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mikepamcoloton25 February 2015
I love British mystery movies bit this one just wasn't up to snuff.

First the acting. Having seen Heughan in other venues, this month vie did nothing to challenge his talented acting skills. He seemed a little bland most of the time. At first I thought it was the bbc.co part he was , playing but even the emotional seems lacked depth. The supporting cast was on about the same level.

Second, the plot. The movie had a lot of twist and turns that left you asking more questions. Never did figure out how the guy in the restaurant figured in to the story. At first you think it's some kind of spy movie only to find out it's not.

Third, the soundtrack. The music didn't really seem to fit in with the movie at all.

I would give it two stars and that's being generous.
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Why does he wear that too small hat on his bigger than average head?
cageyk-465784 May 2021
My wife and I watched this movie last night. Correction, we watched less than half of it and then turned it off. It was slow paced, tawdry and mostly uninteresting. We are big fans of Jamie Fraser but this film in no way shows off Heughan's acting skills. Early on it looked like his face had too much makeup including eye liner, eye shadow and lipstick and that ridiculous fedora he wore which was way too small for the size of his head was like a pimple on an elephant's ass. All together a mostly forgettable film.
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Slick, stylish British thriller
markj_sepiafilms18 November 2013
I was lucky enough to attend a screening of Emulsion a few weeks back. The film is that rarest of things: an intelligent, well made British low budget independent film.

I was very impressed with Suki Singh's slick and stylish direction - the film looks gorgeous. The story twists and turns and keeps you hooked until the very end. It reminded me of David Lynch's work in many aspects - a deep undercurrent of an unsettling mood runs throughout the film, and there are several scenes which stayed with me for several days after wards.

Great acting, great storytelling. A film well worth checking out from a filmmaker worth keeping an eye out for.
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Pretentious as all hell
christolking-5802229 October 2020
My wife and I both love Sam Heughan, but this movie is a monumental waste of his talent. A bad example of the "long empty tense pauses mean something" school of film making. You -want- to be intrigued by all the "what the heck is going on" moments, but they are more and more stultifying. It takes a long, long time to get to the reveal and by then who cares about this mope? Or the last twisteroonie? And if you set most of your movie in a dead parking garage you have a pretty dead movie. Watch reruns of Outlander for your Sam fix.
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Beautiful and amazing
tdcheck10 November 2013
Not great at writing these kinds of things - but here goes! Have recently discovered Sam Heughan, and as soon as I heard about this film I wanted to see it. Had to wait a while for the opportunity, and finally got to see it at the Rich Mix in London. Didn't really know what to expect, but from the moment it starts I was hooked. I don't want to give anything away about the storyline, but it keeps you guessing all through the film. Just when I started to think I knew what was going on, something happened to change my mind - it was amazing. Keeps you guessing right until the end of the film, keeps your full attention. The cast all do an amazing job, but Mr Heughan just owns the screen all the time he is on it. Such a fantastic performance. The film is beautifully filmed, visually quite stunning. I would love to see this film again as I'm sure on a second viewing there would be a lot more to be noticed. Would love this film to come out on DVD - but in the meantime will keep my eyes open for another viewing I would be able to attend. As Mr Heughan's fanbase increases (as it surely will next year!) there will be a lot of people wanting to see this film, which I will heartily recommend. Well done all concerned and thank you.
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Last night I saw a gorgeous film....
kholtan21 June 2014
Achingly beautiful the movie, in addition to being visually arresting, is a very satisfying puzzle. Sam Heughan is perfectly cast as the bereft husband desperately seeking his missing wife. A gorgeous example of Film Noir Suki Singh's Emulsion brings to mind both David Lynch and Raymond Chandler.

The movie succeeds on the finely honed emotional depth of Sam Heughan's acting skills and the heartbreaking appeal of his nearly classical physical beauty. The supporting cast turn in very creditable performances as the puzzle evolves.

Finally, I can't say enough about the cinematography; Suki Singh has created a perfectly measured dreamlike treat for the senses. If this was a book, it would be a page turner.
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suzabelle10427 July 2014
I like movies that make me think, movies that keep me guessing and movies that keep me talking and thinking about it for days. Emulsion did it all. Sam Heughan did an amazing job as Ronnie Maze and deftly carried the film from beginning to end. The reason I gave it 8 out of 10 was because the same, unfortunately, couldn't be said for some of the supporting cast. Maybe it was just the strength of Heughan's acting that made the others feel weak by comparison...IDK. Maybe they were just weak. Another review elsewhere mentioned the editing being choppy but I never saw this as an issue but rather lending itself to the edginess of the film. The plot was extremely unique and full of twists and turns that reminded me of some of the Hitchcock films I've seen. It's not quite a psychological thriller, not quite a mystery, not quite a love story but more than a drama. Well done and definitely worth the price of a ticket!
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Fantastic Story, well worth a look.
myjobeautiful29 January 2014
Absolutely stunning film written & directed by a brilliant man. Emulsions is so beautifully filmed that you leave realizing that you've finally watched a movie worthy of seeing again. I for one found the story line original & the cinematography gorgeous. If you're like me & tired of paying good money to watch another remake of an 80's/90's movie then make a point of taking yourself to see this movie. I went in to this film not knowing what to expect, my only knowledge of it being what was written on IMDb. I was both in-thralled and mesmerized by the film & captivated by the lead Sam Heughan. I would happily pay to see it again & hope that one day it will be available on DVD. Suki Singh is a genius :)
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A beautiful surprise
lorraine-king-842-89875312 November 2013
I had the opportunity to see this film recently with some friends. I have become a fan of Sam Heughan, who plays Ronny Maze and I am honest to say this is the reason I went to see the film. Emulsion is a beautifully written story about a man who is dedicated in looking for his wife and will not give up until he finds her. A dark, mysterious plot, full of twists and turns. As soon as I thought I had hold of the story, something else happened to change my mind. I was drawn towards all the characters and really felt Ronny Maze plight. Was there a happy ending?. Well you will have to go and see it to find out for yourself. You will not be disappointed. I will be looking out for future films from Mr Suki Singh.
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A suspenseful drama grips you till the end
melsenpai15 July 2014
I very recently watched this film & was really intrigued by the storyline. When I first heard about this film, I brushed it off, thinking it was going to be like another version of the movie "Wicker Park": a man frantically & nearly obsessively searching for the missing woman whom he's desperately in love with. How wrong I was.

This film contains a well-balanced mixture of suspense, drama, raw innocence, & dark grit. The storyline gripped me all the way until the very end, with plenty of plot twists & that just- when-you-think-you've-figured-it-out edginess. Actor Sam Heughan really steals the spotlight with his incredible portrayal of a vulnerable man on the brink of self-destruction & just barely holding onto his last shreds of composure, all while trying to solve the bizarre & mysterious disappearance of the woman he loves.

I must admit the storyline starts off a little too slow in the beginning, but gradually the story picks up its pace & really captivates your attention till the very end. It's like a cat & mouse game, trying to gather clues, which become pieces to an elaborate puzzle. This film offers a good dose of secrets, espionage, chases, raw emotions, & action.

To sum up this film in one sentence: IT'S THE CLOTHES THAT MAKE THE MAN.
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Emulsion is a must see....
jennyjemail-stuff27 January 2014
Emulsion is a must see again film. I have seen it twice and would happily see it again. Suki Singh's low budget film is full of story twists and turns, the locations of filming all add to the unsettling atmosphere. In your mind there are lots of questions forming as the story progresses. Sam Heughan totally becomes 'Ronny' - the emotions and frustrations of the storyline are all so convincing and believable. I saw it in a cinema with a lot of people, we were all spellbound total silence, not a whisper was heard! This film deserves to be seen by a wider audience.

Suki Singh deserves greater recognition of his talent.
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The beauty that is Emulsion
kirstie-909-58495028 January 2014
I really enjoyed Emulsion.

The film is edited wonderfully so that the plot gradually develops keeping the audience guessing about the circumstances of Isabella's disappearance and Ronny's frame of mind. There are a couple scenes which play out of sequence or are repeated as an extended scene which add to the richness of the story telling.

The fact that Ronny is a bit 'lost' in his own world, looks like he has traveled from the 1940/50s and has a strict routine including spending most of his time in an eerily empty concrete car park, adds to the mystery and makes for an intriguing character

The brilliantly acted characters will keep you guessing and interested, the beautifully shot scenes will keep you engaged.

This is British independent film at its best! Don't go expecting a fast paced action thriller, but go and immerse yourself in the world of Emulsion and enjoy the beauty of it.

Looking forward to seeing what Suki Singh comes up with next.
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Intrigue Abounds in this Film Noir
mauigirl6011 September 2014
I was honored to host a Tugg filming in Georgia for this movie. About 30 of us got together one warm summer night back in July to watch it. All of us were fans of Sam Heughan's from Outlander and eager to see him in action in other projects.

Let me tell you that you need to pay attention because if you don't, you miss something that is going on. So many small and innocuous details in the beginning only come back later on and cause the puzzle pieces to fall together.

Suki is a wonderful director, getting the most out of his cast. Sam truly shines on the big screen, flashing those baby blues to our delight. After the movie ended, we stayed in the theater a good half-hour discussing what went on and between us all, we managed to piece the story together.

I highly recommend this movie for those who like this type of mystery keep-you-guessing genre.
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What a surprise
hillcrestwigtown28 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*****Possible Spoilers****** Was lucky enough to attend the Scottish premier of Emulsion recently, and I will admit I went originally because of Sam Heughan and purposefully had not read or watched anything in advance that could spoil my enjoyment on the night.

Well, wow - what a great surprise. Focusing on Ronny Maze's search for his beautiful wife, who mysteriously disappears in the middle of the night it just flowed seamlessly. Twisting and turning throughout the film and leaving as many questions at the end as at the beginning!

It was atmospheric, moody, fantastically well acted and surprising. The costumes, lighting & locations all perfect.I thoroughly enjoyed it and the Q&A at the end with both Sam and Suki was an added bonus.

I hope this film gets the exposure it deserves and wish Suki & all the very best of luck
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Intriguing British film...Emulsion
louise_culley29 January 2014
An intriguing and beautifully shot low budget film by director Suki Singh. Having seen this movie twice I can still say that the mystery of the character Ronny Maze and what happened to his wife Isabella kept me engaged throughout. The lead Sam Heughan does an excellent job at conveying the tortured emotions of Ronny searching for his wife. The lingering shots and choice of music fits perfectly with the dark, brooding intensity of the film. It has a satisfying ending but retains enough mystery that you will still be asking questions afterward. Interesting characters and a clever plot makes this a must see British film.
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Emulsion Inverness.
cmhattersley6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen Emulsion at Eden Court, Inverness, I was impressed by the quality of the writing, brilliant story lines, the acting, superbly paced and smouldering, and the cinematography bringing subtle contrasts to a rather dark story. Even a concrete multistory car park in Bournemouth played its dark role wonderfully. If you get the chance to see Emulsion take it, don't be put off by it's low budget status, the rich talent on display (and behind the scenes) makes that category somewhat meaningless. There was a question and answer session after the screening with director Suki Singh, and Lead actor Sam Hueghan which concluded a fantastic night. I do hope Suki and Sam have the chance to work together in the future as they make a great team.
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Emulsion review
charmhattersley27 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this film twice so far and hope to see it again as soon as the opportunity arises. It's a very intelligent film with lots of clues and secrets hidden within it. It's the kind of film you want, and need to watch a number of times before you can start piecing the threads together. The director, Suki Singh, is heavily influenced by David Lynch, whose work I also enjoy. The lighting, setting and locations all add to the dark, menacing ambiance of the film. The lead actor, Sam Heughan,(Soon to star as the lead in Starz Outlander series) gave an intense, yet balanced performance, as a man trying to solve the mystery of his wife's disappearance. The climax of the film will leave you with as many questions as answers. Highly recommended.
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Loved this film!
vimrodl20 August 2014
I was able to watch Emulsion during a short stay in the US. Having read some enthusiastic comments, I was intrigued about this British independent film that's being screened in small theaters all along the US. It was also a chance to see main actor's - Sam Heughan - performance, prior to the premiere of Outlander. I was ready to be surprised by the film, but in fact had to admit to myself that I hadn't been quite ready to be engaged by its' powerful storytelling as I indeed ended. Therefore, from an initial aloof intrigue,I found myself more and more immersed in the story, sharing Ronnie's anguished and sometimes hopeless quest for an answer about his beloved's wife without a trace disappearance. Sam Heughan does an excellent job in portraying his tortured character, making you feel growing sympathy for Ronnie, while you keep asking yourself about what's actually happening and who - if any - is to be trusted. When the surprising end arrived, I simply wanted to go back and watch it again. So I do hope that this film is released in DVD and that I can see more of director Suki Singh's work in the future.
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Bravo Suki!
lkbmau3228 January 2014
Emulsion, a psychological thriller, premiered in Inverness on Friday the 24th of January and a host of Outlander fans were there to support the film's writer/director, Suki Singh and star Sam Heughan. Quirky, intense and surreal are words that seem to fall short of describing the film that follows Ronny Maze on his quest to find his missing wife, Isabella after she mysteriously disappears from a multi story car park. Mr Singh proves himself as the master of smouldering suspense, keeping viewers guessing by raising more questions than he answers until the last few minutes of the film. Emulsion is Suki Singh's first feature length project, proving that you don't have to spend millions to make a great film! I Highly recommended it!
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Riveting flick in the psychological noir style
kares-0496930 November 2015
"Emulsion" is an exceptional, riveting flick in the psychological noir style. The outstanding cast is capably helmed by Scottish actor Sam Heughan, recent of "Outlander" fame. Heughan's excellent ability to convey a wide range of emotions through his facial expressions complements the well-paced, cleverly-scripted storyline. He is a stellar talent and I hope his "star" continues to rise. Each character that he interacts with in the story is brilliantly cast, creating a first-rate "must see" movie. I would highly recommend viewing this flick two or three times to catch all the clues building up to the shocking climax. "Emulsion" is my pick for "Best Film of the Year" and is an excellent addition to every psychological noir film-lover's library. Suki Singh is riding the crest of a promising career as a filmmaker. I look forward to seeing more of his work in the future.
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Film Noir with a Twist of Angst
s-c-littleton8 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the film for the first time recently after buying the Blu Ray edition.

First off, the cinematography is beautiful. Not only that, the camera catches every nuance of Sam Heughan's portrayal of the tormented character Ronny Maze.

Ronny has lost his wife, Isabella, in mysterious circumstances.

His old-fashioned mode of dress and ancient car give Ronny the appearance of being a man out of step with time as well as events which unfold.

It's a film which is leisurely paced until the final denouement, which will have the viewer open mouthed with shock.

Kudos to Suki Singh and Sam Heughan for giving us this masterly short indie film
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Engrossing film for the thinking viewer
mrfraley1 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Not usually a fan of this genre however the twists and turns that lead the viewer to the story's resolution makes this a satisfying experience. The plot keeps you guessing as you are caught up in Ronny Maze's distress played so deftly by Sam Heughan. This is one of those films that is worth watching again and again because there is always a hint or a clue or a well-placed prop still to be discovered. Visually it is subtle enough to convey the sense of alternate reality with the pops of color reminding you that something is afoot. A challenging and interesting journey for the viewer with excellent acting of a full range of emotions by Sam with a no-frills production that delivers. Still thinking about the aftermath of Ronny's experience and whether anyone actor can walk away untouched by the parts that he/she plays.
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Riveting, Mesmerizing Indie Film
apb-223491 November 2016
Something is very unsettling in Ronny Maze's world. We follow him as he tries to unravel the mystery - and no more plot points can be given because you deserve to see the entire story unfold yourself. This award-winning indie film is a must for anyone who loves unusual Lynchian mysteries. Everything moves very deliberately and with an exquisitely rendered tension. The haunting score is the perfect backdrop to the mystery. Sam Heughan's performance as Ronny is mesmerizing, and he is filmed here beautifully, each line of his chiseled face registering tension and softness at once. David Ajala is wonderful as a restaurant owner who befriends Ronny. Emulsion is the kind of movie that makes indie cinema so rich and rewarding. It will haunt you for a long time. And as in all my favorite movies, you will definitely need to watch it twice and see what you missed (or didn't realize you missed) the first time around. I got my DVD copy at http://www.emulsion.TV/
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Lynch-esque mind bender
j_laker-104-511872 November 2019
A terrific mind-bender of a Modern day film noir by writer/director Suki Singh. I agree its a film that you may have to watch at least twice to get the full gist of the plot but that throws emphasis on an encapsulating mystery within a Lynch-esque style world of captivating filmmaking and actor Sam Heughans performance is something to behold!
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