The Giant Mechanical Man (2012) Poster

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The sweetest Rom-Com I've seen all year...!
atiyaahsan30 October 2012
What is wrong with IMDb people? How can this movie have such a low rating? Out of all the Rom-Coms I've seen this year, this is by far the sweetest and perhaps the only one with genuine, believable characters. I mean, who among us hasn't felt at some point in life like they're lost, like they haven't got it all figured out, like they are still struggling. They feel confused at not having the same goals that give other people a sense of achievement and not being able to conform to society's definition of success. The story is pretty straight-forward and centers around real and ordinary people. Jenna Fischer is sweet and personable as the female lead, Topher grace is hilarious as the obnoxious author who won't stop bragging about his book, and I actually have a younger sister akin to Malin Akerman's character of the over-bearing know-it-all sibling. She thinks just cuz' she got married first, she has the right to dish advice on every conceivable topic....(smiley face) As for Chris Messina, well, it's the quiet moments where his character broods and mulls that speak volumes, and the soundtrack suits the mood of the film just right. I loved the lead pair and I loved this movie. Go watch it if you wish to enjoy an hour and a half of some winsome and delightful drama!
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Very nice film
gsjaeger-968-5817232 February 2013
The film is very good at pointing out the shallowness that is often found in everyday life due to pressure to conform to social pressures and to appear positive even in the worst of times, while at the same time pointing out that one's closest relationships can serve as protection from what can feel like the crushing weight of those pressures.

It shows the viewer two ways of living and thinking about life, a mainstream one and an "alternative" one. The film has excellent timing, editing, and performances. The cast similarly brings together increasingly well known and lesser know but very talented actresses and actors. A must see indie film!
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Very sweet & true to life love story that deserves to be watched. A date movie that both men & women will like. A-
cosmo_tiger30 September 2012
"It only takes just one person to make you feel special and valid and like you belong in the world." Janice (Fischer) is having a hard time finding and keeping a job not to mention trying to figure out what to do with her life. Tim (Messina) is doing what he wants to do with his life but feels unappreciated and is not making money at it. Both giving up they take jobs working at the local zoo. They strike up a quick friendship and want to develop more, but there are obstacles standing in their way. This is the definition of a sweet movie. I have never been a big fan of the typical love story movies mainly because they are so unbelievable. The "good guys" are overly good and the "bad guys" are way to horrible. While this did have a little of that this one is way more realistic and I would call this a real-life love story. This is a very sweet movie and the type of date movie that both men and women will enjoy. Overall, one of the better independent love stories I have seen. I give it an A-.
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More than romance and comedy
in19845 April 2013
It fulfills everything that a romantic comedy wants to be. I.e., a sweet, cute, warm, encouraging, adorable, amusing, snuggle-worthy, young adult date (or post-breakup, or looking for someone) film. The plot setup is clear and you can see at least romantically where this is going within the first 5-10 minutes. Not a film to go to if you're looking for mystery or suspense or women screaming in fear with hands to their head.

It is, however, a new take on a common story line, and the writer/director does an excellent job of creating parallels. There are only so many new takes you can get on young adult romances involving those misdirected or lost and confused, so it's worth seeing for that and a variety of subtle insights.

As is befitting a giant mechanical age of program loops, it is easy to see how a giant mechanical man could have ended up writing this story as part of a biography.

But I'm still disappointed Jenna's character didn't do something about the artificial zoo juice.
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Plays to Fischer's strengths
buddhajd24 March 2020
This film is really right in Jenna Fischer's wheelhouse. The cute woman who needs the man to give her the confidence to really be herself. She may be codependent, but she's not, however, desperate.

The movie juxtaposes Fischer's character's dating options against one another. On one hand, Topher Grace is the relatively successful writer who seems like Mr. Right. On the other hand, we find failing street artist Chris Messina as the titular Giant Mechanical Man.

We know who we hope she picks, and it doesn't change over time like the choice in Reality Bites has so clearly flip-flopped back to Ben Stiller over Ethan Hawk. Much like that flick, this one is a groovy indie that leaves us with a clear choice having been made with no idea what the future holds for either couple. But how is that different than in real life? We all have no actual idea about how anything will turn out now; or likely for a long time.

Stay safe and healthy and, most importantly, STAY HOME until this coronavirus situation has passed.
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But I NEVER do that!
mcummins224 February 2013
Lee Kirk --

Your movie made me cry ...

Realizing the significance of the powerful and positive impact that taking the time to "stop and smell the roses" (sorry) can deliver to ones very psyche seems to be unknown, forever lost or perhaps, just ignored by many of us. How did this happen? What factors perpetuate this selfish, though possibly mutually beneficial simple act of awareness? Beats me. Maybe such "numbness" is simply a symptom of that insidious disease commonly known as The Dumbing Down Of America. Don't we all want to understand and to be understood? I do. So,I try.

Of course, these questions weren't answered in The Giant Mechanical Man, but I've never seen a movie come closer to clearly illustrating those truths. This beautifully written, acted and photographed film is a gem!

See it. See it without wearing your critic's eyeglasses...shields down! If you do, you'll be rewarded

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Heart's in the Right Place
Logan6711 July 2013
The Giant Mechanical Man is the story of Janice and Tim. Janice is trying to successfully navigate her way through life while trying to find herself along the way. The fact that she is past the age where one is supposed to preoccupied with such things and that she has to depend on others for financial support makes the task very difficult. Tim, on the other hand, is trying to successfully navigate his way through life while trying not to lose himself. And finding each other, of course, turns out to be just what each needed.

It's not the most original film. It's self-conscious in an indie sort of way, and it depends upon some pretty big plot contrivances. It's also a bit heavy handed. At one point in the film, a character whose birthday is being celebrated gives the following speech while sitting on top of the bar: "It only takes just one person, just one person, to make you feel special, and valid, and like you belong in the world." Well, yeah, but a bit more understatement would have served the film better here and in other places as well. Still, I liked it. Maybe because I never get tired of films about misfits or films that deal with alienation and the struggle to lead authentic lives and form connections with others. It is the most human theme, the only theme, really, and with respect to it, the film has it's heart in the right place.
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Intelligent, Sweet, But Non-Commercial
dansview16 March 2013
I like indie films about people, that are based upon dialogue and setting. It helps if they are not mainstream characters. So for me, this one was a gem.

I am not familiar with this Chris Messina actor, but he nailed his role. Maybe he used a piece of himself to sculpt the character or maybe he just intuitively understood him. Either way, he was a joy to watch.

I was worried that it was going to drift into the dangerous waters of mocking mainstream people. It didn't really, although there is one scene that bordered on that.

I don't think these lost-soul characters were jealous of others or even resentful. That's what I loved. They realized that they were dancing to the beat of their own drummer.

The male lead especially was for the most part resigned to his fate. Like another reviewer so adeptly pointed out: he was already doing what he wanted to do. The girl was not as comfortable with herself.

Jenna Fischer is interesting, because she is mostly deadpan, in The Office and this movie, and she is almost hot in both too. If she was a bit hotter, you would not picture her as a loner.

Topher Grace delivers his standard blend of underplayed sarcasm and underdog wit. I enjoyed him, and I think that someone who is not familiar with his routine, would enjoy him even more if this is their first time.

Hats off to the writer Lee Kirk. The dialogue in the T.V. interview scene is excellent, as is the exchange when the ex girlfriend apologizes. Impressive wording and spot-on delivery.

I don't think this film was trying to slam you over the head with a message that people are on a mindless merry-go-round. I think it was just showing you that there are some people out there who move at their own pace and want less out of life.

This point was not brought up, but such people might find peace in Western Europe...or at least before immigration and bankruptcy changed it. If you're not ambitious and you're into art or long walks, Europe might work for you.

I wouldn't want America to become like Europe, because the world needs America to be ambitious and morally focused. But I can see where quiet loners would fit better in Europe.
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its just wonderful.
mamun190324 December 2012
i am really surprised watching its rating in IMDb. Because i think this one is truly an original one. The movie really talks for those people ( i should say people like me ) who really have doubts on the traditional meaning of 'success'. The music and the environment created here is perfect. Most of the movies are made for pure entertainment or time pass, only few tries to deliver a massage. I think this one has done that. Plus i think the tag comedy for this one is itself a 'great comedy'. From now on i surly am going to watch-out for more works of this director.

All those who are digging there way out in life can really find some true inspiration from this one.
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An unconventional love story in some ways, but quite ordinary in others are offset by some contrived plot devices.
hansflicksmartin5 July 2013
The indie approach to love stories differs quite markedly from that of mainstream Hollywood. The Giant Mechanical Man fits comfortably into this tradition, its lack of grandeur adding to its charm, but at times it's a flick that feels a little too contrived to become something you'll want to revisit.

The plot centres on a street performer (Chris Messina's Tim) and his struggles to fit in with the expectations of society at large, as well as to make ends meet. His lack of desire to take part in conventional culture defines the character and leads to a variety of problems in his relationships, largely due to drastically differing views on the world from those around him. His approach to life is fairly philosophical, believing that if he can brighten even one person's day on their way to work, it will make everything worthwhile. The character works well for the most part, but can come off as a stereotypical arty type in some of his rhetoric, which some may find a little grating.

The other side of the narrative takes Jenna Fischer's Janice as its focus. She has little idea what she wants from life and has difficulty holding down the succession of menial jobs that she takes on to pay the rent. She is the archetypal daydreamer, her head in the clouds more frequently than on solid ground. Her awkwardness in social situations does a lot to make the character likable, the urge to will her to speak up for herself overwhelming.

The balance between comedy and drama in the film is judged well. There's adequate humour to raise a smile on more than one occasion and the drama plays very successfully for the most part. However, the scenes intended to be the most intense sometimes don't work quite as well as they should, leaving some of the more pivotal moments feeling a little flat. The movie's charm does a lot to make up for this, but there are points at which it is slightly overcooked and what atmosphere there was is crushed under the weight of borderline sickly sweetness.

The biggest problem here lies in the slightly ridiculous coincidences that lead to the two protagonists getting to know each other. The aim may perhaps have been to demonstrate how predestined to be together they really are, but there's an uncomfortably artificial feel that comes along with this and it detracts more than a little from the picture as a whole.
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The lens through which hipsters view the working population?
rt-94-27703230 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this movie before I started watching it. I'm a big fan of Jenna Fischer, Chris Messina and Malin Ackerman (though not so much so Topher Grace). And though the Indie Romance genre may be a bit hackneyed, I've always found enjoyment in the littler things that many of these movies have to offer - artistic cinematography, witty banter, and moments that your average viewer can relate to. This movie, however, was lackluster in all of those previous components.

If I were to sum up my experience viewing this film in a sentence, it would be: This film has all the tell-tale signs of being written by a try-hard, vapid, parentally subsidized, film school attending hipster who is too far divorced from reality to convince me that I should feel for any of the protagonists in the film. I know that Lee Kirk is probably far from being that kind of person, but his film conveyed that message to me.

Jenna Fischer and Chris Messina star as two aimless (or let's not sugar-coat it, USELESS) adults in their 30s, the former who can't seem to hold down a job, and the latter who is a quarters-per-day street performer who lives in a giant urban loft with his girlfriend who is about to break up with him. Now don't get me wrong, having unemployed, 30+ year old millennials as protagonists have worked well before because through the evolution of the plot, they reveal likable and respectable qualities about themselves. That was not the case in this film. The only thing that they convinced me of, perhaps too many times, is that they "feel lost", they "don't know" what they want to do with their lives, and that they have the angst I'd expect from a 14-year-old at a Death Cab For Cutie concert.

The plot of the film focuses on the struggle that these aimless 30 something protagonists have against the antagonists portrayed by the working adults in the film who "have it together" and "have their lives figured out". Since the protagonists by themselves don't give me any reason to like them by themselves, the film resorts to an unbelievably farcical portrayal of the latter cohort that paints them as so lacking in any empathy and emotional maturity that I couldn't help but cringe anytime one of these characters received any screen time: the two cheesy guys in suits publicly bragging about their Christmas bonuses at the company party (seriously, who wears suits to a company party), the hiring manager at the temp agency (who fires Jenna Fischer in such a farcically unauthentic manner that in reality, it would sound 'lawsuit' bells employment lawyers everywhere), and Malin Ackerman's character who won't stop pestering her older sister, and forcing Topher Grace's character on her. And Topher Grace, good grief - what sane working adult would think that an over-the-top narcissistic, corny inspirational speaker who half fills conference centers at your local airport's Holiday Inn is a model of success in this day and age? I've seen more believable exposition in Hillary Duff movies.

At the end of all this, I was left wondering - is this the level of comical absurdity you have to relegate employed, marginally successful members of society just so that, in juxtaposition with our worthless 30 something protagonists, we're supposed to identify with them? Sorry, not me.
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Useful to those who feel lost in life
Snikic14 November 2012
I really enjoyed this movie. Sorta low key, more of an indie vibe. If you're in any kind of transient state in your life, relationship-wise, job-wise, whatever... if you're just one of us who feels derailed... lost... pressured.... check out this movie. It's not gonna change your life but it's really enjoyable and helps with perspective. Hat's off to Jenna, great project choice and excellent execution. Well cast. Astonishingly, this movie deals with depressing issues, most likely to be viewed by depressed people, and it pulled off something that they rarely ever do, especially in the world of indie film, it doesn't make you feel depressed, not once it's concluded at least.
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Jenna Fischer charming
SnoopyStyle23 October 2013
Tim (Chris Messina) is content to be a silver painted street statue on stilts. It doesn't pay the bills and his girlfriend Pauline (Lucy Punch) isn't happy. She wants him to move on. Janice (Jenna Fischer) is a temp who's trying to find a direction. She's forced to move in with her overbearing sister Jill (Malin Akerman) who sets her up with self-help guru Doug (Topher Grace).

For a rom-com, there isn't much comedy. It's a rather easy flowing low energy love story. Topher Grace tries desperately to be crazy funny with an over the top egotistical performance, but all I get from him is annoyance. This is an underwritten rom-com. The saving grace is that both Chris Messina and Jenna Fischer are lovely people. They keep me hook with their charm.
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Ganice represnts me except..
dentnarialaa26 May 2021
Ganice represents me totally except that I didnt find the "one" yet.

This movie is not for anyone btw kind of slow paced but enjoyable.
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Paging Monsieur Verdoux
tieman6428 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"The so-called consumer society and the politics of corporate capitalism have created a second nature of man which ties him libidinally and aggressively to the commodity form. The need for possessing, consuming, handling and constantly renewing, offered to and imposed upon the people, has become a biological need." - Herbert Marcuse

Lee Kirk's "The Giant Mechanical Man" stars Chris Messina as a street performer who parodies the drudgery of consumer capitalism by dressing up as a giant robotic man. In love with him is Janice, infectiously played by Jenna Fischer, a middle aged woman who likewise feels out-of-sync with the world. Both characters drift aimlessly through life, finding little value in civilizational offerings and sceptical of the slogans, buzzwords and rituals of those around them.

"Man" has been criticised for its one dimensional portrayal of everyone outside of its romantic couple. But that is also the point. Like an indie version of philosopher Herbert Marcuse's "One-Dimensional Man", Lee's portraying a society that has been moulded, institutionalised and preconditioned to accept what is essentially shared psychosis. Lee's characters are obsessed with conquest, acquisition, marketing themselves (and others), and assigning value to everything and anything they touch. Writing for an economic journal decades ago, Albert Einstein would denounce this as man's "predatory phase", but to Janice and Chris, it's nothing less than poison. Everyone else thinks they're nuts.

Regardless, "Mechanical Man" struggles to sustain its message. The film eventually devolves into indie-clichés and a terrible final credits sequence in which love and penguins conquer all. The film contains an interesting subplot "about" silent film, and includes a scene in which Janice dons baggy clothes, a sequence which aptly recalls Charlie Chaplin's "Modern Times".

7.9/10 – See "Eagle vs Shark", "Ghost World", "Wendy and Lucy" and "Land of Plenty".
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Mechanical and Lacking Charm
takashi_kupo25 January 2014
The cast is great but the script leaves a lot to be desired. It's definitely got that independent vibe going on and unfortunately, it seems like it needed the helping hand of a few big wig studio rewrites. I felt pretty bored while watching several expository scenes (though the key scenes between the leads were pretty sweet).

I found the attitude of Janice's sister, Jill, pretty annoying. It's like whoever wrote this movie doesn't acknowledge the awkward people in life. I suppose that might be realistic to some, but I don't find it realistic at all.

If you have a stack of movies that you're waiting to watch, The Giant Mechanical Man should be somewhere near the bottom. Or something you play for background noise. Try it out if you love the actors, but otherwise, there are quirkier movies that do material like this much better.
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'Is that wool?'
punishmentpark19 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hipster-romantic comedy / drama that probably is a little too simplistic, easy and sweet concerning certain characters and actions. Doug, for instance, is an all too easy opposite to Tim, though I liked Topher Grace's rendition of this somewhat helpless douche. But, all in all, it did work fine for me; Tim is a sympathetic character and his giant mechanical persona works well, as does Chris Messina, bringing pleasant charisma to the screen in playing the part. Jenna Fischer needs no introduction I assume, other than that I should mention I'm a bit of a fan of hers. And finally, the refreshing soundtrack picked up a good part of the bill as well, making this a rather complete, sympathetic indie piece.

7 out of 10.
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very entertaining
rahenson130 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of Jenna Fischer. We saw this at the USA Film Festival in Dallas. Jenna and Lee did a Q&A after the film. She mentioned not wanting to do a traditional romantic comedy where the girl falls for the guy who doesn't act like he likes her. They got it right.

In addition to the romance elements the movie speaks very well to people who aren't happy with a formulaic life. Janice and Tim don't want the same things out of life that their friends think they should want. The film captures the isolation they feel as they make their way together. The importance of being true to what you are is well demonstrated.

To top it all off the back story of the movie is just as fun. Jenna and Lee found each other through the making of this movie. She joked that it's easier to find a man, fall in love and have a baby than to get an independent film made. I'm very happy for them both in their personal success and in this very enjoyable movie. Find the movie in a small theatre near you, or check it out on demand.
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Good light Romcom
SeaBassEon4 December 2021
I wanted something fluffy, with mentions of some existential dread and people who feel misunderstood. But nothing deep, on the light side of things. I got it with this movie. Caricatures of characters, but with heart, conventional romcom but well executed. Makes you feel like you're not alone to be lost in this world without a big morale lesson. Nothing revolutionary here.

For me a 7/10 is Very Good. The 6.7 IMDb currently post of public rating is accurate, between Good and Very Good.

Movies are like songs, there's a movie for each mood. You have to pick the right one for the right mood.
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What a surprise!
spandex0710 March 2013
This movie really is a true gem, and as others have said, hasn't received the credit it should have.I really liked that it was more drama than comedy, as so many rom-com's these days come across as being silly and not believable. The characters are genuine and relatable, and it leaves you feeling good without to much "mush". I found that it reminded me of some of the John Hughes classics from the 80's, mainly Valley Girl, which also deals with trying to find your place when you feel like you don't quite fit in to the mold, and how others expectations of you don't help in the struggle..If you loved this movie I can recommend Valley Girl as one to watch. It's another movie that didn't get the credit it deserved and stars a young Nic Cage.. I'll be keeping an eye out for more movies this writer has done. Im sure this one will end up being viewed as a classic in years to come :)
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Magic can happen
john3293520 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"It only takes just one person to make you feel special and valid and like you belong in the world."

If you believe the above statement, you will likely appreciate this sentimental movie. Set in the big city, Tim is the title's under-appreciated street performer who has a job he loves but one which does not pay the bills or seem grown-up enough to his friends and family. Jenna has had a series of jobs which were mind-numbing and pointless, but she has now run out of options including relationships. Circumstances have these two finding jobs at the local zoo, finding each other, and finding…well you can guess the rest.

And while we have seen many other films of people looking for their soul-mates and magically finding them when they least expected, this film avoids many of the typical rom-com clichés and provides a look-see into the world of two sympathetic non-conformists.
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Caricatures instead of characters.
planktonrules20 August 2015
"The Giant Mechanical Man" is a romance about two people who are finding difficulty finding their places in life. One sometimes make money busking as a giant robot on the street, the other is a lady who just seemed rather scatter-brained and weak-willed. Together, the pair strike up a relationship that somehow works.

The reviews for "The Giant Mechanical Man" are all very positive. While there were aspects of the film I really liked, I was far less positive about it, mostly because some of the writing seemed sloppy. Too often, characters in this movie seem like caricatures because they are very broad and unrealistic instead of believable. I wouldn't generally say this about the leads, Jenna Fischer and Chris Messina-- they seemed to transcend the crap characters around them, though Jenna's character could have used a bit more backbone. I think the writer intended to show these pairs of lovable losers as whole people and the 'with it' folks around them as lacking but it made the film very unrealistic and slight instead of a nice romance...which it could have been had the supporting characters (the totally one-dimensional sister and the motivational speaker) been the least bit real, non-annoying and worth seeing.
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Wow...I needed this movie tonight!!!
rogoron9 January 2013
I'm doing hospice home care for my dad...I'm on leave of absence from my teaching job of 36 years...married/divorce/confused with new relationships/not knowing what I really want/feeling like I'm stupid for not having an answer...and somehow I am pulled to this video at Family Video in the Detroit Area...I didn't really have a clue about what to expect...and in the first few scenes...I notice familiar building in my hometown of Detroit...then scenes in a nearby suburb ...Royal Oak...and then wow...the main characters are working at the zoo...the same zoo I worked at when I was 17 years old for $1.80/ of my tasks was even cleaning out the Bear the male lead did...even time spent with the I did...currently, I'm at a point in my life where I'm confused...and I felt like I needed to have a definite plan...I say felt..because this movie helped me realize it's okay not to have it all together now....I might be rambling on...but I believe you will not be disappointed after viewing this movie...
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Easy watching
emred-9448325 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the first half where the movie seemed to give messages about simple life but then it quickly resolved without creating deeper thoughts, suddenly Tim met with Janice's family and done. I was expecting more dialogues about the strugles in life.
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Don't believe the good reviews.
Rootbear118 May 2024
Despite all the talented actors in this movie, boy was it a waste of time. No wonder the gross receipts we almost non-existent. The trailer seemed very promising and it started out pretty good. Outside of the two main characters, the rest were embarrassingly cliched charactertures of whatever the filmmaker may have intended for them to be - literally all of them. About halfway on, the film just becomes stupid and was so difficult to finish (I try not to bail on films I start).

And, why, why, film in Detroit but not acknowledge the city? Plus where were all the Detroiters (director, you know what I mean - I am from Detroit - and proud of it)? You called the Detroit Zoo - the Fillmore Zoo - really? And then you put in scenes (these were some of the most unrealistic) from the Toledo Zoo? You don't acknowledge Royal Oak either.

I have to assume that the positive reviewers had to have somehow been associated with the film or paid to submit them.
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