The Portable Door (2023) Poster

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A bit weird, good weird.
deloudelouvain17 April 2023
I read a lot of reviewers comparing this movie with Harry Potter but I don't agree. The story is totally different, much weirder which was a good thing I thought. The only thing they have in common is that it is all fantasy and in this genre The Portable Door is an entertaining movie. It takes a while to understand what's going on but it's never annoying. Christopher Waltz always delivers, never disappoints. Sam Neil was also good in playing his strange character. The whole cast did a decent job making this movie interesting to follow. I can see some sequels in the future if it catches on. I'm up for it.
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Enjoyable family fun.
Sleepin_Dragon12 May 2023
Paul Carpenter's day goes from a morning of disasters, with his toaster exploding and a random lecturer professing to know him, to a bizarre interview at JW Wells and Co, a somewhat unusual organisation.

This was one of those films that I was made to sit down and watch with the while family, an array of ages, the feedback was generally positive, personally I rather enjoyed it, despite it not really being my preferred genre.

I was told to expect something along the lines of Harry Potter or Extraordinary Beasts, in truth I could see no similarity at all, other than them being fantasy movies, family friendly fantasy that is.

Not especially exciting or particularly well paced, but oddly engaging and baffling, this film is so strange and weird, it just draws you in. You'll be scratching your head several times as you try to work out what's going on, just accept that it's slightly bonkers, and I think you'll enjoy it.

To summarise, it's very quirky, family fun, it's well acted and oddly engaging.

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Most enjoyable
webjunk-6263513 April 2023
Why do people who have read the book ever bother to view a film they know from the outset they will hate because - insert whiny voice- "it's not like the book". Why not save yourself the agony.

As a counterpoint I have read the book, and thought this adaptation was most enjoyable. You can't really describe anything without spoilers. Ut it bowls along with a great sense of humour -mfor some of which paying attention is rewarded.

If you haven't read the books give them a go as there are seven in the series and explore the idea in greater details. This will be good should get round to making a sequel.
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Entertaining but not logical
artetaden30 April 2023
This movie is a good one-time-to-watch film. You may bring your family to the cinema and you will spend a good time watching it in a relaxed atmosphere.

However, if you expect some mind-blowing plot or unexpected twists - this film will mostly disappoint you. In fantasy movies there is always a thin ice in terms of making the plot work in some "magical" world but you still believe it, and having some absurd world. This film is closer to the second variant. Sometimes you find yourself at the point when you think "OK, this seems to be stolen from Harry Potter", sometimes you are like "What the hell? What am I watching". This film is rather naive fairytale than a Lord of the Rings style saga, that you can watch over and over again and not feel yourself as a young kid forced to believe something just because it is said so in movie.

Thus, I would recommend going to watch this film. Just take it easy and turn off the movie critic inside of you :)
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Unpredictable romp
VorpalJay24 November 2023
What fun. An enchanting film. An adult fairy tale and boy meets girl rolled up into one.

Paul's very bad day leads to an unlikely job opening at the prestigious, mysterious company, J Wells. He quickly becomes a favorite of the boss, but no one else on the hiring committee has anything good to say about him. As he proves his metal to both his new coworker and the company at large, we are taking on a fantastic journey. Imaginative sets help create magical scenes.

Christopher Walt makes a great bad guy. The cast includes Sam Neill, who always delivers. I'm sure the primary actors are up and comers, but I'm just not familiar with them from earlier movies.

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richiexrv-237248 April 2023
This is so bad that I don't think the person who wrote the screenplay is aware of, or even read, the book that it's supposed to be based on.

I honestly don't have anything good to say about it.

I have read the book a couple of times, so I feel like I know the characters. The people in this bear absolutely no recognisable characteristics to those in the book.

Even the way the actual portable door is used, which in the book makes sense, in this pile of steaming manure is stupid.

I really wish I could sue someone for the time I wasted on this dross.

Even if you haven't read the book, avoid this poop.

So bad!!!
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Enjoyable but needs a new sound mix
Eruaran1 July 2023
I haven't read the book so I can't judge this movie on that basis. It's a nice looking film with nice photography, there's no problem with editing or pacing. Its what you'd expect from this type of film. The cast was suitably solid but for me the highlight was Sam Neill: His was a stand-out performance, an absolute delight. He just stole every scene he was in and was loads of fun. However, the movie would have been better if not for serious problems with the sound mix. The music is so overwhelmingly loud it drowns out the dialogue to the point where you're struggling to discern what is being said over the sheer loudness of the music. You might as well turn subtitles on. How does such a serious blunder occur? It seriously detracts from what otherwise might have been a more enjoyable movie.
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It's not bad, but it's not great
Boristhemoggy10 April 2023
I love a good sci fi and fantasy film, so I decided to give this a try. I'm glad I did, because it wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything like I expected.

The British tend to like their buffoonery, and there was simply too much of it in the beginning. Sam Neill could never be described as cute but that's what they were trying to make him be.

The story was also difficult to follow. The Humphries had me completely baffled until very close to the end.

Considering Jim Henson was involved with this I thought the goblins were very poorly done. Also some of the sets were great but some of the characters not very well defined at all.

Overall I didn't hate it and I watched it from start to finish in one go. But it was very slow to start and just wasn't polished enough to understand, so by the end I only just realised what I had watched.
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Decent popcorn flick, endings a bit of a let down.
ljawster27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this in what is a early screening. It's a decent popcorn flick even if it tries a little hard to confuse the viewer. Deliberately I think we're meant to share the male leads confusion at what's happening to him.

The ending is telegraphed well in advance and I felt a bit of a let down. Probably just me in that I really disliked him winding up with the female lead who was such an entitled animal of choice they had to tone her down after the first few minutes and she still felt like a "I'll date you till I find someone better personality." Who's only with the lead because he has a unique power. Even laying her aside the ending felt like it had no real stakes as we see the only two sighting hit each other cleanly multiple times and do no damage. On top of which while its obviously meant to be a food triumphs over evil it felt more like neutral animal farmer winning against corporate mass production farmer. Seriously the "good guy" is completely unconcerned at the idea two "humans" will die in a few days.

Anyway decent flick to relax and unwind with, could be fun for tween or young kids though the humours a bit more adult than some may feel comfortable with but nothing more than a few dating jokes nothing especially crude.
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good book...
monellamp10 April 2023
Good book, c**p film. I've read many Tom Holt books and thoroughly enjoyed them, including "The Portable Door" but this film bares almost no resemblance to the book.

If you're going to make a film of a popular book, and you've bought the rights etc try and make a slight effort to follow the storyline, other than the title and the characters name it is unrecognisable from the source. I hate that, why not change the protagonist names and call the film "knock knock" and thereby evade my undying hatred!

This is actually a terrible children's film because firstly it not based on a children's book, and secondly it encourages children to watch second rate films rather than read first rate book!
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Great family movie!
nicolio107 April 2023
I'm baffled a bit by the other reviews and was nearly going to not give this movie a go but I'm so glad I did! I watched with the whole family and even though it was longer than most movies my kids would sit through, they loved it.

It was so odd in times that it actually made the movie more fun to watch- there were several times we were laughing out loud at the fantastic weirdness of it all!

I'm someone who watches a movie almost every night and visits the cinema weekly and found this a really enjoyable watch so I would definitely give it a go if you're thinking about it and don't worry, all those things that seem odd in the beginning end up making sense in the end!

A great film - well done!

P.s I didn't find the movie that dark, there are a couple of scenes that might be a bit scary that my youngest (5) was a little worried about initially, but ended up being fine with.
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A fairly entertaining family fantasy
jaysmith-542049 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like original movies. This is a fairly original family fantasy movie.

Starting off strong, the movie seemed to follow in the footsteps of 'The Adjustment Bureau' (2011), with a bureaucratic and somewhat supernatural business entity acting in the shadows, to alter fate and meddle in the romantic affairs of humans. We got the impression that luck and coincidence were going to play a strong theme. Then in short order it changed into a movie about magic and goblins, more akin to Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts, and with perhaps some absurd elements from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (what really is a stapler, anyway?). But the luck and coincidence aspect seems to fall away, and we don't see too much more of the meddling.

The character motivations were a little muddled; for example the insufferable and drab female colleague quickly turns into the soft and delicate love interest who needs saving. By the end of the second act the main guy is talking about building a house near the sea and living together... a bit soon, is it not?

The main hero goes from not knowing about magic, to barely reacting when he's introduced to magic, to becoming a full-blown uber-magician with a unique power, but there's no arc or struggles in getting there... and no explanation as to why... it just happens. The closest thing he gets to a lesson in magic is a guy telling him to hover his hand over a map without touching it, then pretty instantly he feels the magic. Makes you really wonder how it's possible he's not discovered his latent gift already. But then questions and threads raised in the opening scenes about luck, coincidence and pattern recognition were not returned to.

The McGuffin in this case was a door which transforms into a specific non-door object so as to be difficult to find. I'm not sure if the door is even necessary; if I'm not mistaken I think in this universe it's not the only way to get to where they're going. The door's powers were exploited a bit, like in the movie Looper (2012) to go to Everest, to Giza, and main guy and Love Interest return a few times to that beach.

Later on, we see all the Goblins, and everything starts to feel so small. This universe they've created consists of one office headquarters, a dark hall of doors, a bank and an underground room. We thought we'd be introduced to a whole new world of lore but by the end it still feels like the universe they've created is only local.

I would have much preferred if the goblins were never shown, and the magic were more subtle, and the universe had better world-building, and the plot were more like The Adjustment Bureau. Is this based on a book? Did the author change after the opening chapters?
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steveq1352 April 2023
I wanted to like this film, I really did. Sadly it comes across as a sort of 'Fantastic Beasts' but without the charm, fun and warmth.

It's difficult to engage with the characters when none of them are likeable, and the acting is just flat. Maybe the actors are a.i generated... that would at least explain the lack of emotion, commitment of passion.

The story despite having a good premise wanders around and doesn't really engage. I suspect the book is probably better.

It could be that I'm the wrong demograpic for the audience they were aiming for, perhaps young teens our low double digit kids will like it but for me it's a miss.

Shame, I think there could have been a good film in there.
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Avoid this one, waste of time......
user199813 April 2023
I always enjoyed watching movies that touches on the mysterious wizarding world just like the Harry potter series, but not this one.

The main goal of most movies is to entertain their targeted audience, which is a goal this one failed miserably to accomplish.

In summary the movie is about a mysterious magical company that hires the protagnist for a mysterious job that needs to be done ASAP, and it's up to you to figuer out what the hell is going on.

To put it straight and forward, the plot in general felt rushed with little explanation and the world building felt empty.

But i guess it's good if you looking for something to watch with family, no profanity, no nudity as far as i remember because it's pretty much a forgettable movie.
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oh dear...
jaykhanmoviefilm26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A great premise, great actors, brilliant sets, good characters, and they managed to turn it into a meh, twee lurve story where essentially, not a lot happened.

Perhaps I'm disappointed because of all the hyped up marketing before the release, but it was a yawn-fest and I wandered away to do laundry the first time I watched it. That's my litmus test - did I prefer laundry? Yes I did.

I then sat down to watch it again, thinking that I hadn't given it a fair go. So I went in for round two and did the whole thing.

Yet another film where the side stories are far more intriguing than the main one we're served.

I really didn't understand how they could bore me - I LOVE THIS STUFF. So sorry, but you can't pack it full of elves and goblins and awesomeness, and just rely on that. You need a main story that's INTERESTING! You Need a punchy, clever dialogue, this had none of that.

I fondly remember films like Dragonslayer with Ralph Richardson... it was interesting, I still watch it! This new stuff isn't up to snuff. Dslayer was a love story, but that wasn't the main serving, the story itself was the meat of it, the rest just influenced the main events. It was constructed well, unlike this film.

I would have loved to know a lot more about the side issues, the door system, the back story of the goblins, this could have been Great! But it came second to laundry.

The Portable Door was just meh, a long old bore. And how anyone could make Christoph Waltz into a bore is beyond me, they need a medal for that. More and more films are in the running for the top prize in the Mediocrity Stakes, I just despair of modern film at times. Chris and co did the best they could, but it just missed the mark somehow.

In future, I will actively avoid this film.
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There's a decent film hidden within
therealinformal11 April 2023
This film of almost two hours could be an excellent film if, inter alia, it were shortened to not much more than ninety minutes-though some scenes particularly at the beginning, were unnecessarily rushed.

For example, a lengthy episode of our two leads wandering into some very attractive places, several times, and then just sitting therein admiring the view could be a much shorter but more entertaining montage.

A cynic might call this a live-action remake of Monsters Inc. As far as the conceit of a door which leads people into other places goes.

Despite its being co-produced by the Jim Henson Company the goblins looked ugly but charmless.
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The Portable Door
henry8-312 April 2023
Out of work Paul (Patrick Gibson) somehow managed to get himself a paid internship role at a mysterious company lead by the deeply strange Christopher Waltz and Sam Neill. When it is discovered that he has certain gifts, Waltz gives Paul a secret commission to locate a portable door, hidden somewhere in the building. All is not what it seems though and joined by new friend / colleague Rosie, a vast and dangerous adventure begins.

Whilst there are clearly Harry Potter influences here, this charming, fun and sometimes witty family adventure manages to stand on its own 2 feet. It isn't a big effects picture, but it's full of good set pieces, has a good story and Gibson is a strong lead with Waltz and particularly Neill, who is very funny in this, providing great support. Good fun.
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odd "backwards" film
A_Different_Drummer17 April 2023
The first 15 minutes are wonderful. Clever, attention-grabbing, puzzling, empathetic, not only hooks you but promises you so much more to come. The next 40 minutes are disappointing. A lot of the bits and pieces you liked off the top are mysteriously absent and the plot seems to narrow, rather than widen. The rest of the movie is terrible, as if someone had pressed a magic button and stuck you in an Afterschool Special. Textbook example of a film where the creators literally have no idea what they are doing because the one thing you are never supposed to do is raise viewer expectations and then NOT deliver.((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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More like 'The Portable Bore'.
Pjtaylor-96-13804418 April 2023
'The Portable Door (2023)' is really bizarre, and I'm not just talking about it's purposefully peculiar plot. Instead, the piece is strange when it comes to its pacing and plotting. Its story doesn't really come into its own until it nears its conclusion, leaving most of the runtime dedicated to the bumbling protagonist's extended introduction to the potentially interesting world of work he stumbles into. There are several ideas here that are relatively intriguing, but almost none of them are developed to any real degree. The affair sort of just throws everything at the wall to see what sticks, but nothing does. Although the actors are all doing their best with the material (especially Sam Neill and Christoph Waltz, both of whom are in this far more than I expected them to be), most of the movie is simply boring. Its finale devolves into near-incomprehensible nonsense stuffed with unconvincing effects work and ham-fisted resolutions. It's somewhat baffling, to be honest, and its execution makes it far more confusing than it ought to be. Ultimately, this is a total dud. It isn't entertaining on any real level, despite not being particularly egregious. It simply isn't noteworthy in any positive way.
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Harry Potter in an office
siderite8 June 2023
The movie is quite childish, but reasonably entertaining. It makes no sense and it feels like a cross between Harry Potter and The Sarah Jane Adventures (Dr. Who for kids). So if you are in the mood for that magical feeling, give it a try. I, however, am going to rant about it.

There is a certain sick British delight in all things British, regardless of how evil or horrible. Harry Potter had the greatest success describing an unsafe authoritarian inconsistent medieval boarding school system. How many books about children in a mansion, where the only positive thing is that they are filthy rich, and everything else constitutes child abuse? There have been numerous successful stories about the (I would describe as tyrannical) British Navy. And now you see the papery bureaucratic corporate office, raised to the rank of fairy tale magical place. But it's the same story, really. Somehow, through the virtue of being British, it becomes desirable, perhaps even decent.

The Portable Door presents our every day person: poor, powerless, looking for a job, but young, energetic, good looking and full of dreams. Yeah, I know that's not the every day person, but bear with me. He finds a job through a lot of coincidences and he immediately takes it, even if he knows absolutely nothing about it. He is not even shown signing a contract or discussing payment. Once there, everyone and everything is quirky, obtuse and completely unhelpful. His peer, a young black woman, is derisive and abusive to him. His betters are dismissive and offensive. But he perseveres, because stiff upper lip and he really needs the job. And then we realize, although it was quite obvious, that everything revolves around magic, so everything is fine. Also, he's the chosen one. How surprising.

So in conclusion: it felt completely average, perhaps less so, because it was threading the same formula of magic excusing everything and complete ignorance being confused with adventure. If you are completely lost, you're not having fun, you just don't know where you are. It's a terrible cliché that I would like to disappear, but for some reason it is very popular. Is it that most people are naturally confused and ignorant? But at the same time the cast was good and I did feel compelled to watch it to the end. I know, my soul is lost...
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Knock Knock!
frank-liesenborgs7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie "The Portable Door" is an adaptation of the first book in Tom Holt's J. W. Wells & Co. Series. Publication Order of J. W. Wells & Co. Books all seven books: The Portable Door (2003), In Your Dreams (2004), Earth, Air, Fire and Custard (2005), You Don't Have to Be Evil to Work Here, But it Helps (2006), The Better Mousetrap (2008), May Contain Traces of Magic (2009), Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Sausages (2011) Paul (Patrick Gibson) and Sophie (Sophie Wilde) meet at a job interview. They are both surprised to meet each other again on the starting day at the new job. And they are both placed under the coaching of bad-tempered manager Mr. Tanner (Sam Neill), who gives them a list of rules. The most important rule is that they must not stay in the office building after the end of the working day. They are surprised again at the mind-numbing boredom of the apparently senseless tasks they are given, but even more surprised at the weirdness that starts to emerge as they sort and file. That's where the story really starts. Paul finally realizes all may not be what it seems when the unrealistic CEO of the company, Humphrey Wells (Christoph Waltz), sets him a special task. He wants Paul to locate a missing magical door that can transport you to wherever you want to be. It turns out that JW Wells & Co does have some fascinating secrets to be uncovered. Of course, once they find it, Sophie and Paul have to try out the portable door a few times and use it to explore the world. This part shows some very nice landscapes. But once back in the eerie London office things get far more interesting. Excellent acting from Patrick Gibson (Paul) Sophie Wilde (Sophie) Christoph Waltz (Humphrey Wells) and especially from Sam Neill (Dennis Tanner). This is amovie you will love or hate. I did not expect anything but just loved it. Knock Knock!
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Great Premise. So-so Execution
BoomerFan20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Came across this at random on Amazon Prime. I was unfamiliar with the source book, so the characters and situations were new to me. Based on the fundamental premise, this could have been a great movie, but it was so-so. It's not bad, but it was easy to see how it could have been improved with better plot and character development. After a promising open - Paul's bad morning gone horribly wrong - it took too long to establish that unnatural things were going on at the very weird Wells Company. Despite the early hints, it took too long to establish that Paul's presence there was more than a coincidence. The development of the partnership and relationship between Paul and Sophie was disjointed and awkward. If she was under the company's control, why was she allowed to become Paul's ally and partner in crime? That's just one example of how things dragged and then suddenly went from Point A to Point B without clearly establishing how they got there. A tighter script and direction could have elevated this to something special.

The post-credits ending was obviously a set-up for a sequel. If they do make one, I'll probably watch it, but I won't be broken hearted if they don't. I'm torn about whether they've earned it.
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Sadly missed the point of the book
christinejconway8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as we heard about this film we had to watch it as we all loved the book. The opening credits held promise but then it completely missed the point. Instead of the ordinary relatable job interview &baffling 1st few days the film immediately jumps to weird happenings &by doing so it loses the whole joy of the book. You don't get the wtf moment of why is there a claw mark in the door, why has the sword in the stone appeared. And then, where did that goblin suddenly appear from. I get that the film needed more pace but by missing the relatable stuff at the beginning it just became an average story.
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Magic, goblins, and mayhem, gotta locate the Portable Door.
TxMike10 May 2023
What in the heck is a "Portable Door." Well it seems this door is invisible but if you have the white towel, and you say the right words, it appears in front of you. Then, if you say where you want to go right before you open the door it magically transports you there. Anywhere. Your apartment. Someone's office. A tropical beach. The top of a snowy mountain. Yep, that is a very handy thing to have. But right now no one knows where it is!

So a young 30-ish man is in a dire situation, he doesn't have a job, is broke, and his flatmate is moving away. He goes to apply for a job with a company he doesn't know, doesn't know what their business is, doesn't have any idea what his job would be, and has a totally underwhelming interview. So he gets hired!

The whole movie is a comedy, the Henson Company was involved, most of the visuals are great, but the overall story doesn't have much impact. It is just an entertaining ride to see what the characters will get into and how they will get out of difficult situations.

I watched it at home streaming. I was entertained.
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Fun movie, but felt rushed
BigGuy20 September 2023
After watching 10 minutes of this movie, I could tell it was based on a book, probably of the YA variety. There was a very rich world with strange things going on, but no time/effort to explain things. Part of that is intentional (to follow the main character who doesn't know what is going on either), but part of it is simply that there isn't time in a movie to establish things. There also isn't time to explore/develop the characters. The lead and his co-intern/love interest, go from almost hostile to love, in a montage of trips through the portable door.

I did enjoy the movie quite a bit, but it just felt rushed and incomplete. The acting was great, even over-the-top characters with pretty small roles were enjoyable (although in some cases they were too over-the-top and almost distracting, rather than intriguing). Visually it was exciting, but not overwhelming.

Overall, I think this movie would be great for teens and pre-teens, and there are plenty for adults to find entertaining as well. But it feels like there is a lot in the book that didn't make it to the screen, which would have helped quite a bit.
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