Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) Poster

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A big pile of nothing
guskeller1 October 2021
Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a one trick pony that doesn't land its trick. The entire movie is filler stalling for its final battle, yet that showdown is disappointing. Yes, it is between two marketable comic book characters, but that's all it provides. The villain is underdeveloped and uninteresting, the imagery is sloppy and cluttered, and the choreography is nonsensical. Because there is no coherent style or vision, the sequence ends up being a big, ugly mess. Normally, the details of an action sequence wouldn't be so significant, but that's all this film invests in.

Everything about the story is rushed, repetitive, and uninspired. There are no intimate moments to allow things sink in because the script lacks substance worth meditating on. The humor is okay at times, Tom Hardy is talented enough to have chemistry with himself, and effort went into the CGI (though it was overused). However, besides that, this production is pointless. Even the violence is unsatisfyingly suppressed for that PG-13 rating. Undoubtedly, some fanboys will be content with a mediocre fight between two characters they recognize, but as a film, Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a noisy pile of nothing.

Writing: 2/10 Direction: 2/10 Cinematography: 2/10 Acting: 7/10 Editing: 4/10 Sound: 7/10 Score/Soundtrack: 5/10 Production Design: 3/10 Casting: 7/10 Effects: 6/10

Overall Score: 4.5/10.
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A very bland movie
siderite27 November 2021
I've seen both Tom Hardy and Woody Harrelson act their behinds off and it was great. I've seen humor and dark humor work wonders for DC. I've seen Michelle Williams look beautiful and amazingly desirable. None of these feature in Venom: Let There Be Carnage.

Instead you get a constant gay married couple bickering between Venom and Brock which is supposed to be insightful and funny, but isn't, a cardboard psychopathic villain that could have been sympathetic with just a few edits, a pointless villain girlfriend that has no influence on the plot of the film whatsoever, even though she has a superpower she is inconsequential, a pointless hero girlfriend who is there just to be a damsel in distress, copy pasted from the bad Spiderman films, a policeman who is there just to be the always late to the joke guy and... Dan? Who cares about Dan?! I swear the most interesting character in this film is the mean Chinese lady at the store. There is no chemistry between any of the characters. None!

But the worse problem is that there is no story, no tension, nothing to solve. The interaction between hero and villain is minimal yet stretching imagination and both their paths when separate are boring uninteresting bad writing.

Even the CGI fights feel pointless, as two blobs fight each other by hitting and throwing each other. Venom knows ALL the weaknesses of a symbiont and does nothing with it. Brock knows his symbiont and does nothing with it.

The more I write in this review the more stars disappear from the rating, so I will just stop. This could have been the exact same movie with ten times less budget, cheap CGI and unknown actors. No one would have noticed a difference. And there is one end credits scene that is more interesting in its implications than the entire movie!! Ugh.
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fun but disappointing
FeastMode1 October 2021
I had a good time with this movie. It's fun and pretty funny with some entertaining action.

It's also very messy with regards to the story, action and dialogue. The action isn't as good as the first and neither is the music. The story brings no value. And there were some stupid moments.

I also can't stand that it's not rated R. I could say that about the first, but it did a great job of pushing the limits while also not having too many moments where it was obvious it would have been better with blood. This movie has SOOO many moments where it could have been amazing if they went all out. It felt so censored.

I try to always have no expectations going into a movie. And I knew going in that even though I loved the first one, that doesn't make this one bulletproof. But looking back on it, a movie about carnage could have been so much more. It was underwhelming. Also I wish I got more development from Cletus and Carnage.

One more thing, Tom Hardy and Andy Serkis are awesome. But writing and directing are talents that very few have. I think it shows here and I would have preferred veterans at those crucial positions.

I'll caveat this review by saying I couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue, especially from Venom. We'll see if that changes anything when I watch it with subs.

Edit: I watched it again with subs. It didn't help. Still underwhelming. So many parts just feel off. And some scenes are straight up bad (cooking breakfast scene smh). Changing it from 6 to 5 stars. Sad face. (2 viewings, 9/30/2021, 12/11/2021)
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A Carnage Of Mediocre Elements and Action, Offset by A Venom Of Comedy
rgkarim1 October 2021

The Animation: I'll give them props on their design for making the symbiotes come to life, Sony's latest dive into Venom's creation is very good. Tight forms, great fluidity of the black ooze that makes him up, and those sensational teeth are perfect for bringing him to life. The movement is fluid, it goes super well during the movement pieces, and the tendrils acting out the comedy moments are awesome. When Carnage appears, that chaotic redness is not quite a vivid as the comics, but definitely has the blood element and chaos of the malicious symbiote. It's grimy and viscous, and has the sinew of the tendrils that offers a little more of the nightmare that Carnage is known for, including his devilish bladed arms.

The Music: I know a soundtrack for a Marvel movie is not the most noticeable feature, but much like the first film it's got attitude, beats, and some layers to it. Some symphony work goes alongside the fanfare sound effects to help make the inspiring pieces we love in super hero movies. It's the rap times though that really work and man are they awesome. Rap beats carry the harder attitude of the Venom world, with that no consequences edge that works to go with Venom's attitude. The end trailer song was my particular favorite and I liked given the sweet tones of the chorus and the verses bringing the hardcore beats.

The Acting: Certainly not the Oscar's level others have hit, but I enjoyed the performances of the cast on this installment of Venom's chronicles. Tom Hardy essentially acting with himself is certainly the highlight, with a natural flow to the chaos of the lines that he seemed to write for himself. Hardy as Eddie has the same nervous, loser attitude he conveyed in the first, that awkward atmosphere he brings doing super well to act as the moral compass to guide the ever aggressive Venom through the world. As Venom, he's hilarious, still acting like a newborn/toddler who can't take no for an answer and wants to eat everything he can for his survival. I loved the lines he delivered as Venom, I loved the joy, horror, and vulnerability he brought, and the commentary is certainly one for the books for voice acting. Harrelson still does his job well as the insane serial killer of Cletus, especially that eerie, unsettling longing that he seems to have with his darker roles. While not the most insane of a serial killer, he works well enough for the direction they took him, and they sort of corrected the hair for me so that's a win. I can't say he was my favorite villain character, so there really is not much I can say outside of a solid delivery for his backstory and that longing of something serial killer roles thrive on. Michelle Williams wins for a fun support, but again she is not utilized the best in this film and could have had more involvement on so many levels for me. The times she was on board, she was funny, a good nonverbal and verbal acting mixing to bring some of the more unique comedy moments I've seen in Marvel in some time.

The Comedy: Hands down the best part of the movie is the comedy and it is funny. Like the last installment, that dynamic relationship between Venom and Eddie is solid, a duo who play so well off of each other despite being the same voice. The aggressive personality bossing around the meeker personality goes super well, and Venom's mannerisms and taunts are a wonderful comedic tool. Then, they start using the internal monologue even better with Venom, showing that combative mindset distracting Eddie from answering normally, especially when Venom pushed enough to cause Eddie to outburst. Finally, when you see Venom get the driver seat a little bit, the writing works well with Venom exploring the universe a little more. His speeches, his jokes, and so much work with this new angle to Venom and again I was cracking up at the vaudeville humor he brought, alongside the commentary of the movie. And as I said, Michelle Williams does well in her roles, sometimes acting as a prop and other times a fantastic medium that blends all the styles together. There are a few things that Harrelson does that are funny, but they are in the backburner for me and lost to Venom's constant banter.

The Mid Credits Scene: Hands down the most exciting part, Venom's extra scene shows great promise for the series in so many ways. It's still got great comedy and chemistry you have been seeing for most of the film, but does not just act as the comedic finish Marvel likes to do. No there is some story behind it and then a nice surprise to set up the future of our dark symbiote. I won't say more to avoid spoilers, but Serkis and company get props for this one.

Dislikes: The Plot: My friend may have liked it, but for others like me, the plot is again a rushed mess that does not utilize the characters well. The focus on the comedy allows for development of Venom and Eddie's relationship, and though not massive improvements or anything revolutionary, it works well for the buddy comedy approach. Yet, where it really went wrong involved everything else in their lives when I was watching this film. Where Anne was a key factor in the first film, became more of a side piece in this, with her plot elements opening up some comedic factor, but little else past this. The whole Eddie moving on with life and trying to adapt to the new stakes, was kind of rushed and lame, even to the point of conflict that happens in this film. The story with Cletus was... okay, and a driving factor for the decisions of how to get to Venom, but I can't say it fit with the story I had envisioned for the psychotic serial killer I know Cletus to be. And for Shriek's inclusion, held promise, but as she was not a symbiote, so she was not too ingrained into the full story. Venom's second installment does not have the same cohesiveness that other Marvel film's do and it's a shame again due to what they could have executed.

Carnage feels a bit too controlled: If I remember several comics and cartoon shows correctly, Carnage was a force that was chaotic, deadly, and insane, hence why he was able to be such a dark and threatening force. In this movie though, I don't think his utilization matched that and in fact made him a little too logical. Certainly there are moments where that primal force of hunger and death seeking are seen, but I can't say I was impressed with the other ways they took the symbiote and his host. There was no impending terror of them hunting, no close calls and horrific sequences that haunt your dreams. As for his other powers, I guess I expected more based on what the trailers showed off, but that did not happen for me. The blades were more design than used and even the projectiles were minimized, which with Carnage minimal is not way they usually go. Carnage is one of those villains whose execution requires a lot of study and detail and the direction I took only somewhat filled that craving.

The Action: Or better yet lack of it. Venom's second film is still heavily comedy based and seems afraid to embrace the action that a dark tale could really execute. Looking at the movie as a whole, there was about fifteen minutes total that we saw of this film and that's sad when comparing to so much of the other Marvel films. Most of the scuffles are one sided displays of CGI slamming that really offers no suspense or horror, so I can't say it was that exciting for me. Then the climactic ending, was kind of bland for me, again given what I've seen in the other Marvel movies. A ten minute bout of a few punches and slams that, while appropriate as a start, did not use the powers that we as fans know these monster have. Where was the dance of crimson blades a crazy, scarlet symbiote could unleash? Where was Venom's strength utilizing the environment to combat those blades and use tricks to offset the strength of Carnage? Where was Carnage's mutations evolving out and further surprising us? The answer is not on the final cut, though I did enjoy the clever use of sound bringing more of the hosts out. The final ordeal is anticlimactic for me, and did not live up to the potential that these two titans are known to bring, and could have used about 15 more minutes at least or at a few other conflicts to break it up.

The VERDICT: Venom 2 was okay with me, but it's not the best comic book based movie to come out of the woodwork. Certainly the visuals and attitude of the movie are there and the acting brings that world to life and does well with the established dynamics. It's biggest strengths for me were again the comedy and the mid credits scene, the former being the biggest selling point for fun for this film. Yet, the movie's plot is still a mess and the handling of Carnage, while not the worst, there was a lot of potential they missed out on in his use. Look wise he's great, but the Carnage I know and the Carnage I got, did not match for what I had hoped to see. In addition, the action was very limited and did not really satisfy the buildup they were trying to make. As such, the movie is okay, and fortunately has enough special effects and music to get a trip to the theater for a see. My scores for this film are:

Action/Sci-Fi/Thriller: 7.0 Movie Overall: 6.0-6.5.
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Yes It's A Big Fun Film, Period. But Given Cletus's BARBARIC Convenience Store Murder -{ A L O N E❗}- How's It Rated "PG13" Or Below 😲 . . . IN -{ S O }- MANY DARN COUNTRIES❓ Warning: Spoilers
A -{ B I G }- Screen MINI Review ; Film Seen By Me -{ Twice }- ; First On Oct.20, And Then Nov. 04, '21.


Venom : "Time to die!!!" ( said by him as he and Eddie verge on a full on "War-charge" of the -genuinely- "Terrifying" looking Carnage ).

Eddie : " That's the spirit ! ! " .

Venom : "I mean us. -{ W E }- are going to die!!!".


A " UPSIDES FIRST, If You Please { I write " Exclusively Constructive ✅ " Reviews ; Here're Some Of The Movie's Plus-Points, Right Up Front } " : 1 : There's a LOT of -Very- entertaining humour right the way through "Venom: Let There Be Carnage" ( to be referred to henceforth as 'V2' ) . . . . from 'Eddie Brock' ( Tom Hardy )'s "Odd Couple" style interactions with 'Venom' ( also played by -Him- , of course ) . . . . to some often tender, and occasionally even genuinely -MOVING- banter, within the undeniably funny "Love-quadrangle" of Eddie and Venom , along with 'Anne Weying' and 'Dr. Dan Lewis' ( Michelle Wiilliams and Reid Scott, respectively ). 2 : Tom Hardy succeeds -Phenomenally- , in delivering his "super-symbiotic" performance ; with an -{ ABSOLUTE }- degree of credibility. How I wish more people would only appreciate how ( -Incredibly- ) difficult it is to emote for two -very- different entities, -near- simultaneously, that exist within just -{ ONE SINGLE }- body. 3 : Venom's "Mardi-Gras Themed Nightclub Scene". Simply stated, it's just absofreakinglutely -{ H I 💥 😂 - larious }. What's more, if you're a -passionate- progressive ( in real life ), like me, then you are almost -certain- to completely -{ Adore }- the 'horrible yet affable' Antihero's -equally- passionate appeal to stop "Cruelty Against ALIENS" . . . Just a 'Glorious', ( albeit somewhat implicit ) message about the need to be -'Kinder'- to immigrants, documented or otherwise, delivered just -as- 'Gloriously' . . . ( Need I really say more ? ).

B " ( PLEASE ), Let There Be Common Sense ! " : 1 : There are some -{ Extreme }- abuse & violence related thematic elements in a film that is rated 'PG-13' ( Or Below ! ) in at least -Fifteen- countries, & that's -just- on IMDb's -very limited- "Certications" list, -{ ALONE ! }- . 2 : In a nutshell : the ( entirety ) of the -Story- , per se , feels a little too -{ " SIMPLISTIC 🤷‍♂️ " }- ; not to mention the picture's almost -{ "Confoundingly" }- short, & somewhat "Disappointing", frankly, runtime of 97 minutes ; for what is essentially a -{ MARVEL }- cinematic offering. So here is perhaps -{ The }- most significant reason for -Why- that was the case, in my best estimation. Tom Hardy and Kelly Marcel, V2's storywriters . . . . -{ collectively }- lacked the requisite experience to rise to the indubitably -gargantuan- task of ( -Adequately- ) enthralling a whole -Planet- ; one that has now become -Altogether- used to watching "PHENOMENALLY" entertaining Marvel fare, and there's really no other way to say it. Tom, ( whom I 'Admire To Death' as a -performer- , I definitely ought to point out here ), had only two✌ -STORY- writing credits to his name prior to V2 , with Kelly logging just three👌 . . . { counting 'Individual' TV Series, but -Not- counting 'Shorts' ( short films ), of course }. 3 : A " MASSIVE " Missed Opportunity : It is -indeed- not all that often that we see a completely archetypal, quintessential 'Popcorn-blockbuster' flick make a -significant- effort to -Humanize- the villain by way of their -{ Early Childhood Experiences }- , no matter -how- evil they nay be shown as being. For V2 to first -very- SUCCESSFULLY achieve this with the "Supremely" prolific actor Woody Harrelson's 'Carnage' ...( finalé )... only to have said moment -Utterly- invalidated just a few cinematic beats later ( -you'll know it when you see it- ) was quite the let down, 'Alas' 😔.

C " Final Summary " : I have absolutely -{ N O }- doubt in my mind that had V2 been roughly 'a good 23 minutes' longer ( -At Least- , in order to make for a more "Marvel-like" runtime of Two-full-hours ) ; that I would have given it a mimimum score of '8 out of 10', without a moment's thought. -That- , in addition of course, to my "Titular-gripe" . . . ( me being the -Doting- parent that I like to think I am ), brings me to the conclusion that this -nonetheless- { Undeniably } Fun, Exciting, "Idiosyncratic Delight" of a Movie is -Still- most definitely worthy of -{ 7.50 'Rock-Solid' Marks Out Of 10 }- . . . . NOTWITHSTANDING 🔥 .
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This sequel is a loud and frantic mess
cricketbat1 October 2021
Much like the protagonist in Venom: Let There Be Carnage, I feel like there were two different screenwriters battling about what this movie should be, and they didn't really communicate with each other. This sequel is a loud and frantic mess, where superpowers can do whatever the plot demands, characters don't care about consistency, and the same jokes are repeated a dozen times. If you liked the first Venom movie, you'll probably like this one. I didn't, so I don't.
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A very enjoyable 90 minutes of comic book mayhem
Mr-RamosReviews30 September 2021
Fueled by Tom Hardy and his passion for the source material, "Venom: Let there be carnage" is a massive triumph in terms of fan service and dark comedy that mostly hits. Definitely a distinguishable improvement over the the first film, although it could have been maybe 15-20 minutes longer just to develop its characters a little bit more.
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Not even a turd in the wind; it's just nothing.
Pjtaylor-96-13804424 November 2021
At least 'Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)' is brief. That's pretty much the only praise I can send its way. I mean, it's genuinely terrible. Frankly, it's almost unfathomable how a team as talented as this can turn out something so amateurish. It honestly feels unfinished. Having said that, it's actually difficult to properly review, because it's just... well, nothing. It's not even boring. It's totally empty, a meal comprised of zero calories. It's also insanely forgettable. If you asked me to recount its plot beat for beat, even while the credits were still rolling, I'd seriously struggle to come up with a coherent answer. As I said, it's difficult to properly review. Perhaps that's because reflecting on it is like trying to remember a bad dream; by the time you try to articulate it, it has already slipped from your mind. Perhaps it's because it leaves you feeling totally apathetic, unequipped to even think about its events, never mind its shortcomings. Perhaps it's because the flick is genuinely less boring than many movies deserving of a similar, or even marginally better, rating, but also genuinely worse than most of those same movies. A bad movie is better than a boring one, I suppose, but a movie that leaves you feeling nothing, not even annoyance, is surely the bottom of the barrel. It goes in one ear and straight out of the other. It's awful, but I can't bring myself to get worked up about it. I'm aware that I haven't even begun to delve into its cavalcade of issues, but I just can't bring myself to do so. That in itself says a lot. I'm totally ambivalent about the piece. It isn't fun, but it isn't boring; it isn't competent, but it isn't offensive; it isn't anything, but it isn't... well, anything. In the end, it will leave you feeling like Venom himself: hungry for something with a brain. Heck, even a bar of chocolate would be more fulfilling. 3/10.
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A fun but forgettable theater watch
Quintrevino1 October 2021
I enjoyed the film while watching it in the theater, it certainly has some entertaining action and some funny moments, but it's just a average movie. A good movie for watching with a group of friends or family but nothing special.
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The Art of Genetic Movie Engineering
Tweetienator4 October 2021
Marvel and DC these days remind me of those big players of the worldwide cheeseburger "distribution network" - the products always taste the same, because the ingredients are always accurately of the same nature and made the same way. Always. The same applies these days to those entertainment companies - you already know what to expect if a new show or movie leaves the factories of those big players of genetic movie engineering. Venom: Let There Be Carnage is not a candidate for the worst movie categories nor a total bore or fail, it is just a part of that endless and constant stream of "entertainment" these factories produce: easy to consume, easy to forget. Long gone are the times when I heard people talking about a new movie or show of those "big" players. Disappointed? No, it's just business as usual.
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Should Be Longer
NathanLy30 September 2021
I am not gonna write a long review, but hands down, best venom from all his appearances in movies and tv. I was begging for another hour when it was over. I loved it.
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I Was Expecting Way More
Movies_Frever30 September 2021
Main issue is that it should have been R-Rated. All Carnage scenes would have been so much cooler. Most of the CGI looks decent, but some scenes look really weird, like almost Ghost Rider (2007) level bad, when Carnage is jumping around fast. When he walks it looks better.

I'm not even sure why i was expecting better movie, because first Venom wasn't anything special either, but in first Movie, Venom CGI at least looked very good.

Overall i'm still glad that they made this movie and that there's finally live-action version of one of the most evil Spider-Man villains, best part of whole movie was end-credit scene.
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marianos24 October 2021
Absolutely zero character build-up , zero script, super predictable, boring and totally ridiculous. The movie felt that it was on a hurry, with forced and super convenient circumstances. Screentime was really short so I don't know which one to blame, the producers or the director.

It seems that their only target was to deliver some cheesy jokes. It was a huge mess -- I really feel sorry for Woody Harelson who I honestly think he could play a terrific Cletous Cassidy if anyone cared to write a decent script.
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Pleasantly surprised but not without its bad
cjc02012 October 2021
I would give this movie a 6.5-7/10 stars. The story was concise and easy to follow while still also making sense and being pretty dope.

  • Shriek was an awfully written character. Her dialogue was the worst part of the movie and I was very disappointed with her involvement in the film.

  • Nothing about Woody Harrelson's performance really stands out to me as amazing.

  • story is very fast but only has one fight between the main hero and villain. Could have used a 2nd act climactic scene.

Pros: -Tom Hardy.

  • the relationship between Venom and Eddie.

  • The humor, particularly most of Venom's lines.

  • the cgi looked amazing.

-the post credit scene 😍
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PG Carnage that is
kosmasp26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you had issues with the first one and the (low) level of violence it had (PG13 and all that), do not expect this to be any better. This also is PG13. Since I am not too aware of Venom as he was depicted in the comics, I was free of that and quite enjoyed the first one.

And while the bonus scene in the end credits of the first Venom movie hinted at Woody Harrelson being the main bad guy in this one (with a now different look for no reason I can think of), he is quite underused to be honest. The main focus of the movie relies on the relationship of Venom and Tom Hardys character. The side story is the love story between Harrelsons character and a woman with an ability ... that should open quite a few doors emotionally and otherwise, but never gets fully explored ... because people have to fight and CGI and all that.

So the human drama only works between Hardy and Venom - everything else (even the cop) are side notes at best. Having said all that, the movie works if you don't mind those things too much and cut it some slack. It still feels like a step back from the previous entry.

That is until the ending. And I don't mean the end fight (although the CG is quite stunning all things considered) ... I am talking about the bonus scene in the credits. I am not going to tell you what happens and I really hope you can watch it without knowing. As with the looking into the future that the first Venom had in store for us ... this does too! But with quite the promise ... although depending on how you feel about ... certain things you may feel different than me. Still it has to be seen to be believed! Oh the hype is real - and that bonus scene almost made me give this a bigger/higher rating too ...
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Carnage... More like Friendship
DongDiggity3 October 2021
Seriously, you call your sequel let their be Carnage yet make it pg13 which limits everything! Carnage has always been about violence and to a certain degree as is venom. It's bad enough they made venom "good" they sterilized carnage as well! I had such high hopes for this but was left saying what the F!

This film should be rated low AF but sadly people are so indoctrinated into crappy movies they no longer can make proper determinations.
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Better than I thought
kuner-5902930 September 2021
Ever since the 90s, this story was waiting to be brought to film. You had the video games, you had the comics, but the idea of a live action Maximum Carnage movie seemed far fetched. Well here it is, and it's... surprisingly better than it has any right to be.

It's loud, it's dumb, Tom Hard's Eddie Brock still fails to convince, but you won't be bored (aside from the inevitable overblown CGI finale).

Sony's new Marvel movies are turning out much better than the Disney ones and better than the recent DC output as well. Enjoy!
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Fat-Fingered it
view_and_review5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was thoroughly disappointed with "Venom: Let There be Carnage". It was such a botched job from the beginning I wonder what was the thought process behind it.

The movie begins with a scene from 1996 at an orphanage or some such place. A girl named Frances Barrison was removed from there because her powers had become too dangerous. In short order we find that she has powers similar to Banshee in that her scream is loud enough to cause damage. Her forcible removal from the institution drove her soulmate, Cletus Kasady, mad.

We fast-forward to present day and Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is single again. Apparently, things didn't work out between him and Anne (Michelle Williams). That part was fine, but what wasn't was the new Chatty Cathy Venom we had to endure. Here is this sinister, brain-eating, alien symbiote that wants to be a comedian ALL THE TIME. It was flat out amazing how much Venom talked, and not in a good way. He doesn't have the voice for comic relief, yet that's what he was attempting to be and he was failing miserably. But Venom's attempts at stand-up paled in comparison to the fat-fingered manner in which they brought about Venom's antagonist Carnage.

Present day Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson) was a condemned man.

And if I could just sidebar for a second: casting sixty-year-old Woody Harrelson as the antagonist in this movie was such a terrible choice. He was supposed to be fifty at the absolute oldest and he looked terrible in the hairpiece and flashy clothing.

OK, back to the story. Cletus was such a prolific killer, the governor reversed the moratorium on the death penalty especially for him. Before his execution date, Cletus wanted to get a message to Frances (Naomie Harris) who was serving time in a cell specially made for her and her powers. Cletus promised Eddie a full story if he would print one simple message on the front page of his paper. Eddie agreed because a full story from an infamous serial killer is career-making. When Eddie visited with Cletus, Venom was able to gather a few visual clues to help Eddie find all of Cletus's buried victims without a word from Cletus. This propelled Eddie to newspaper stardom and sealed Cletus's fate. In this very elementary way Eddie became Cletus's nemesis.

Cletus wanted to see Eddie one last time before his execution to antagonize him for unearthing his secrets. Somehow, through knowledge Cletus divined from thin air, Cletus began ridiculing Eddie on a personal level that would require a fairly intimate knowledge of Eddie's past. This level of ridicule triggered Venom and he attacked Cletus. Cletus then grabbed Eddie's hand and bit him hard enough to draw blood. That blood, now on Cletus's lips, had enough alien matter in it to be the key ingredient for what happened next.

When Cletus was pumped full of the lethal injection cocktail it mixed with his small bit of alien essence and created Carnage; an alien symbiote even more powerful than Venom. Carnage then made a grand exit from San Quentin Prison and we now had a CGI battle between two aliens that could not have been more forced.

Let me recap: Frances aka Screech separated from Cletus. Cletus becomes a homicidal maniac. Cletus bites Eddie because he's that crazy. Eddie's blood with a small amount of alien matter is now in Cletus. Cletus gets injected with lethal cocktail and becomes Carnage. Venom fights Carnage to the death.

This is a story that maybe gets a fifth grader an A, but a high-schooler an F. This is not the sort of shoddy movie-making I expect from Marvel, even if this isn't part of the MCU.
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a bit of fun and some chaos
SnoopyStyle26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Venom is getting tired of chicken and chocolate. He wants human brains but Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) resists. Both are eager to get back together with Anne Weying (Michelle Williams) but she's marrying Dan. Serial killer Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson) invites Eddie to a visit before his execution. Venom attack Cletus who takes a bite transforming him into Carnage.

This is the second Venom movie with Tom Hardy. I like Venom and Tom Hardy's chemistry. Michelle Williams needs to bring down her guard. It's her character work because when she actually relax, they have lots of fun. At her best, she's like Mrs. Chen and that's good. The main drawback is the chaotic visuals and the limitations of the villains. Frances is one-dimensional when she could be more. As for the chaos, it's the comic book material and I don't know if anything can be done about that.
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This is just an opinion
kickit-8991125 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All that I saw was a romantic relationship between Brock and Venom. Bad fights, bad dialogues, comedy for a child. Forced humor, again for little children. What are they trying to do with new marvel movies? Why are they starting to make them for everybody? My grandma would enjoy Venom 2. Hope everybody understood what I meant.
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Finally we get Carnage!!!
tgelina1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Better than the first movie. Funny, lots of action. They are finally bringing Venom to Disneys MCU!!!
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An improvement, but a lot still to be desired.
Batman900330 September 2021
Well, at least this film is a leaner, meaner, funnier fighting machine than the first. But the first was a disappointment. So it's best not to have the greatest expectations going into this film. Venom 2 does double down on the humor, relationships, overall wackiness of the franchise, and Venom causing carnage(lol). Tom Hardy is better than ever and Woody Harrelson knocks it out of the park. Naomie Harris is also great but underutilized in this movie. It has a short run time but the film benefits from the length. Yeah, it has its typical superhero overblown CGI fest ending. But it's funny and fun while being very noisy and messy at the same time. Just stick around for the post credits scene as it's a game changer!
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Venom: Let There Be Cringe
ashfordofficial27 November 2021
One of the most disappointing films of this year. A mind-numbingly tiresome entry in Sony's Spider-Man Universe. I can't figure out what is happening in this dumb-but-not-good-dumb sequel for a much superior predecessor. The big mistake they made was the shortening of the runtime to just 97 minutes, resulting in a jumbled mess of editing scrape.

Annoying scene transitions, an uneven storytelling, lazy and unconvincing performance by a talented cast and poorly written unfunny dialogues that made me cringe. Andy Serkis needs to take a break from direction. He's not suitable for this job. If he was an able director, he won't turn this film into a trashy nothingness.
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I enjoyed it more than I expected
Gordon-1117 October 2021
The story is pretty engaging, and the visual effects are phenomenal. There's comedy in the symbiosis. The story offers much tension too. I enjoyed it more than I expected.
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Weird and short, but still good nonetheless
scootergresham1 October 2021
It's almost hard to tell if I enjoy Venom: Let there be Carnage more than the first Venom film because I didn't know what to think of it. However, the final third of movie convinced me that this was a good movie despite the craziness of the first half of the movie. My only two complaints are that the film should've been longer and there should've been more Carnage! Overall, a whacky but enjoyable movie with a very interesting mid credits scene.
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