Resident Evil 4 (Video Game 2023) Poster

(2023 Video Game)

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Much better than I anticipated.
MartinJeff41125 March 2023
I watched several videos and looked at many images of this game before release but I honestly couldn't see much of a difference between this and the original. I knew the other remakes were well done, however, so I had confidence it would be a success. The best way to experience it is to just play it yourself and don't fully rely on online content. I'm glad to admit I'm blown away by how entertaining it is, as well as tense and frightening. The village at the beginning had me shaking a little bit once the chainsaw guy came out.

I try not to be a biased person. I love the original for what it is and I'm loving this remake for what it is as well. You don't have to choose one over the other. Just enjoy them both in their own way.
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My favourite game of all time
finharriss-6343630 March 2023
This game is great. I played the Leon campaign on RE2 and liked his character so i thought i would give RE4 a try and boy oh boy am i happy with my purchase.

Fun yet challenging levels - check.

Great characters that have emotional depth - check.

Awesome gameplay and gun combat - check.

Sick enemies and cool-looking monsters - check.

Entertaining story - check

Banging soundtrack and end credits - check

There's some much more I can list on why this game was so good. Capcom really outdid themselves with this one as I enjoyed this much more than the gameplay and story of 2. I would recommend this game to any gamer.
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Very well made and put together
leytonharris22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is exactly what I wanted. Ada's story is almost as interesting as Leon's and that exactly how I want it.

I'm just going to list a bunch of positives I have for the game Lilly Gao's voice acting has improved. I feel that she just ended up fitting into her character and understands what to do with Ada now and I love it U3 is back! Capcom bring back u3 in the form of the black robe Verdugo and it was an amazing idea. U3 is much scarier and I love how the black robe stalks Ada through out the story and it's amazing. All fights with it are amazing More cut content is back such as the gondolas and the laser room which is so perfect for Ada And my last positive is more Wesker. I love seeing more Wesker and his new voice is perfect fits his slight redesign. More Wesker is always a positive One slight nitpick though is that Ada isn't the village fight with Leon but that's it.

Either way definitely worth $10 plus more.
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My favorite Resident Evil Remake Game!
AshleyKennedy_15 April 2023
This is my favorite Resident Evil remake game of all time and i really enjoyed playing it. It's very fun and addictive and i'm trying out different challenges. I've been playing Leon A scenario and B scenario on RE2R for a while and i enjoyed playing that game sometimes. Leon is my favorite resident evil character and he's such a badass in RE4R. Resident Evil 4 classic will always have a special place in my heart and i will always love that game forever.

RE4R has better graphics and the story makes more sense then RE4 classic and the atmosphere is more darker and scarier. The gameplay on this game runs pretty smooth on the PS4 Pro that i bought and i love the Pro better then the Slim.
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This was great fun. This is how a remake is done
merem129 March 2023
This game really surprised me. I love the original resident evil 4. The way this remake feels like it was made. It was something really special. It is loads of fun. The thrilling action and horror is awesome with the combat. They really made a great game here. A remake that delivers the goods. In some ways, it improves and makes it better than the original resident evil 4. The graphics are awesome. The game does a nice job with the characters. Resident Evil fans will love this thrilling adventure. It must be experienced. A very enjoyable experience. I am excited for what resident evil does next. This franchise keeps getting better and better. Great job.
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This is from a noob
braydonwiswell4 April 2023
So, I've been playing the RE games since RE 7 came out and loved it. I played it first since it was its own stand alone game that tied in to the franchise but didn't require me to play anything before. So needless to say I haven't really played the originals. I did attempt them, but they weren't my thing. I played the RE remakes 2 and 3 as well. About a year before it was released it was getting a remake, I bought RE4 for my switch, but I didn't get very far because the controls were... horrendous on the switch. So I said "eh, they're probably gonna remake 4 soon anyways. Anyways. Finally the day came the remake was released. Gotta say, I loved every thing about this remake. I didn't run in to any glitches or anything on my first play through which is rare, especially when it comes to new releases. This was probably by far one of the best remakes I've ever played, and one of the best videos games I've ever played. In my opinion? This is by far game of the year for me. Fan of the original? New to the franchise? Need time to kill? PLAY IT! You won't be disappointed!
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Capcom has outdone themselves.
coreansic27 March 2023
My friend and I played this game in almost one sitting starting from 4pm all the way to 4am and then finishing the last 2 hours the day after.

It was an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone. Gameplay improves upon the past REmakes including new mechanics like parrying which as a huge fan of the souls series (specifically Sekiro) was really fun to pull off.

This has dethroned my personal favourite RE (Resident evil 7) as the best RE title I have ever played. So fun, very cheesy but not from a language barrier, very intentional cheese. Play this while you still can. Also has the best soundtrack from any Resident Evil game. PLAY IT NOW!! Was able to beat this in under 12 hours.
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The original doesn't hold up anymore, which says a lot
Rayofsun7124 March 2023
I played the original which is a bit clunky but I do have to say it was the first Resident Evil game to have the third person mode we all know Resident Evil for these days, you couldn't move while aiming which players didn't mind, now all of this has changed, you can move while aiming (thank you for that) however your chances of being grabbed by an enemy are way higher, game is way bloodier (not an issue for me) but I love the feeling of the map, more colors, more realistic and more at stake, this took what was so great about the original and made it not just better but millions of times better, in 2005 the game was groundbreaking and this remake within the first hour has turned the original game stale, the original outdid itself, it exceeded expectations, this one also exceeds expectations so much so that I'm kinda scared of what players will say about the original, with that out of the way though, this is a remake that fans deserve and whether you're just now joining the fandom or have been there since the beginning, you're in for a ride with this remake, thank you Capcom, you've made a great game even better.
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MacTonight110917 April 2023
I would highly recommend this game!!! I played on the PS4 the graphics were pretty good but I would probably say they are better on PS5. The game in my opinion was better than the original I hate to say that but it was. My favorite thing about the game was the combat I am glad that they kept most of the same features in there. Also, I like the model of ashley in this one better. The original was just not my favorite, I was also going to say did anybody notice that when Leon and Ashley Graham first meet Ramón Salazar, Ramón asks him to hand the girl over. Obviously he says no but, The Leon in the 2005 original says "No Thanks, Bro!". But, that is just something I noticed. I love this game and everything about it Capcom did a good job remaking this game!!!

I would easily rate this a 10/10!!!
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Basically the best thing ever
fruitsnackcheese28 March 2023
I couldn't stop playing this for the life of me. Having played a decent portion of the original, this expands upon the story, gameplay, and characters of that in every way. It took me just under 20 hours to do an all treasure first playthrough. Everything that happened felt interesting and fun, and it's a good bit scarier which I know was a lot of people's main issue with the original. The characters look fantastic and I found them all to be quite likable. I will surely be spending many more hours getting all of the extras and playing on new game plus because wowow this is without a doubt my favorite resident evil game, possibly in my top five favorite games ever.
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Sets the bar high
ashkalani17 May 2023
One of the better remakes out there. It's mostly faithful to the original game so it's reminiscing for the older players... and I don't know if it was just me but it felt a little bit more challenging than the original. Voice acting and character models are decent but I liked a few of them (like Sadler and krauser) better in the original game. Ashley is less annoying in terms of getting in your way and get herself killed! But still sometimes acts dumb enough to make you utter a swear word! One of the most pleasent things for me was graphics optimization. It runs almost without any problems on lower end setups in high setting and that felt so good after TLOU disater!
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A good blast
andrew_evans613 April 2023
It's an excellent remake, but I didn't get anything out of this that the original didn't provide so manage your expectations if you're hoping they reinvented the wheel. It still feels oddly paced (the game doesn't let you breathe most of the time... you're constantly being harassed by mobs), overly long for a resi title (15-16 hours) and it all gets a bit tiresome come the last chapter, which is basically a knock off of MGS1. I also think the algorithm for ammo/loot is a bit odd... for example, I always had tons of pistol and rifle ammo that I had to sell to make space but barely ever had a full clip of shotgun ammo. Still worth your time though it plays well enough I just wish they were able to innovate a bit more instead of sticking to the original so closely.
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What A Game
alexanderhaleem8 November 2023
This was hands down one of the best Video Game experiences of my life up to this point. I recall when RE2 first appeared and I was taken aback by the phenomenal gameplay and fantastic characters. RE4 just amplified everything by a wide margin. CAPCOM have outdone themselves. Fans of Survival Horror will not be let down by what they are getting themselves into with this game.

With that being said, this is Resident Evil at it's most "action paced" and that means there's a great deal of "run and gunning" however, the gameplay mechanics are so well done that you still experience that level of anxiety and fear that Survival Horror is meant to induce. Yet perhaps the most intriguing part of the game for many will be the strong story telling alongside some of the most iconic characters in video game history.

This game really took my breath away. I've been playing games since I was a kid, I am only 25 but it's been many years since a game made me feel this excited and fun- filled, so much so that I had to write a review. I hope fans of 3rd person games and the Horror genre give the game a chance because it is well worth the time.
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For me, more enjoyable than the last of us and that is saying something.
stephen_19912 April 2023
This game has it all, non-stop action, great shooting,amazing pacing, great storyline. This game deserves all the praise and more. The game doesn't take long throwing you into the action and once it does it's a whole load of fun, I got about 20 hours out of this game, I like to usually take my time with games, but it was very hard with this one as it's addictive once you start playing it. Everything as been improved on from the last resident evil game (resident evil 3 remake), everything from shooting, graphics to story. I would call this game an action game with some amazing horror elements!!
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Great Game Except for the Ada Voice Acting
keepr-6252125 April 2023
Fantastic remake of a classic horror game that defines the Resident Evil series. I was very impressed by how creative the team was in re-imagining classic sets from the original game. The character development for Ashley and Luis adds so much more to the overall story and makes the game overall more cohesive and immersive. The game would have been perfect if not for the subpar apathetic voice acting from Lily Gao. It really ruined the immersion for me in key moments in what otherwise would have been the perfect game. Skipping those cutscenes for me is preferable to listening to how badly she butchers her lines.
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Really fun to play, but not as creative as the original
cocancolan31 March 2023
With that said however thank god for the option to skip cut scenes, the English voice actress for Ada Wong Lily Gao is the definition of amateur, I've never heard someone be this bad at voice acting, she has the charisma of a wet moldy noodle, she sounds bored out of her mind and it's such a contrast to the rest of the cast that does a tremendously good job, every time this bored actress comes up, I try and endure, but alas that skip button gets clicked, did no one tell her? Where they afraid of her?

Please for the love of future project do not hire her for voice acting, she might be a good actress, but a voice actress... no... dear god no..
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Crazy good game
I was there, I remember first time playing Resident Evil 4 on the good ol Gamecube and being completely blown away by the graphics, the violence, the gameplay, and the tension. I have always loved Resident Evil but even back then after playing Resident Evil 0 I knew the formula was getting a little old and stale. Resident Evil 4 completely change gaming forever, and even now most 3rd person games continue to use the "over the shoulder view with an emphasis on having your character located slightly towards the left of the screen."

Resident Evil 4 Remake is again, another great remake from Capcom. Despite liking Resident Evil 3 remake, I have found that the game did not aged as well as Remake 2 or Remake 1 (even though I still think it is a good game.)

Resident Evil 4 Remake is not only just as good as Resident Evil 4, it does a great job as to not erase Resident Evil 4 (original). Capcom does a great job of remakes since it improves on the original, but is different enough that it doesn't totally erase the original from history.

This game is not only a lot harder than the original, but it is longer, more anxiety inducing, as well as just overall better gameplay.

Anyways, a great game despite some changes here and there. I am also not a big fan of the new Ada voice, it just sounds very dull, emotionless, and sounds like it is coming from a prison cell or some weird echo chamber. Whoever edited the voice for Ada really messed it up because it just sounds weird, like their is a weird reverb sound to it. I am sure they used different studios and maybe even a different recording software for her voice. Ada's voice sounds.....weird. Anyways, don't hate on the voice actress, it is Capcom who messed this up.

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Wesker for the win.
joshmorrison105 October 2023
Great DLC but Ada voice actor has to go, I don't care if she is a Asian voice actor. Her voice is very lackluster, monotone. There is no enthusiasm behind her delivery in her voice lines. Wesker got me pumped for the potential on RE5 remake. I really thought they delivered on this DLC for it only being 10 dollars. I just don't understand why have someone come back as a voice actor from a movie that flopped. Other than to be "inclusive", I don't doubt she's a great person. She's just not meant to play Ada. Maybe Lucy Liu could player, visually a way better fit and her voice isn't flat neither. Sorry not sorry. Let's hope to great voice actors once they remake RE5 and let's hope they set the right tone for the rest of the Resident Evil franchise moving forward.
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9.7/10 Brilliant remake but narrowly misses out on being better than the original.
cwhittakerhughes8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall the remake was very fun to play. I selected standard difficulty on my first play through even though I played the original and I was glad I did as I found it challenging at times but not hard enough to take me away from the story and narrative of the game itself.

The horror atmosphere was definitely more present in this than in the original however this one was let down by a few little things, for example I loved the U3 boss fight in the original which was removed from this game entirely also there's no unlockable story modes after the game like Assignment Ada or Separate Ways, although Capcom might add this at a later date (hopefully free too please!) The regenerators don't feel as scary either.

I like the added dialogue between Leon and Krauser about Operation Javier, most people don't even know about that backstory if they've not played RE The Darkside Chronicles. Ashley is also less annoying in this and you don't have to constantly worry about her health. Luis gets more screen time too, I think he might just be the best thing about the remake!!

Overall the remake is definitely worth playing for both new and returning players. However there's just something about the original that is just unbeatable.
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This is how every Remake should be done!
firedan-862053 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Resident Evil 4 is back with updated controls and graphics, and tons of improvements!

Leon here is the one from RE2 who survived Raccoon City, and here he is much more serious than in the original, although he still jokes sometimes, Luis is now a great character than the original self who was there for 3 seconds and that's it. And oh my god Ashley, she's a cutie here, in the original she pissed off a lot of people most likely because of her character, she acted stupid and was just not likeable, but here she's really sweet, acting more like a mature young lady instead of 14 years old bratty girl, and she is actually trying to help, Krauser also great here, unlike the cardboard himself from the original much more was putted into him in this remake. In general, the characters here are just improved!

The control here is improved too of course, it is no longer tanky, but it's a pleasure to shoot here, as for Ashley in terms of gameplay, it's more difficult here, here you need to actively use her commands, this is not the original for you (because there are already some fools who cannot do this and then they get annoyed by nothing, lol), tho she no longer has a health bar.

The graphics here are quite beautiful, especially the lighting, the character models look great for example Salazar looks really Evil now.

In general, I could go more into details about this Remake, but I didn't really plan to drag out this review.

This is a great remake! The game has the spirit of the original, and a lot of things from there, but redone and improved, the only thing that is worse for me is the voice of Ada.

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hwktdb24 June 2023
Story : 10/10 Gameplay : 10/10 Dignitaries : 9/10 bosses : 10/10 enemies : 9/10 Dialogues : 8/10 places and atmospheres : 9/10 Puzzles :9/10 Graphic's : 9/10 the game : 10/10 The game was worth the wait, and it did not let its fans down. This is the best remake provided by Copcom. The game is very fun, and there were never bored moments. I do not see it. There are negatives worth mentioning. Literally, it is a masterpiece in every sense of the word, and of course it is worth buying and I hope Capcom will make such a remake in their next games because such a remake is worth playing and Experience.
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Really good remake but certain thigs could sometimes be annoying
lgikl16 December 2023
I really enjoyed playing through this game but I found the balance of rescources wasn't to good. Sometimes I had more ammo then I knew what to do with and then other times I would be running through the hole chapter because I had nothing to fight with. I know sometimes the devs want you to sometimes run but I feel like I skipped over stuff that the devs but allot of time into and I didn't get chance to really admire their work.

The lack of tutorials on this game is also not great. They sometimes had notes explaining certain things to you but most will assume this is just lore building and nothing useful. Like unless you have playing allot of RE your not gonna know to shoot the legs to line up melee attacks which helps with crowd control. Or to shoot the explosive in someone's hand and that you should bunch of enemies and do this to save bullets. Crouch to duck a grab. Shooting the parasite on an enemy (The non human parts) gives critical damage. You can parry most attacks with a knife and it will flash in the bottom right but its really small so you could miss it. These are all things that I wish had been portrayed to the player better. I am not saying stop the gameplay for a written tutorial but maybe the player could say something to himself. Just a small hint.

The thermal scope is terrible. It has no center dot which made it difficult to hit shots. I found myself using the regular scope over it. The only time thermal is useful is for 1 enemy type. I would be shocked if there was a scope like this irl.

The game is quite fun thou. I personally think its better then the original. I highly recommend playing.
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Sadler is my lord!
AvionPrince1629 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So i need to say that i really love Resident Evil 4 Remake. It was still a great game in 2005 and even more with that game. You can see below the Pros and the cons:

Pros: -the graphics ( still have the visual identity of the orginal game with more details, more things to look at and better modelisation of the characters and the landscapes) -The Ambience: the sound design, the monsters, the landscapes, the different locations.

-the infiltration style (dont expect a game like Hitman or MGS but its still great to have the options to play agressive or more subtle) -the new gameplay ( the knife gameplay was a nice add, now we can shoot and move it was not possible on the original game).

-the variety of the monsters ( pretty impressive to see a variety of monsters with an explanation that can make sense with the story) -the characters: it was nice to know more about Luis Serra, Leon, Rachel, Ada, Krauser, Sadler. They all have some mysteries or plot that engaged us to move on in the story.

-the plot: the story of Saddler, the virus, the ennemies of Leon, the mysteries in the game really engaged us to finish the game and make us want to know more.

-the Merchant: i dont know why but i really like the character and every time i saw the blue light i immediately know that i can rest a little an sell items.

-the weapons: a nice variety, the upgrades let us want to find all the objects to sell and to have etter weapons and that kind of thing can make us more able to explore.

-the Riddles: not really complicate but it add more quiet moments and mre relax feeling between hard times

-its a long game: it depend if you do the side quests, take the time to explore but i finished the game and i spent on it like 23 hours: its really a great score for an action-adventure game.


  • Sometimes in some areas the ennemies are too much and that can really make us frustrated because of that. And the number of ammo and knife really make us more frustrated even if i need to admit that it add a lot of more tension and make us really care about the surroundings. So its a mixed between Pro and Con.

  • the movements of Leon: he is really rigid and it really give old memories with the original game but sometimes with a lot of ennemies or during the boss sequences i had a lot of situations that i died only because i found hard to move Leon. The movements are not geally dynamic but i think it was on purpose because of the original game and they didnt want to delete that feeling i guess.

Overall the game really make me want to know more about Sadler, Ashley an all the characters. I did play the original game a long time ago. And i still had some memories of some scenes or moments. Thats great that they keep the original feeling and with the improve graphics, ambience, sound its really a pure joy to play this game once again. Even if i had some hard times with too much monsters sometimes, difficulty to move Leon but this kind of problems really get forgotten when its time to get into the story, the ambience, the characters. Its still a great game and even better now!
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Amazing game
redpebblecreatedgames2 January 2024
This game is amazing, played it through and was enthralled by the design, level layout, and gameplay. I always liked Leon as a character ever since I was a kid watching my brother play and beat the game (I could never do it cause it was too scary for me then) and I have a level of nostalgia for the game, particularly with the setting, or more accurately the environment, without really playing it. This remake gave me the ability to actually play the game, and it was great, and I definitely understood why people raved about this particular title in the RE franchise. How exactly was it great? Well from my perspective it was like moving through a gallery of horror themed portraits. To me this is something to appreciate, the mood and atmosphere of this game was designed with gruesome and crude weaponry in mind, just think about anything sharp that you'd find in a shed, only it being used against you. It also explores a level of behavioral uncanny valley as all of your enemies behave in erratic ways, even once killed they begin to furiously seize, which I suggest you finish them off as quickly as you can. Victims of the enemies where scattered across the game which was honestly fascinating, which may sound concerning but when you have no idea what's going on and you're staring at weird cult rituals and eerie yet grizzly scenes, you can't help but respect the work the designers put into peaking your curiosity and making you feel uneasy. Granted the horror aspect of this game is kinda nullified by just how much of a unit Leon is, but reeled back in because ultimately it's your actions as the player. Gameplay is a lot like other RE games, finite ammo which you don't really run out of if you explore the map, giving you incentive to appreciate the beauty of the game and the effort put into each room or area, it's also worth noting that the content in this game is pretty extensive, you have side missions, challenges, multiple guns to use and upgrade and animals you can hunt for items you can use or sell. All and all I can't give this game anything less than a 10 just because of how high the highs are for this game. That being said I have some things to say about this game. The first thing I will say is comparing it to another amazing game: RE2. RE2 is more of a horror game than RE4. I say this because RE2 is cramped, and has a safe place for the player to stay but if you want to continue the game you have to explore the areas that are suspenseful, and dangerous, also as stated before Leon is a rookie in the 2nd game, which means no flips, no Thai kicks or suplexs. (Which is actually something I really like about RE4 as someone who trains MMA). I only make this comparison because to me if you are looking for a scary game RE2 was more scary to me than RE4 (the remakes ofc, I can't attest to the original games). Additionally there are slow parts of RE4 that are worth mentioning, the end wasn't my favorite in this game, and certain enemies were really annoying. Also like I said before I watched this game when I was a kid and miss the old voice lines of the villagers, which they replaced in a way that is completely different. Lastly if you've never played a RE game there are certain bosses or things that are a little fantastical that could expend your belief of the game which may be a big deal because how serious the game presents itself. But all and all this was a great game filled with plenty of content and is undoubtedly my favorite RE game to date.
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Great game
kasper_linz31 August 2023
Despite some people nitpicking about the more serious tone of the story, the Resident Evil 4 remake is still a great game.

Yes, in some ways it is inferior to the original, but, looking at the big picture, it is miles ahead of the 2005 game. It is dynamic (although sometimes it sags in action), interesting in plot, and also improved in many gameplay moments.

I really appreciate that the game's lore has been substantially expanded, and boring episodes have been cut, while the general story remained unchanged.

I especially liked the fact that the player is now not constrained in their actions. We can climb almost anywhere. To do this, the developers have provided a lot of moves and made the environment more interactive. For example, many houses in the village can be climbed through windows, enemies are killed through them, and they themselves collapse after inflicting a certain amount of damage.

A really good game, overall.
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