Major Grom: Plague Doctor (2021) Poster

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Major Grom: Plague Doctor: Missing, something
Platypuschow16 February 2024

Supercop Grom fights crime in St. Petersburg - an uphill battle. A vigilante starts killing the powerful, who escaped justice.


Unfamiliar with anybody involved, or the source material.


I'm not familiar with Major Grom in the slightest and only wound up watching this as it was recommended to me.

Upon learning it was a Russian superhero movie my guard went up, I was burned before with 2017's The Guardians which I had very hopes for but turned out to be remarkably terrible.

I went in with concerns and though certainly better made and more stylish than The Guardians it still falls short as though not a bad film it's all just so very, expected. It's predictable, it's generic, it's a wish-wash mess of things we see frequently.

Grom himself is an unlikable character, the supporting characters are overdone stereotypes and the passable villain couldn't make up for that.

The plot itself, I quite liked. But would you have enjoyed Lord of the Rings as much if the characters were as annoying as The Walking Dead and the lead was Morbius?

Several shades of meh.


I'm shortly going to do my top 10 best Russian films and I fear it'll be terrible, a list of poor movies because I simply haven't seen anything Russian that I really liked. I hope I'm proven wrong, but let's see. Curious, go check it out on my profile.


Has a certain charm Tries to be too "Hollywood" Unengaging Weak characters.
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Better than expected, but nothing exceptional
werry3007 July 2021
I think both the 10 star reviews and the 1-2 ones are way off chart here. The movie is somewhere in the middle.

This is a typical action movie with lots of cliches that have proven to work over time. It is what people call a popcorn movie, just some fun entertainment. For what it is, it is enjoyable. And after watching the latest Hollywood movie in the same style (F9), I have to say, I enjoyed this one more.
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Fun Movie
timkuney14 July 2021
Fun Movie, Russian with English dub. Kind of a cross between Jack Reacher and Batman. Hope they make another.
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Glad I watched this! I liked it!
LauraAnnG23 July 2021
Over the span of two days I watched (on Netflix) a terrible movie called "Cosmic Sin" (I won't even bother to review it - what a waste of time) and Major Grom: Plague Doctor.

The latter is really a fun movie. I enjoyed it immensely and recommend it absolutely.

I watched it in Russian with English subtitles, which for me is how I prefer to watch foreign movies and TV shows. That being said, I admit that Russian is a challenging language to listen to for an American. My ear is more tuned to to French, Italian and Scandinavians. But still, this was fine.

It is beautifully filmed. It has a wonderful score. The music is great!

The actors are fabulous -- all of them.

The plot is good and has a twist that while formulaic was still fun.

There's a lot of humor in this movie, some disturbing violence, and fabulous action scenes. It never gets boring.

Overall, it is pretty over the top but for a comic book action movie, that's what you want, right?

It was a great way to spend two hours on a hot summer weekend.

I look forward to the sequel!

P. S. I keep wondering what it is they are eating! Are they sub sandwiches? Giant burritos?
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andrewchristianjr23 August 2021
It's a nice surprise. A Russian film, but one that looks like a Hollywood blockbuster, and that's a compliment. The film has a good art direction and features action scenes that are not crude. A mixture of batman, the joker and V for Vendetta with a dash of stylistic comedy makes this Russian movie an entertaining watch.
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Loved this one
aastikhimta8 July 2021
The plot was good . Actor did their roles nicely. There were some nice plot twists and good action scenes too. A decent time killer . Go for it.
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Pretty great new superhero addition
duzt-5280413 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't cosmic stuff, but it's a pretty fun addition to an overly done superhero genre. Pretty well acted with parallels to a lot of Batman stuff - you got the commish and a poor Batman who simply sticks to his morals of not killing anyone. I like the unique aspect of Igor thinking through and them showing onscreen various's more forethought than parallel universe type stuff, but it's great to see that stuff in action. You get the little sidekick guy and a love interest and a villain who seems eerily similar to the Joker who first comes out as a firestarter and then gets sent to an asylum where he shows some other crazy personality and potential powers for sequels. Overall pretty good movie.
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Don't let the Russian trolls fool you
Kromulous11 July 2021
This movie is mediocre at best. Decent production value but the story is slow developing and kind of lame. The big twist is cliche and it's difficult to stay engaged. The people rating it a 10 are either paid stooges or Russian bots. The movie isn't horrible but its only for when you really have no other options. When a cop uses a phrase from Star Trek TNG that's when I gave up entirely. Go watch some anime reruns and you'll be far more entertained.
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Unexpectedly good superhero movie from Russia
rainfollower-95-64632424 April 2021
I never expected it to be anything that good. No, really, it's fun! First, it is a really well-made piece of filming. Second, this is a real superhero movie, a fact even more surprising, taken that... well, let's be frank, Russians do not know anything of comic books and superheros. It's just not in the culture. But this one time they did it!

Igor Gromov (Grom ~ Thunder) is a superhero without superpowers. You may think of him as a total anti-Batman: he wears no mask , owns no money (lives in poverty literally), has no fame, but he acts in absolutely the same manner as Bruce Wayne: using his brain, and his knuckles, and never taking a life. You will find other references to Gotham, too: the police department, for example, and some other places, which are totally unrealistic for Russia. But the rest is just a thick layer of everyday Saint-Petersburg life smeared over slices of the most truthfully taken city center. Together, the hero and the city background make the most wonderful mix! As for the story, it is much different from those done by Marvel or DC. I'd even say it is quite unique. It runs along a different kind of track, and it has different climax points and unexpected turns.

Overall. Good writing. Good acting. Good CG. I'll say it again, this is a just a very well made movie. And it is fun! Probably the very first real Russian superhero movie that really made it!
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Not quite the Plague it was meant to be!
fmatt-8898011 July 2021
Thus movie provides an interesting insight into modern Russian culture and filmmaking.

All of the elements are there: a hero, a villain, impossible odds, and a sidekick for comic relief and saving the day.

You will need to read a bit of Russian as there are no subtitles here.

The photography is well done. The plot twist is held from us for two thirds of the flick and there are no western stereotypes of tall blonde nonhumourous women. Instead we have modern young people listening to Russian Rap waiting their turn to take a swipe at the Oligarchy.

And, as with all superhero flicks, don't be surprised if there is a sequel.

Not bad.
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Complete collection of Hollywood clichés
justhoaxer5 May 2021
This movie is a complete collection of Hollywood clichés from comic book movies. Every scene is copied from some American movie, with details replaced. If in a Hollywood movie the villain wears a mask with Santa Claus or a nun, here it is a character from a Soviet style, and all that sort of thing. Scenes at the police station, dialogues, jokes (if you can call it that)...

There was a movie like that -- Last Action Hero (1993), there were some parody scenes at the police station, some parody chases and parody villains. Well, the movie I'm reviewing is a parody of a parody.

Absolutely dead dialogues and characters. The only character that evokes feelings is the dog at the beginning of the movie. Great acting, character development in dynamics. And she thankfully wasn't given any dialogue. 3/10.
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Surprisingly good comic book movie with russian atmosphere
livekir10 April 2021
If you didn't know, most russian movies have such a poor script that sometimes you think the whole industry is cursed. But not this movie. It's like the Iron Man for MCU - Mayor Grom is a solid start for a Bubble comics cinematic universe. Great shots, decent humor, plot twist and the villain for whom you have sympathy. Never got bored and I really want more. Also the cast and all the creatrs are very good passionate people, they deserve our support. Go see this movie in the cinema.
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Average movie with subtle dystopian jabs.
MovieJunkie197612 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you have the spare time this is an interesting film. I think most of the movies strength was in its satirical commentary on the breakdown of society under the weight of competing corruption and incompetence on the part of a nations government and leadership. The lazy cops that tell the old man he is a victim and they do not care. The boss with no spine ordering Grom to resign so he does not have to make a decision as a leader and can him. For doing his job I believe it was. The court room scene where the judge won't let the witness testify unless he says what the judge wants to hear. The lecture Grom gives to the witness after the trail about just accepting a failed and corrupt system or else he will be sent to prison. The sad woman that apologized for the irritated witness being upset over a small child being mowed down and killed by a sports car driving entitled POS , almost as if to say he is wrong to be upset about it at all.

This was a very cunning and subtle dystopian hit on the world set to the comic hero style of film. Not the best I have seen , but I have seen worse.
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6.3 - really?
jeandaniel-097379 September 2021
This filmis so retro, clumsily acted and the story is unbelievably bumpy.

How can people find any funin it.

Besides, the English dubbing is very poor and the German subtitles are below any reason.
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Evidence of Russian film industry progress.
knowledgefiend13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll warn you that I find superhero films as they currently are pretty dull. Marvel movies are calculated until they have no risk or soul--and lets be honest, that's pretty much what Disney is all about. The big problem I have with most of these types of movies is that they are indistinct and safe.

This film wouldn't have been made in America because we wouldn't focus on an intrepid police side character. We tend to lean toward Batman and less toward a James Gordon story. Which means no matter how much a movie may grapple with the morality of their vigilante they won't paint them a villain. This movie inverts that equation and kinda looks down on this super-vigilante-dude.

This felt distinct to me, like something that could have come out back between 2000 and 2010. It has a film noir style that works. Characters have agency and don't simply serve the story. The dialogue comes out of the characters mouths and feels genuine. There's no Joss Whedon film student dialogue that will make your eyes roll out of your head. Plus the actors are great.

I recommend this to people that may have fallen out of love with the superhero genre.
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Russian DC Comics
siderite16 July 2021
If you take the characteristics of characters in Batman and shuffle them around, you kind of get Plague Doctor. Major Grom is the hero and the best detective in the city. The villain is like Batman and Lex bundled together and homicidal, the female reporter is like Lois Lane, the grizzled police chief is a cliche and the helpful little rookie helper is a combination of all sidekicks ever.

This wasn't a very good movie, but it was good enough to make it entertaining. And the two after credits scene clearly shows they intend to make this a series. I wish them luck, even if I think it's coming a bit late.
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superb movie
livio23815 June 2021
A very good movie , ignore the critics.....a must-watch.
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who ever gave it above 8, should be automatically filtered out
xboy457 July 2021
Pluses: Good cast, great actors, good vibe overall.

Minuses: Obvious, sometimes too much hard try, not intriguing, and most of the time a cliche that is known/said or done many times.

Watch it for fun, dont expect much.
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A little too long and a very Russian feel to the film, which is a nice change, but it doesn't quite hit the spot...
James_Denton30 October 2021
The film is just a little too long as it started so well and maintained a theme/pace I was enjoying... but it dragged on a little too long which doesn't do it any favours.

There is a very Russian feel to this film, with the main character playing the Russian male stereotype of wanting to be 'tough'.

The film doesn't take itself too seriously and the as action films go... it's ok.

Mildly recommended if you're looking for something different to the American style films.
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Loved it
capitanoadriano9 July 2021
Now that was a surprise. A very pleasant one. From Russia. And I have to say it blows most Hollywood movies of similar topics right out of the water.

It's quite refreshing, has good humor, good actors, personas and some surprising camera work & techniques.

I'm mostly bored of anything kinda superhero nowadays as they are all the same, but this one is a breath of fresh air. More please!
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The opposite of batman
kalyan_gnp7 July 2021
Good direction. Characters were played out well. Sense of humor was better than expected even for a dubbed movie. Enjoyed.
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Who is your hero?
kir_grach13 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A creator of an innovative online service and the free internet is fighting against the corrupted judges and officials but the police tries to stop it. Adore. So Russian.

Intrinsically, it seems to be a true story about Pavel Durov, who run the first social media in Russia and was forced to sell his business and leave his homeland.
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Better than 90% of super hero movies
donumdei10 July 2021
This movie was amazing, I have never expected Russian's make a movie this good. I love it. It's cool, funny, charming and has all the right characters. Just watch it. I swear 90% of the marvel or DC movies bore me to death because it's so long and never grabs my attention fully. This movie was awesome.
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Somehow predictable
robertofeldman9 July 2021
Predictable. Very fight club, but still, entertaining.
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"Nice" try
meissotruey7 May 2021
Full of cliche, has bad dialogues, kinda strange and unconvincing staging. They tried their best to re-create this known western formula of making movies. I can't say that it was a nice try, just because nearly all big ( especially these days) movies(that i watched) looked at least more original than Major Grom.
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