Mommy Dead and Dearest (2017) Poster

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The sad tale of Gypsy Rose Blancharde
AlsExGal4 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Gypsy Rose was the only child of Dee Dee Blancharde, a master manipulator and sociopath who apparently learned, maybe inherited those traits from her own mother. She fed Round-up to her grandmother, who managed to survive, may have possibly starved her own mother to death when she got to be too big of a medical burden, and got pregnant by a 17 year old boy when she was 24. If the sexes had been reversed she might have gone to jail or at least been registered as a sex offender. Instead, Rod Blancharde married her. But Dee Dee was too dark for the minor with her tales of witchcraft and her pet tarantula, and the marriage did not last long.

So why are we here? In 2015 Gypsy Rose Blancharde arranged to have her boyfriend kill her mother as she slept, and then they celebrated with sex in the same house as the corpse and then stole Dee Dee's money - about 5K lying around the house - and went back to Wisconsin to live with the boy's folks. The police quickly figured out what happened, because Gypsy and her boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, both left a trail a mile wide on Facebook about their exploits. At first the police thought this was a boiler plate murder situation - daughter and mother fight, daughter solicits the help of the boyfriend to kill mom, sociopath daughter and boyfriend go out and celebrate with mom's money. Thus Gypsy was initially charged with first degree murder.

But then a closer look revealed that Gypsy was as much a victim as anybody. Since birth Dee Dee Blancharde had used her daughter to get money and attention by claiming she had multiple illnesses - muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, cancer, and gastrointestinal problems that required a feeding tube into which meds for all of the illnesses I just mentioned were pumped. Gypsy never went to school, never had any kind of relationship with anybody except mom, and believed she had all of these illnesses except the muscular dystrophy, because she knew she could walk, but was instructed not to by mom whenever people were around. She didn't even know her true age until after the murder because she had no concept of time. If a doctor got suspicious - not too many did - Dee Dee would just switch doctors. When somebody reported possible abuse, Dee Dee sweet-talked the deputies that visited out of believing the accusations. Dee Dee even got papers drawn up saying Gypsy was incompetent, so if she had ever tried to make a break for it, mom could have the law bring her right back to mom and her prison cell.

What Dee Dee did not count on was Gypsy's puberty and online access getting her involved with a member of the opposite sex, and one who had as many mental problems as Dee Dee, maybe just as evil.

Given all of the mitigation - to put it mildly - the prosecution realized that Gypsy was not just another natural born killer, but really was painted into a corner, and lacked any idea of what was right or wrong because the only two people in the world she had contact with her entire life were her sexual deviant boyfriend and her sociopath mom. So what happened to Gypsy, now in the clutches of the legal system? Watch and find out.

Oh, and don't be too harsh on Gypsy's dad either. He tried to be involved in her life, but Dee Dee kept close tabs on her daughter and moved her around, ultimately out of state, to minimize ties.

This was a good documentary that explored all of the angles, but at any angle Dee Dee Blancharde was a monster, and like the Wicked Witch in Wizard of Oz, it is difficult to feel too sorry for her early demise. Her relatives tended to agree.
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This poor little girl
wildcatfalling21 November 2017
I feel so bad for Gypsy! I do not understand how she slipped through so many cracks! How could these idiot doctors do these treatments and surgeries on this child without seeing the medical evidence; making them necessary! I just don't get it! I am more angry at the doctor that said she was a victim of Munchausen by proxy but did not do his duty, as far as, getting her away from her mother immediately!

She suffered 20 years of abuse and imprisonment! I totally agree with her grandmother! She paid in advance for this crime and should be set free. I believe that if this was taken to trial, she would be free.

I wish her nothing but the best for the rest of her life. Maybe by some miracle, Dr. Phil can help her start living sooner than later. The lawyers, the prosecutors, and the judge are complete morons in this case! Hasn't she suffered enough!?

Yes, she did take part in murdering her mother! But a better turn of events would have been the doctor protecting her while her mother rotted in prison! Because EVERYONE failed this child, she really had no other way out! God bless you Gypsy!
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One of the Most Disturbing Stories I've Ever Heard
mmitsos-15 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to begin. I am one hour into this documentary, and about twenty-two minutes are left. I am completely horrified by everything I've seen sovfar.

I have never heard of this crime, the people involved, anything. This tale, which is not simply a crime story, is probably the most horrifying incident I've ever heard in my life, and it's not the murder itself that is the most disturbing, but rather, ALL that led up to it. All that Gypsey Rose endured her entire life up until her mother's murder. And, she'll probably need a lifetime of expensive therapy which she'll never be able to afford. The lofetime of hprror that that mother inflicted upon her daughter gave me the chills, and I was completely uncomfortable, unsettled, disgusted, revolted and horrified by what that woman did to her daughter, and equally as much by how the system COMPLETELY failed her. She endured purposeful, systematic, abuse by her mother, and the system FAILED her completely her entire life. Her life heretofore has been a complete freak show. I hope she will be able to start a new life. Somehow.
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Victims of Each Other
room10221 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A documentary about a Munchausen By Proxy case that ended in a murder.

Gypsy and her mother Dee Dee are both victims of each other: Gypsy is psychologically and physically abused by her mother who gives her endless medications and medical treatments since she was an infant. A loving mother on the outside, she's actually keeping her daughter an emotional captive and physically disabled. Gypsy gets in touch with a young man, develops a romantic relationship with him and finally manipulates him to kill her mother. After the murder Gypsy writes posts on Facebook about the death of her mother and the couple go on road trip and have a good time.

Are these the actions of an abused child that had enough or the acts of a manipulative cold hearted murderer?

This documentary constantly keeps you ambivalent on Gypsy's actions. Especially when you hear Dee Dee's parents talk about their daughter like she was the devil and are actually glad she is dead.

Gypsy escaped the death penalty and probably got the best outcome she could have had under the circumstances.
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Just as heartbreaking as it is horrific
Mister-Creeper18 May 2017
Truly one of the best true crime documentaries I have seen lately. This is not your normal true crime case. It's very well presented by the filmmakers and will cause many mixed emotions as you learn the whole story behind it. I don't want to give away anything for those who don't know the case, but just know that it is just as heartbreaking as it is horrific.
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Great documentary, master manipulators mother and daughter
sharonmacroun10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched the act and this documentary it gives you more insight to how far abuse can go, was Dee Dee a manipulator yes but as you watch you see the daughter is not as innocent as she looks, she had plenty time to get away she was walking all the time, shoplifting like her mother and the tears don't get me started but going through what she did with her mother scamming people she did too and also liked the attention as for the tears well they came out as an when she needed to cry to try and convince people she a innocent little girl no you were in your twenties found out yrs earlier you could walk, even went on to scam people after the fact then went on to manipulate a online vunerable person to commit murder beyond belief he got life and she didn't, yes her mum deserved everything she got but so does she master manipulators like mother like daughter learnt from the best nice one for getting someone life an ditching him tears don't work with me I'm from similar background but I know what's right and wrong
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A Compelling and Disturbing True Crime Documentary
JustCuriosity11 March 2017
Mommy Dead and Dearest was extremely well-received in its world premiere today at SXSW Film Festival. This film morphs from apparent case of matricide into one of the journey of Gypsy, a severely abused child. Her journey as recounted in recovered VHS tapes and interviews will shock you even if you think you can no longer be shocked by what human beings are capable of. It is best not to give away too many of the details of Gypsy's story. The filmmakers have taken care to present the story with both sympathy and nuance as we learn the disturbing details behind Gypsy's story and most disturbingly how every institution that was supposed to help her – medical, educational, social workers, the criminal justice system – failed to attenuate the abuse and allowed the conditions that produced this bizarre and disturbing situation to continue. The film is scheduled for HBO and this story deserves to be more widely seen and understood. Unfortunately, in so many ways, the criminal escaped punishment and the victim has been imprisoned by what has happened. The filmmakers have done an excellent job of bringing this troubling story to life for the public.
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WTF - oh hell no!
RussHog12 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, my condolences to the families of everyone who was involved in this crime. Second, this is the true crime story of a little girl whose mother had Munchausen syndrome by proxy (and probably some other stuff) and so the little girl orchestrates the death of her mom. The systematic abuse this kid faced is so bad words cannot describe what she went through. This film reminds us that Lady Justice wears a blindfold and holds scales for a good reason. I truly hope that everyone who survived this ordeal can get some help.
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Truly engrossing documentary
jake_fantom1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Profoundly disturbing and at the same time, oddly moving, Mommy Dead and Dearest chronicles one of the strangest mother/daughter relationships on record, ultimately leading to a shocking murder. The most amazing thing about this film is that the story is told by the actual participants in the murder — and presented in a pastiche of selfies, taped police interrogations, surveillance video, and prison interviews, making the viewer feel almost as if they are present as the crime is committed and in its immediate aftermath. Unlike so many of today's documentaries, this one eschews the endless drone shots flying over the scene of the crime, the lingering but meaningless long shots of empty streets and wilting flowers. The focus is 100% on the principals of the story. The editing is lean and clean. This is documentary filmmaking at its finest.
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Premature and manipulative, but not bad
Hallelujah28911 May 2019
"Mommy Dead and Dearest" is a well-edited and put together film. It tells the narrative behind the Gypsy Rose Blamchard case in a coherent way, and it introduces the viewers to most pertinent characters to try to get a complex overview of this bizarre case. The directors succeed in trying to present the case in an objective way, talking to family members, police officers, lawyers, doctors and psychologists alike, but nonetheless there is still a problematic bias in this documentary as well an odd and conflicting ambivalence, as if the filmmakers both oversimplified and overcomplicated their narrative at different turns. These insidious manipulations aggravate an otherwise technically proficient documentary, which is nonetheless likely to be one of the better ones out there. Despite the notion of a happy ending "Mommy Dead and Dearest" gives, I have a feeling there is more to complicate the story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Viewers note that while Gypsy Rose Blanchard has been given ten years prison time, the man she asked to murder her mother Dee Dee for her, Nicholas Godejohn, has been given a lifetime sentence and Gypsy is effectively done with him. Psychologists interviewed within the film have given Gypsy the doubt of bein a sociopath, and while I appreciate how the filmmakers didn't shy away from that I question whether they haven't manipulated events (the family reunion with Gypsy's father) in too much favor for her. If they haven't, then just be aware that the something here is still pretty messed up, and the answer "Mommy Dead and Dearest" gives is far too pat.

Even still, "Mommy Dead and Dearest" is a well told, but probably premature documentary, and I don't believe it's the full story it is made out to be. Some kudos to the filmmakers for making some notion of possible discrepancies, apthough not going far enough in exploring them so as to feel fully fledged or complete.

Mixed feelings about this one.
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Amazing and Sad
wrdsmth21 May 2017
Documentaries, when done well, are like great theater. Count "Mommy Dead and Dearest" among one of the best ever made. It also doesn't hurt that the filmmakers have an unbelievable fascinating story to work with.

"Gypsy Rose" sounds like a name for the title character in some form of art. But the story of her life is a tale best left for nightmares.

Just when you think that there is nothing else that could horrify or surprise you, along comes a story that turns that on its head.

It is going to take me a lifetime to forget what I just watched. I also now have a new added skepticism of or society, legal and justice system- all of which dropped the ball here.

Sometimes the worse solution may end up being the only solution.
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2017's "Tickled", only better
matthewssilverhammer30 March 2018
This story is INSANE. Hard to believe something this complex, fascinating and disturbing could occur in real life. Is Gypsy purely a victim? A pathological liar? An abuse survivor? A mentally confused and stunted young girl? A willing participant? A product of over medication and abuse? Probably a mixture of all of this and more, each taking its turn at the forefront of her personality. A sad, enrapturing and pulpy crime doc.
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Such A Sad And Screwed Up Case
adog200128 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This case is so screwed up but it is so interesting. Dee Dee claimed that Gypsy had cancer even though she never did. But she was also very abusive to Gypsy and it got bad to the point that she bribed her boyfriend from Wisconsin that she met online to kill Dee Dee. And while I don't condone murder I understand why she wanted her dead. The sad thing is, I dont just feel bad for Gypsy but in some way I feel bad for Nick (her boyfriend) who has autism. He has been in prison before then though. He got arrested at a McDonalds, but he was very immature despite being autistic. He also got life in prison, which i thought was too harsh because the mother was absolutely horrible to Gypsy and made her sick all for attention and sympathy and money for trips, but she also was controlling and abused her terribly. So I really think Nick needs maybe 15 or 20 years for murdering Dee Dee and not life. I will say, I am glad he was brutally honest when he admitted that he stabbed Dee Dee. Which as an autistic person myself, it is a big habit autistic people has, and I am talking about being brutally honest almost all the time. I will say, this documentary was so good and this case is so sad but so interesting. 9 out of 10.
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An eye opener
lucynewson9616 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Different to any crime documentaries that I have seen, unusual due to the murderer is framed as the victim (Gypsy). Understandably Gypsy is a victim due to her mistreatment from her mother. The documentary explores Gypsy's child abuse and taught me about Gypsy's mother Munchausen by Proxy syndrome. Honestly the most engaging documentary that I have watched.
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Below HBO standards
MrMcMurphy18 May 2017
Much closer to something you'd see on a late-night "investigation" type show, and only worth HALF the time spent on this very weak documentary.

Because there isn't a lot to work with, you hear most of the story in the beginning, and the rest is just explaining only mildly interesting details.

After a while, it became frustrating, waiting for it to take a new twist or turn, but it never did.

There was some shoddy, low- integrity, journalism too. The Buzzfeed reporter, who, for some reason is given a lot of time to tell us her opinions, over and over, makes a point about how the girl was ambivalent, as if that should hold ANY weight as far as the law is concerned (being general to keep from spoiling anything, but there's not much to spoil).

Not worth the time. Much better stuff out there.
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Such a heartbreaking story
snperera10 April 2019
Gypsy's story is so sad and it's so heartbreaking to see what happened to her. I feel for her so much. I understand why she did what she did. The documentary is really good in showing you her point of view and what she went through.
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Gypsy, the sociopath
WVfilmfem17 March 2019
Gypsy's mom, no doubt, created a sociopath, with her constant horrific abuse of her daughter. Now, Gypsy is able to express herself articulately and sympathetically, but her upbringing, taught to lie throughout her lifelong abuse, probably has produced a cunning sociopath. Yes, I do feel sorry for her. I don't blame her for orchestrating the murder of her mother. That said, the woman (therapist?) who commented that Gypsy "may be dangerous" was probably right. Gypsy will probably never have a normal relationship. Sociopaths are very skilled at expressing themselves convincingly.
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A Truly Unique and Mindblowing Documentary
juddbean-2255312 December 2019
This story is incredibly fascinating, in the deepest, darkest and saddest of ways. Even if you know the facts and outcome of this case from the media, it is still remarkable to listen to the horrifying accounts of the events from all those involved. Excellent documentary from HBO.
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Must-see documentary: you can't make this stuff up!
paul-allaer12 July 2019
"Mommy Dead and Dearest" (2017 release; 82 min.) brings the story of Gypsy and her mom DeeDee. As the movie opens, we are told it is "Waukesha, June 15, 2015", and Gypsy is being interviewed by a police officer about her possible involvement in DeeDee's brutal murder. Gypsy denies any involvement. We then go to "Six Years Earlier" as we see Gypsy and DeeDee onstage somewhere, with Gypsy singing a song while in a wheelchair, to wild acclaim from the audience. Gypsy looks strangely different. The documentary then goes to "Springfield, MO" where Gypsy and DeeDee eventually had settled... At this point we're 10 min. into the documentary. You'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: this documentary is from director-producer Erin Lee Carr, and in just a matter of a few years, she has been making a name for herself as one of the leading documentarians in this country. (In 2019, she released the top-notch "At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal" as well as the riveting "I Love You, Now Die"). In "Mommy Dead And Dearest", Carr looks at a case of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy (where a caretaker--usually a mother, makes up health problems of another person--usually a child) that is so wild and so unthinkable that if this weren't a real life case, you simply wouldn't believe it. Gypsy's list of alleged illnesses (including being paralyzed from the waist down) is longer than a grocery list when your kitchen needs restocked. What I kept thinking was: how did these hospitals not see through this? "Everyone failed (Gypsy), literally everyone," comments someone. Please note that the director was able to snag a long one-on-one interview with Gypsy, just watch... And I admit that at the end of the documentary I welled up. Here's hoping that Gypsy eventually will get an opportunity to "live a normal life".

This film originally came out on HBO two yeas ago, and I recently saw it on HBO On Demand. So glad I sis. If you love a investigative documentaries, do yourself a favor, and check out "Mommy Dead and Dearest", and any other work from director Erin Lee Carr. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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trimblecali2 July 2019
Even if you know the outcome of this case, this documentary will shock you. It's very well done and a must watch for any true crime lovers.
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Good documentary
MidoriAi15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
But it kind of left the feeling that there are a lot of things left behind... like Gypsy has a fiancé. And on the other hand, regardless the whole thing, i think the father has some guilty in this, i mean, he wanted to let everything in the past for his own good.. he had unprotected sex, he married because of a rule made by swamp people that can hardly talk understandable english, and then a year later he left. He left his daughter.. and then, spoiler alert, by the end of the docu, Gypsy said to him and his wife, that he had no guilt in this, which is sad, because she has nobody except for her awful parent, and of course, he said, yes. ha!
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A Soap Opera with Murder Case
rickysayet5 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Truly, you cant choose which one is wrong. Between Gypsy And her mother which both are mentally and psychologicaly problems. At gypsy side, you know why she killed her mother, because of an abused from her mother that claimed gypsy has multiple illnessess to take symphaty from public. And from her mother side, she is an overprotective mother who has an ultimate agenda using her own daughter. At first you though, why the doctors lying, why her daughter not take an action before long, and why neighbour not interfere before long, well you just watch this documentary or you could watch the new show title "the act" upcoming this year, 2019.
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Good doc
dskywalker021 April 2021
Very good documentary about the case, seems to offer different angles and features the actual interviews that you can find on YouTube. Informative and interesting.
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eye opener
doggie-2438423 November 2017
I wonder what health problems she might have from taking and that medication over the years, she will not get good meal while she's in prison

I wish Erin Lee Carr or someone with this much talent would do a documentary on the Jerry Sandusky case and show how much this guy was railroaded
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Even a worst manipulator than the mother
seiersenwhite8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the life story of Gypsy Rose is horrible since the beginning. The mother (Dee Dee) manipulated relatives, doctors, legal system and followers to believe her daughter was ill since she was a baby. She abused Gypsy with medications, treatments, endless visits to hospitals and a wide variety of doctors (Munchausen by proxy) Dee Dee kept Gypsy ill for 24 years, making her believe she needed the medical procedures, controlling her will, actions, and every single aspect of her life to get away with fraud. Gypsy was made to believe she was physically and mentally handicapped, and received just an education up to second grade.

The truth comes out when Dee Dee is murdered by Gypsy's boyfriend (Nicholas Godejohn).

The twist is that Dee Dee was involved in the planning, didn't prevent the murder, didn't move when she heard the mother being murdered, posted and bragged about it on social media and went away to Wisconsin with the boyfriend They get caught, Nicholas gets life imprisonment without parole and Gypsy gets 10 years and was paroled after 8.

The documentary shows a Gypsy that is as manipulative as her mother, who views herself as a trapped Rapunzel to become a free blue bird after the mother's death. It shows the power of telling good story and a legal system that fell for it, without the experience of handling a case as unique as this one. Many if not all abusers and/or sexual offender have been abused themselves, and that doesn't exempt them of their crimes and a sentence accordingly Gypsy was an accomplice, mastermind , who deflected the responsibility to her boyfriend, and she only served 8 years for a crime. Currently, she has media attention once again, playing her roll as a victim and celebrity, when she is still a criminal.
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