Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (2007) Poster

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An epic visual feast for both new and long-time fans alike
piratemath-112 June 2008
I was a large fan of both the original series, the half-release 'Death and Rebirth' and the replacement ending 'The End of Evangelion', so I'm not giving this praise as some guy who's just walked in on this.

I am extremely pleased with this new iteration of Evangelion. I don't even know where to begin ... Gainax threw out everything they had, completely redrawing all the animation and backgrounds in painstakingly high detail. It is the most apparent revision to the series at first glance ... all the visuals are top-notch, even the computer-generated graphics which I would typically find unforgivable in a film - but everything is drawn and animated so smooth, and the rare use of CG is so well-integrated into the film that it feels like you haven't been taken out of the organic animation at all.

The storyline is quite similar to the original, though first on the side I want to say they've taken much thought deciding how to develop the characters better; and the result is that the cast is much more believable and their chemistry is quite fantastic. The characters just feel deeper, their emotions are more genuine; it's hard to describe in a review but if you're a fan of the original series you'll find their personalities and interactions much more developed and satisfying.

The plot, as I've said; has not changed too much at this point.. there are exceptions here and there, with the introductions of pivotal locations and characters earlier on; no doubt to lay down continuity for the later installments. (The original Evangelion had a slight problem with eclectic character and plot point introductions.) They have taken care to set the stage more carefully for the first scene this time around; and as shown with the early introduction of an important character Gainax intends to make full use of some fantastic characters that didn't get enough time in the spotlight to really add anything especially deep.

I recommend this film to anybody who is a fan of serious animation; and I would say that it's an absolute must-see for fans of the original series.

It's comforting to know that in a world of poor remakes and extensions of popular titles, that Gainax has their wits about them and shows true dedication in their efforts to make Evangelion into everything that it could possibly be.
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Revisiting Evangelion in a fresh way.
lewiskendell15 March 2011
It's hard to imagine that fans of Evangelion won't be pleased with this leaner, gorgeous rebuild of the original anime series. And if you're new to Evangelion, this is a great place to start. 

You Are (Not) Alone is a pretty straightforward adaptation of the first six episodes of Evangelion. It's somewhat condensed but still containing all the major moments and plot points. While the next three movies promise new story additions and characters, this movie contents itself with mostly cosmetic changes, along with tightening up the story, a few extra scenes, and eliminating some filler. There wasn't a lot in the first six episodes that needed to be altered. 

That means slightly less whining from Shinji. SLIGHTLY.

The animation and visuals are outright beautiful, especially on blu-ray. I could recommend this on that aspect, alone. The re-designed Angels and action scenes are improvements over the original's (especially the sixth Angel), in my opinion and the voice work is great.

Does You Are (Not) Alone make the original series redundant and unnecessary (or vice-versa)? No, I don't think so. Both of them have merit, and both are worth watching. But, I'm very interested in seeing if the next three Rebuild of Evangelion movies rectify some of the mistakes that the latter portion of the series fell prey to.
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A Nutshell Review: Evangelion: 1.0 You are (Not) Alone
DICK STEEL11 March 2008
While I knew a little about the Japanese anime Neon Genesis Evangelion through the reading of various fan sites dedicated to it, I've never actually sat down and watched an episode of the series. So when opportunity came by to experience the Rebuild of Evangelion, why not start the slate clean?

Rebuild of Evangelion is actually a tetralogy based on the original anime series by the same creative team, but it's not exactly a shot-by-shot rehash in that it does include some extra scenes, and I guess the objective is to allow the tetralogy to encapsulate what worked in the original, while at the same time to perhaps make it the more definitive telling of the story. Kind of like how comic books like to do the various reboots and tweaking of origins to suit the times.

We're introduced to Shinji Ikari, the teenage kid whose father Gendo is commander of an organization called NERV, which developed the Evangelion mechas to fight against alien Angels who invade Earth. To a layman like me, it's something like Ultraman battling monsters, except that are certain constraints here that make Evangelions interesting. Firstly, they are dependent on launch pads and are wired to NERV control, and what more, piloting these sophisticated mechas involves some bio-fusion between children, and the bots. Imagine having the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a child, and what more, a rookie one in Shinji, who has to learn the ropes on the job. To complicate matters, he's the reluctant hero who whines a lot, is indecisive, and seems like he could lose it all anytime.

But that's exactly what makes Evangelion a joy to watch. The flawed heroes, compounded by the fact that with every increasingly powerful Angel to battle, the Evangelions seem to be more patched and repaired after each encounter, you'd wonder how long it could hold up before actually crumbling. The battle sequences here are nothing less than spectacular to watch, as we discover along with the heroes, just how best to defeat the vastly different Angels. Animation wise there's nothing to specially shout out about, as it's quite standard 2D fair with the usual attention to details.

Being the introductory movie, this film begins quite unconventionally in the thick of the action to grip your attention and never let up. As it moves along, it does drop hints of previous incidents, while introducing us to new characters along the way, expanding its mythos and universe. And in all intents, it does leave many doors opened for questioning, and it's almost definite that these would (hopefully) be answered in the subsequent films. Oh, and for action junkies, I give the thumbs up for the final battle in this movie - the creative team really do know how to make everything look really bleak!

For those who are new to the series, I quite sure this will serve as an excellent starting platform into the Evangelion universe. For those who have already been in the loop (and probably hated the series ending), this could be interesting for you to see what changes were made, and whether you will prefer the tetralogy instead.
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Evangelion: Rebuilt!
dial811 September 2007
I was lucky enough to buy tickets to the opening day of Rebuild of Evangelion 0:1. After waiting in line from 5:30am, wearing custom printed Evangelion shirt, I was able to get front row seats to the first screening... and it was worth the wait! The classic epic story is retold with amazing new animation, new sound effects, new music and new scenes. Gainax has refreshed a timeless classic without taking the magic away from the original series. I doubt any fan of Evangelion would be disappointed - besides the fact we waited 12 years to witness Evangelion as indeed by Hideaki Anno.

Rebuild of Evangelion 0:1 is how it was meant to be if the creators had the technology 12 years ago. If you've watched the TV anime to death or you are new to Evangelion, either way, Rebuild of Evangelion is for all fans of the anime.

For those of you who don't know, Rebuild of Evangelion 0:1 is part one of an upcoming series of four movies. With the fourth film being a new conclusion to the original story. Compared to the original anime series and movies, besides being more enjoyable, these films are easier to follow for new fans of the series.

I walked out of the theater smiling and thinking to myself: "One down, three more to go!
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Something new for the newbies ... former fans will NOT be disappointed!
rocketdive200131 March 2008
When I learn that there was a remake of the classic series, i asked myself, what kind of mess are they getting themselves into? After the opening few moments of the movie, i only said to myself, how wrong was i to underestimate the decision ... because easily this could be one of the best animes ever made in history.

First off, years ago, i was decently hooked on the TV series version. When i finished it, i was honestly quiet upset that the plot was going to heck at many points, not providing a decent link to things. I always liked the earlier episodes where Shinji and gang battle all the angels that attacked, but i didn't quite enjoy how things were towards the end ...

Death & Rebirth was a good attempt to try to provide a better ending to the series. But frankly i always felt it wasn't enough ... years later, thank god we may have the best version of the Evangelion saga in the making ... starting with "You Are (Not) Alone".

Not just additional artwork and more CG enhancements are added into the movie, the story summarizes the opening few episodes of the original series and (this is my own opinion) tweaked the script alittle. It's a lot easier to understand the plot and intention of the characters, and with all the plot making more sense than the original series, all you need next is the action.

The fights between the angels and the Eva 01 (and 00') are much more interesting to watch, as the fights seem much longer and more details are added into how the battles are fought. Remember the first time Shinji pilots the EVA01 into battle and it went berserk? I'm much more excited this time when i watched the fight scene! As for the cinematic experience, i don't think watching it on DVD does this movie any justice. If you can, do attempt to catch this in a CINEMA because the experience is very much rewarding! I'm thankful i didn't miss this movie version, it's worth every cent i paid! I don't need to go into the plot of the movie, you can easily pick it up from internet sites, just know that this isn't the end yet and business is going to pick up once the next one comes along. Shinji is still how everyone remembers him to be ... the hedgehog dilemma comes into mind when you talk about him and he's still like that in this movie! I hope this comment will send more people rushing into the cinema to catch this movie, after i was done, i felt sorry that so many seats in the cinema are empty ... everyone has missed out on this masterpiece edition of the Evangelion series!
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Evangelion 1.11 Review
shukigk21 March 2012
Evangelion 1.11 is basically a retelling of the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series ep1-6 with very few deviations from the original. Of course, this is a decade newer with a much larger budget, so the animation quality itself is vastly superior, spectacular by every sense of the word. If I have any complaints they are that this new version simplifies the characters and their faults (in my opinion, the crowning achievement of the original show) and instead focuses more on action and intense battle scenes. However, this directorial decision also makes the whole thing more streamlined and accessible for the average anime fan. Finally, the English dub of this film is fantastic, practically as good as the original Japanese audio and that's saying something!

Suggested rating: PG-13 for violence and brief nudity
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Amazing. (Slight spoilers)
Mustachioed-Ken25 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like The South Park kids in the South Park movie when they all rush out immediately to tell everyone just how great the Terrance and Phillip movie was. Of course this is Evangelion and comparing it to the fictional 'Asses of Fire' will probably upset many people on this board. Let me cut to the chase. I've always been a die hard Eva fan. By always I mean since about 1999 when Australia first got it's run of the show. Now I live in Tokyo and speak a hefty amount of Japanese so I was fortunate enough to see and understand this movie (since I believe a subtitled version wasn't released in Japan). It never actually dawned on me how suitable Eva is for film rather than as a series. Think of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or any epic saga that will remain in classic film history forever as opposed to (the slightly annoying) 26 chopped up bits of story, (and don't get me wrong I love the series and hate LOTR) but this movie (and the ones to come) are just so perfect. Leaving the theater I immediately wanted to rush out and buy the entire subbed box set but I guess I'll have to wait a few years for that purchase to exist. Now, moving on to the actual film. The main concern I had (and probably a lot of you have) is if the story would be butchered (if you calculate the entire series into three movies you can imagine a lot of the story would be gone) but rest assured it was brilliantly paced, timed, characterized and everything. The first half hour brings you into the story at the exact same pace the first episode did, leaving out nothing, which I thought was necessary. As the story continues (to tell the attacks of the next two angel) a lot of character and plot progression is made and it's only the unnecessary gags or repeated dialogue that's gone from the original series. Overall very well done. Maybe it's just the Japanese version but Shinji and Rei were slightly different to the American dub. Shinji was stronger, more rebellious, more lost, more "Kakkoii" and Rei's voice acting was almost cute. Also, the animation was excellent. The scene depicting Tokyo 3 merging underground was breathtaking. Music (classical mixed with J-Pop) was also excellent. All in all nothing is lost and a true classic is born. Ladies and gentlemen I hope you all have the chance of owning the entire film's box set in a few years time. Also (slight spoiler) Kaoru makes in appearance in literally the last minute of the film, just to give the audience a slight tease. Oh! And after the credits (which were scored with Utada Hikaru's Beautiful World) a trailer of the SECOND Evangelion film is shown in which THE NEW CHARACTER, a girl with glasses as well as Kaoru, Asuka and Kaji are all shown. If anyone has any questions about the film or how it may be different to the series, please ask. I rarely give a film 10 out of 10 (Requiem for a dream, Donnie Darko, Paprika and Fight Club being the only others on that list) but this film deserves it.
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Competent but kind of pointless
wandereramor20 May 2012
Evangelion has been a never-ending cash cow for Gainax and all associated parties since it was released, so it's not surprising that they've decided to go back to the well with a four-movie revision of the original series. The new movies offer a chance to see Evangelion animated with the budget that such a famous title deserves. The fight scenes are slick and everything is well put-together. It's not absolute top of the line animation, and it hews very closely to the default anime art style, but it's certainly better than the infamously low-budget original animation.

My memory of the original series is a little hazy, but what's shocking about this movie is how close it sticks to the TV show. Several scenes are line-for-line, shot-for-shot reprises of scenes from the original, and as far as I could tell there weren't any major changes in the plot, although I think the order of the Angels might have been shuffled around a bit. The main change is tightening everything up and making it an efficient, fast-moving giant robot action movie.

And that's fine if your main problem with Evangelion was the lack of action, but it also removes a lot of the show's style, and completely eliminates its almost meditative pace. With an actual animation budget, the show doesn't need animation shortcuts like the long almost-still scenes that crop up periodically, but losing those makes Evangelion lose some of its definitive flavour. A lot of the moments in the movie just don't have the emotional impact that their equivalents in the TV series do -- it's just one plot point after another.

Evangelion 1.0 is an effective movie, and retains some of the original's charm. But all the same I feel I can't really recommend it to anyone. If you've seen the TV show, this will all be a retread for you. If you haven't, then I would still recommend the original over this remake. The original series was far from perfect, and there was a bunch of room for a new interpretation of the general story, but Evangelion 1.0 chooses to play it safe and winds up being kind of forgettable.
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For Those Who Will Discover It For the Very First Time
brankoburcksen22 July 2009
Evangelion 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone permeates limitless possibilities and pathways in a story so connective and universal yet shakes the foundations of the genres on which it stands on so much a new and profound experience emerges from its daring. Young Shinji Ikari arrives in Tokyo-3, a city rebuilt after a cataclysmic event called Second Impact that shed the world of half the human population, to meet and work for his estranged father. It turns out he only wants his son now to pilot a giant humanoid machine named Evangelion Unit 01 made to stop unknown beings referred to as Angels from eradicating the rest of humanity. Shinji is shocked and broken hearted but nonetheless agrees to pilot it. The question he now asks is why?

Evangelion 1.0 wants to know the answer. Besides saving humanity from eminent destruction, what does Shinji want, desire, need or even get from piloting such a contraption? Praise from the world? Respect? Purpose? His father's love? As Shinji begs for the answer to these questions the city befalls attacks by Angels that serve more than just an excuse for action scenes. When the Angels attack Shinji sees the sides of people around him he never saw before. It forces him and the others around him to understand their relationship to one another.

One of these is Shinji's follow pilot Rei Ayanami, a cool and collected girl who spends better part of the movie giving a ponderous stare into space more or less oblivious to those around her. When she does react she hardly seems to understand her own feelings. Shinji asks her why she pilots an Evangelion and her answer is as simple and contemplative as the movie.

The film is the first in a planned production of four films that re-imagine the 90s series Neon Genesis Evangelion. One of the most remarkable things about this movie is how easily the episodes translate into the arch of a feature length film. Despite that the movie is as much if not more so for viewers who have never seen the series. The movie itself refines certain points left unclear in the original show, making this version more clear and understandable for old and new viewers alike.

Though the final film in the set of four promises a completely new end to the story, old fans will find the first movie very familiar. However old fans who pay close attention to certain scenes in this movie will learn that the film does more than retell the story and in the process may redefine two of the most overused formats ever in the history of cinema.
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More of a summary
briancham199411 August 2020
This film is more like an abridged version of the first few episodes of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion series. It doesn't contain much that's new or interesting but has a much more polished level of animation and sound. I would have preferred more points of difference from the original series but only if there was a purpose to it. Some of the additions seemed a bit tacked-on.
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Well worth it
zeak_88819 January 2008
I recently viewed the new movie and WOW is the word that sums it up. About 85% is the same as the original 5 episodes but the story starts to turn away from them a tad.

Some of the things that amazed me where there was so much happening all at once like kids playing whilst there where cars and trucks passing with all the other things happening around. Everything was doing something. Now I'm waiting for the English dub to be done and very impatiently I may add, My only Question is will the original voice cast play the characters eg Spike Spensor played Shinji.

10 out of 10 and there is no way this as recked the original series so that you don't have to cry about.
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First-Timers, Don't Start Here
drqshadow-reviews4 October 2020
As an outside observer with no previous connection to the series, I found it more than a little confusing to get started with Neon Genesis Evangelion. The original series ran for a single season in 95/96, then was condensed and re-worked into a feature film a year later, then circled around again to produce an alternate ending, and has now returned to the well once more for yet another revival of roughly the same material at a new animation house. There's also been sporadic talk of a live-action rendition, though that seems to have fallen by the wayside in recent years.

I figured I'd start with this, the newest model, and... well, to put it nicely, it feels like something that's been left in the oven for too long. If there's passion and energy and enthusiasm to any of the earlier iterations, they were lost somewhere between here and there. The whole production is empty and soulless, like a husk just going through the motions and winking desperately at the audience. Maybe that works for the die-hards, who've already memorized the crucial storytelling beats and can relish the new perspective, but it doesn't offer a lot of meat for the uninitiated. Everything is vague and understated, from the young protagonist (literally plucked from a street corner and deposited in a skyscraper-sized mech, sans-training, to save the city) to his peers and support staff (a group of hyper-stereotypical anime girls) to the monolithic hulks that use him as a punching bag (a trio of imaginative, but dull, forces of nature).

It's just so emotionally flat, so excruciatingly blasé about everything, that even the spectacular concept of a giant robot at war with a hovering, six-mile-wide jellyfish feels bland. That these big metal exoskeletons are almost singularly employed to shoot really big guns doesn't help the case. Those ridiculously large sniper rifles might as well be mounted to a rooftop turret or something. At least the animation looks nice, if perhaps a bit too reliant on abstract mechanics and twirling gears, and the character designs remain sharp and memorable. A lot of time and money went into this, not to mention the three ensuing sequels (as of this writing, one remains unreleased), and I can't honestly say that either investment was worthwhile.
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great rebuild
orozcosamuel110 May 2008
Basically is the same as the first chapters of the series. I personally think that the series's main story is still better (it's longer)and the same with some of the music (not all) (the climax music is the best ever!!).

However, improvements in animation, sound, etc are incredible, just amazing. The best thing about this movie, actually, what makes this movie really really good is the climax (operation yashima). I had never seen a more exiting climax, even if you are familiar with the series (or not) you feel great. Not just this, the music and the angel used for operation yashima are amazing , I just don't have words to describe them.

I recommend this movie to every one, even if you have never seen the series. I have not much more to say except that I cant wait for the next one. oh, and that beautiful world is a really nice ending song.
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Twinsen617 May 2008
Rebuild of Evangelion has great animation. And I guess that's the best thing that can be said about it.

The original show was so full of ideas and emotion that even a 25 minutes episode could make you feel drained and confused. The first movie of the remake packs together about six episodes and this means that a lot of scenes had to be cut in order to fit the much shorter time frame and keep the story flowing. The result is that the characters have less depth and we are going too fast from one angel killing to another. It almost seems like a Hollywood remake with great computer-generated imagery and a lot of action. This is missing some of the spirit of the original.

The series was imperfect and highly uneven but in a bizarre way this was also one of the things that made it great. I think Anno should have Evangelion untouched – why remake something that is already as good as it can be? Rebuild of Evangelion is not a failure but it's kind of pointless.
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A must watch for all eva fans
animeshitposer14 August 2021
This is probably not the best place to start the eva franchise with, but for a loving fan of the original series its just incredibly fun to see the already beautifully animated fights of the original series with the polished quality it deserves. The animation is really great, especially for a 2007 movie, and really catches one's eye. The great designs of the original series really come to live here. Other than that, the first rebuild doesn't really add a lot to the plot of the main series.

This is just a nice snack for any Evangelion fan, and as such lit up my heart. I'd recommend this series to anyone who liked the original Eva anime and is hungry for more.
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A Strict Upgrade as Far as I'm Concerned
PyroSikTh20 September 2019
Evangelion 1.0 takes us right back to those first few episodes I struggled with, and almost recreates them shot-for-shot. The movie starts much the same way, with Shinji on the streets during an Angel attack, before being picked up by Katsuragi and briskly escorted to NERV HQ. He's thrust into service as the pilot of EVA Unit 01, suffers the cold shoulder of his father, and grows jealous of the relationship Rei has with him. He suffers injuries from Sachiel before his EVA goes berserk on it, he takes out Shamshel while simultaneously saving Toji and Kensuke, and him and Rei have to set up on a nearby mountain in order to snipe Ramiel with the electricity of the entire country. So far so Neon Genesis Evangelion.

The most immediate difference is the massive animation upgrade Evangelion 1.0 enjoys. It's a huge step-up, from cheap still images from the 90s, scaled up to multiple moving layers, crisp colouring, and even dashes of CGI here and there to really up the scale. This movie is, by all accounts, gorgeous, and visually competes with anime being made today. But it's not just that. While many scenes from the show have simply been recreated with better animation, the increased budget allows for some interesting new shots as well, such as the city surrounded by crimson red oceans, a slightly tweaked appearance for Lillith, and Ramiel has been almost completely redesigned. No longer is Ramiel an unmoving prism with a fleshy drill coming out the bottom, but it's now a fully animated creature that shifts shape and form into other mathematical shapes and patterns.

On the other hand another big, obvious difference is how much was cut to condense it down into a tight movie. Evangelion 1.0 definitely prioritises the angel fights over anything else, and they are recreated in full without exception, some even enjoying a bit of an expansion. This means a lot of the more nuanced character work is gone. We don't see Shinji's first introduction at school for example, instead cutting straight to the punch to the face he gets from Toji. Then again, we don't get overlong shots of banality backed by the annoying sounds of a chirping cricket so that's a plus in my book (although the cricket does make a bit of a cameo once or twice).

During the first half of the show, I made some public remarks about how women were treated in it. On one hand it seems like a celebration of women and what they can achieve, placing them high in NERV's hierarchy, portraying them as professionally very capable and knowledgeable, whether it be piloting an EVA, or commanding a military operation, and the show passes the Bechdel test on a number of occasions. On the other hand the female characters were often shown in compromising positions, sexualising and objectifying them. Back then I understood it as just an aspect of adult anime, and now I understand it even more as showing Katsuragi's promiscuity and desire for sexual validation, or Shinji's awkward teenage misogyny. And yet looking back I still feel it went a bit too far and could've gotten the message across without seeming so sleazy and exploitative. This aspect is not gone from Evangelion 1.0. We still get an obtrusive shot of Katsuragi's butt in hotpants taking up half the screen, and Shinji and Rei still have their awkward encounter in her apartment (which is actually one aspect where better animation was a bad thing - no, I don't need to see the bare breasts of a fourteen-year-old girl). However there is less of it. What's left are quick shots that never linger too long and never reappear, and of course after having watched the show in its entirety, I understand the context much better so it didn't bother me nearly as much.

Ultimately this still feels like Evangelion. As far as I'm concerned it's a strict upgrade to this part of the show, but I hear 2.0 takes the story in a vastly different direction so I'm definitely looking forward to that. As a movie in it's own right I'm not sure how well it would stand up. My viewpoint is likely coloured by having seen the show so recently, which inadvertently added a whole bunch of context I wouldn't have had if I had just jumped in with the movies. It's very fast-paced and lacks some of the deeper character moments, but I think enough of it is left intact for the message to still get across. Of course by this point in the show we hadn't really tackled the deeper themes either, so it's hard to judge. I give Evangelion 1.0 a solid 8/10. As I said, as far as I'm concerned this was a strict upgrade to those episodes in the show.
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Disappointing for fans but still a fun watch
cloud-2640420 July 2021
The most notable problem for this movie is it's pacing, for fans of the original series they will be able to notice how scenes are cut very short in comparison to the original. This movie wants to retell 3 hours of the original in about half the time and it definitely shows. However the visuals are beautiful and for better or worse the music has been changed or updated in every scene. If you like NGE this movie is still worth the watch just to see the differences and to make your own opinion and for anyone just jumping in this is a fun action movie with some badass visuals.
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Just beautiful
Ekul102111 January 2012
Having been an anime fan since Akira first came out, Evangelion borders on the known science and religion. The movie takes the whole series and redo almost everything to bring the beautiful color we would see today and thats what Rebuild did.

Without spoiling the story line, those of us who watched the 26 volume anime on DVD or TV will see the differences between Rebuild and series. Most scenes are the same, but some added differences makes Rebuild worth watching.

However, those of us who have already watch the TV series should really lower their expectation as Rebuild is A lot different then what you expect to be in the Evangelion universe. With that said, most of the voice actors from the TV series are in the movie and others are not.

Another thing to note is character development was a lot in the series while in Rebuild, expect the three main characters to be the ones who develop the relationship while the rest are background as if we're already expecting to know who they are. This may and can cause confusion to those who never watch the TV series.

Rebuild is just one of the many beautiful movies that I keep on my DVD player as it is a serious version of the TV series, where as there are comedies in the series, don't expect the same to be in the movie, this movie is a complete action, drama, and spiritual movie.
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Brilliant and stunning in execution but ultimately a big tease for the next movies
jmaruyama13 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When "Shin Seiki Evangelion" (Neon Genesis Evangelion) debuted in October 1995 no one could have predicted how much of an impact it would have on the future of Japanese animation. With its stunning animation style, inventive use of graphic typography, unique mecha designs and complex mythology combining Judeo-Christian/Catholicism and archaic mysticism, "Evangelion" was a breath of fresh air at a time when Japanese anime had stagnated into endless remakes, mediocre animation, endless cliché, recycled story lines and dumb slapstick humor.

Even its writer/director Anno Hideaki, who had remarked how he had hoped to reinvent the Japanese robot anime genre, never imagined how successful this series would become and how influential it would be on all animation series to come hereafter.

Produced by acclaimed animation studio Gainax in cooperation with legendary Tatsunoko Pro, the studio responsible for beloved animation series such as "Kagaku Ninja Gatchaman" and "Mach Go Go/Speed Racer", the TV series revolved around the life of Ikari Shinji, an angst-ridden, manic-depressive, 14 year old who is forced by a clandestine government organization, led by his estranged and distant father, to pilot a giant bio-mechanical humanoid organism against an advancing horde of powerful extraterrestrial "angels" to prevent the mass extermination of humankind. While the premise itself was not revolutionary and seemed to be recycled from countless other anime series of the past, Anno and Gainax infused this anime with a vibrant and unique creative style that was all their own and it proved to be an instant hit with viewers. Part MTV video, part psychedelic mind-trip and part anime melodrama, "Evangelion" was like nothing viewers have seen before. The mecha designs by Yamashita Ikuto were amazingly complex and detailed and it's cast of characters (designed by Sadamoto Yoshiyuki) were not atypical heroic types but rather tragically flawed, self-destructive and psychologically damaged anti-heroes. It had a particularly strong cast of female characters which was unique at the time and its intriguing and complex storyline seemed more akin to David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" or Chris Carter's "X-Files" than anime.

The 26 episode series concluded in a rather bizarre fashion with an alternate reality segment and a confusing series of cryptic and perplexing scenes which did little to make for a satisfying conclusion or resolution to the series.

The ambiguous ending left many fans unsatisfied and unhappy, so much so that Anno and Gainax decided to completely redo the ending and released a trilogy of films in 1997 to appease the fans. "Death of Evangelion" (which was a compilation of the TV series),"Rebirth of Evangelion" (which was all new footage that occurred after Episode 24 of the series) and "The End of Evangelion" (which was a completely new retelling of the final episode) were well received and garnered much fan accolades particularly with the new footage, however the ending was again criticized as being too dark and nihilistic.

"Evangelion Shin Gekijoban: Jo (Evangelion The New Movie: Preface)" AKA Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone" or simply "Evangelion Rebuild" is the second attempt by Anno and Gainax to reinvent and repackage the TV series for theatrical release. When first announced, I was very doubtful and thought what was the point of retelling the same story yet again. How many different ways could Anno and company tell the same story. It recalled Tomino Yoshiyuki's influential "Gundam" series which spawned countless retelling of the same basic story. Thankfully, these reservations went away as "Evangelion 1.0" is a much more simpler, evenly paced film that is a good introduction to Shinji and the chaotic world that he inhabits.

"Evangelion: 1.0" is largely a compilation of episodes 1-6 of the TV series, remastered and re-edited much the same way as what was done in the recent "Zeta Gundam: A New Translation". Most of the changes occur with the inclusion of new footage and animation, replacing some scenes with newer scenes done in updated CGI and tweaks to some of the story plots. Fans of the show may be quicker to pick up on the changes than those coming into the story for the first time but all can definitely appreciate the streamlined story.

Perhaps the most impressive parts of the film involve the additional footage made specifically for this film. The scenes in which Tokyo-3 rises from its safe harbor underground is very impressive as is a lot of the military hardware scenes and battles sequences. Unit 01's battle with Angels Four through Six are very thrilling and are an improvement from the TV series.

I never did like main character Ikari Shinji (Ogata Megumi) whose whiny, depressive and effeminate character was grating and annoying. He is very similar to "Gundam's" Amuro Ray but unlike Amuro his reasons for piloting Unit 01 aren't always particularly noble. The women of "Evangelion" are definitely the strong ones as each of the other three principals are vastly more interesting and entertaining. Katsuragi Misato (Mitsuishi Kotono) is both strong and commanding yet supportive and sisterly when need be. Rei Ayanami (Hayashibara Megumi) is certainly the fan favorite as her character is not only visually alluring but whose quiet and mysterious personality is very attractive. Fans of hotblooded firebrand Asuka Langley Soryu (Miyamura Yuko) will unfortunately have to wait until the next movie to see her debut.

The movie unfortunately ends far too quickly and at a point just when things start to become interesting. Like the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy of films, "Evangelion" will perhaps be best appreciated as a complete whole rather than individually. However as the first of four, it is a grand start to what hopefully will be a great series of entertaining and exciting movies. Whether Anno and Gainax can succeed and finally deliver a satisfying resolution and ending to the series (third time is a charm?) is anyone's guess. Here's hoping that substance wins over style this time around.
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Great Remake!
lenii133731 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm assuming that you've already watched the original EVA series before watching the movie before reading this. If not, spoilers abound.

So yes, this is basically a retelling of the original Evangelion in movie mode, and it's the first of 4 movies. This first movie covers the first six episodes of the original series, therefore not exactly innovative or anything shockingly interesting about the story.

The art is simply fabulous. The original series already had excellent artwork for its generation, and they've managed to improve it. Introduction of CG was definitely a great move, and it made scenes even better, especially the fighting parts. They completely redid the scene with the Angel Ramiel, replacing traditional hand-drawn Ramiel with CG designs. Needless to say, that scene turned into absolute eye-candy. Other uses and integration of CG were more subtle, such as introducing it into the graphs, computer charts, and background. The human character designs were sharpened a bit from the original, but otherwise remained unchanged. But it was integration of CG into this remake which really stole the light.

The sound remained mostly the same, but they did add new sound effects, most notably to the EVAs and Angels, and an excellent new ending song.

Characters remained virtually the same, except they cut out a lot of Shinji's bitching/whining, so definitely a good move. Made the movie a lot more enjoyable, as we only seen about 5 minutes of whining, opposed to the half episodes of man-bitching in the original series.

Seeing this movie was definitely fun to watch, because they basically took the original series, and remade with better graphics, with a few minor changes, so that it's enjoyable to watch without feeling it's the same as the original series, yet not different enough that it strays away from its original roots. This definitely will bring back nostalgic feelings from older fans whilst giving something new for them to watch and admire.

This movie is actually a good enough retelling that a newcomer to EVA can watch this instead of the original series, and will be able to know nearly everything that happened. (Of course, it's not really recommended, seeing how it's the original that was so profound and revolutionary.) After seeing this, I have high hopes for the following three movies, although I am a bit doubtful about the last one.
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Eva is already good ..... without this movie
yandri4 July 2009
i watched the series in 2003 and i saw this movie recently in early 2009.

the impression i got after the series is that those are really worth watched and it does have a quite good storyline. a great anime of its time.

but then this movie come... what is this? why even they did create this one? i was quite sad and i just cant decide whether i should wait for the next sequel or just go away & forget it.

for you who don't know what evangelion is, i suggest you to ONLY watch the series and PASS this one. Eva series is really great...if you don't watch the movie
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I don't get the high reviews
fibulator77726 December 2021
The backstory is nonsense: "The big creatures appear from <Doesn't even say where> and *Always* attack this one city. And to combat them... they "build?" semi-living creatures with humans in them... then for not particular reason design them to inflict pain upon the pilot. (Yes, that's a design decision.) And they design them to only be piloted by the most emotionally stunted early teens."

The entire human race is threatened... and you design it to only handle teen pilots... then design it to torture them as well? AND you're going to send them into combat with *zero* prep?

Then enemies are just "one after another" random "WTF ever popped into someone's mind while they were tripping."

I love anime.... and this was not great anime. Maybe the series was... and ppl are projecting the quality of the series onto the movie... but this movie simply wasn't good.

The entire movie is 3 combats... designed to torture the teen pilot... and the movie ends.
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Religious Sci-Fi beyond Anime
elderesek29 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan to Evangelion saga since 2002, when I watched "The End of Evangelion" the first time. My first thought about the entire anime series and the following movies is that, despise the bad drawings at some points, Evangelion is a masterpiece of Sci-Fi, and this Rebuilt demonstrates it.

The improvement on the animation is more than noticeable, making this version what fans have imagined for years. But more important, the argument itself is quite different (What did Misato meant by showing Lilith to Shinji? What the heck does the Kaworu appearance mean? Are all the angels in this version only different in the graphics or also in demeanor, as Ramiel?), giving the viewer two viewpoints to decide what really the "Rebuilt" means: (1) It's a better-than-the-original revisited version of the best anime ever, or (2) a weird "sequel" to the entire saga (listen very carefully the SEELE scene with Gendou Ikari and the "Epilogue" dialogs).

Giant machine-like clones employed to fight against supernatural creatures, biblical symbolism everywhere, proverbial existentialism and, of course, action scenes so massive that most of American viewers wouldn't believe in a cartoon. What else do you want?
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Well worth the time, but don't watch the show right before it!
sinaku27 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's odd watching a cartoon remake--at least this one, because the character designs are the same, the setting is the same, and any differences from the original stand out like a sore thumb, which fans will appreciate or be annoyed by depending on their personal preferences. With filmed remakes, I think it's easier to miss changes because everything and everyone are going to look different to begin with.

On the other hand, it's because of that reason that maybe--depending on your viewpoint--an animated remake SHOULD differ significantly.

Quality-wise, the animation is great, better than the show and on-par with the movies. There was one CG moment with an Eva in an elevator I didn't like (I can't tell you how glad I am they didn't use CG sequences for the Evas and angels!) but the crayfish-like limb fluttering of Shamshel and Ramiel's shape-shifting were great. I can't wait to see Sahaquiel and Leliel! Storywise, it is nearly identical to the show, albeit in a compressed form. Most of what's lost is comedic sequences and Shinji's interactions with his classmates. A few elements are ignored (how exactly do Shinji's classmates know he is an Eva pilot?) and the scene where Shinji sees Unit 01's eye is sadly missing. Though it is still shown, the symbolism of Shinji going back and forth between tracks 25 and 26 of his music are lost, given that there is no longer "episodes" 25 and 26, or the controversy surrounding them in this version.

However, hints that possibly big changes are to come occur when about 3/4 through Misato takes Shinji to see...something...even the audience hadn't seen until far into the series, and at the end, when Kaworu shows up (though this does not mean he will enter immediately in the next part, we'll have to wait and see.) Overall, simply great, I loved it. However, you probably shouldn't "warm up" by watching the show right beforehand because it is SO similar you might get bored.
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