So boring I walked out before the end
8 November 2023
I've walked out of the movies twice in my life. Once twenty years ago, and once today at Nobody Has To Know.

The trailer was good, and the plot intriguing, so as it's a rainy day, off I went to see it. After more than one hour of watching this, I still didn't know any more than I already learned from the trailer. Man has stroke, loses memory, woman lies that she is his secret girlfriend. Ok yes got it, sounds cool, now what next? Not much, apparently.

I found the dialogue wooden and cliched: often I could predict what the characters were about to say or do. The acting is excellent. The setting is ok. You can convince yourself that the setting is beautiful because of the music and cinematography, but really it's just an average shoreline in mediocre weather that starts to seem interesting after a while because the plot is so incredibly dull that even watching a wave move up and down seems exciting in comparison.

In future I will avoid movies where the male lead is also the writer and director, especially if the entire plot is that a woman who is much better looking than the male lead inexplicably insists on being in a relationship with him.
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