Ludicrous and thoroughly enjoyable!
25 August 2023
I had a suspicion this might be dreadful and after the first episode I hadn't been persuaded otherwise. I stuck with it and started to really enjoy it.

Episode four is where it really starts to get going and from there you're already invested.

Now, I'm not normally a huge fan of the running and shooting and jumping off stuff and fighting action films/series, but I do appreciate the effort that goes into them. I've seen Die Hard a couple of times, it was fun.

For me, this series was kind of like that. You need to sit back and enjoy the nonsense.

Clearly, any normal person getting kicked about several times a day would need a bit of recovery time. Did Bruce Willis ever need recovery time? I don't think so! So why would super badass mom, Erin Carter?!

My advice? Chill out, laugh at the ridiculousness, groan at the terrible dialogue, suspend your disbelief pretty much all the way through, and just enjoy it!

Oh, and can I say thank you to whoever decided to have the protagonist run around in sensible shoes and not four inch stilettos all the time? I mean, you want realism? There it is.

Anyway, I hope there's a second series. That's how much I enjoyed it!
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