The King's Man (2021) Poster

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Unnecessary origin story that strikes a more stiff, less fun tone than its predecessors
christiananderson2423 December 2021
I really liked Kingsman: The Secret Service thanks in part to its great action, charismatic characters and clever humor. Kingsman: The Golden Circle was not as good as the original, but I still found it enjoyable and thought it shared a lot of the same qualities as the first. I thought The King's Man was decent enough, but it is definitely my least favorite of the series and is a disappointing origin story.

It really differs in style from the other two: Where the first two were unrestrained and fun, this one takes itself more seriously than I would have liked. There is a huge drop off in humor compared to the other two, and when the movie does attempt to be funny it falls flat. The lead protagonists are very admirable and responsible people, so much so that they are also a little boring and their dialogue is at times corny. With the exception of Rasputin, the cast as a whole is fairly bland. There are a couple of memorable fight scenes, while others are more cliche. The movie also tries to do a lot and is rushed to get everything done in a film that feels a little long.

Perhaps I am being unfairly harsh on The King's Man- it is not a bad movie and has some things to like. I guess my disappointment comes from feeling that this movie is stiff and lacks the unapologetic edginess that made its predecessors so entertaining.
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Decent prequel
Calicodreamin23 December 2021
A decent prequel that had a few great action scenes and dramatic moments; but that overall didn't have the charm of its predecessors. The CGI looked too computer generated and the storyline too heavy. With so much story to cover the scene jumps happened to often and disrupted the flow. Acting was good and characters were well cast,
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Was this written by a 5th grade drama class?
Top_Dawg_Critic12 February 2022
I was very impressed with Matthew Vaughn's directing and writing in the first two films, of whom Jane Goldman also shared the writing credits, but in this one she was absent, and wow what a difference it made. In the ridiculously unnecessarily long 131 min runtime, only 10 mins total had anything to do with the Kingsmen. The rest was a convoluted scattershot of unnecessary plots that seemed to be a bunch of short films thrown in a blender to come up with this nonsense. There were too many plot and technical issues, and scenes that will make you shake your head in disbelief of what you're seeing, and why. Even the entire villain portion was too short, lame, and lazily written and executed. There were so many long dragged out and unnecessary scenes, you can literally fast-forward to the end of the scene and miss nothing of relevance. Basically 90% of this film was all filler with very little substance - and that's as a stand-alone film; as a prequel, it's all filler with maybe 2-3 minutes of any "Kingsmen" relevance. It's really too bad, because the rest of the film - cinematography, choreography, performances etc were all very good. I gave the first two films 9's, and I'm struggling to even give my very generous 6/10 for this one. Please include Goldman in any future Kingsmen films; at least her vision was coherent, cohesive, and exciting.
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Laughs and history make a satisfying experience.
JohnDeSando31 December 2021
"Real power is not found running off to war. Real power lies in understanding who it is you're truly fighting, and how they can be defeated." Duke of Oxford (Ralph Fiennes)

The tongue is not too far in the cheek with the semi-serious King's Man starring Ralph Fiennes as the dapper but deadly Duke of Oxford, organizer of the sophisticated spy agency that in previous iterations was more satirical of spy stories. In this origin story, much of the film weaves history around WW I into a fiction about a few good men and women trying to stop the march to war.

The major historical figures are Kaiser Wilhelm, King George, and Tsar Nicholas-all played entertainingly by Tom Hollander. Not to be missed is Rhys Ifans as Rasputin, a diabolical force in getting the Soviet Union to withdraw from the war, to the delight of Germany and the dismay of England.

When Rasputin battles with Oxford, the screen is alive with Russian-style dancing-swordplay, Rasputin's lusts, and plain old good dialogue. Director Matthew Vaughn allows his actors to express themselves wildly but with a modicum of Brit-like decorum fitting of the balance between dark history and playful replay.

Besides the memorable Rasputin swordplay, in the final act, when Oxford uses a new-fangled parachute to storm the supreme villain's high mountain hide out, the stunt work is just short of breathless, coupled with CGI to give a Bondian feel to the spy shenanigans.

I was pleasantly surprised by the imaginative re-creation of history and the low-key humor, so evocative of the Brit stereotype. More than one commentator has suggested how apt Fiennes would be as the new Bond. I don't know about that, but Fiennes sure does know his way around the screen.

"We are the first independent intelligence agency. Refined but brutal, civilized but merciless." Duke of Oxford.
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A Messy Prequel That Has No Idea What It Wants To Be
cdjh-8112526 December 2021
Kingsman: The Secret Service was one of the biggest surprises in a cinema I've had in the last decade. I remember being excited for it but I never expected to fall in love with it as much as I did and the film still holds up every time I rewatch it. I even enjoyed The Golden Circle, it's not perfect and nowhere near as good as the original but I still get a lot of enjoyment out of it. But from the moment The King's Man was announced I just couldn't understand why it was being made. I don't dislike the idea of doing a prequel film but I thought the franchise would be better suited to finishing up the Harry/Eggsy story first before going into spin off and prequel territory. I was hoping this film would surprise me by being a different kind of entry for the franchise but unfortunately it was every bit as pointless as I feared it would be.

I think the thing that stops this film from being bad overall is it's central characters. Ralph Fiennes is great in this film, he is as perfectly cast in this role as Colin Firth was in the 2015 original. He brings all the charm and etiquette you'd expect from this type of character while being completely capable in all the action scenes. I also really liked newcomer Harris Dickinson, he gives a really good performance and has great chemistry with Fiennes. I liked that Vaughn didn't just make him an Eggsy clone, he's a very different character and much more stern and serious and it works surprisingly well. Djimon Hounsou and Gemma Arterton made for really likeable and entertaining side kicks and they actually ended up stealing the movie for large portions. Most of the villains I found to be underwhelming but with the exception of Rhys Ifan who may have ultimately been the best part of the entire experience for me. He was delightfully over the top, capable and threatening in all the fight scenes and hilariously funny, it's only a shame that he wasn't in the film more.

I think The King's Man best finds it's footing in it's 3rd act. It's when all of the masses exposition start to pay off in some way and it's in this part of the film that it truly starts to feel like a proper Kingsman prequel. I started to recognise the tropes I love in those other two films and I have to praise that this did make the film end on a reasonably solid note for me. However a fairly good ending doesn't make up for the nearly 2 hour slog that The King's Man is leading up to that 3rd act. Vaughn spends most of the film trying to compress years of history into a 2 hour runtime and it feels unbelievably messy as a result. While I liked most of the action sequences they are few and far between and I have to say that I found the film boring for the most part. I think Vaughn was a little bit too devoted to real life events and I think he may have benefitted from taking some more creative liberties that better suited the Kingsman universe.

In addition to how poorly paced the film was I also have no idea what Vaughn's ultimate vision for it was. The tone shifts between being a serious war drama and a more over the top spy film constantly, sometimes in the same scene, and these two styles do not mix well. The film spends large portions devoted to the trenches of World War One just to abruptly switch to the goofy, moustache twirling villains plotting their evil plans to take over the world and it just makes those more serious moments feel cheap by comparison. It's hard to feel like I'm watching a Kingsman film when I'm watching the battle sequences and it's hard to feel like I'm watching a war movie in those more Kingsman oriented scenes.

I think there is a potentially good prequel somewhere inside this movie but it's buried underneath messy storytelling and two polar opposite tones that make me confused as too what kind of film I'm supposed to be watching. Thankfully it's central characters lift the film up somewhat and it's not without its entertaining and effective scenes but I just don't think Vaughn had a clear idea for what he wanted to do with this prequel. I think the best thing the franchise could do now is finish up the Harry/Eggsy trilogy and end things on as strong a note as possible.

6.2/10 - C+ (Middling)
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Ra-ra, Rasputin
SnoopyStyle14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a prequel to Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014). Orlando (Ralph Fiennes) is the pacifist Duke of Oxford. He, his wife Emily, and their young son Conrad visit a British concentration camp in South Africa for the Red Cross. Emily is killed and he promises her to protect Conrad at all cost. With the impending First World War, Conrad is itching to join but Orlando refuses to let him go. Unbeknownst to them, there is a sinister force pushing the European empires into a devastating conflagration.

There is a bit of awkwardness in reworking history. Apparently, a Scottish nationalist is responsible for WWI. Rasputin was a vampire... Now that's interesting. I wouldn't mind that movie. He seems to be a good boss level. That fight is fun. That should have been the story. Instead, the movie keeps going and going and going. Sometimes it's fine but mostly it meanders. Prequels are often problematic since the ending is pre-set with no surprises. This one is no different. It has various problems but Rasputin is really fun.
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A completely different feeling Kingsman movie
eddie_baggins17 January 2022
Surprise smash hit in 2014, Matthew Vaughn's first Kingsman film The Secret Service was a fun, exciting and inventive new take on the spy/action film hybrid with its more forgettable sequel The Golden Circle still an enjoyable romp despite a noticeable drop off in quality but not even the keenest of Kingsman fans will be able to steel themselves for the mostly charmless and surprisingly serious origin story Vaughn has taken the series too with The King's Man.

Set in the early 20th century where Europe is at war and England's freedom is threatened by a group of mad man hellbent on world domination, King's Man follows the pre-Kingsman exploits of Ralph Fiennes widower Orlando Oxford and his teenage son Conrad (an unfortunately bland character played lifelessly by Harris Dickinson) who along with the help of their housekeepers and associates take it upon themselves to turn the tide of the great war in the favor of their beloved country.

In this set up there's no time for the banter we got between Colin Firth's Harry Hart or Taron Egerton's streetwise wise-talker Eggsy, there's no truly over the top flourishes outside of a few odd scenes mostly involving Rhys Ifan's crazy take on Russian villain Grigori Rasputin (who could've done with a lot more screen time than he was granted by Vaughn) and overall it feels as though for some reason Vaughn has decided the unique and playful nature that made his series stand out from the crowd is no longer needed.

Never more prevalent is this aspect of the film than in an oddly bizarre detour to the World War 1 trenches as Conrad ventures to the front lines, this 20 or so minute mid-movie aspect might involve one of the films stand out action scenes but overall it feels like it's from a completely different movie than what has come before it or what follows it and it's an example of the film trying to do too many things at once, with too many characters like the didn't need to show up Matthew Goode, Aaron Taylor-Johnson or Daniel Brühl, making King's Man a film without a true identity or purpose.

Based of this very differently toned and delivered series entry, it's hard to know exactly where Vaughn wishes to take his property from here on out but if there is to be more Kingsman adventures it would be wise to head back to the working book of the first film that provided a fresh take on a well-worn genre, only to find itself battling for its relevance less than a decade on.

Final Say -

Sadly this much delayed origin story is a mostly dull affair of a property that at one stage looked set to provide a fantastically fun cinematic journey, forgoing the fun that made people fall in love with it in the first case, The King's Man has snippets of greatness but is an overall forgettable and dull adventure.

2 strong cups of tea out of 5

For more reviews check out Jordan and Eddie.
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You can even enjoy it without having seen the previous two films!
planktonrules28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I sat down to watch "The King's Man", I didn't realize it was the thrird film in the franchise. By its title and that it's a prequel to the other two, I just assumed (incorrectly) it was the first. However, there is good news...if you, too, do it this way, don't need to have seen "The Kingsman: The Golden Circle" nor "The Kingsman: The Secret Service" to enjoy this third film.

The story begins during the latter period of the Boer War (1902) and is set in a British concentration camp. This surprised me, as films never seem to talk about this dark period in history, as the Brits locked up thousands of Afrikaner civilians and starved them...many to death. But most of the film is set over a decade later, just before and during WWI and concerns some secret cabal's being the orchestrator of the war and the manipulator of the various governments. So, it's up to a very tiny organization (led by Ralph Fiennes) to do figure out WHO these people are and WHY they're doing this.

It's obvious whoever wrote the film really understood their history...though some viewers who DON'T might feel a bit lost. Also, understand that the film is NOT totally accurate...and it never intends to be. Instead, it takes history and tries to re-interpret if some Spectre-like organization is manipulating things. In many ways, it's an AU (alternate universe) some of the Marvel movies or the books of Harry Turtledove.

So did I enjoy it? Absolutely....and probably more than the folks who DID see the previous two films first judging by the other reviews. It's a rare case where possibly seeing this sequel FIRST was actually a good thing! A very interesting and exciting film...and it really makes me want to see the other two movies.
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Several films rolled into one.
BA_Harrison14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With his son Conrad yearning to fight in the trenches, Duke Orlando Oxford (Ralph Fiennes) reveals that he is part of a secret underground organisation dedicated to protecting King and country, hoping that Conrad will opt to join his team of spies rather than enlist in the army.

Tonally, The King's Man is all over the place.

The film starts out like a boring Wednesday afternoon history lesson, with forty minutes of early 20th-century European politics relayed in a dreary manner that'll have many reaching for the off switch. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, the film goes completely crazy as Grigory Rasputin (Rhys Ifans) enters the fray, shaking things up with some perverse thigh licking and a bizarre fight scene against Orlando, the mad monk whirling and twirling into battle, combining exhilarating swordplay with cossack dancing to breathtaking effect.

Next, director Matthew Vaughn shifts the tone to grim reality, depicting the horrors of WWI, as Conrad Oxford finally volunteers to serve his country at the front. This part is similar to Sam Mendes' 1917, Conrad leading a daring mission into no-man's land to retrieve vital information from an injured British spy. A night-time encounter with enemy soldiers is brutal, bloody and realistic- a far cry from the comic-book violence of the previous Kingsmen movies-and Vaughn concludes this part of the film with an unexpected shock.

A bit more dull history follows, but the film picks up pace for the finalé in which our heroes storm the mountain top fortress of the cabal who have been plotting to control Europe. It's a fun finish to this uneven film, the final act delivering plenty of the R-rated Boy's Own-style action and adventure that fans of the series will have been expecting.

As muddled as the film is, I actually wound up having a lot of fun with The King's Man: the rather boring history parts prove to be a necessary evil for understanding the plot, and the rest of the movie feels like several films rolled into one, providing more bang for your buck. And at the end of the day, we surely have to be grateful for the the fact that Elton John is nowhere to be seen.

6.5/10. Rounded up to 7 for IMDB.
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120 minutes of mental torture
kuarinofu9 February 2022
That cocaine diet really does help to produce some fine scripts. The King's Man is amazing.

The story is a mess of random things and encounters, some of which are loosely connected, but most aren't. Most of the time it sticks to repeating the same 'overprotective father' cliched scenes over and over again, occasionally inserting random "what?" moments and bizarre fight scenes. It's absolutely incoherent, and although the characters act like something important is going on, and sometimes act as they have achieved something, the viewer is fully disconnected from the travesty that is happening when it's not boring you down with the same scene over and over.

They took the most 'hot' and 'debatable' facts about historical figures and incorporated them into WWI historical period, mutilating the history in the process. I'm not going to talk about historical accuracy, since this was never meant to be a historical action film or a war film. In fact, all the WWI battle scenes in the film (and the whole son's story) feel like they belong to a different film altogether, it surely never fits into the overall cocaine Hangover-style nightmare that is happening on screen.

All the supposedly 'funny' things felt like torture, and only made me ask "what?" and "why?" all the time. The best joke in the film was Tom Holland playing all the three monarchs, which made me laugh.

Besides this, there were two good things in the film - nice music and a cool and creative trench fight scene. If you forget about history and drop the setting, this is quality trash cinema. Gritty, dirty, bloody, and violent night brawl - excellent.

Other than that - this film was atrocious. There are two possibilities, either this is a literal re-telling of a comic book (which I'm not familiar with), then it's sort of fine, but still doesn't work. Or this is just a 'whatever' approach to screenwriting, which automatically downgrades this film to "garbage fire" status.

In any case, this mess cannot be enjoyed.

P. S. Nice post-credit scene, guys. Joseph Stalin introduced himself to Lenin as Adolf Hitler, a quality high-IQ joke. Now I rate this 9/555555555555555555555.
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If you love the previous two movies, you may be disappointed. But
wnxxxxwn30 December 2021
But this is a solid WWI spy fictional film. I love the stories, the fighting scenes and the music, and the actors/actress' performance.

I went to the cinema be prepared to be disappointed. But gladly I came out very satisfied. Yes This prequel is different than the other 2, but the movie itself is pretty enjoyable.

And I believe it not only is a fun to watch movie, the main idea of anti war went through the whole film, including the trenches war scenes which perfectly described how cruel a actual war is(was). Our generation has long forgotten the scary war and really needed to see how real wars destroy human.

Shockingly I give 8/10.
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Worth a watch if you like Kingsman
AdrenalinDragon27 December 2021
Taking an unusual direction from the previous two Kingsman movies, The King's Man ends up being far more serious and heavily influenced by historical events that happened a hundred years ago. Because of how much the film tries to tie these events into the story, it can feel confusing and messy with what is going on. Depending on expectations, people may end up being disappointed with this prequel.

Matthew Vaughn's stylistic direction still flourishes in the action sequences and panning shots. The new set of characters in this prequel/origin story include standouts such as Rhys Ifans playing the crazy Russian Rasputin chewing the scenery and acting crazy, and Ralph Fiennes' Oxford playing a dad who ends up bringing some genuine strength and emotion to the spy role with great stability.

Other characters also play their parts well, and the film looks pretty good in terms of production values and historical accuracy. If one thing is missing, it's the sense of charm and silliness of the first two films. That being said, the last third of the film did get me invested again. However, it wasn't quite enough to make up for the first hour or so of the film. The little glimpses of humour is present, but much rarer as the film focuses more on Drama.

My overall thoughts on The King's Man is I appreciate them trying something different here, despite not staying as consistently entertaining as the first two films. The twists and turns are a little hit and miss, but the way it ties into Kingsman at the very end works really well. In the end, I'd say The King's Man is worth at least a single watch, despite being much different and more different in perspective.

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Bloody Awful Rubbish
Instant_Palmer4 February 2022
With the unique wit of the original completely gone, this (hopefully) final installment is testimony to quitting while one is ahead. In the case of the Kingsman franchise, each sequel was progressively worse than its predecessor, and 'The King's Man' is simply an embarrassment for everyone involved. Put it and us out of our collective misery - enough is enough.
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Lacking the fun the previous films had but entertaining action.
cruise019 January 2022
3 out of 5 stars.

The King's Man is a fair film and a prequel to the Kingsman series. The film taking place in the early 1900 and taking its story during the first World war.

Plot is decent. Nothing creative like the first two films. The Resputin villain was entertaining and cheesy. The action sequences are ground and exciting.

The cast ensemble was good. The film did lacked the fun direction that the first two films had. The dramatic story was dull. And has a serious direction.
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Decent one
Movi3DO22 December 2021
Let's bring it all the way back to the first Manners Maketh Men.

The major issues with this movie were the elongated plot and boring villains. There was a lot of moving around and characters talking that frankly only made the story confusing. Also, this plot probably served to divert the audiences away from the main villain, who was in the dark most of the time. However, most of the villains were bland with nothing special, except for the guy in the trailer Rasputin. Although he's very cool in the action scenes, his character was obnoxiously weird. It's like I'm watching a different genre with this guy.

For the plus, I enjoyed the action a lot. I wished there's more, as there's good creativity here. The best was early on between the British and the Rasputin. There was a shocking moment midway that changed our main character, which caught me by surprise too.

Overall, a decent Kingsman movie. Better than the second, but definitely no where close to the first. 6.5-7/10.
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ross9111 February 2022
The story is all over the place! The script is shockingly written, the acting is subpar. I expected a lot more given the 2 previous films, it was a let down. It is a terrible film!
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Bits and pieces - and a fantastic dance-fight
kosmasp11 January 2022
For those who always felt that history was boring ... well they can relive and rewrite it here. Or see it rewritten - though I reckon you have to at least have some understanding of history and who lived when or was assassinated by what and how that was managed ... or gone wrong.

Of course this takes many liberties to say the least in the retelling - as I think I made obvious in my above statement. So some might think of it as fun - an entertaining "history lesson" of sorts .. others may not like the take on it. Of course if you already have an issue with the movie ... well it won't bode well going forward.

I thought many jokes historically speaking worked. Still as my opening line or review summary already indicates, it is smaller bits and pieces ... and some do not seem to be fitting with others. Same goes with the tone - a romance, that isn't one. A saved by the bell moment, another moment that does almost tell us one of our main characters is invincible, just to completely turn this on its .. head! No pun intended.

And an end fight that is quite nice, but a telegraphed twist punch (kick?) ... the midway fight, which feels more like a dance, is the way better choreographed one. Even if the end fight has a nice pov touch ... that should have only been used once ... maybe twice. But not as much as it ended up being on screen, because it got annoying. And again we are back to the walking a thin line, mixing things up, not being able to get the correct amount of whatever would be best for the story.

We do have great actors and therefor most of the jokes work and even an omission of any story whatsoever does not really matter. The end twist should also be quite obvious - from the beginning almost. Shame - I really do like Matthew Vaughn and I especially liked the ... I'll call it approach to the first Kings Man movie ... this reboot/prequel kind of thing ... well it does not really do much for the franchise. But you may feel differently. Because you may be smitten by certain parts of the movie and can suspend your disbelief to feel this is a coherent amalgation of all things combined ... not minding that there is almost an absence of a cool uber villain (Rasputin aside who does a great job by the way) ... the wait was too long, the end result not entirely worth it. Some great jokes and great visuals aside.
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And I Thought The Second Kingsman Film Was Bad
dommercaldi2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: 1. The fight/ action scenes pulsate with energy, are entertaining, and greatly choreographed.

2. The scene wherein Conrad Oxford has to take on German soldiers with a knife in no-mans land is suitably tense and gritty.

3. Rhys Ifans (Grigori Rasputin) delivers a compelling and memorable performance.

4. Some of the special effects are truly impressive.

Cons: 1. There aren't enough fight/ action scenes, even though this is a Kingsman film and those are the best bits about the movie.

2. The death of Conrad Oxford (Harris Dickinson) is so ridiculous that what should be a heart-breaking moment ends up being, at best bewildering, and at worst hilarious.

3. The comedy is really stale, to the point where it's difficult to even locate.

4. The entire film feels like a wishy-washy World War One movie with splices of Kingsman added in. I kept having to remind myself I was watching a Kingsman film.

5. Tom Hollander (King George / Kaiser Wilhelm / Tsar Nicholas) being cast as all three superpower leaders was unnecessary with King George feeling like the only genuine character, and the other two coming across as caricatures.

6. Some of the CGI is a little too sloppy.

7. The mid-credit scene that clearly introduces Adolf Hitler (David Kross) as the franchises next antagonist is just idiotic.

8. Morton's (Matthew Goode) anti-English motivations for igniting a world war are nonsensical and lazily written. His ultimate reveal also falls flat as the concealment of his identity harbours no other purpose than to 'shock' the audience.

9. The first half of the movie is way too slow-paced.

10. The film is hardly an origins movie as the Kingsman organisation already exists. It just establishes where some of the practices originated e.g. Naming their members after King Arthur and his knights. However, none of the origins information is interesting or necessary to learn.
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Well I enjoyed this prequel
UniqueParticle26 December 2021
A more grounded prequel that is stylish and has a lot more dialogue maybe that was a issue to some cause of the pacing but I loved it regardless! I love Rasputin one of the great villains there was a few awesome ones. Matthew Vaughn's action is so great the spinning, unique camera shots and crazy stunt work that is always impressive in his projects. Ralph Feines is great I really like his acting. Even if the prequel wasn't necessary or felt right times it's definitely worth it!
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Kingsman meets 1917 meets Blackadder
coombsstephen4 January 2022
This is a different sort of film to the first two kingsmen films, it's not all shooting and fast action with a hint of cheeky comedy. This is more a factual based history film with some action but not so much of the humour.

It's still a good watch though and the story is told well.
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Didn't Kill Me
Tweetienator13 January 2022
I really liked the first Kingsman movie but already the second one was in my opinion just milking the cow - story- and momentum-wise inferior to the first movie in every aspect. The newest addition to the franchise tries something new but - while there are for sure some good aspects - tastes like a bad mixed cocktail: the ingredients (or parts) just don't work too well together. The King's Man: no fail but compared to Kingsman: The Secret Service this one is just another rather weak entry.
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Pretty entertaining and made history fun!
parksiet25 December 2021
The King's Man is completely different from the first two movies; its a major pivot for the franchise and I really enjoyed it! I'm not going to pretend its the best movie ever made, or the best in the franchise, because it isn't and does have its flaws... but I still thought it was really good! It has all the stylistic elements you've come to expect from a Kingsman movie but with a few twists to that formula, it was honestly a really nice surprise! Going in, I didn't have many expectations, and thought I knew what the film would be based on the trailers but I was so happy to see that Matthew Vaughn had so much more in store for us! It's more serious than the other Kingsman films, and feels tonally different than the others. Its more of a Kingsman version of a war film; still has the classic hyper-real and energetic style and action but includes a lot of real historical elements. Personally I would compare it more to Vaughn's "X-Men: First Class", which I also really liked!

I love how Vaughn handled the historical elements; it was easily one of my favourite parts! He treats it sort of the same way Tarantino did with "Inglorious Basterds". It really made history fun, and I even learned a few things! (I didn't know that at the beginning of WWI the Russian Czar, German Emperor and King of England were all first cousins... and I loved how cleverly Vaughn used Tom Hollander for these roles!) We got to see such an interesting take on history, many of the events and figures Vaughn uses are true to life but he twists them in a way that makes it more entertaining! I was surprised with how many historical elements did show up, and had a lot of fun with this alternate "Kingsman-esque" version of history! Now there was also a downside to this: it felt like Vaughn just had a bunch of unused ideas that he just tried to work into this movie. The story goes everywhere and it wasn't really clear why until halfway through. Stuff just kept happening, and while I loved each individual scene it didn't feel like it fit together till the first hour mark. But overall I had tons of fun with the story and loved the characters it focused on, even if they aren't Harry and Eggsy.

I loved Oxford and Ralph Fiennes' portrayal is excellent, he just has everything that made him the perfect star of a Kingsman film plus the addition of so much emotion. He is such a gifted actor and while the script doesn't always give him the best material he constantly elevates it. He is just a god at what he does, truly one of the best working actors. I also thought Djimon Hounsou and Gemma Arterton also made huge impressions despite minor amounts of screen time. Harris Dickinson was good as Conrad, and I loved the twists they had with his character. I was a huge fan of the twist that happened regarding Oxford and Conrad and their relationship (father/son). I thought it was a clever reverse on the relationship between Harry and Eggsy or a mentor and student in general, and Oxford's emotional arc was quite profound. This twist also lent itself well to the film's overall anti-war messaging.

What's a Kingsman film without some intense and flashy action? This one of course has it all, and I especially loved the fight with Rasputin! It was thrilling and had so many exciting moments to it! The choreography was awesome and aI even liked how they worked in a nod to the dance for the song "Rasputin" through his fighting style. It was fun yet brutal and matched with the beats of the "1812 Overture" so well. That sequence alone just blew me away, but all the action set pieces looked so good and were shot in such vibrant, creative and extravagant ways! They just popped right off the screen and used such unique angles that I've never seen before... such as what I refer to as "Sword-vision". Visually they just looked fantastic, and had some perfect action choreography with gory and brutal moments. I also loved the production design and how it made the film feel so authentic and richly established.

Ultimately I just loved this look back into how the Kingsman organization was formed! Its fun to see all the classic locations and I loved how certain failures here led to the creation of tools we see used in the later Kingsman stories. Its a unique prequel that stands on its own and is pretty fun! I loved the historical elements and all the surprises the film had in store. It felt like Turner Classic Movies mixed with the History Channel and I really loved the style and tone it went for! It may not be for everyone, and I'm not sure that all fans of Kingsman will love it, but it really worked for me! As much as I can't wait to see Kingsman 3 and the continuation of Harry and Eggsy's stories, I would also really love to see a sequel to this (especially after that crazy end credit scene...)!
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Decent prequel.
deloudelouvain25 March 2022
To be honest the best Kingsman thus far was the first one from 2014, The Secret Service. The Golden Circle from 2017 was a nice sequel that I would rate the same as this prequel. The good thing about this prequel is that you don't even had to watch the other two to understand anything of the story. This prequel has a good plot, entertaining for the entire duration, even though some scenes are a bit far fetched or not very plausable. The cast is great, the action is constant, and the cinematography is excellent. The King's Man is a more than decent prequel. Looking forward to another one.
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No identity
FeastMode28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible. I'm a big fan of the first two. This one is inferior in every way. Not one moment of action comes close to anything from the first two. The music, story, cast and characters are all significantly worse.

This movie doesn't know what it wants to be. It barely has anything to do with the previous ones, on top of feeling nothing like them. It could be it's own unrelated movie if a few details were changed. Instead of fun spy flick, we get a World War 1 political drama.

The overall quality is higher than 2 stars. Unfortunately there are some terrible scenes and horrendous moments that I seriously couldn't believe. Face palm emoji moments. There were literally times when I looked down, put my fingers on my forehead and shook my head. So many stupid moments. The "why" for certain things happening is laughable.

Other than a few cool moments, I had an awful time with this movie and couldn't wait for it to be over. I didn't know who directed it, and when the credits rolled my jaw dropped. I thought for sure they had brought in some scrub to direct this nonsense. Matthew Vaughn has made some of my all-time favorite movies. This is hopefully just a misfire. Also, stick with Henry Jackman for the music in the future, please. (1 viewing, 12/27/2021)


The couple cool parts I mentioned are the silent fight in between the trenches, and when Conrad is shockingly shot by a fellow soldier for lying about who he is.

The dinner scene with Rasputin was excruciating. And it lasted for what seemed like 15 minutes. In the fight it leads to, his fighting style was creative, but the fight itself wasn't nearly good enough to salvage the scene. Not to mention so many stupid moments in that scene alone. Like Conrad hanging out with his cold dad while Shola is nearly killed by Rasputin. Or Conrad shooting the sword out of Rasputin's hand instead of shooting Rasputin himself. And not knowing he only has one bullet. It's like this was written for morons.

There are so many other moments like this. Like hopping a goat. Or the villain reveal. Also, it was so obvious he was a bad guy 5 seconds after he came on screen.
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Fun as usual
smblights31 December 2021
The Kings Man series has been a lot of fun and I expected nothing less from this installment. Great story, good action and good acting. I could have done without the certain aspects but that's with any movie. Definitely worth the watch.
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