This Terminator Sequel, may prove to be the best sequel ever made.
5 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After failing to kill Sarah Conner, the Machines are now trying again, only this time their after John Conner himself, as a boy. Sarah Conner is labelled insane after trying to burn down Cyberdyne Systems, the company that hid the remains of the first terminator she destroyed, and she is committed to a mental institute. John Resents his mother for the way he was brought up, and now lives with his foster parents.

Again the machines send a Terminator the T-1000, but the resistance have one of their own. Sent back to protect John, Arnie is the same make and model, but has a new mission, this time he's on our side.

Is Arnie a match for the new T-1000, a liquid metal terminator that can morph into anything it samples by physical conduct. Groundbreaking special effects and non stop action sequences ensue as the war between Terminator's boils into one of the finest action movies of all time.

Simply Brilliant in every way.

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