Dear Child (2023)
Bingeworthy, but should have been better
20 February 2024
This could easily have been an 8 or a 9, but some lazy decisions brought it to a 6.

I really did like it, but was irritated by old, tired, mistakes that we've seen far too many times.

I don't mind small things being unrealistic, like empty coffee cups, or lack of morning breath. But when major parts of the plot couldn't actually happen, then I'm quite annoyed. I also don't like shows that perpetuate harmful myths.

Issue #1: They show people running through the woods at night without a flashlight. You simply can't do that. Contrary to popular belief, it is dark at night. In the woods, there are no street lights. It's too dark to see. Even with a flashlight, you have to be careful. There are sticks and branches, and dips, and roots to trip you up.

Issue #2: They show a guy popping extra anti-depressants because he's stressed. Anti-depressants are not addictive, they don't immediately calm you or improve your mood. They don't give you a high like heroin or addictive pain killers. People don't just take one any old time. You take them once a day, on a schedule, like most medicines. They used to show people doing this for a while in older shows, but most shows finally figured out the error of their ways. I guess the writers here couldn't take 2 minutes to do a google search on depression and its treatment.

Other issues:

Without giving spoilers, one of the younger characters talked and acted in a way impossible for the way in which she was raised. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but they should have given it more thought.

How the treatment center was run and how the people were cared for there made little sense. But maybe that's how they do things in that country, so perhaps it was true to life.
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