Review of Eden Log

Eden Log (2007)
Waste of Time
12 April 2013
This movie just wasted a good hour an a half of my time. I went into it expecting a Cube-like experience, but unfortunately it came nowhere near. What's wrong with it?

First of all, half the movie is so dark you can't see anything. Now I'm well aware that often the less you show, the stronger the suggestion and thus the stronger the suspense. But when you can't see what's happening whatsoever, there's no suspense at all.

Second, in any story there has to be something that makes you keep watching (or reading). There has to be something of a storyline and advancements within that. If what's happening (providing you can see it) is so unclear as in this movie, it's making you stop wondering (and caring) at all.

Third, I like movies that are less straightforward (Cube, Mulholland Drive, Pulse (the Japanese one), Pi). Just because a movie is less clear, doesn't mean it's not interesting. But, the opposite is true as well: just because it's less clear, doesn't mean it's interesting. An 'arty appearance' does not equal 'Art'.

My advice: don't bother and do something else with your time(take a nap or whatever).
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