Freaks: You're One of Us (2020) Poster

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Good, not brilliant
Quigonjay3 September 2020
Quite enjoyed it but could have been better. Solid performances form most of the cast. Sort of a lower budget German version of Heroes or similar shows.
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Good opening, terrible ending
SJ_Subash5 September 2020
The movie opens very well. It felt like an underdog super hero film with adults which is cool but and then the bad writing started to act up. It lacks originality and strong motive. The movie dragged till the end and died with out creating any emotional connection. If you have free time watch this film but I wouldn't recommend it. Thanks.
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It's not too bad ..... I guess
didomenicosam12 September 2020
The storyline actually has some promise but unfortunately it's the delivery of the movie as a whole which has let it down. Probably a budget thing or perhaps more to do with the writing and directing not really sure. Overall the movie was OK to watch but a very low budget movie that's for sure. It's one of those movies you wanna watch when there's nothing else on
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Nice try but not enough
mwen001-23 September 2020
Too conventional! Mediocre script and a director who is way over his head are not helping! Actors have potential! If you care for the genre watch BOYS!
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Nice pilot
the_real_smile18 February 2021
A nowadays action series contains more action and effects per episode, then most movies from the last decades. This 'movie' is entertaining en very, very, short. Seems to me it was a pilot for a new series because it contains just enough material for that and it has a huge open ending where a good and a bad super is born. The story is pretty funny, the effects, the few that are in this movie, are well done.
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Mediocrity: It's a lot of it
rapman_de2 September 2020
This movie is not really good nor really bad. It marinades in its own mediocrity. The story is just a run of the mill superhero tale and the pace is quite off with a lot of filler and could have been for a 1h pilot to a much stronger show. The acting is also very stilted and soapy. The character introductions are so rudimentary you can't even relate to any of them. You can also feel the low budget, since a lot of the effects that could have looked great are happening off screen. And the majority of effects on screen look very poor. The icing on top is the as it seems to be permanently drunken camera operator. Even in the calmest scenes he is shaking like Jell-O on a roller coaster, quite a pain to watch since there wasn't a real reason to go full on steady cam besides the rare action sequences.
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A mature take on the superhuman genre
s32761697 September 2020
German flick "Freaks" on first inspection is not substantively different from many other productions, cast in a similar vein.

Where it does depart is its treatment of the subject matter, which is substantially more down to earth than its counterparts. This is a tale about ordinary people who happen to have extraordinary abilities and how this impacts on them, as people. It lacks the grit and cynical grandiosity, not to mention the gratuitous violence, you might typically expect.

I found this treatment refreshing. Its thoughtful and heartfelt and I feel, offers more depth of character development.

Certainly, it has its moments of exposition driven action but that said, this is a quieter film, that may not appeal to super hero action addicts.

I enjoyed Freaks . Its has a maturity of treatment that you don't often see in the superhuman genre.

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Story line felt i complete
tejaskasalkar3 September 2020
Was expecting some superhero fights in the end...but felt like the movie ended abruptly without a proper climax
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Is this a Pilot?! Yes please!
sunlounge297 September 2020
Ok... the story telling is lazy and wooden at times. But I really enjoyed the whole 90 minutes of this particular approach to the superhero genre anyway! I feel like this was shot as some sort of pilot for a series?! If so go for it and increase the budget a bit! I'd really like to see more of Wendy and Electroman!
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Anti psychiatric screed hidden as Super hero movie
abwetman-1-8173283 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This well acted film hides a common superhero troupe . That all psychiatrists are really evil people trying to keep thier patients from reaching their true self.

They even have the stranger the shows the main charter ,Wendy, that she just has to get off her pills.

It breaks no new ground but the pacing is good and Acting above average.
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A good 90 minutes
pr_squared6 September 2020
Not great art but a solidly good 90 minutes. Well acted. Made me smile. Made me sad. Created a sense of jeopardy. Well made plot. Perhaps formula is not all bad when done well
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Freak like me
kosmasp12 October 2020
Song references that are dated aside, the movie is quite decent. Even without reading what this is about, you can guess where it heads. A nice central performance by the female lead and another great performance by Wotan, her "mentor" if you will. The movie itself is predictable, but it still is fun to watch.

Who wouldn't want to have certain powers? And then depending on your character, you would apply or use them at your own free will. Yes this can go south of course ... though I reckon if there was an equivalent to the NRA for superheroes, they would say: only a good superhero with powers can stop a bad superhero with powers ... joking aside, the movie is decent, if you are into this sort of stuff.
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Just so, so awful.
noahgibbobaker8 September 2020
Freaks - you're one of us is a german film about a group of people who discover that they have superpowers. It is clichéd and awful in every respect.

Firstly I'll start with the positives, as there are not many. I think getting carried away with your powers is a very human response to finding out you have certain abilities, especially when the person getting carried away is someone like Elmar, a social inept and really lonely person. I also kind of enjoyed parts of Wendy's home life. Yes it's completely unrealistic and yes the acting and especially child acting is unintentionally hilarious but I think they were the best scenes in the film, which is not saying much. It is also a kind of unique take on superheros, that is a massive stretch but complimenting this movie is not easy.

Technically this film is a shambles, there is nothing to appreciate. The cinematography is just boring and there is not one good shot. The editing was dreadful but especially when Wendy used her powers, the editing choice was so odd it made me laugh everytime it happened. The cgi was also laughable and I can't believe the shots that they end up using.

Marc O. Send wrote a terrible screenplay for this film. Every character is only in this film to give exposition except for Wendy and Elmar, who both have some of the worst dialogue written so far this year.

The score is just the most generic score you will ever hear, but worse than this is the soundtrack. None of the songs fit the scenes they are in and none of the songs even sound good, every scene where a song from the soundtrack is used is absolutely abysmal. You can't even get an idea of how bad this soundtrack is until you hear it.

A lot of moments in freaks are supposed to be funny, but the only parts that are, are not meant to be funny. Most of the comedy is just poorly written jokes that only children would laugh at, and the rest of them are just sexual, crude jokes that are also poorly written and unfunny. This brings me onto the biggest issue with freaks.

Everyone who worked on this production has no idea who the target audience is. You might not think this is such a big deal, but it is. Adults don't want to watch a film like this, but children do, kids love superheros. But everyone who made this put so many scenes in that are not appropriate for children.

Overall, never ever watch this. I hate it and can't believe it is real.
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Um... what?
taylorlovee3 September 2020
Storyline and ending Do not add up. Not sure how the main character came to that conclusion based on what she experienced. Gives me cheap Knock off dying to make a super hero movie vibe. But I will say, I was cheaply entertained
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Don't watch it 'dubbed into American English'....
colinkhenry6 September 2020
.... They use lower level actors to do the dubbing, the scrips when Translated (incorrectly) into American English is diabolical. Watch with the original sound - German with English subtitles. ((English subtitles are no way as bad a translation as the dubbing - truer to the original script). American English dubbing and the English subtitles do not match))

It seems as this is a pilot to a tv series - we will see. It certainly has potential.
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Ok if you have nothing else to do.
jonas-wegelius10 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of illogical things, like her hitting a guy that go off flying 50 meters... Come on, that force over a small female fist would have 2 side effects: 1. She punches a hole through him 2. Her fist and lower arm disintegrates. If she's invincible then only option 1 would happen. Another illogical thing: she throws a desk at a guy, the desk makes a huge hole in the thick concrete/brick wall. What do you think would break first? The wooden desk or the wall...?
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The German version of X-men
georgechatz03 September 2020
The movie is about normal people who suddenly discover that they have powers. It's a clever idea but the story and screenplay seem to lose their connect in the second half. Using the retro 80s' music was a smart move. The background score kept the momentum high. As I said it's a German version of X-men. It worth to watch it!
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If the series Heroes was made into a less than average German movie
harrylt22 September 2020
The first 20 minutes was good and after that it went downhill. There was some bits that didn't make sense and seemed pointless to the whole story.
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Better than The New Mutants
Sergiodave12 November 2020
Admittedly when watching a dubbed movie you can never fully tell how good or bad the acting is, though for this movie probably average at best. The first half was a lot stronger than the second, but it still kept me interested. The effects are almost non-existent, and the cinematography was below par . That being said, I still thought it far better than 'The New Mutants'.
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Soccer mom throws away her valium pills and
koffice-979-4163013 September 2020
Soccer mom throws away her valium pills and becomes a superhero lol It's a social drama disguised as a budget superhero movie.
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Good movie with a solid cast.
gregorydewaegheneire19 September 2020
Marvel movies bore the crap out of me. I watch them with the kids but half of the time I'm falling asleep. This movie is a really nice take on the super hero movie. I assume that the general low score is given by the Marvel audience. There are some flaws in the movie, but overall it's a really good movie that might have been better served in a tv series. In short, if you're not a real fan of the Marvel crap then give this one a chance... you might be pleasantly surprised.
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It's almost good for a German superhero film, but has major flaws
siderite7 September 2020
The movie brings nothing new to the table. The same origin story done to death, people doing things that make no sense, a lot of filler and a rather deplorable use of superpowers. You see, the hero is a meek woman which is being taken for granted and considered harmless even by little children. She gets her power and she starts killing or maiming "the bad guys" and even breaks the bikes of the naughty children. It makes sense that petty people would do that, but without a very well crafted story, you can't sympathise with them. And what message is that? Because you are oppressed, you get the right to hate more?

So: bad message, pace too slow, nothing original, holes in logic. I can't recommend it and it's really boring.
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info-0395915 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's do a superhero film without going through the trouble of thinking about the story first! That's how 'Freaks' felt to me. Things just keep happening. A good story has some foreshadowing but here it is like a good story retold by a child: "And then they did this, then they went there -- o, I forgot to tell that there was this prison first ..." No climax, no motiv, no humor. Boring characters without any depth and obviously just following a text book for superhero storys -- but this one is badly told.
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bluemoonskye200225 September 2020
Although this originated in Germany, someone has dubbed it into English. I do like foreign film but it was nice to enjoy the movie without having to read.

I really enjoyed this, it was just right as far as superheroes go & how they were portrayed. The storyline was simple but intriguing enough to hold my attention to the end. Although it was fairly predictable, in the end, the right things happened when they should & it left it open to having a sequel. And I look forward to it!
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Good start, bad middle, horrible ending
nonessentialpersonnel12 November 2020
It's a NETFLIX production so you know the camera and special effects are gonna be good and they are. The story on the other hand, not so much. It starts off really well then after 30 minutes, it dies, leaving you thinking: I'll keep watching, it'll get better. I mean it's a superhero movie from Netflix so you know it's gonna be good right?. Well it's not and it doesn't. Only giving it a 6 because of the camera work.
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