in progress', the finished product might have been outstanding.
27 May 2024
Ryunosuke Tsukue (Tatsuya Nakadai), a skilled but sociopathic samurai drifts though Edo Japan killing people, making enemies, avoiding revenge-seekers, and searching for something - perhaps for a challenge, perhaps for an ending. Like most commentators, I was impressed by the film's visual style (the scene in which one of Ryunosuke's victim's brother (Yuzo Kayama) finesses his killing thrust using a ray of sunlight in a darkened room as a target is exquisite) but was greatly disappointed by the abrupt, unexpected ending and the lack of resolution of a number of plot-lines (not to mention a violation of Chekov's rule about introducing a gun into the story- I expect to see it fired or at least see the hand holding it chopped off). Nakadai is intriguing as the evilly serene ronin who rarely blinks or shows any emotions (other than the occasionally bitter laugh). Michiyo Aratama is also good as Ohama, the widow who takes up with Ryunosuke after he kills her husband, an outcome she tried to prevent by sleeping with the talented swordsman the night before the match. The 1966 film is surprisingly bloody, bridging the often bloodless chanbara of the 1950s with the geysering excesses of the 1970s (see 'Lady Snowblood' or the baby-cart series for some fine sanguineous examples). Toshiro Mifune has an extended cameo playing a po-faced fencing school master who doesn't want to kill (but does so extremely well) and there are lots of familiar faces from Toho's stable of fine character actors. For all the talk of schools and 'fencing' techniques, all my untrained eye saw in the sword fights were flailing blades and incompetents lining up to be cut down, especially during the final battle, in which the bloodletting started to get repetitive and tedious. Too bad the story didn't wrap up satisfactorily (supposedly it was part of a trilogy that was never completed).
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Doctor Who: A Land of Fear (1964)
Season 1, Episode 37
"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs..."*
24 May 2024
Treachery and danger abound when the Doctor (William Hartnell) and companions Ian, Barbara, and Susan (William Russell, Jacqueline Hill, and Carole Ann Ford) materialise near Paris during the bloodiest days of the French revolution. I generally prefer the 'sci-fi'-themed serials to the 'history'-themed serials and found this 6-part adventure a bit slow-going despite being reasonably well written. The storyline is convoluted, with numerous characters and lots of Gallic intrigue and duplicity. Typical for the early days of the vintage series, the acting and the script are pretty good, although Hartnell flubs his lines occasionally and Susan doesn't contribute much to the story beyond frequently needing be helped or rescued. Barbara gets a moment on a soapbox when the killing of a 'traitor' who was likely a 'patriot' in his own eyes is shrugged off as 'necessary' and the Doctor gets to show off how cunning he can be (but, unusually for the generally pacifistic Timelord, he resorts to physical assault on occasion). Considering that a time-travelling Doctor was originally proposed as a gimmick to interest young BBC viewers in history, the serial takes more liberties with the facts that is needed to tell to story (notably in the last episode). The entire serial was wiped by the BBC in the 1960s but copies of four episodes (1-3, 6) were later located and in 2013, the existing audio recordings for 4 and 5 were mated to animated recreations. The animation is a bit crude but serves to complete the story. The Doctor's season-one closer was not great entry in the canon but the partially reconstituted serial remains a valued checkmark in fans' life-lists. *score and comments pertain to the entire serial including the animated recreations.
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She (1935)
Dated and a bit slow but still magnificent in places
23 May 2024
An expedition to the high Arctic in search of a life-prolonging secret discovers Kor, an ancient city ruled by a ruthless, beautiful, and eternal queen: 'Ayesha, She Who Must be Obeyed' (Helen Gahagan) who perceives one of the expedition members to be the reincarnated spirt of a long dead lover whom she killed in a fit of jealousy centuries earlier. This was sixth cinematic version of H. Rider Haggard's famous 1887 novel 'She' and stays reasonably true to the original tale (despite moving the venue from darkest Africa to frozen north). Gahagan is excellent as the imperious immortal and the rest of the cast is serviceable. The script is a bit clunky and the story a bit slow to start but everything picks up when the explorers are attacked by a tribe of cannibals who plan a particularly gruesome murder of their future meals. The film was produced by Merian Cooper, produced and co-director of 1931's monster hit 'King Kong' and has a very similar look at times. The art-deco tinged city of Kor, with its immense statues is beautifully rendered and the strange Orientalist imagery and dance is captivating (the film was nominated of an Oscar for Best Dance Direction). Haggard's tale launched the genre of 'lost worlds' fantasies of which 'She' is an excellent early cinematic example.
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Dated and silly but still lots of fun if watched for what it is
22 May 2024
Gene Autry the singing cowboy (playing Gene Autry, a singing cowboy,) his young companions Betsy (Betsy King Ross) and Frankie (Frankie Darro), and comic sidekicks Oscar (Smiley Burnette) and Pete (Peter Potter) stumble across the ancient yet technologically-sophisticated underground kingdom of Murania ruled by Queen Tika (Dorothy Christy), a beautiful but cold-blooded and supercilious despot. Meanwhile, a duplicitous scientist and his cronies are after a fortune in radium (apparently at least a bushel-basket full), a wicked plot that requires the elimination Radio Ranch, a rustic musical venue dependant on Gene's cowboy-crooning. This novel-sci-fi-oater serial from Mascot is a lot of fun in a dated and quaint way. Autry makes for a bland but affable hero although he is not a particularly convincing brawler and the rest of the cast is fine playing the usual stereotypes - sidekicks, minions, villains, etc. (but the usual repeatedly-imperilled dame is noticeably absent). The serial clearly targeted the youth market: in addition to Gene and various musicians, Radio Ranch is home to 'The Thunder Riders' ("To the rescue!!!") a pack of heroic kids led by Frankie who wear capes and helmets, demonstrate impressive equestrian skills, and who have a clubhouse/lab full of secret doors and swell gizmos. The serial's special effects are surprisingly good, with lots of shots of the underground empire and Murianan technology, with reasonably good matte and rear-projection work allowing characters to 'interact' with the nicely designed miniatures and paintings (I particularly liked the aerial-torpedo launching system). The robots, on the other hand are laughable (and likely were equally eye-rolling in 1935). The 'mechanical man' costumes were designed for an unused song-and-dance number in 1933's 'Dancing Lady', which explains why the supposedly fearsome automatons look like they should be 'putting on the Ritz' or flirting with Joan Crawford rather than menacing Gene and his crew. The plot is typical 'western', with scoundrels trying to drive off honest ranchers to get at buried riches (now radium rather than gold) with the underground empire as sort of an elaborate side plot. The story doesn't make a lot of sense and there is a highly contrived 'rule' that Gene must perform at Radio Ranch every day at 2:00 or the Ranch will be shut down. This justifies a musical interlude in most chapters and adds an extra tension: 'will Gene be back in time to sing?', to the standard 'will Gene be killed?'. Given the general light-heartedness of the serial (especially when Oscar and Pete are in action), the final episode is surprisingly grim and I was actually surprised by how the story ended (ie defying my smug predictions). The serial was highly successful and likely contributed to Republic and Universal's decisions to invest in science-fiction themed adventure chapter-plays such as 'The Undersea Kingdom' and 'Flash Gordon' (both 1936). Silly fun if watched for what it is: a low-budget, depression-era horse-opera-sci-fi chapter-play featuring a singing cowboy, heroic kids, and robots wearing tin fedoras.
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Ancient, quaint, and comic cautionary tale about the perils of rarebit gluttony
21 May 2024
After sloppily overindulging in 'Welsh rarebit' and wine, the titular 'fiend' (Jack Brawn) staggers home only to experience devilish headaches and horrifying dreams. This ancient silent comedy, directed and filmed by Edison men Wallace McCutcheon and Edwin S. Porter, was inspired by one of a series of eponymous 1904 comic strips drawn by Winsor McCay that featured the dire consequences of overconsumption of the 'beer, bread and cheese' concoction. The short is full of imaginative special effects that, although primitive by modern standards, were quite sophisticated at the time, including miniatures, stop-motion, double-exposures, mattes, and other assorted camera tricks. The overall effect is quite well-done and humorous, especially when the fiend experiences the dreaded 'bed-spins'.
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Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace: Episode 1 (1967)
Season 4, Episode 19
Not a gem but worth the effort to recreate and to watch*
20 May 2024
The Doctor (Patrick Troughton), Ben (Michael Craze), Polly (Anneke Wills) and newly acquired companion Jamie (Fraser Hines) materialise on a beach somewhere on Earth sometime in the near future and are promptly captured and taken to the legendary submerged kingdom of Atlantis, which Zaroff, a megalomaniacal scientist (Joseph Fürst), has promised to return to the surface but in fact has more insidious plans. Chapters 1 and 4 of this four-episode adventure are missing but animated reconstructions using the original audio tracts were released in 2023. 'Underwater Menace' is not one of the Doctor's better outings. The Atlanteans and their internal politics are simplistic and not very interesting, and Zaroff is a routine evil, gloating stereotype. Ben and Polly are serviceable companions and Jamie developed into a fan favorite but in this, his inaugural episode (after having been first encountered in now-lost 'The Highlanders'), the 18th-century Scotsman seems somewhat laissez-faire about the TARDIS, underwater civilisations, fish-people, and the future in general. The special effects are adequate (by early Who standards) but the script, especially the doctor's interactions with Zaroff is weak and the story is not that interesting (although the threat of Polly getting ichthy-ised is fun). The scenes of the 'fish-people' swimming together (obviously depending from cables over a dry 'underwater' set) has a strange charm and reminds me of similar scenes in Méliès early silent fantasy films. All-in-all, not great Whovian outing but still necessary viewing for fans. I applaud the attempts to resurrect the lost episodes whenever possible. *rating and comments pertain to all 4 original and/or recreated episodes.
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Low-budget science fiction serial from Republic, typical of the genre but well-made and entertaining
5 May 2024
The Purple Monster (Roy Barcroft), vanguard of a Martian invasion force, takes over the body of Professor Layton (James Craven) as part of a plan to build a 'jet-plane' that will replace his destroyed vehicle (Martian rocket-science appears not to have mastered 'landing') and allow him to return to Mars with the technology needed to build an invasion fleet that can successfully land on Earth. Only hard-fisted and quick-witted G-man Craig Foster (Dennis Moore) and obligatory helpful/menaced dame Sheila Layton (Linda Stirling) can stop the malicious Martian and his treacherous human minions. As 'sci-fi' serials go, this 15-parter from Republic is pretty good. There are lots of chases, shootouts, and fist-fights and just about very episode produces a new scientific MacGuffin (rocket fuel, gas to replicate the Martian air, an atmosphere stabiliser, an meteor annihilator ray, etc.) that the Purple Monster needs to complete his nefarious plan and that Foster strives to keep him from obtaining. The 'science' in the fiction doesn't make much sense and there are a number of glaring plot holes (how does Professor Layton's corpse stay 'fresh' so long, why is getting Martian breathing air important when the Purple Monster has no problem breathing Earth's air) but the action is non-stop, well done and fun to watch Some cost-cutting typical of the studio's chapter-plays is apparent: only one 'Martian to human and back transition' scene was shot and the footage is reused ad nauseam, the same car is blown-up several times, the same footage is used for the arrival on Earth of The Purple Monster and the later arrival of his shapely but wicked Martian assistant Marcia (Mary More). There are several fights in each episode, often with Craig duking it out with the Monster himself and/or a couple of minions. The brawls are very energetic, well-choregraphed, full of smashed props, and everyone seems capable of absorbing impressive amounts of abuse without getting bloody (or even dirty) or losing their fedoras, even when sent flying backwards over tables. Although the action is bloodless the serial is a bit grim - numerous people are murdered or shot during fights and The Monster tests his annihilator ray by blowing up random cars on the local highway (not shown). Most of the cliff-hangers and their resolutions are nicely done (there is only one 'cheat' - the spikes about to impale Foster are much closer to him at the end of the episode than they are when he cleverly stops their advance at the beginning of the next episode). The cast is fine: Barcroft manages to be menacing despite wearing tights and Moore is fine as the heroic G-man whose prowess in fisticuffs and ability for making astute predictions based on minimal information are typical of the character-trope. Though a bit ridiculous at times, the serial takes itself reasonably seriously and is thankfully free of youthful sidekicks and comic relief. While not in the same league as the true space-opera-serials like 'Flash Gordon', 'The Purple Monster Strikes' is a entertaining sci-fi tinged adventure serial. No explanation is given as to why the Martian christens himself 'The Purple Monster' but it makes for a fun title.
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Only some fabulously excessive touches save this dated and dull religious epic from oblivion.
5 May 2024
In the aftermath of the great fire of Rome, imperial arsonist Nero (Charles Laughton) conspires to blame the Christians while his decadent empress Poppaea (Claudette Colbert) lusts after Imperial Prefect Marcus (Fredric March) who in turn pines for demure Christian beauty Mercia (Elissa Landi). Let the games begin. The central love story is contrived and vapid with an oddly coiffed March affecting a stilted silent-era acting style and Landi spending too much time trying to look as chaste and pious as possible. As usual, the sinners are far more interesting than the saints. Laughton slices ham as a childishly vicious Nero (his delivery may have been an inspiration Futurama's Hedonism-bot) and Colbert is alluringly-evil as his sensuous, selfish queen. Most of the pre-code-enforcement film is worth watching only to frame Colbert's fabulous milk bath scene (those with quick eyes or fast fingers on the pause button will discern that there wasn't quite enough milk at times for complete modesty). The other highlights are the over-the-top, bloodless but visceral, martyring of the hapless Christians in the Coliseum, which includes being stomped by elephants, torn apart by lions, ravaged (ravished?) by gorillas, and devoured by crocodiles (the film's animal wrangling is impressive). Too bad the 'message' parts of the film (4/10) drag down the 'spectacle' parts (10/10). As a director, Cecile B DeMille isn't remembered for subtility or nuance but he was undeniably a master of excess.
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The Mighty Hercules (I) (1963–1966)
Suffering psyche! What a great show, a great show!!
5 May 2024
In a colourful but grossly inauthentic ancient Rome, Hercules and sidekicks Newton the centaur and Toot the satyr battle foes such as the wicked wizard Daedalus, the bewitching Wilhelmine, and the indestructible 'The Mask'. The animation is primitive and repetitive but the characters are endearingly silly and the 5½ minute adventures have a strange, calming charm about them. I loved this show as a kid and still do (hence the highly subjective rating). Perhaps 'The Mighty Hercules' is best remembered for Johnny Nash's infectious and compulsively whistleable theme song. The cartoon is a marker of an era and I can immediately connect with anyone of my age and cultural background by chirping "Herc, Herc, it's the Mask, the Mask!" or growling "Arrr, Hercules, no one can harm me while I wear the mask of Vulcan". Pairs well with 'Rocket Robin Hood' (1966), an equally ludicrous but memorable cartoon from the same era. "Olympiaaaaa"!!!!!
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Good Morning (1959)
"People talking without speaking..."
1 May 2024
Annoyed at having been scolded for talking too much and looking for leverage in their demand for a TV, two young brothers (Koji Shitara, Masahiko Shimazu) take a vow of silence. The frequent flatulence jokes notwithstanding, Ozu's film is all about communication. Before going mum, the older brother observes that adults say a lot of nothing including pointless salutations such as the film's (English) title - "meaningless things" as one character refers to the bulk of our parlance. Of course, the two boys are not above 'meaningless' utterances (amusingly, the younger frequently says "I love you." in English when leaving a room) and quickly discover that not talking is a problem when in school or feeling hungry. The boys' silence is misinterpreted by neighbours as hostility on their mother's part, which fuels the local gossip mill and generates even more miscommunications and wasted words. Even the boys' English tutor, presumably a scholar of communication, seems incapable of simply saying what is important in the film's clever closing scene. 'Good Morning' is quite funny (although the humour is a bit juvenile at times). I especially liked the grandmother's response to a pushy peddler (proving that she fully understands that communication goes beyond just words). The cast, which includes Ozu regulars Chishu Ryu and Kuniko Miyakeis quite good and the two boys around which the story revolves, are excellent. Typical of the Ozu's ouvre, not a lot happens as the static, low-slung camera flicks back and forth between the characters and the local 'scenery' but I found the tale clever and comical. The movie is a partial remake of Ozu's earlier silent take on children and their view of the world, the excellent 'I Was Born, But... (1932). Watched with English subtitles.
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Future cops - silent, simple and silly
1 May 2024
Police patrol the streets in a propellor-driven dirigible, using long clamps to capture a couple of muggers, a pair of burglars, and a dog spotted stealing sausages from the butcher. Once the on-board jail is full, the aerostat lands on the roof of the police station and the malfeasants are thrown into funnel that deposits them into a room full of other policemen who take them into custody. The short film was made for Gaumont and, even by 1910 standards is primitive. Other than the 'view' the police get through their telescopes (oddly a binocular image), there are no optical special-effects, just props including part of the airship (the whole vehicle is never seen) and the grasping clamps (also never fully seen), the police station set, and hoists for the illusion that the sky-cops are lifting the apprehended criminals up to their lighter-than-air cruiser. The 'action' is quite repetitive, and the comic highlight is the 'arrest' of the dog. Of historical interest only.
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Good natured comedy but the premise is better than the product.
30 April 2024
Through a series of unlikely events, Lewis Tater (Jeff Bridges), an aspiring western-writer ends up in depression-era Hollywood working for a poverty-row studio making B-oaters while trying to avoid a couple of shysters whose cash he inadvertently made off with. An uneven blend of slapstick, romance and a satire (at the expense early Tinseltown), the film has the look of a lightweight 1970s comedy and hasn't aged well. Movie fans (especially those familiar with John Wayne's prolific pre-celeb output with Lonestar Picitures) will likely enjoy the self-referential Hollywood shtick, but the sub-plot about the two gangsters gets tired fast and the ending is flat and predictable. Bridges makes for an affable 'innocent abroad' and the rest of the cast is fine.
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Limp, low-budget sci-fi tinged serial
29 April 2024
Gangsters are after Dr. Tymak's (John Merton) secret missile-destroying ray-gun (and sundry other technical marvels) to sell to an unnamed foreign power (hint, hint) and only the brains and fists of heroic Brick Bradford (Kane Richmond) can protect the "Peace of the World". Based on a then popular comic strip, this frugal Columbia Pictures serial is barely watchable. The strip had drifted into science fiction themed adventures so the serial includes trips to the moon and into the past, neither of which are essential to the storyline. The moon episodes are particularly pointless - the budget didn't extend to a 'rocketship', so Brick et al teleport to the moon, which has a breathable atmosphere, a civilisation dressed like ancient Romans and, most inexplicably, a group of exiles from Earth (how they got to the moon, and why, is never explained - presumably rockets to the moon were available as one presumably took the receiver for Dr. Tymak's teleporter to the far-side at some point prior to the story). The trip to the past is simply time-filler - the premise that perfecting Dr. Tymak's marvellous gadgetry requires notes from a 18th century British explorer that are hidden in a pirate's treasure chest is ludicrous at best (the temporal adventure does give us a look at a fine-looking Noel Neill (best known as Lois Lane in the 'Superman' serials) playing a sexy, feisty, skin-clad native-girl). The 15 episodes can be divided into three segments: on the moon, in the past, and back on Earth (all of which appear to take place in Bronson Canyon) and are very different in tone (the moon story is a cut-rate Flash/Buck adventure, the time-travel story is 'jokey', and the final sequence is nothing but repetitive chases and brawls). The cast is adequate for the material that they are given but in general the serial is weakly plotted, cheap looking, repetitive, and many of the 'cliff-hangers' are resolved by finding out in the following episode that Brick and/or his buddies simply weren't killed by the fall, blast, fire etc. Cheap and dumb - for dedicated genre fans and life-listers only. As always, I am amazed at how men in the 1940s kept their fedoras in place during the most vigorous melees.
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Beautiful, touching but grim and hard to watch at times
29 April 2024
Backdropped by images of a poor 19th-century Japanese farming village high in the mountains, Orin, an aging but hearty woman (Sumiko Sakamoto) spends her 70th year preparing to follow the ancient tradition of ubasute and make a pilgrimage to the abode of the Mountain God, there to die of exposure or starvation, thus relieving her struggling community of the burden of keeping her alive. The story is a brutal fable of 'Nature, red of tooth and claw' in which nothing matters beyond survival, where life is held so valuably and yet so cheaply that an entire family is extirpated for the crime of stealing food, and unwanted babies are abandoned to die in the rice paddies. Against this brutal reality, Orin does what she can to help her family before she leaves, teaching her new daughter-in-law how to catch fish, conniving to relieve her hapless, foul-smelling youngest son of his virginity (before he disgraces the entire family with his revolting alternatives to conjugal bliss) and helping Tatsuhei (Ken Ogata) her eldest son come to peace with the idea of taking his beloved mother into the mountains to die. I found the film beautiful, compelling but sometimes hard to watch. While the brutal murder of an entire clan is the most painful sequence in the film, I found the most disturbing scene to be the realisation that the men carrying their elderly family members to the sacred place high in the mountains to die with dignity amongst the Gods, an ending so valued by Orin, were secretly told that they could just go partway throw the person off a cliff if they preferred. There is also a viscerally vivid scene where Orin, hoping to convince Tatsubei that she was aging beyond usefulness, deliberately smashes out her front teeth on a millwheel, an act mirrored by 47-year old Sakamoto, who had her four front teeth surgically extracted so she could play the role - demonstrating an almost pathological dedication to her craft. A central theme of the film, that humans are simply an extension of the cold, cruel, and complex natural world around them, is laid on pretty thick, as the activities of the characters are frequently mirrored by the creatures surrounding them, be it copulating, birthing, killing, eating, or dying. This is the second visualistion of the novel 'Narayama bushiko' by Shichiro Fukazawa, whose personal story is almost as grim and disturbing as is his tale of the sometimes amoral necessities of survival. Warning: some people will find this film repellent at many levels and for many reasons. Watched with English subtitles.
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Timeless issue but not a timeless movie
23 April 2024
At the height of the Great Depression, an elderly couple (Barkley (Victor Moore) and Lucy Cooper (Beulah Bondi)) are forced to live apart after the bank forecloses on their mortgage and their children are incapable or unwilling to take them in together. The challenges that can arise when dealing with the needs of aging family members is timeless and universal but may have been particularity problematic in the 1930s when unemployment was rife, money was tight, and social support was limited. The film is poignant but veers into the maudlin at times, especially when scenes are accentuated by a somewhat sentimental soundtrack. The leads are very good, and while blame for the sad separation is laid at the feet of the ostensibly heartless children, the script does give the kids a chance to 'justify' their decisions (and acknowledges that most of them are also struggling in the economic downturn). The parents are also shown to be somewhat problematic houseguests, the mother is bored and a bit needy, the father is obstinate and argumentative at times. The depiction of the 'elderly' is quite dated (Lucy is 70 and quite 'old', I know 70 year-old women who run marathons) and a 'modern' retelling would likely focus on health issues, especially mobility and cognitive failures, rather than on space and resources. Never-the-less, Leo McCarey had his 'heart in the right place' when he told this tale and the old American tear-jerker is worth watching. The film was adapted by Kogo Noda and Yasujiro Ozu as 1953's 'Tokyo Story', an excellent film that (IMO) is less sentimental and more nuanced (but I have a great fondness of Ozu's 'family dramas').
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Entertaining, intriguing, and beautifully made
22 April 2024
Decades after a bitter young Chinese researcher hits the 'call button' on a massive interstellar transmitter, inexplicable data appears in our most sophisticated research facilities that implies that our understanding of physics is fatally-flawed, virtual-reality devices that are far beyond our technical abilities appear, and brilliant young scientists start killing themselves. I found the inaugural eight episodes of the series to be compelling viewing, with competent cast playing interesting (if not overly complex) characters, excellent special effects, and an intriguing story-line (note: I have yet to read the book(s) or watched the Chinese version of the story). The only real problem I have is with the near omniscience and omnipotence of the existential threat that is driving the plot - hopefully the writers won't 'paint themselves into a corner' and end up with a story full of 'but why...?' moments. I am definitely looking forward to season two.
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Yojimbo (1961)
Fabulous trans-cultural ramen-western
22 April 2024
A disheveled ronin (an excellent Toshiro Mifune) aimlessly wanders into a town in which two rival clans are fighting a bloody turf war. After a messy demonstration of his expertise with a blade, the two bickering warlords try to outbid each other for his sanguineous services, not realising that the silent, po-faced killer has his own plans for the sad little town. Everything in this black-comedy-actioneer is near-perfect: Mifune leads a great cast including a number of Toho regulars such as Takashi Shimura, Tatsuya Nakadai, and Isuzu Yamada, the bleak set design owes more to Hollywood oaters than to Japanese jidaigeki, the B/W cinematography is crisp and moody, the story and characters are entertaining, the score is off-beat but effective, and the film delivers a number of clever touches embedded in a fast-moving blend of broad-comedy and chanbara action. Famously, Sergio Leone essentially duplicated Kurosawa's film as the iconic spaghetti-western 'A Fistful of Dollars' with a laconic drifting gunfighter (Clint Eastwood) replacing a laconic drifting samurai in a terrified town full of squabbling low-lifes (Leone claimed otherwise but ended up paying an out-of-court settlement to Toho Studios). The movie was a huge hit in Japan, and like its Western clone, was hugely influential on its genre. Followed in 1962 by 'Sanjuro', an equally entertaining sequel that finds Mifune's character once again dispensing quick katana-justice to Edo-era scoundrels. Watched with English subtitles.
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