The Defenders (2017)
10 September 2020
So you can google this, but in case you haven't here is what you should watch before seeing this, in the order I write them:
  • Daredevil S1
  • Jessica Jones S1
  • Daredevil S2
  • Luke Cage S1
  • Iron Fist S1

If you watch those, you are fully informed about what is going on with every superhero and can fully enjoy the limited series as they call it that is Defenders. Now I have some issues with some character moments (Jessica Jones trying to convince us she doesn't care about other humans, when her first season was running on that premise, which made her look a bit weak to be honest, but more on that on her own show), but overall, this is just a lot of fun, with things happeninng that do have impact for the future. It is a bit of shame Netflix cancelled the shows, but it made it possible for me to finally say, hey let's binge those. Defenders may be stand alone and I would not have minded another reunion, but as it is, production values are high, effects are great and the fact it is only 8 episodes (the other shows ran for 13 episodes), makes it short and sweet and a lot of fun to watch. Especially with having some prior knowledge for the characters involved.
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