Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Video 2017) Poster

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A purely unimaginative confection
TheLittleSongbird18 August 2017
Saw 'Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' for two primary reasons. One being my love for Tom and Jerry.

Have vivid and fond memories of seeing all of their cartoons, with the classic ones (the Hanna Barbera years, the best of which among the best cartoons ever made, Chuck Jones' output was a mixed bag and most of Gene Deitch's were abominations and disgraces to cartoondom) being watched over and over, at my sister's late godfather's house at the age of six and have been a huge fan since. While not as good, most of their films have a lot of enjoyable elements and are not bad films at all.

Also to this day still have a lot of fondness for 1971's 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory', which as you can tell this film is very strongly indebted to. Sure "Cheer Up Charlie" is the mother of musical-numbers-that-slow-the-film-down and Peter Ostrum couldn't sing to save his life. However the rest of the songs are very good to timeless, the production values are deliciously colourful (especially when in the factory), it's entertaining, it's charming, Jack Albertson is a delight, the oompa loompas are scene stealing characters, the weirdly trippy and deliciously dark boat ride still dazzles and terrifies and Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka (and his iconic introduction) is a performance for the ages. Just to say, didn't care hugely for Tim Burton's version though it had its merits. Really did question the point of this film but with all the above considered, plus most of Tom and Jerry's other crossovers were surprisingly good, part of me was intrigued and hopeful.

'Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory', as feared, was a disappointment and is not one of the better Tom and Jerry films. If anything, to me, along with 'Tom and Jerry: The Movie' and especially 'The Fast and the Furry', it's one of the lesser efforts. Also had mixed views on 'Spy Quest'.

Does 'Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' have pros? Of course. The songs are still great, with the only one coming over as strange in arrangement and staging being "I Want It Now". The zesty "I Have a Golden Ticket" and the beautifully touching "Pure Imagination" particularly come off well. Some of the classic scenes are re-created surprisingly well, particularly the boat ride, which is both wondrous and frighteningly surreal, Willy Wonka's introduction and "I Have a Golden Ticket". Some of the dialogue sparkles and there is the odd amusing moment.

Some of the backgrounds are colourful and imaginative, especially once we get inside the factory, creating that feeling of affectionate nostalgia that one wishes translated into the storytelling. A few of the vocal performances are decent, the highlight being Jess Harnell's note perfect Grandpa Joe. JP Karliak's warmly twinkling and mysteriously enigmatic Willy Wonka is a close second.

However, there are a larger number of cons. Despite being close to personality and drawn well, Tom and Jerry themselves feel shoe-horned in in a story that is not a natural fit for them and most of the time (apart from bringing the golden ticket after being forgotten) they are pointless. Their shenanigans are overused, often distracting from the musical numbers, and little more than filler that pad out time in favour of other memorable parts omitted or toned down. The material is very bland and repetitive, due to a lack of sharp timing and having no originality or freshness. In their 'Wizard of Oz' and 'Sherlock Holmes' outings they served more of a point, added more to the stories, their comedy was funnier and better placed and there was a better mix of old and new, showing fidelity but having enough to set them apart.

Being faithful can be a blessing, the case of 'Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' it was something of a curse. The film suffered from being too faithful and being too closely indebted, and even with the addition of Tom and Jerry and other cartoon characters it added very little new. The only noteworthy fresh touches were the expansion of Slugworth's role (the subplot didn't always make sense but the character was interesting) and Veruca's father growing a backbone and actually scolding her.

Often the human character designs were horrible. The drawing is scrappy and static and the eyes and expressions look dead and with little warmth or joy, almost creepy at times. This is particularly in the case of Slugworth and most of the children. The rest of the voice acting is not particularly good, with the lifeless Charlie of Licoln Melcher and the excruciatingly irritating interpretations of Veruca and Mike from Emily O Brien and Lauren Weisman (meant to be brats but taken too far, the characters are insufferable here) being dishonourable mentions. It's all a mix of hyperactive, with rushed line delivery, and disengaged, some of it done in a monotone. Charlie's mother and the rest of his grandparents are utterly wasted, and excepting Grandpa Joe and Willy Wonka the characters lack their spark. Before one forgets great characters like Droopy and Spike are misused and add nothing and Tuffy is annoying and not just by a little (a talented voice actress like Kath Soucie deserved better).

On top of that the story generates very little warmth, heart, charm or imagination, tending too to be too rushed and hyperactive. Anybody wanting the nostalgia factor are best watching the 1971 film which is full of it whereas too much of this feels like a cheap carbon copy with differences that add little or distract. Instead, one is yearning for fresher material to stop the sense of complete pointlessness but it very rarely comes.

In conclusion, has moments but a purely unimaginative confection. Tom and Jerry and Willy Wonka deserved better. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Fanboys step down it's a cartoon.
TheWordYo20 July 2018
So first, I love the original film even if Roald Dhal didn't. Tom and Jerry too. I even seen the West End show in London, which wasn't great.

Now step off the high horses keyboard warriors, this is a nice movie for kids.

The best thing about this film is it brings the old songs from the original film with it. The animation was very good, at times yes you can get frustrated but then again, the movie is aimed at KIDS. If you have any children watch it with them, remember it's for them. You will like it even if you do hate it.
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This animation movie is not quiet pure imagination. Nevertheless, like candy, it was still kinda sweet, even if it's really bad for you
ironhorse_iv7 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
William Hanna & Joseph Barbera's 'Tom & Jerry' just doesn't work with the set-up, the writer, Gene Grillo, gave them. The idea that the two followed Charlie Bucket (Voiced by Lincoln Melcher) and his Grandpa Joe (Voiced by Jess Harnell) around Willy Wonka (Voiced by JP Karliak)'s factory, during the events of the 1971 film, 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory', shot for shot, rather than using the factory as a background, with a new story of Tom being used as a pest controller, by Wonka, in order to stop rodents, from eating the candy, is insane. The original event adapt from Ronald Dahl's 1964's novel of a similar name should had been used as a minor detail in the background, rather than the main plot. Why, because a simple story of a mouse stealing food from the factory grounds makes more sense, than the outrageous, filler full plot-hole driven story that we got, instead. Because of this misdirection, it makes the film seem unoriginal, chunky and muddled. It also ruins some of good moments from the first film; by slowing down the pacing for mindless filler bantering or using original songs like 'I want it now' in the wrong places. A good example of this, is with the character of Mr. Slugworth (Voiced by Mick Wingert). Seeing him, played up as being incredibly bad and everything, kinda ruins the revelation of his true motives toward the end with him. Another thing, that it ruins, is emotional scene where Charlie is tested toward the climax. It's clear, that the boy has earned more than Wonka's trust. Because of that, that scene in the office, just felt a bit stale in repetitive than dramatic. In the end, it's just felt odd. Like others critics, I also question this movie existence. The mashup of two different source material like a kid's morality play/novel about behaving and short slapstick animation comedy series of cat chasing a mouse was indeed jarring & a bit confusing; as they don't really match. It's weird, seeing anthropomorphic animals live along humans, yet Tom & Jerry act more like animals. It's coherent. The message about behaving didn't leave, much of an impact, as the original movie, because how much Tom & Jerry misbehavior. After all, they pretty much, got away with a lot of crime. Despite the mixed message about doing good; at least, the music, was not that bad. It's nice to see, a few new risky takes with the original songs like having a duet. Just wish, they didn't interrupted it, so much, with noisy slapstick. As for the animation, it is a mixed bag for me. At parts, the motions are really colorful and smooth. At its worst, some of the characters' facial expressions can be a bit ugly looking. Nevertheless, I don't hate this animation film as much as the others. It's pretty harmless and shouldn't be, taken as a big deal. It's not worth blowing up over. After all, this isn't the first time, that 'Tom & Jerry' did a satire take on a classic film or literature property. 2011's 'Tom and Jerry & the Wizard of Oz' & 2012's 'Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse' follows the same method. Even short films as far, back as 1951's 'His Mouse Friday' & 1952's 'Two Mouseketeers' take a similar route. So, why is this film, hate more than the others? Well, maybe, because modern audiences are just getting tired of the silly crossovers and cross-promotional. Warner Bros Animation has indeed been recently rapidly, revamp and reinvigorate a lot of their Hanna Barbera film series, as of late with silly parodies. So, it was no surprise, that the results, were so lukewarm. I get, why some people want to see a various Hanna-Barbera characters, be taken in a new direction that mimics the original source material, while also appeals to modern day society, much in the same way that Disney has done with their old properties, such as 2017's 'Duck-Tales'. Rebooting 'Tom & Jerry' is indeed possible. Then, I get those, who wish, Warner Bros Animation would leave, some of the old Hanna-Barbera property alone as they had their time to shine. I kinda agree with those people as well. The simple plot of 'Tom & Jerry' cannot survive in a world, where kids shows are starting to appeal to both adults, and children, due to more complex, sophistical story-telling. "Tom and Jerry', just isn't one of those shows. Maybe, if the jokes were more cleverly written, than childish simpleton. People wouldn't be so harsh on it. After all, it is possible. Nearly everybody whom, seen this movie, loves the Droopy (Voiced by Jeff Bergman) cameo as the Paraguay Billionaire and the Tuffy (Voiced by Kath Soucie) tunnel scene. So, write more jokes like that. It would help lower, the backlash, this movie has been getting. Another reason, why some people hate this movie is because, original actor, Gene Wilder who played the title character in the original 1971 movie had passed away the year before this movie release, and the weird timing contributed to the movie's acidic reception as many nostalgia fans, thought, it was in bad taste, even though, the movie was in production, way before, that actor's passing & even got his family blessing for the film to use his like-less, after his death. Even the producers wanted to dedicate this film to the memory of him. So, I found, this reason to hate the movie to be, weak. It wasn't in bad taste, at all! It's just hard to stomach. Just not as bad, as 1992's 'Tom and Jerry: The Movie' & 2005's 'Charlie & the Chocolate Factory', which are far worst. However, I can understand, if some people hate it. This movie is indeed awful; yet for me, its scrumpdiddlyumptious fun in how bad, it is. Overall: This animation direct to video is a guilty pleasure of mine!! 'So bad, it's good'.
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captainpipsqueak22 August 2017
Just... no.

Someone needs to be fired for this. I'd suggest they should be ashamed of themselves, but this is a shameless display as it is. Offensive to the source material and about as 'original' as someone taking the source material and making a cheap remake.

Oh wait; they did.
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A Movie That Lacks Pure Imagination
tommystans5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching the Tom and Jerry shorts on TV when I was a kid and I enjoyed them and I'm glad to see that they're still entertaining kids today, although I think the newer stuff is pretty downgraded when it comes to the slapstick comedy. I also remember watching the original 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' film with the late Gene Wilder as a kid and love it to this day. So it comes to my surprise that both will have a crossover and when I saw the trailer I thought it was a terrible idea. Why make a crossover that no one asked for?

So after seeing it via a streaming website, because I don't want to buy a DVD that might end up being worthless. After watching it, it's bad and just lacked so much creativity. All it basically is is the original 70's movie all animated with Tom and Jerry. There are at least one or two changes but they don't make the movie stand out. I hated for the fact that Slugworth was singing Veruca's song 'I Want It Now!', it just feels dumb to do that. But one thing that I do like was Veruca being scolded at her father after being in the furnace for being selfish and rude, but it felt brushed away.

The animation, oh god I think it was horrible! The facial expression on characters like Charlie, Wonka and the other kids look creepy, soulless and dead and Slugworth I think was most hideous designed character I've seen from the movie. Another thing that I hate was the voice acting. I felt it was rushed and poor. The characters never seem to take a break from talking and some feel like they weren't trying to replicate the original actors. I get it that it's it own movie but when it comes to probably one of the most charming films of all time, people kind expect it to be a bit faithful to the original movie. The closest voice was Grandpa Joe.

Well I think that's my view on the movie so I'll..oh wait, Tom and Jerry were in this movie too! I know that this movie has Tom and Jerry in it. But it feels like they were forced into the plot with no rhyme or reason. They were just there and that's it. I like the comedy of Tom and Jerry but I also felt their comedy dragged the movie out with its pacing and it was getting annoying at times.

I think this movie is recommended to fans of Tom and Jerry but I feel this movie was bad and it purely lacked imagination to at least make it its own thing and rather just be lazy and put Tom and Jerry in a movie to make $$$ for Warner Bros. I like Tom and Jerry but these crossover films shouldn't be made. However this movie makes me glad that the original still exists and I recommend the 1971 movie. I don't really have much of a thing for Tim Burton's 2005 remake though.
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bonniejoy-978-6876330 July 2017
I really did not think the title would be harder to say than "Scrumdidilyumptious". Aside from the fact that it has too many "and"s for one title, it shows why Tom and Jerry and Willy Wonka don't belong together, yet somehow the makers decided to shoehorn them in together. Why? Money of course, but also because this was the late Gene Wilder's most beloved movie. This came out months after he passed away, and it upset the internet world, even more than Tom and Jerry's encounter with The Wizard of Oz.

I don't need to mention what the plot is: it's just the Willy Wonka story with Tom and Jerry in the background. But to shoehorn their importance in the film, the makers decided that Tom and Jerry should have a conflict with Mr. (Not) Slugworth throughout Charlie's visit to the factory and make him a misunderstood antagonist for no reason. Out of all the problems in the film, that one gets me the most irritated. Anyone who's seen the original (1971) version know that he's not a bad guy, so it makes no sense why he's chasing Tom and Jerry. And even if kids never saw that movie, it's still stupid. Because in the end they have an all out scene where Tom, Jerry, Tuffy, and Charlie confront (not) Slugworth, before Wonka reveals to them "He was my assistant all along." So if he was a good guy, what was he doing making his good deeds sound deliberately diabolical, and not telling Tom and Jerry, "Hold it, I'm on your side," or even Tuffy (the oompaloompa guide) recognize that he's not a bad guy?

What are other issues that bother me: The human characters look hideous, Charlie's voice actor speaks in a constant monotone (even when he's suppose to be excited), Willy Wonka's sarcasm is lost to monotoned acting and subplots, the famous lines of the movie are rushed out or glanced over, and every moment with Tom and Jerry feels phoned in and boring. Yes, somehow Tom and Jerry chasing each other feels boring now. Thank you, movie. Also, I hate Tuffy. He steals attention away from the Wonka story, speaks for Tom and Jerry, and his obnoxious goal is the same as in The Wizard of Oz: get taller. While it made sense in The Wizard of Oz for him to wish for height, it doesn't in this movie.

However, I still look for diamonds in the rough. What are the good stuff? Everybody's a good singer, and the guy voicing Willy Wonka sounds a bit like Gene Wilder (only when he sings, the rest is monotoned). Apart from Charlie and a kid or two, most of the other voice actors are good and try their best. Jess Harnell as Grandpa Joe is easily the best part of the movie. He just puts all his energy into the character and sounds like he's having a great time. Even the cringey song "I've Got a Golden Ticket" sounds fun with him singing it. I just want to eat up this guy! Also, the background animation does try to recreate the feel of the original factory, but does one thing better than the original: the river really looks like chocolate and not dyed water.

Personally the best thing about the movie was that it reminded me of all the hard effort that went into the original Willy Wonka movie and what a masterpiece it was. While it didn't always follow the book, it felt original, fresh, and new. This movie was a direct rip off to cash in on something beloved. Also, it makes me feel sad that Tom and Jerry are now reduced to direct to DVD movies where they have little to nothing to do. There's a reason they were seven minute shorts instead of ninety minutes, and this movie is one of many confirmations why.
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Come on-what's the big deal? It's cute!
Pigglett7 January 2020
It is two classics brought together in a loving, tongue-in-cheek delight. It's not perfect, but neither on their own was perfect. It's reminiscent and sentimental in all the right ways and has gotten short shrift by too many reviewers.
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Shameful tribute to the late Gene Wilder
shadowkirby-1081514 July 2017
Not only the animation's horrible, it's pretty much unbearable to watch because of how it focuses too much on Tom and Jerry instead of the actual plot. When a musical scene starts, it focuses on Tom and Jerry's shenanigans instead of the song and it's pretty jarring.

This is a prime example of why two popular things doesn't work together all the time. If you like Tom and Jerry, just watch the cartoon instead! If you like the original Willy Wonka, just keep watching the original. This movie's not only bad, but it's a bit disrespectful considering it's paying tribute to Gene Wilder. He deserves a better tribute than this.

So save your money and don't watch this film! Just go buy the original movie and/or watch the original Tom and Jerry cartoons. They're worth spending your time than watching this atrocity.
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Hated yet liked it at the same time!
SamTheThomasFan23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My Thoughts on the Film.


Tom and Jerry Animated (Again): Warner Brother still keeps the designs of Tom, Jerry, Tuffy, even Spike, who appears in this, still looking good in a way.

Charlie and the Voice Acting: Like the movie again, I thought the voice acting would suck too, but I'll get to that in a minute, when hearing most of the voices in this, some of them were average, mostly the voice actors who played the parts of Charlie, Grandpa Joe, Willy Wonka, Mrs. Bucket, Tuffy, Mr. Salt, Mrs. Gloop, and surprisingly Augustus Gloop, but mostly Charle and Willy Wonka, I mean they not Peter Ostrum and Gene Wilder good, but it serves.

The Music: While they tried to add filler music to keep the "other" scenes going, I also like how some choreographers put in effort to add some music from the original movie in, because while it may be a kid cartoon, it show dedication to fans who grown up with the original music when seeing it as a kid or an adult. And if your wondering, the music I liked hearing in this movie and the Original are when Charlie finds the Golden Ticket, Charlie Running Home, and the songs I've Got a Golden Ticket and Pure Imagination (Regular and End Credits Version), plus the adapted version of, "I Want It Now" with Verruca and Slugworth was, eh, alright I guess.

Tuffy Vs Wonka: Crazy Poetry: One of the scenes I'd enjoyed seeing was the tunnel scene from the Chocolate Room to the Inventing, and when I saw that they weren't going to do that scene I was disappointed, at first, but when scenes progressed on, it turn out that Tuffy ended up doing the crazy poetry in the tunnel, I even was shocked when he'd even said, hell, seriously, I'm mean I know it's a kids cartoon, but wow, however, there was one thing I was concerned for, and that's which did the better version of the crazed poetry, because when you see Gene Widler in the scene, he's psychotic and...well...more psychotic, with Tuffy, you get the same thing but instead, a girl is doing the scene, no offense to all girls who find this offensive.

Extra Detail: If you've seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in 2005, you may have seen what the other four kids ended up like when they left the factory, but in Willy Wonka, they didn't do this at all. However during one of the scenes in the movie, since "some" were desperate, they show us exactly what happened when Veruca and her father got sent down the chute, of course, it did had to feature Tom, Jerry and Tuffy, but who cares, the unimaginable/new era happened during these movie!


The Same Old Routine: Now I maybe a bit byes in all this, and this may sound stupid, but just for once can we have an episode, special, or movie that that won't involve Tom or Jerry chasing each other, don't get me wrong, I do like that bit, but nowadays it's just a bore to me. They did it in the past before Tom and Jerry Meets Sherlock Homes, so why shouldn't they do it now.

No Speaking Roles for Grandparents: While Charlie's other three grandparents weren't shown as much in the film, it was really disappointing that they didn't get any speaking roles in the movie since they did in the original film.

The Animation of Everything Else: I may be going a bit PhantomStrider here but, every single human animated in this repugnant, revolting, cringe worthy, unimaginative to watch, and dare I say, disgraceful, disgusting, and and despicable! In fact, if you want my opinion on the best/worst animation in the movie, the best character animation to my opinion would be Charlie, Grandpa Joe, Charlie's Mother, and the Oompa Loompas, and the worst, oh the worst are those kids you see at the candy store or in Charlie's school, even the Candy Store owner, Charlie's teacher, and any other person you can think of, just let me know.

Bland Voice Acting: As for the rest of the voice acting in the movie, they just plain sucked altogether, mostly the actors who played the role of Veruca, Violet, and Mike. Let me just say, that when I heard the actor for Veruca scream, I was almost close to going death, and I didn't even have the volume on high, the actor for Violet kind of made her sound a bit like a retard, not only that, but the animation kind of hinted me a bit, and don't get me started on actor of Mike, because let tell you lot, that when hear Mike speak, his voice made me think of a combination of squeaks from a chalkboard and whiny little girl that throws tantrums and never learns shuts up, no joke! And that's just an in between best/worst case scenario!

Changing Scenes/Plot: If I know one thing when making a adaption version in animation, claymation, etc, is that you stick with the main plot/script, this movie, instead they had just had random filler of Tom and Jerry's antics and removed some of either the best/memorable parts, like the hunt for the golden tickets with the use of a computer, the therapy sessions, Charlie's birthday Charlie and her mother's talk, Mrs. Bucket's music number, the police investigation, every single moment of the movie would've been great if they involved every scene from the 1971 film.
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Tom and Jerry - Our Beloved Childhood Buddies, No longer Beloved !!??!!?????........
LovecraftKaiju30 June 2017
So, after i saw a 2.9 on IMDb for the New Tom and Jerry Feature length Movie,

I was honestly a bit upset at IMDb,

not the first time I did not agree with scores posted.......

but still just because it was Tom and Jerry I decided to watch the Same to judge for myself if it were really true....

Could two Cartoon Characters, So Beloved by the entire world, really have an outing that wasn't good enough to score even a measly 3/10......(P.s at the time of writing this review it was 2.9/10)

My Conclusion - Yes and No !!!! Let me explain...................

I was one of the batch of the kids who were still being introduced to our Beloved Characters from the original Chuck Jones and Fred Quimbly - also known as the Golden Age of Tom and Jerry. Since then, Tom, Jerry,Spike and rest of the family has been revamped more than a couple of times and none of them to my liking, Buut i always filed it under "I guess I am too old now to get what the New Age versions are trying to portray." ......!!!.....!!!...

While the new age versions received a clear bump in the animation budget, the other aspects of the shows were either just grossed over or just neglected all together for the sake of budget....

and herein lies the main problem in the very Steep Decline in the Love and appreciation of Our Favorite Cat And Mouse Duo.................. This movie kinda suffers from the same problems....

Although the animation and the look of Our Furry Friends, has considerably improved from the very glitchy type of animations in the previous RE-takes of the famous classic....

......................The problem lies in THE MUSIC................

It was only after recently watching my collection of The Original Tom and Jerry (Mind you I am 26 Now), where i realized that the magic and the love that all of us felt for the show, was due to a Phenomenally Beautiful Sound Track and utterly simplistic problems that Our Furry Friends and their Families Faced... every one, everywhere could instantly relate with them and The absolutely Gorgeous Animation is also a Key Aspect...........................

Now compare That to Tom and Jerry going to Meet Willy Wonka,

for starters u lost a major portion of your adults right here, but still if by any chance an adult were to sit and watch this movie with their kid, they will find it very, very difficult to be drawn into the world that so many of us spent so much time watching, experiencing, loving and emotionally attaching ourselves to the Original Show.......................................................

IN conclusion

i think the studio is yet to understand no matter how much they make our NEW Versions Furry Friends run into different story lines, get animation Upgrades, Make them Talk to Humanize them all

it Never Was and I Doubt ever will hold up to the Beauty in Simplicity and The Absolutely Emotionally Driving Soundtrack is What made the Original So close to our hearts, regardless of age and nationality...

My mom is 55 and she still enjoys the Originals...Nuff Said !!!!

Over all nothing what you do not expect happens in the 2017 Movie, As i said the Animation HAD this glitchy, hyper Active feel to it, but this time round is better done and slightly resembles the Original

Unfortunately the soundtrack still suffers from _

Lazy Cartoon-ishly Stupid base soundtrack

that most of our minds will find it VERY DIFFICULT to get invested in.......

I don't think even most KIDS, in today's day and age will enjoy something like this when U have Johnny Depp and HIS version floating around and the Original Tom and Jerry Shows so readily available !!!
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My kids love it
queenie-3718 March 2020
My kids, 7 and 9, grow up with Tom and Jerry, and they enjoyed this movie a lot!
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The third Charlie and the Chocolate Factory adaptation
matthewsoares7 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I believe Roald Dahl would have hated his, just like the real film of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
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s-730271 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The animation on this looks fine. In fact, this is one of the better looking Tom And Jerry films, in my opinion. Sure it's stupid, but at least they don't speak. Unlike another T&J film that I know of.
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A Crossover No One Wanted
jeremycrimsonfox28 February 2019
Seriously, who in Warner Bros. thought this was a good idea? Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory is a legendary movie from my childhood. This abomination of a crossover, released almost a year after the death of Gene Wilder, the man who played Willy Wonka, was basically made on the influence of that Lickboot character's infamous line: We've got to have money.

Yeah, this DTV film is nothing more than Warner Bros. trying to milk money off a duo who has been long getting stale due to the many DTV movies being made with them (including other crossovers with movies like the Wizard Of Oz). This movie is basically a remake of the classic film, only with Tom and Jerry injected into the story, which is not good, as the film focuses more on their antics than Charlie, Willy, and company. And Tuffy as an Oompa Loompa? Basically another crossover that serves no other purpose than to milk money out of a classic film by adding two cartoon characters who have no reason to be in it other than to steal the spotlight.
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Pure imagination-or lack thereof, more like it!
tomdaly-1743610 July 2018
My goodness! Who in their right mind thought this film was a good idea? I mean, I LOVED Tom and Jerry when I was little, and when I read about them doing crossovers with other franchises, I thought, ''This looks...interesting" But at the same time, I thought, what exactly is the need to do this?

Whoever thought it was a good idea to shoehorn these two TITANS of cartoon history into a classic film like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, I pray that they are no longer working in animation. I mean, that I Want It Now song, it looked like a kid's version of Another Brick in the Wall!

Also the fact that the film was released shortly after most of the cast of Willy Wonka died comes across as a little bit INSENSITIVE.

In conclusion, no words can describe this piece of animated offal. In short, avoid like the plague!
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It's alright
cchuchu1 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was really interested in this movie because Tom and Jerry was my childhood!

I've watch the movie from start to finish and I got to say, it's alright.

At the start, it features Tom and Jerry searching for something to eat. They meet Charlie Bucket, a boy from a poor family. They later come across a wonka bar delivery driver, who turns out to be Spike, who later turns out to be a minion of evil chocolate factory owner called Slugworth.

The movie basically follows the story of Roald Dahl's Charlie and the chocolate factory, but with the Tom and Jerry skits going on in the background, which I didn't really have a problem with. Tuffy is also in this movie, as an Oompa Loompa, and a few cameo scenes of Droopy as a Mexican stereotype? Ok.

They were a few goofs as well. The animation was great but the facial expressions were a tad bit odd. Second, a part of the film didn't really make sense. Basically, Slugworth was the villan, trying to steal a gobstopper from Wonka's factory in order to make his business bloom. But after Tom, Charlie and Jerry got rid of Slugworth, he shortly returned as a good guy and a friend of Wonka. Why he was being evil all along was because he was just looking for a heir and was afraid Tom and Jerry would INTERFERE with his plan... I mean, they did? Didn't they?? Aaaargh, confusion.

Anyway, the voice acting was ok I guess, but felt like they didn't even try. Even Willy Wonka seemed he wanted to rethink life.

Overall, it's good for a kids film. A theatrical Tom and Jerry movie is in the works, hopefully they don't screw up with that...

Bright 5.7/10
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I like Tom and Jerry. I like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and its remake. But you should make a crossover of them.
gavinwrivera26 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad, it's good! I remember first seeing this movie at RedBox. I was pretty interested in getting it, but I wanted to see the reviews first. The audience thought it was good, but critics hated it. Anyway, the part when they go through the tunnel, Tuffy recites the poem, and he even said the fires of hell, even though hell is a scary place. That part was crazier than the original. The original wanted to scare people. This one has a mouse reciting the poem who is also an Oompa Loompa, a toy dog on the walls of the tunnel, and it's in a Tom and Jerry cartoon where they say the word hell. Also, Willy Wonka looks nothing like the original. Why didn't they at least give him blue eyes, blonde hair, and paler skin?
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Stunning - for all the wrong reasons
derekobr-0106722 July 2017
Firstly, the DVD cover claims it's an 'original movie'.

Yeah, let's talk about that.

This is a huge recreation of the Gene Wilder movie, complete with the look of the movie, the look of the original characters, huge chunks of dialogue, the incidental music as well as the songs, the basic plot. There's the obvious addition of tagalongs Tom and Jerry (and a mouse who wants to be an Oompa Lompa), and a subplot of T&J trying to stop Slugworth when he seemingly sneaks into the factory during the Golden Ticket Tour, but really, 'original movie'? That's chutzpah.

The animation hurts. It's like some Eastern European ripoff that would have been made soon after the Gene Wilder movie. The voice actors approximate the original cast voices to varying degrees of success (I find it hard to criticise the voice actors, they're just collecting a paycheck).

I'm old, but I'm not so set in my ways that I can't appreciate a good remake - if the remake can bring something good and interesting to its interpretation. This, like that Gus Van Sant Psycho remake, fails that requirement. Though I suppose it will amuse the younger and less demanding demographic.

I still wonder why Tom and Jerry are the only animals in this world that can't talk. And why the makers didn't put a warning at the start to tell kids that chocolate is highly toxic to cats and mice and other animals.
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This could have been very good with a little better writing.
kevin_robbins21 November 2021
Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (2017) is a movie I recently watched with my daughter on Tubi. The storyline follows our two friends as they're adopted by a young boy named Charlie. Charlie hears news of the possibility of finding a golden ticket in a chocolate bar that if found grants him admission into a chocolate factory where he may win a bigger prize. Tom, Jerry and Charlie will stop at nothing to find the ticket and hopefully win a prize that could help Charlie and his family.

This movie is directed by Spike Brandt (Back at the Barnyard) and the voices are provided by JP Karliak (Boss Baby), Jess Harnell (Animaniacs), Lincoln Melcher (Mr. Church), Mick Wingert (Avengers Assemble) and Dallas Lovato (No Vacancy).

The animation is actually pretty awesome and it was fun to see Tom and Jerry in this format. Their injection into the storyline was fun but some of the characters weren't as well presented as they could have been. The settings and scenarios are very well presented and entertaining; but unfortunately, Willy Wonka was dry and a bit stale.

Overall, this movie is worth watching once but didn't hit its full potential. This could have been very good with a little better writing. I'd score this a 5.5/10 and recommend watching once.
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The Animation was Great! But the Writing could've been better
bastizarate4 August 2020
The story made No SENSE! Why Arthur Slugworth/Mr. Wilkinson keeps acting like He's Evil. But the Truth is He's Good all along. Explain it! Warner Bros! The Problem is This made No SENSE!
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itsfailuretime11 February 2018
Funny as usual.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Cheap Remake.
halogenfox6711 April 2020
It has been said the Roald Dahl absolutely HATED the original movie adaptation and insisted his name be removed from any and all packaging. I'm sure he would like this Tom & Jerry treatment even LESS. That being said, we should all put our poison pens away and try to realize this project was absolutely aimed at the pre adolescent set and be thankful for the 90 minutes of distraction it provides. After all, while the kiddies are engrossed in this, think of all the chores you can get done!
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Excellent introduction to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for little kids
petalpusherau12 July 2018
Wow, a lot of bad reviews here. I also grew up with Tom and Jerry and the original Charlie and the Chocoate factory and loved both. My kids are 3 and 4 and still a bit small for the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory and animation keeps them entertained longer. This movie had the original story plus the comedy of Tom and Jerry and they are watching it for the second time today on Netflix. To all the negative reviewers, this is aimed at little kids, not adults.
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It's not great but it is worth watching for fans
cspan-5258914 August 2017
Let's get the ugly parts out of the way quickly...

...Tom & Jerry are not a natural fit into the world of Willy Wonka ...there are moments of poor animation throughout the film'll find a reasonable number of plot holes's unlikely that anyone will rank this as their favorite WW movie

That said, if you have read this far and can accept the above, you may find yourself enjoying this film for what it is... an animated homage to a wonderful movie.

I happened upon this film by chance and initially passed it over. But I love the 1971 film and so I found myself going back and read a little about it. Then I saw the artwork and started thinking that this looked an awful lot like the original film... albeit in cartoon form. So I decided to watch it.

I got halfway through it and was really feeling like the folks behind this film had a love for Willy Wonka that mirrored my own. There were a number of moments that I readily recalled from the live action film recreated here.

YES, Tom & Jerry are found throughout the movie (they do get top billing after all) and their antics are what you'd expect from any of their cartoons over the years. I knew that going in and so it did not take away from my enjoyment because I was expecting it. Moreover, the writers try to weave the characters into the broader story and do a reasonable job of it (watch the film and you'll find out where the coin Charlie bought the winning chocolate bar came from).

The voice acting was decent to actually pretty good and the songs/singing, if not quite up to the original's soundtrack, were actually good. In fact, I would swear that they lifted the original actor's singing "I have a Golden Ticket" and used it as it sounded spot-on to me. There's even a pretty neat animated song featuring Slugworth that's stylistic enough to be worth watching a second time.

The irony in all of this is that I would have rated this higher had there been a way to edit out Tom & Jerry. Yes, there would still be issues but it was actually pretty cool to see an animated version of one my beloved childhood favorites. Is it worth a purchase? Maybe for little ones but I do think its rental-worthy.

Bottom line, if you're intrigued by the premise, you'll likely find a few things worth the investment of your time. At a minimum, it got me whistling the soundtrack the last few days.
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Tom and Jerry are now unoriginal
davidviera-4116731 August 2017
Yeah it's a bad mix up concept of both great classic films being mash together trying to be success but failed miserably ruining the emotional moments with slapstick humor and how its too insensitive to the death of gene welder sure I'll have to give credit for it's animation and for at least trying their best effort but let's face it no matter how many Tom and Jerry films they're gonna release it will always proves that the maker behind this just doesn't get on how to make a Tom and Jerry cartoon in every single flat out inspirational corporate bad idea to begin with also its the first Tom and Jerry cartoon to ever say the word h*ll
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