Truth Be Told (2019–2023)
Not good!
20 January 2021
The idea of the show is not bad but the writing is just not good! The characters are all unlikable and there's no flow to the show. I'm not a fan of Octavia Spencer but I actually don't think it's her fault. The characters are written in a way that makes them look weak. One minute they have faith and care all about truth and justice and then all of a sudden they couldn't care less. In one scene they talk about how it's impossible to find a certain witness and in the next scene they're talking to that exact witness (just out of the blue). Not to mention that people seem to remember things that happened twenty years ago like it was yesterday. It's not believable.

Another thing that really bother me, is that the main character starts the show worrying her actions may have contributed to the destruction of a young man's life but to get him out of it she has no problem ruining other people's lives on the most faint evidences (if you can even call it that) or stupid speculations.

The acting is mostly ok (although not always) but it feels like they are trying way to hard to sell it. There were scenes that should have made me cry but I felt nothing. It felt forced. It just didn't have a true feel to it and by the end of the season we are left with plenty of unanswered questions. There's "closure" (or something of a sort), we learned what really happened but it doesn't make a lot of sense and if you really think about it, there's just a lot that doesn't add up. Also, the dialogue is not good. I found myself wondering many times "who would say that" or "who talks like that".

Can't recommend it, sorry.
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