Watching Ellie (TV Series 2002–2003) Poster


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Great use of real time action.
boatierra27 February 2002
I recorded the premiere of "Watching Ellie" last night to view after watching my other standard Tuesday night shows. I'm so glad I did, because this show is totally worth watching.

The show's use of real time action is not a not a new concept to television (as seen on HBO and Showtime), but it is rather new to advertiser supported networks like NBC. The concept of using real time action is a breath of fresh air in the land of the half hour sitcom, with their story lines frequently interupted by commercials. The actual length of a 'half-hour' sitcom is twenty-two minutes. "Watching Ellie" broke this into two halves, with only on stop for commercials in the middle. I noticed, thankfully, that there was no laugh track used (an overused concept).

The ability of the actors to accurately portray what is really going on in a twenty-two minute span obviously gives it a sense of real time passing, rather than a beginning-middle-end storyline where everything falls into place perfectly. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my sitcoms. I am frequently glued to my TV in the evenings. But it is nice to see something new every once in a while.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus plays Ellie, a single lounge singer who happens to be sleeping with the married guitarist of her backup band. So far, the show seem to be about watching her everyday life as a lounge singer.

Watching this show reminded me of an episode of "Mad About You" that broached this same concept. The story was about Jamie and Paul as they were trying to put their little Mabel to sleep with out hovering over her. The whole episode was shot in one take, with no commercial interuptions.

I really hope this show makes it. I am looking forward to future episodes.
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It was the best of shows, it was the worst of shows
tarantulaboy17 April 2003
Sorry, let me rephrase that: it was the best of shows, THEN it was the worst of shows. After its brilliant initial run proved it too sophisticated for a mass network audience, the lovely and genuinely charming Watching Ellie disappeared. Now it's back, in a grotesque, dumbed-down version with the same actors playing characters who have the same names and I guess are supposed to be the same characters. The only problem with this is that there is no character consistency; and indeed in the new version there are no characters at all, only are sit-com stereotypes. The 'humor', now that it can't be rooted in the characters (as, again, there are none) is reduced to the utterly predictable and insultingly stupid. (The man Ellie gave the finger to could have been her big break - what a shock! Her boyfriend isn't cheating on her, he's trying to further her career - who could have guessed?!) In lieu of the laughter that will no longer be forthcoming from the audience, the producers have kindly supplied the canned variety.

The original Ellie, as fans will fondly recall, allowed amusing events to happen naturally, preferring a handful of genuinely funny moments in a half-hour to five lousy punch-lines per minute. They didn't even require that each episode end with a joke. Audiences, confused and perplexed by the lack of formula (duh, what am I supposed to laugh at? duh, this sure isn't Will and Grace!) stayed away in droves.

Rather than making 'Ellie for Dummies,' why couldn't the show have been transferred to, say, HBO, where intelligent, laugh-track-free comedies seem to flourish? (Dare I point out that even Fox network, which airs Bernie Mac and Malcolm in the Middle, has recognized the value of the laugh-track-free, single camera, half-hour comedy?) Watching the 2003 version of Ellie is like having dinner with a former best friend who has since been lobotomized. And the food and the service are lousy too.
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A pure definition of must-see TV!
Catherine_Grace_Zeh5 August 2006
"WATCHING ELLIE," in my opinion, is a pure definition of must-see TV! I haven't seen every episode, but I still enjoyed it. Despite the fact that it was short-lived, I still believe that this show was a pure definition of must-see TV! The one thing I remember very well is the timer that ran in the corner of the screen. In addition, I just wish this show could have done better. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, I hope they bring it back on the air for fans of the show to see.
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I Love JLD, but this was nowhere near funny
lonzo95-940-30027224 March 2020
And the reason is her husband, Brad Hall, the creator and writer of this show, is not a funny man. He wasn't funny when he was on SNL, especially not on Weekend Update, so I predicted this show would bomb bc of him, and I was right. Waste of a great comedic actress.
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What makes a TV show REALLY good? What do viewers RECEIVE in return for watching it?
rivieran20 March 2002
I suspect that the main problem here is that most of the people who are trying to make TV shows these days just don't watch enough actual TV to understand what makes a good TV show Really Good. What would make people want to use up some of their own Prime Time watching it? Oh, let's see, how about overflowing toilets....pure 21st century comedic genius!

As one of the countless Julia Louis-Dreyfus fans in this world, I could only watch in awe as the premiere episode of this show unraveled before my eyes - I felt a strange sense of camaraderie with the rest of the USA as I imagined millions of stunned folks staring at their TV screens thinking "What the......?"

Earlier tonight one of our local stations showed the syndicated episode of Seinfeld that exists solely while three of the four main characters wait to be seated in the Chinese restaurant. Oh, those were the days - Brad, Julia, you see, the core of that classic "22 minutes" was the realistically entertaining conversation between three good friends who happen to be intelligent people who are fond of each other and know each other pretty well. It is hilarious, and I'm glad I finally got a chance to tape it.

I tried to watch tonight's episode of "Watching Ellie" (it starts with a minor earthquake) but I only made it as far as the moment when you see the vet trapped in a pet carrier under his piano. Such unbridled hilarity merely forced me to hit mute, go into the other room, and make some trivial phone calls that I had been putting off for most of the evening. Luckily I got back in time for the virtually perfect repeat episode of Scrubs that came on after Frasier. Julia, Brad, can you see why Scrubs is often excellent, with many episodes already instant classics? Hey, why not sit down and watch some good TV with the rest of us for awhile?

P.S. I think even Louis-Dreyfus' Nice'n'Easy commercial (that takes place on the city bus) was much funnier than "Watching Ellie" so far. Bring that one back for awhile! Maybe even base a series on it!!
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Watching Ellie... as I sighed a breath of relief!
Aussie Stud27 February 2002
Julia Louis-Dreyfuss pulls off the impossible. She stars in a sitcom where the character she portrays is about as far away as possible as she can get from the one she portrayed in "SEINFELD". The only similarities here is that surprisingly, she chose to name herself 'Ellie' in this sitcom where her name in Seinfeld was 'Elaine'. A coincidence perhaps?

Nonetheless, this sitcom had me thinking prior that I was only going to witness another poor offering starring a Seinfeld allum portraying the same character as before (ie. Kramer - "THE MICHAEL RICHARDS SHOW", George - "THE BOB PATTERSON SHOW"). I decided to give "WATCHING ELLIE" a shot and I was pleasantly surprised!

Julia Louis-Dreyfuss is Ellie. From what the pilot offered, Ellie is a jazz singer at a local club. Her life is full of comical mishaps and characters that she must interact with on a daily basis and she appears to have a sister of a somewhat flighty-nature. Ellie's lifestyle is amusing. She is sort of like 'Ally McBeal' without the dancing babies and dramatization of events that play out to the sound-track of Barry White.

"WATCHING ELLIE" supposedly plays out in real-time. There is a time counter in the corner of the television screen that counts down from '22:00' minutes. In the pilot, Ellie scrambles to ready herself for her jazz gig while the toilet in her bathroom is over-flowing, unbeknownst to her. Her sister has stolen her favorite dress that she wants to wear and now her apartment is becoming flooded with water! Enter surprise number two, Peter Stormare (ie. "FARGO", "O' BROTHER WHERE ART THOU", "DANCER IN THE DARK")!! An actor who I never thought I'd see starring in a generic sitcom, he portrays a pathetic handy-man with an un-placeable accent (Swedish perhaps?) who can't help but ogle over Ellie as she calls on him to try and fix her broken toilet. When he slips and knocks himself out, Ellie dashes a few floors down to seek advice from a Doctor who assists in the situation while completely nude.

Ellie herself has several character flaws. While not completely naive to the current events that shape her lifestyle, she has a male neighbor who has an issue with her by advising her constantly that the elevator is 'out of order' when it is in fact working (therefore forcing her to take the stairs every time) and she is also having an affair with a member of her jazz outfit who is (surprise, surprise) married!

Unlike the character of 'Elaine' that she portrayed on "SEINFELD", Ellie is a character that you can sympathize with. She does come off as a loser of sorts, but there is also a lot of 'human' in her character that some people will be able to identify with.

I really enjoyed the pilot, but will "WATCHING ELLIE" be able to keep its head above water with smart writing and not curse itself with repetitive jokes and turn into puerile trash (ie. "JUST SHOOT ME", "ALLY MCBEAL")? Only time will tell.

In the meantime - well done Julia Louis-Dreyfuss!

My Rating - 8 out of 10
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Why Hollywood can't try something different
mdschill5 April 2002
Most of these comments show exactly why interesting and innovative shows, or indeed any show that's not in the same mold as every other show, don't get made. Or if they get made, they don't attract viewers quickly enough for the networks and they get dumped, whereas junk like "Veronica's Closet" just keeps getting renewed. "Action" was brilliant, and i'm glad it had its short perfect run. "Freaks and Geeks" was great. "Undeclared" is great. "Once and Again" had the best-written teens on televison, maybe ever. "The Tick" took a brilliant cartoon and somehow made it even better in live-action. And they all failed, because the American people want jokes in their comedy, jokes that come at regular intervals. They don't want comedy that's closer to drama, or to "real life", or to tragedy. They want a laugh track to tell them when something's funny. "Watching Ellie" is really funny, mostly because Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a brilliant physical comedienne. You watch her expressions, what she does with her eyes and mouth and hands, reacting to the frustrations of life, and she is just brilliant. The 22-minute limit is a gimmick, but it's actually fun to see what new situation the writers come up with to attach the ticking clock to. This show is going to die a quick death, and in five years it's going to come out on DVD and everyone will declaim its brilliance. Too bad it's a network show. Cheers to Julia Louis-Dreyfus (and even to Brad Hall).
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good god did this suck
bizdog26 February 2002
I was not expecting too much with this show - seeing the success of most spin-offs from Seinfeld failed, I was hoping Watching Ellie wouldn't suffer the same fate...but the show was just plain terrible. While the real-time format was somewhat original (sorry, "24" made it first), there was absolutely no structure whatsoever to the show. There were random events after random events, and the show literally became...well, a show about nothing - and not in the good way. The jokes failed regularly; while I applaud their decision to avoid a laugh track, there's something else they should have done away with: sitcom jokes. While the show is not all sitcom jokes, there were enough in there to realize just how bad such styled jokes are without a laugh track to encourage your humor. There was no Sex and the City humor in here, or even Malcolm in the Middle humor. Frankly, there was no humor. The little clock was no longer a means to orient yourself in Ellie's world - instead, it became more of a dragging clock. It is kind of like being in school, watching the clock and waiting for the 12:00 lunch bell...and the clock just drags sooooo slowly. Watching Ellie crashed and burned pretty damn badly.
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Love It! Love It! Love It!
brain173 May 2002
JL-D is the sexiest comedienne to come along in a blue moon, and her timing is extraordinary. Her new sitcom does some amazing things with real-time narrative, and features an affable bunch of oddball neighbors and cohorts. I really think this show has the potential to become the righteous heir to SEINFELD which, as we all know, is a hell of an act to follow. Very urbane and witty, with astute character comedy juggling well with absurd physical schtick. And I LOVE those freeze frames which showcase Julia's gorgeous mouth! Ouch! More please!
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Not a fan, but....
shrek20046 July 2003
Really not a bad idea, but Julia Louis-Dreyfus is no Lucille Ball. I didn't buy it when she accidentally closed the grand piano. She's an okay singer, I guess, but I find it odd that they would name her charactar "Ellie". I know it's supposed to be "Eleanor" but it sounds too close to "Elaine". This show really wasn't that funny, but that's not to discredit Louis-Dreyfus as an actress. With the right script and a better time slot, she could make it work! I would also like to see her in movies again.
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Utterly TRITE! Anyone with a brain - AVOID!
Asteri-Atypical15 May 2003
No word could describe this show better than "trite".

It's little more than oversimplified stereotypes, sophomoric clichés and predictable, stupid situations that EVERYONE has seen in dozens of shows before.

This show exudes stupidity but not in a clever or parodied way. The characters are 2-D, plastic, petty and predictable.

Sometimes I can recommend a show to SOMEONE or SOME demographic. However I can recommend this show to NO ONE. There's nothing new here.

What you can get in this show you can get, and better, nearly everywhere else.
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Two words: BOR-ING
mattymatt4ever18 March 2002
Will there ever be a successful "Seinfeld" spin-off? Maybe. But I'm still waiting. Julia Lous-Dreyfuss has talent, which she wonderfully demonstrated on the hit sitcom. This show is just as lame as most sitcoms. But I guess the creators felt it had "hit" written all over it, because it's new and innovative: no laugh track and shot in real time. I gotta admit, that is original. But where's the laughs? Added to the cast are the talents of Don Lake and Peter Stormare, but they're also given thankless roles. The show is good-natured and never depends on cheap sex gags, but it's also incredibly dull. I'd rather watch paint try than watch Ellie.

My score: 3 (out of 10)
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Did I miss something?
Jdc10222 March 2002
Is it just me or is this show really..bad? It tries Way too hard to be like Seinfeld, but nothing will ever be that good. I think Julia Louis Dreyfuss is very talented, but I think she is much better in a supporting role, especially as Elaine. The first half of the show (of the first episode) wasn't bad, but then it took a terrible turn for the worst. I mean come on, is this the best you can come up with? Its basically stupid slap stick comedy, which is probably because the writing is so bad. It was also very boring. I liked how they had a clock in the corner, it came in very handy when I could tell how long I had left in watching this unfunny series. I'm sorry Julia. You should have done a Seinfeld Spin-off. Learn from Kelsey Grammer. He wanted to do a show after Cheers about a guy in an accident that has people wait around on him and be his helpers. But another guy told him to keep the character of Fraiser. Now look at him. He's making millions PER EPISODE.
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Too bad...
lune7811 August 2004
It's too bad this show got cancelled so quickly, because personnally, I liked it a lot. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a remarkable actress and the supporting cast is just as awesome, especially Steve Carell who played Ellie's arrogant, annoying but hilarious ex-boyfriend Edgar (lucky for us, we got to see him play an equally arrogant guy in Bruce Almighty) . I'm afraid the pilot, which was just OK, dissuaded many from keeping watching "Ellie": during the first episodes, the show was trying to find itself, trying to be original but it still had that Seinfeld feel at the same time (the fact that Ellie would sing at the end of the first few episodes was quite reminiscent of Jerry's opening and closing monologues), and I have to admit that at first, it was hard to tell Ellie and Elaine apart. But eventually, the show slightly changed its concept and got better and funnier, and I'm told it was a whole lot more watchable than the Micheal Richards show and Bob Peterson, Jason Alexander's sitcom. Seinfeld Curse? Not in Julia's case, who has the talent to be an even better headliner than Jerry ever was. Too bad, just too bad...
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"Watching Ellie"
david-90011 March 2003
First off, don't believe everything you read. For example, I've been cruising around the net trying to figure out when I can expect to see more of Watching Ellie, and I come across a review that is way off.

My wife and I loved the first season and are patiently waiting with crossed fingers to see Julia again. The cast of characters blended well together, the storyline was intriguing, witty, and made us laugh out loud. For thirty minutes a week, this cast provided us with the type of entertainment that is becoming harder and harder to find.

Bring back "Watching Ellie".
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Not as good or as bad as some want you to think
Tom-5787 June 2003
The concept of this show was brilliant in it's originality. Okay, I know 24 was pretty new and doing the same sort of thing, but this was a "sitcom". It was more of a melodrama. It was met with similar criticism as Seinfeld was. Truth was the concept was well executed, but it was like being around people who have their own inside jokes and you are on the outside. You might laugh not because it's funny, but because it looks silly or is uncomfortable. It's not straight ahead humor. To all of you people cheering on this Seinfeld curse crap that's exactly what it is. They were saying that after The Michael Richards Show went off the air because The Tick suffered a similar fate. The Tick! Patrick Warburton who played Elaine's boyfriend in no more than 30 episodes (and that is being generous) is credited for starting the curse. His character on Seinfeld made him look like an easy target I guess. After the Michael Richards Show, Jason Alexander's show came on and they had it on several different time slots in the few weeks it was on. Before that show came on it was already being unfairly denounced. If you're going to attribute some curse that was started by a non-regular character then I want to point out that a character that was on a lot more frequently than Warburton was in a very successful show in the latter days of Seinfeld and beyond. Anyone hear of Wayne Knight? That's right, it's not something you want to hear. You all just want to hear the bad stuff and try to take away a great show's credibility. Watching Ellie was not a great show. Seinfeld was not a great show at first, but it got the chance because it was the right time for it. In another time the concepts attempted in Ellie will be used and develop a very solid sophisticated sit com. The only curse is that people let the media create some "curse" and like sheep say "I won't watch that somebody from Seinfeld is on." You all need to realize the Entertainment Tonight and shows of that kind are shown when people are having dinner for a reason and it ain't ratings my friend.
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afijamesy2k17 July 2002
The critics they this show is the best one of the season, well better think again, I Don't recommend this show, it's another seinfeld star in a bad series, unfunny humor, poor scenes, and dumb performance by Julia-Louie Dreyfus, it's another reason that this crap is on the list for the worst tv of the year, and it shows.
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Please cancel this show!!!
Bradley-927 February 2002
Last night I had the misfortune of sitting through 30 minutes of pure hell. That's how I feel about Watching Ellie. This show was terrible from start to finish. Their little "gimmick" was having a counter in the lower left hand side of the screen. It counted down the minutes until the end of the show. When it reached 00:00 I felt relieved, because my time in hell was over. Julia's husband Brad Hall is the show's creator, writer and producer. He needs to find a new line of work. There must be a curse on the cast of Seinfeld. First Michael Richards failed and then Jason Alexander. And now add to that distinguished list Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
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It is cringe-inducing to watch Dryfuss embarrass herself in this unpleasant, pseudo-innovative series
liquidcelluloid-116 April 2005
Network: NBC; Genre: Comedy; Content Rating: TV-PG (for language and adult content); Classification: Contemporary (star range: 1 - 4);

Seasons Reviewed: Season 1 of 2

"Watching Ellie" invites us to spend 22 screwball minutes with Ellie Rigg (Julia Louis Dryfuss), a lounge singer whose life is a perpetual barrage of set-backs and annoyances that include obnoxious ex-boyfriends, creepy supers (Peter Stormare) and overflowing toilets as she races to make deadlines in this frenzied, fast-paced, work-a-day world.

Created by husband Brad Hall ("Saturday Night Live"), "Ellie" is a show only this couple could love. This long anticipated return to TV for powerhouse actress Julia Louis Dryfuss ("Seinfeld") is nothing short of a massive disappointment. Despite the ensemble around her (some of undeniable talent and some of questionable) "Ellie" is a platinum self-indulgent star vehicle for Dryfuss, a showcase from a loving husband and nepotism run wild. It is cringe-inducing to watch Dryfuss running around frantically while "Ellie" tries to create a screwball atmosphere that results in a complete train wreck.

The gimmick "Ellie" rides on is - get this - an ever-present ticking digital clock on the screen to help us count down the minutes until it's over. It screams "gimmick", distracts from the action on screen and undeniably contributes to the comedy dropping dead all over the place. Coming a year after Fox's effectively used clock-ticking terrorist thrill-ride "24" it baffles the mind what in the world Hall thought this would add to a situation comedy. The show is completely unsatisfying, going nowhere and literally cutting off as time runs out before any, at all, pay-off. And this comes from someone who is a big fan of the smash-cut anti-endings of "Seinfeld", "Curb Your Enthusiam" and "The Office".

Don't blame the supposed "Seinfeld Curse". The problem is that Dryfuss, like Michael Richards and Jason Alexander take themselves as actors (read as "ak-TOR" with a nose-in-the-air pretentious drawl) and their craft very seriously. Dryfuss desperately wants to get away from Elaine Bennace and in this attempt she has mistakenly created a character that is actually more repugnant than her "Seinfeld" counterpart. Not even Elaine would have an affair with a married man, something Ellie Rigg is introduced as doing in the first episode. The show then has the sheer gall to ask us to root for her sneaking and shuffling around trying not to get caught by his wife like Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. The time drones on and on.

In another sign the show is failing in its goals: Ellie, the character it wants us to care about, is so selfish and repulsive that we can't stand her to the point where we actually end up caring more for pathetic Edgar (Steve Carrell, in his first big step away from "The Daily Show), the character we are supposed to be repulsed by.

There is loving to hate a deliciously played anti-hero and then there is this, where Dryfuss wants to be bad but still wants us to love her. I know TV viewers are enamored with the single-camera laugh track-less style right now, but a show like "Watching Ellie" is perfectly exemplary of how lazy and devoid of creativity this execution can actually be. There still need to be fresh ideas in the mix instead of the window dressing of ticking clocks giving people the false sense of innovation.

Here is where things get a little different. Instead of just sitting around and complaining like everybody else I'm going to suggest a real solution that may have given this show a fighting chance. Maybe not in the ratings, but this would have given the show some everlasting dignity. Instead of retreating and taking the show back to a multi-camera, studio audience sitcom (as a 2nd season network retool did), Hall should have taken "Ellie" the other direction and this concept all the way to the edge.

Keep the single camera, keep the entire cast and for the sake of ease keep the stories (although "Ellie"s lame writing and plotting is one of its biggest problems). In this age when viewers are savee about media manipulation it would have been gutsier and more innovative to do a real-time series that was actually real time. As in, with no cuts. Challenging Dryfuss and her ensemble to do the entire series in one take and with a camera following her reality-series-style, blocked out, in her apartment and through the streets. It could have been a satire of the deadlines, suffocating technology and manufactured stress of modern life. Although with Brad Hall at the helm it wouldn't have been much funnier, this new voyeuristic element would have been more respectable and more innovative than what we have here. The problem with the show isn't the concept: it, unfortunately, is Brad Hall and Julia Louis-Dryfuss.

* / 4
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Oh, please!
NoRealityShows4Me6 March 2002
I just finished "watching Ellie". It's the second episode and I am so disappointed! How is the on screen clock supposed to make the show interesting? It only makes me think "damn, the show is almost over and I haven't laughed yet"! I am already tired of everybody's running and panic. For a show where nothing happens (nothing interesting or funny, at least), they run way too much, don't you think? It should be a fitness show! Because I am a "Seinfeld" fan and I like Julia, I will sacrifice 30 more minutes of my free time next week. Who knows? Anything is possible, right?
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A bit too intense...
danindenver2 April 2002
I'm afraid many of the comments in this list say more about the commentators than about the show, itself.

Obviously, this is not the worst show of all time. It has some good qualities, notably Julia's great figure and Peter Stormare's character acting. On the down side, there is the exxxtreeeemely annoying ex-boyfriend that everyone, including most of the viewing audience, would like to have killed. The reason that many viewers describe this show as torture is the lack of rhythm. The pace is extremely intense and there are no low points where you might catch your breath. I work with people even more turbulent than Ellie and, when I get home, I want a break from this sort of turmoil. So, it's no wonder that many viewers are offended by the pace. It's also too bad that many viewers can't comprehend comedy without being told when to laugh.

It is a bold venture - an innovative concept - and should be allowed to develop and find its place. Naaah, that'll never happen!
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The Biggest flop in television history!
Kevbo198724 March 2002
"Watching Ellie" is simply the worst show ever made. It is horrible! It's plotline stinks every week. The show just seems to drone on forever. The 22 minutes it is on every week is like torture. They count down the 22 minutes of the show in the bottom of the screen, and while watching it, I look at the clock the entire time. I can't wait for the show to be over. It should be cancelled immediately. I'm telling you, DON'T WATCH THIS SHOW! It is a waste of valuable time, and you will feel dumber after watching it. I know I did.
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Re-tooling `Ellie'
Bobs-916 April 2003
I note how some people here were berating the unusual elements of "Watching Ellie" in its original brief run (oh the clock, it hurts my tiny head!), but now that it's accommodatingly been turned into "Just Shoot Will and Grace's Friends in Veronica's Closet," I don't yet see their follow-up critiques. Just as well. Give the show a chance to get going again.

Indeed, it's hard to argue with anyone who simply states that something is not funny to them, but one of the reasons that we see idiotic phenomena on TV like 50 or 60 almost indistinguishable "reality" shows, or "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?" five nights a week, is that anything that deviates from the familiar is heartily urinated-upon by the loudest, most reactionary complainers. At the risk of sounding like a pointy-headed art house goon, maybe my real beef is with the taste of the general public.

Anyway, we have now been dutifully given a more conventional version of "Watching Ellie." Given the talent and money invested, I guess it was worth a shot. Try to give it a chance, at least, and watch a few before kicking it around. For those who instinctively compare it to "Seinfeld," although there's really no good reason for such a comparison, try watching the VERY FIRST episode of "Seinfeld" again. Whenever I see it, I'm reminded of how tedious it seemed to me and a lot of other people at that time. That show was very lucky to have survived its slow start, and last night's "Watching Ellie" at least seemed to hit the ground running, so to speak. I got some laughs out of it, and it has the potential for a lot more in time.
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The "Seinfeld" curse is alive and well
AlanRRT28 February 2002
I love Julia Louis-Dreyfus. As talented as she is beautiful, I wanted to like her show. What a disappointment, very little humor, what humor there was could have been written by a junior high school English class, the show was unwatchable. Not merely bad, but a torture to watch. It started off with Ellie prancing around in her bra for five minutes. While I can appreciate her beauty, it seems like this was thrown in as a cheap shot to compensate for lack of substance by the writers. And what's with the doctor running naked to her house? Do I really need to see an old guy's bare butt? And he was a vet. . .couldn't the writers come up with a better gag? When Ellie went to the super's apartment, she asked him "Is your phone off the hook?" And the phone was being used to prop the window open. Sadly, this was the best joke in the whole show. Julia, you can do better.
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Be Ready For Something New And Be Dazzled!
darkers1 March 2002
Julia Louis-Dreyfus new sitcom is as far from "Seinfeld" as it's possible to imagine and that's a giant leap in the right direction. "Watching Ellie" escapes the supposed curse dogging the "Seinfeld" cast members simply by being something the other attempts were not: it is good, extremely good. Viewers will have to surrender some of their preconceived notions about situation comedy and about "Watching Ellie"'s star. This is a bold departure in television format, especially for comedy, in that it runs in real-time. Twenty-two minutes elapse during the show and that is precisely how much time we see play out in Ellie's life. The clock counting down the remaining time adds a special urgency as we see Ellie struggle to make a club date on time or avoid an oblivious ex-boyfriend. It's a blend of humour and edge-of-the-seat urgency that keeps you riveted to the screen. And don't expect to see Elaine Benes revived; this is a new character, a different world. Ellie is as smart and sharp as Elaine ever was, but the edges are softened here. This is a woman who cares about the people around her. Ellie is charming, uncertain, witty, and utterly human. This is a woman we want to follow every week, want to see get her life in order, find happiness, and make us laugh. And that last she does very well.
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