Nothing Could Possibly Be Worse Then This Awful Movie
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You can believe all the negative things being said about this movie. What's remarkable is that it's such a bad experience that it turns out to be the ultimate pallet cleanser. What I mean, all other movies you see after having to endure this awful film will seem less bad by comparison. I realized this while walking out of the "Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem" showing. It's a terrible movie in its own right but I found myself saying, "At least it wasn't as awful as NCFOM." That's not a joke or an over-exaggeration in any way. Walking out of NCFOM, you feel cheated, disappointed and even a bit angry. How is any film going to make you feel worse then that? I wasn't expecting anything coherent from AVP and that's what I got. Judging by the ratings here and a few critics that I read, I was expecting at least a decent film from NCFOM. For those that think this movie offers a deep theme or a hidden, complex agenda, you need to grow up.

The movie offers poor dialogue from the first scene on out. It's clichéd, needlessly cruel and the story itself is a trite disaster. The film exists only to jar the viewer and to attempt to be edgy and different. It offers nothing substantial, even in it's veiled attempts at allegory and a thematic message. It agitates the viewer at every level by callously killing any character they even half develop. What was the point of Woody's character? Why have the killer survive with no ramifications? Killing a main character (and his innocent wife) away from the camera is as poor as it gets. Let's not even discuss the ending, there are enough people that have mentioned that irritating lack of conclusion. I could go on but why bother? I'm not even going to remember the specifics of this film for very long. All I'll remember is the general unpleasant flavor it left and I'll remember that not many movies will leave such a poor taste. I'm not bitter. I'm grateful that going to the movies now has a bottom to the barrel in which to judge future films.

I want to thank the creators of this film. It single handedly sets up better experiences for the rest of the year because nothing could possibly be worse then this movie.
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