Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Poster

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Enjoyable but empty
masonsaul7 July 2022
Thor: Love and Thunder does attempt to explore themes of love and loss whilst introducing the Mighty Thor and putting Thor on a journey of self discovery. However, it sadly doesn't work as well as it should due to a rushed pace and way too many jokes that are almost never funny.

Chris Hemsworth is still going strong as Thor but the extreme goofiness is getting a little stale. Natalie Portman has never been better as this character and Tessa Thompson is still great as Valkyrie, even though she doesn't really get much to do.

Taika Waititi massively overstays his welcome as Korg this time, who becomes very annoying really fast. Christian Bale is one of the better MCU villains with a good motivation and an unsettling presence but is let down by limited screen time.

Takia's direction on the other hand is stronger, there's some nice visual imagery and the colour palette is pretty vibrant but the MCU grey is still present throughout sadly. The CG is consistently inconsistent from start to finish.

The music by Michael Giacchino is fine, there's one new theme that's pretty memorable but the lack of Thor's theme is annoying. The soundtrack is really good, all the songs are classics that fit the tone and style well but some could have been used better.
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Too sily, feels like it's own parody
gy-att10 July 2022
Movie is okay. Christian Bale is awesome, Chris still can't act, but we never liked him for his talent, rest of the cast brings what they have to the whole movie is an average Disney factory work, everyone knows their job and they execute is as they should. The story has too many silly jokes. I know Waititi's style, but now he feels like his own parody. Like those Scream parody Scary Movies.
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Bale good, the rest kinda weak.
lawrencelawrence868 July 2022
Fine seems to cover it, Disney has become fine, everything is fine. It has got to the point where if spending your time aimlessly going through your phone for 2+ hours or watching a marvel movie is a bigger waste of time.
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Pacing issues In marvel seems to be a thing now
itscold-023157 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong I loved parts of the movie but some parts of it felt a bit rushed it seems like now 2 hours is a bit short for Marvel to tell the story fans the movie should of been atleast another half An hour because there could of been scenes to make to movie better like Scenes with Christian Bales Gorr the God Butcher killing 1 or 2 more over gods and other worlds would of made him a lot more menacing and it was so much potential there with the actor he is he did well with what hes had but the run time of the movie felt to short it done that with Doctor strange MoM now Thor love it but give us a longer movies in future 2 hour Marvel films are to short to tell a full on story.
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Taika Waititi is not the right director for Thor.
rh_080915 July 2022
The ones who know a bit about norse mythology or at least have read some of Thor's comics know that he isn't just a jester guy with a hammer. Sadly in MCU Thor was only once really Thor and it was in Avengers: Infinity War, where we finally feel that he is the protector of Midgard and the God of thunder as in mythology. I'm not saying that Taika Waititi is a bad director, but the fact is he wrote and directed this empty movie with some jokes. He could maybe make a great Deadpool movie but Thor should have been more than this. Even Christian Bale's outstanding performance as Gorr couldn't save it. The real Thor fans aren't going to enjoy this movie.
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Marvel is Losing its Mojo -But Still Has Moments of Fun
frommeltstephanie9 July 2022
While not the worst Marvel film, it is certainly not worthy of high praise. Ragnarok was a masterpiece but Taika falls incredibly short of expectations for a bar that was set high in the beginning phases of the MCU. I didn't hate this movie, but I didn't love it, and that is a trend with some of their recent offerings. I'm on the fence about a rating of 7, but my favorite MCU movies are in the 8-10 range.

Characters: Thor has been reduced to a joke and doesn't have the appeal he once had. Why does he look like a carnie ala Joe Dirt? Why is he so weak, dumb and needy?

Valkayrie's character has been reduced to a lesser version of her former self and her rule of New Asgard was pitiful and lacked inspiration. Tessa's talent was totally wasted.

Christian Bale's performance, while exceptional was a bit too Voldemort-esque.

The appearance of the Guardians was lame -who would look up to Starlord? Chris Pratt came across as a white trash version of the character first introduced and has completely lost his likability. Rocket is the best character in the Guardians and he barely had any lines.

The first battle was against hawklike chicken muppets riding Star Wars knockoff vehicles and they just weren't formidable in the least.

The cameos were fun (Hella) and the goats were annoying when they didn't have to be.

Music: The use of music was ill-timed and not matched to the action -no offense to GNR, but why so much of their music? November Rain was the only song that seemed to be paired well with the action. There are so many 80's rock and metal songs that would have made a better fit .

Plot: Boring and drawn-out. Pay no attention to the commenters whining about "wokeness" and this has nothing to do with anything other than their own prejudice and intolerance. The humor was dumb, childish and just not that funny or witty, unless maybe you are a 8 year old boy raised by immature parents.

I'm a huge Marvel fan but I have been so disappointed in recent offerings that are a result of Disney greed, poor writing and lazy directing.
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Wanted to see more Gorr
parishah-634537 July 2022
It is a decent movie, but it focus much on comic reliefs. Christian Bale is under utilized, Gorr should have given more screen time and the back story would make it a better relief.
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Christian bales great performance wasted in a joke of a film.
rockingruby7 July 2022
Christian Bale is great, Russell Crowe has a good moment, Hemsworth is good but this movie cannot be saved from a terrible script, bad direction and stupid humour that overstays its welcome.
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Unique, maybe too much
sojkaprokop6 July 2022
It's like no Marvel movie before. It is most likely going to upset many hardcore fans of the MCU. If you accept the theme however, you will find something very fresh. If you're tired of every Marvel movie being the same and you like the idiosyncratic style of Waititi, you will enjoy it. If you are a fan of the more traditional superhero movies, this one will probably make you furious at times.
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Fun Adventure Movie. With Mediocre Story.
hazelZD166 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Marvel have going downgrade lately. Quantity Over quality? Thats facts. This movie have a potential to be the coolest and amazing thor movie. But turns out its just another overhyped movie with mediocre story. I know this movie just build up for greater upcoming story. But why? Sacrificing a movie with great potential just to make another mediocre movie? Im afraid mcu have gone too far. U can see the quality since iron man 1 and endgame. After that? Nothing. Thor L&T have unstable CGI, Forced Joke, And lacks of depth on storytelling. I can't believe this movie have many plot hole. Like who know heimdall have son? Who know that thor ca lend his power for limited time or forever? Who know what happen to gorr before his daughter died? Or what happen to his race and wife? Why gorr only ask his daughter but not wife to eternity. Or maybe ask his whole race to be resurrected? Or maybe thats not how its worked? Whole MCU Phase 4 is nothing but A "LOVE" Story. Almost every movie they put in Phase 4 the main story of the movie is about love and regrets. I wanna know more about gorr backstory but i guess it will never happen eh? Or maybe someday his daughter will tell the story. And i want to know necrosword origin? They dont even tell us about that, just straight to gorr mighty sword to kill gods. Im worried that marvel have run out of ideas for their movies. Like the story for this movie its just not it. Now we come to post credit part. First post credit scene? Zeus told His son "Hercules" to kill thor odinson. Which im pretty sure we gonna wait another 5-6 Years just to see him again in theatre. Anyway Welcome to MCU Brett Goldstein (Hercules). Second post credit? Jane in valhalla and met heimdall. If im being honest they should leave this valhalla thing alone. Let the one who died just died. Shouldnt show us they physically alive in valhalla because its just ruined the emotional moment we get from the dead of asgardian. Is Thor L&T Good Movie? No.

Is Thor L&T A Bad Movie? No.

Is This movie better than recent Mcu movies? Idk Because they all look the same.

Peak performance for christian bale gorr and natalie portman jane foster. Top Notch performance for both of them.
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Worst MCU yet, things keep getting worse...
blott2319-120 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think most people thought it was a big mistake when Disney cut ties with Lord & Miller before they completed their Solo film. Now I'm not so sure. It's a little off-putting having a downright farcical movie in an established cinematic universe. Thor: Love and Thunder is about as grounded as a Naked Gun movie, but for some reason the comedy rarely hits for me, where I can enjoy it in an actual spoof. I was surprised, despite the nearly constant attempts at humor, the crowded theater I was in rarely did more than chuckle. If they're going to make a straight-up comedy then they need it to be more laugh-out-loud funny. Of course comedic taste is extremely subjective, so I'm sure some people enjoy laughing along. I just wish it was as effective as Taika Waititi's other films have been for me (including Thor Ragnarok.)

The real problem with Thor: Love and Thunder is that it is so irreverent but they also try to tackle heavier topics. The film starts with the death of a child, it focuses on a major character dealing with cancer, and the villain is literally called "the god butcher." Going back to my comparison to The Naked Gun, it's like you are watching that film and the filmmakers expect you to feel bad about Nordberg almost getting killed. There is no weight to anything, and it undercuts any attempt at emotion. I'd be genuinely shocked if someone told me they shed a tear while watching this movie, even if the humor lets up at the big climactic moment, though it clearly is trying for some real heart-tugging. I can take a light-hearted movie in the MCU where nothing of vital importance happens, but there are some important plot points, and that's a problem.

That's not the only problem with Thor: Love and Thunder, and I could probably go on a full tirade about many of the other issues. However, I will restrain myself and just hit each one like quick bullet points. The handing off of Mjolnir like a loyal pet kind of undermines the magic of the whole "worthy" thing established prior to this film. The quick shuffling off of the Guardians of the Galaxy is about as shoddy as Chris Pratt's hair in the film. The whole god convention sequence is atrocious and makes you feel like Gorr has the right idea. Thor has become as shallow and dumb as the version they featured on the What If show. The handing off of Thor's lightning powers to anyone at any time with any weapon makes him look rather selfish in prior films when they could have used a bit of extra help against someone like Thanos. The deus ex machina of the Eternity wish now makes previous plans of people like Thanos and even the Scarlet Witch feel over-complicated when all they needed was a quick trip with Stormbreaker. I'll stop there, but the really sad thing about all this is that it has taken less than 3 years for the MCU to go from a franchise where I couldn't bear to miss a single film, to a franchise where I might just skip out on some movies because the quality has dipped so dramatically.
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Decent film that could have been better.
matthewynlin6 July 2022
A casual MCU fan would find Thor: Love and Thunder to be more than enjoyable, arguably having the most character development in any solo Marvel Project. I would assume the vast majority of fans would rank this film better than Dr Strange: Multiverse of Madness but worse than Spider-Man No Way home. It does not live up to the standard of the last Thor movie but sides as one of the better MCU films. Waititi 's iconic humor does not disappoint in this film and is filled with top notch action scenes; Bale's depiction of Gorr the god butcher is impeccable; However the film fails to move the MCU's broader narrative forward and leaves fan asking did this film have any impact on anything and anyone.
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andrejtrajkovic6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very little naked woman sceenes,thor kitchen my g is huge only cas cgi. Best characters are two goats that are carrying thors ship spoiler alert. Zeus was great but he is fat.
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Nearly a 2-hour SNL skit
TakeUpReel14 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...Well, maybe not SNL-esque throughout the full length of the movie, but most of the film was a (poorly delivered) "comedy."

During the first scene, I wondered if I was in the right theater, because it had more of a serious tone than many of the other Marvel movies. Unfortunately, shortly after Gorr encountered his god, the seriousness tone disintegrated immediately and the movie launched into full ludicrous mode.

I rolled my eyes too often. The "jokes" came zooming by too often. Guns & Roses music was used too often. The goats screamed (way) too often.

There's too much that should have been shown, but occurred off screen. (Gorr killing various gods, for example). I often wanted more from the movie and also wanted the movie to end quickly at the same time.

At one point, I thought..."I wish I was more tired, so I could take a short nap during this movie." That's not good.

I like Taika Waititi, but he needed to switch to decaf on this project. He turned the knob past 11 to 374, (Take that Spinal Tap).

This movie was silly and stupid throughout the majority of its run time. Maybe watch this on TV when nothing else is on.
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Could have done better
smkashan6 July 2022
Overall a good movie, brilliantly directed by Taika, manages to seamlessly move back and forth between hilarious comedy and dark moments. However it falls apart a bit towards the end as the ending was quite rushed, making the film feel like 10 minutes too short. Also No Way Home's multiverse exploration has skyrocketed everyone's expectations and we kinda want to see something about the multiverse in every Marvel movie now and when that doesn't happen its a bit disappointing. Apart from that this movie is good fun!
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Boring and unfunny traded tickets for Black Phone
Davidh1223978 July 2022
Wow as a HUGE! Marvel fan I'm shocked at how bad this was. So many cliché jokes, no character development, and Chris Hemsworth is no longer an actor in my opinion but a Disney prop just generating revenue with the same old schtick. I personally think Disney buys reviews because how these disasters just debut with higher rating and falter when us fans speak our mind is shocking. Only good thing was I was able to go see Back Phone after 80 mins of this crap and actually found a movie I really enjoyed that I normally wouldn't have seen. Way better filmmaking and acting. The jokes in this Thor aren't even funny, it's like they try to get the audience to laugh with them but we end up laughing at them. Films don't care about good storytelling anymore, they want to be "politically correct" and enlighten us with how they want us to think. All hogwash. Save your money. Disney is 3rd rate.
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postvoorcleo6 July 2022
It cannot top Thor Ragnarok but it was really enjoyable! Compared to the first two Thor movies this is such an improvement. The only thing that could have been better was the plot. The story was pretty simple and focused on the comedy, which is not that bad, it just could've been a lot better.
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Lovers to the left, haters to the right...
jddv6 July 2022
Thor 4 is going to cause quite a bit of division, with some people loving the fast pacing and humour, and others citing a lack of character development with a flippant disregard of true, life-threatening danger.

In a way, they'll both be right.

There will also be a never-ending comparison to Thor: Ragnarok, with some justification, as TR was Taika's first foray into the MCU and therefore a breath of fresh air; but also with the same reasoning being a caveat that we are a bit inured to Taika's originality now, and thus not as easily impressed.

While I agree that the director's penchant for not wasting time on minutiae allows the story to proceed apace, it felt as though the middle of the film failed to allow the antagonist to establish his bonafides as a true threat, reduced as he was to scaring children. Without going into specifics, the ending also nullified his emotional motivation that "All gods must die."

However, the film makes up for some of these weaker points with imaginative use of powers, props and locations. But you aren't allowed a moment to digest the more serous moments, and end up leaving the cinema feeling a bit confused and uncertain as to whether you enjoyed what you just watched. Hence the division of opinion of those who watched the film, but didn't take more time to digest what they saw.

So when you do see it, give yourself a few hours to let it soak in, then decide if you feel it was worthy of your time & money.
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Very very disappointed
ryrymadrid9 July 2022
I'm a huge marvel fanboy, and hardly ever have anything bad to say to about the MCU, but this was a huge letdown. Ragnarok is easily one of my top 5 marvel films , so was very excited to see this one, but this was really really bad. It was boring as hell and none of the jokes landed for me. First time in a marvel movie I really wanted to leave or wished it would end already. Huge waste of Gorr the god butcher. And the whole Zeus and Olympus part were so cringe worthy. I don't know how this got made. It was garbage.
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Once upon a time...
spikeybwoy6 July 2022
Got to see this at the UK premier last night and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. The narrative reminded me of a fairy tale and the way stories are passed from generation to generation, while Ragnarok is still my favourite Thor movie cudos to Marvel Studios for giving Taika Waititi the chance to make a super hero movie for kids of all ages.

Oh and make sure to stay for the mid and end credit scenes both are awesome.
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Not So hyped
kshitijbhaware7 July 2022
I was not hyped for this movie because I didn't liked the trailer itself. This movie didn't gave me goosebumps like ragnarok. It was not that good but ok. I didn't expected much from this film. Villain was not much impactful like it was in Thor ragnarok. It was ok according to me. Depends upon you to watch it or not.
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You CAN try to make a movie too funny.
afatedcircle8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off let's start by asking what gods Gorr the GOD BUTCHER actually butchered? Some off screen, one he killed that was far from butchering at the beginning of the movie, apparently cut off Sif's arm but at no point did he seem like this absolutely terrifying villain he should have been. Thor, Valkyrie and Jane never seemed afraid of him in the least. In fact, in the times they were captured they were never hurt, Thor just kept making wise cracks and in the battles Gorr never seemed to have an upper hand other than wounding Valkyrie who was apparently never even close to death. Christian Bale played the character wonderfully but the script was just bad.

Now for the humor. There's so much of it that it isn't even humorous anymore. In fact, after the 4th joke in 60 seconds I found myself just going "can we get on with the movie?". Many of the jokes fell flat to the point I only heard a handful of people laughing now and then in the movie theater. The "serious" moments are interrupted by more joking. Jane telling Thor she has cancer has to be a serious moment right? Cut to Valkyrie and Korg making jokes and singing in the other room. Jane receiving chemo? Nope, "funny" moment of her tearing apart her own book to explain wormholes to another guy in the office. The screaming goats were funny the first time they screamed then it just got annoying.

Why were the Guardians of the Galaxy in this movie? Starlord looked like a hobo and everyone else was just screaming to the point that it gave me a headache and then of course they brought the goats in.

Nobody dies or comes close to dying to a villain in this movie and perhaps that's one of many reasons it wasn't enjoyable. None of the villains have seemed like villains in phase 4. Gorr was redeemed at the end after being beaten. Jane dies of cancer which was expected but then goes to Valhalla in the end credit scene so nothing seems "final".

Thor steals Zeus' thunderbolt and ends up giving the power of Thor to kids in the movie temporarily...but he whispers it to the Thunderbolt so shouldn't it have been the power of Zeus? This was just one of so many plotholes in this movie. Eternity can grant any wish but uh....why didn't they use that to bring back those erased in the snap or Natasha.

The best part of this movie was Thor arguing with Stormbreaker because of him being jealous of Mjolnir. They finally make up after Thor "gives him a beer" but then at the end of the movie he gives it to Gorr's resurrected daughter. It's just a small little arc there that went nowhere.

Overall this movie was horrible. They tried to take Ragnarok's mix of humor and serious moments but ramped the humor up to 11 and it failed. The end says Thor will return and I hope he does, just with a different script writer and director.
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9/10! (With and Without Spoiler)
mintycodm6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thor: Love and Thunder! 9/10.

The length of the movie doesn't make it a bad movie, sure it feels pretty short but the story is still pretty good. The villain (Gorr The God Butcher) was pretty terrifying, a very good actor and a very good villain. The movie is one of the best in Phase 4 yet, "is it better than Doctor Strange MOM?" My opinion is.... yes. The movie is just amazing with Taika Waititi killin' it again, the movie was comedy, action, horror, and sad which is just perfect for a movie, specially for an MCU movie.

Now for the spoiler part: Gorr is pretty horrifying, specially when he scares the living crap out of the kids when he literally snapped an "animal's?" head. We also got Heimdall's son in the movie and I think he would play a bigger part in the future of the MCU. Heimdall appeared in the second post-credit scene in Valhalla with Jane Foster/The Mighty Thor who sadly died in the end, The Zeus part was pretty funny, Thor's butt was shown in the scene which was pretty funny I guess and the fight scene in Zeus' "temple?" was very cool with the VFX. Thor's got a daughter!

Yay, Mjölnir is now back with Thor and the Stormbreaker was given to the daughter. Stormbreaker got a little jealous on Mjölnir. Zeus was thought dead after Thor threw the Zeusbolt to his chest but in the mid.

Credits scene, Zeus was alive and Hercules was revealed! And that's my review, I really enjoyed this movie and I'm looking forward to see.
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Great movie to much fun
kanesteff6 July 2022
I just watched it at a cinema and its a great movie worth to watch the only. Critic i got is to much COMEDY. You may think how us to much comedy bad well with a thor movie i expect it to be more serious it seems like thor and the rest didnt care about anything just joking around allda, Overall good movie.
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I think 4/10 is generous
PsychoBeard6669 July 2022
I can't be bothered typing an essay so I'll sum up:

Thor is reduced to a bumbling idiot to elevate Jane and Valkyrie.

Horrible CGI.

Jokes that don't land.

A plot not worth caring about.

Forgettable set pieces.

Overuse of Guns N Roses.
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