Expats (TV Series 2023–2024) Poster


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Still watching but I'm not sure why
moviemom2317 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have hung in there to episode 5 now. I am just now starting to see some connections between episodes. Sort of. Its a strange show, but somehow I keep watching.

Episode 1 was weird and episode 2 gave some context. Episode 3 and 4 were rough for me- I hate vomit and sex scenes, so there was a lot of fast-forwarding. Also some of the characters are irritating, I am skipping through their parts too. Honestly its most of the cast. Hillary and David are awful and the introduction of Hillary's mother is not a positive development.

Looks like I may be the sole reviewer who doesn't mind Nicole Kidman's face. I believe she is still beautiful and can play an older mom who had her kids in her late 30s to mid 40s. The bigger problem is there is zero chemistry with her and the husband. Maybe less than zero.

Also her "friend", husband, and other expats are supposedly in Hong Kong "working" (and apparently making BANK) but they never work. The husband, "Clarke", looks Chinese- but doesn't speak ANY Chinese? How the F does he work basically in China and not even speak a word of the language?? What's his backstory? No idea yet. I just learned they "miss" New York- how / why did they move to HK? The political backdrop is finally addressed in episode 5. Will it play a part in the story? Hope so it may help.

The expat characters are really impossible to like. They are a vapid, hollow, alcoholic, entitled, filthy rich lot who have zero redeeming qualities living in splendor, wearing designer clothes.

I am more riveted watching the lives of the Phillipine staff you begin to see in episode 5. I had no knowledge of these people working as servants in HK. Its heartbreaking. The scenes of them on their day off about the city were really interesting and well done.

Hopefully things will start to come together. I am rather over it after this episode if things don't improve.

Watch at your own risk.
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Episode 5 almost made the previous 4 episodes irrelevant
harrison-yhchen19 February 2024
Episode 5 is almost feature-length, with a runtime of 100 minutes. It's beautifully shot and rather cinematic, primarily focusing on supporting characters from the previous four episodes. It's so powerful that it reflects both societal issues and interpersonal relationships among those characters. With maybe 40 more minutes added to it, this could be a great feature film rather than a series. Lulu Wang definitely excels at making features, not so much for TV series as of now. The stories of these supporting characters from previous episodes are so much more interesting than the main story right now. Both excited and worried about the finale.
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Hits Some Heights Of Prestige Drama, If Not Consistently Enough To Be Great
zkonedog29 February 2024
Expats is an interesting mix of The Leftovers (for its meditations on grief/loss) and Big Little Lies (for its "rich miserable people" themes). While the series does from time to time fulfill those lofty ambitions, it doesn't do so frequently enough to truly be considered great.

For a very basic overview, Expats follow the exploits of three women living in Hong Kong but originally from the United States (hence the title). Margaret (Nicole Kidman) is undergoing a severe family tragedy regarding a missing child. Hilary (Sarayu Blue) seemingly has it all--career, style, beauty--but struggles with any sort of home/family life outside of her job, especially as it pertains to David (Jack Huston). Mercy (Ji-young Yoo) is a young woman torn between her teenaged Hong Kong adventures and more serious dalliances with older men and the local protest scene (of which she wants to be a part of). As the series progresses through its six episodes, these three characters converge in often-unexpected ways.

There are times when Expats hits the very heights of prestige TV drama. Certain scenes and character interactions will have you absolutely rapt and thinking deeply about your own life through the compelling arcs. I was especially drawn to the Hilary character, but each angle has its heights to be sure. Series creator Lulu Wang also takes risks--like a feature-length (1:40.00) episode almost exclusively devoted to Hong Kong's domestic help industry. It certainly isn't a show afraid of "big swings".

Now, do those prodigious hacks always produce solid contact? Not necessarily. The first episode can be a little overwhelming until the groundwork is laid, and it crams a lot of serious topics into its scant six-episode run. All the character resolutions may not be everyone's cup of tea, either. Somewhat oddly, this is a series that--at least for me--was a little less than the sum of its parts. In other words, my individual episode rankings slightly outpaced what I ultimately thought of the season as a whole.

That is truly the best way I can describe my experience watching Expats. Each episode had enough highly emotional or deeply thought-provoking moments to never be boring or outright poor, but in the grand scheme of things I didn't feel like it added up to much. A solid watch for those who enjoy deeper fare--but perhaps not one that will rocket to the top of best-of lists.
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Beautifully shot Hong Kong in the Rain
ed-579-99786119 February 2024
This series keeps you watching because its setting is just so gorgeous. The story is not bad either. And okay I get some of the hate on Nicole Kidmans deformed underface together with her very unlikable character but at the same time I really love that elder women are now being cast for younger roles. Finally. It's great. All in all if you've been to Hong Kong you will love just being in the absolutely beautiful scenes. Makes me want to continue the Hong Kong trip by putting on a Wong Kar Wai film after.

Watch it for its beauty. The story is also not bad at all. I think it's definitely an enjoyable watch.
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First episode is good but awkward
oliviafarag26 January 2024
I really loved the trailer for this - amazing composition of music and montages. I think they gave away a bit too much of the story though. You already know what is going to happen before you start watching. There is a church scene immediately followed by a raunchy sex scene. The character of Mercy isn't really fleshed out (yet) and the dancing scene in the food joint feels contrived. Whenever Kidman does grief / laughter (in the same scene) she resorts to the same mannerisms. There is one line that she plays almost identical to Rabbit Hole. Still, she looks lovely and looking forward to episode 2.
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A typical crisis drama under the guise of a fancy term
julieshotmail25 February 2024
"Expats" lures you in just with its title alone. After all, who wouldn't want to have a taste of expat life being that it exudes an aura of prestige? High rises, parties, housekeepers, nannies, and drivers. What a life, yes. It would have been interesting if this series further explored this aspect of it, instead of injecting a tragedy that muddles the whole purpose and concept of this series. It just becomes another family drama, a mediocre one at that, as the episodes meander with no central direction. Frankly I would not have started or even continued this series if Nicole Kidman is not attached to it. Disappointingly though, her acting appears to have diminished due to the odd ways her face contorts these days due to Botox or plastic surgery. The supporting characters are not quite fully developed, trying to have depth but ultimately come across as one-dimensional. Nevertheless, I give this series a 6 as it is beautifully shot, and I appreciate the episode that focuses on the helpers, even though it becomes indulgent with the comparatively long running time.
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Kidman's lip injections steal the show
mmegav30 January 2024
I would rather watch a 99 year old woman act with real musculature in her face than a near-60 year old injected and frozen trying to show emotion...unsuccessfully. I was so distracted every time Kidman's face came on screen. Her lips make speaking look difficult and painful and her cheeks are....weird. HOLLYWOOD: AGING IS OK. It honestly ruins the whole show. Does she love her children? Hate them? Is she happy or sad? I honestly can't tell because every facial expression is the same frozen, over-plumped, injected tragedy. Human emotions move human emotions, and authentic facial expressions are key. Nicole: it's ok. Play your age and stop the madness that pressures other women to follow.
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Dig below the surface...
vladimirchl16 February 2024
Well written, well developed, interesting.

I was shocked to see the show having below 6, then I read reviews, and I am very surprised that people are complaining about this show, but it's also a good reflection of where are we now as a global society, and what do we focus on. Well done for beautiful reverse art moment.

When you surpass the egoistic-flat characters (which is also a point I think) you start noticing people from the background as well, and how perspective can be shifted and how nothing is at it seems. Yet it takes time and every person has much more to her/him than just the facade. Even the flat characters are not ... that flat, they are just in a different reality.

The intertwined destiny of EACH character is interesting and I cannot wait for more. Also, I'm so glad that it's running weekly, like before - when you had to wait for the show. But at the same time you had some time to think about it before it comes, talk with your friends, stop and think, not just bluntly continue to the next episode to wait for something to... happen. Something should happen inside of you.

I'm especially positively surprised with the last one (S1E05) - being an expat living in Dubai for such a long time, and working and observing Filipino workers closely, I could feel the Filipino story being told so ... gently... truthfully... and honestly... From the gossip moment to the moment when they are treated just like people from the background yet... They always, always have each other's back.

A lot of time, people forget that each human and each person has their own story to be told, and all happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Beautiful show! Beautiful.
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A bit different...
surrinderella3 April 2024
I really enjoyed this. Saw it advertised and put it on my watch list. Just the combination of ex pats and starring Nicole Kidman was enough to peak my interest.

This isn't a normal film, it's a bit special and because it's a bit special, not everyone is going to get it or appreciate the effort. The first episode was extremely slow but once you get used to the pace you can enjoy the cinematography, which not only highlighting Hong Kong but the intensity of shots and angles, many of which are subtle, clever and thought-provoking.

The cast were all brilliant. I really enjoyed the historical accuracy of the protests and also the lives of maids - this could be a spin-off drama! I loved the different cultures and languages.

The drama itself is about relationships, family trauma, tragedy, despair, love, redemption and hope. Without adding any spoilers the main storyline is very sad but beautifully made.

My only criticism, the scenes of a sexual nature and nudity really were unnecessary, I don't believe they added anything extra to the drama.
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northernpaladin27 January 2024
A vacuous empty story about empty vacuous people in an empty vacuous city. One paced stilted direction drags the piece along at a snails pace with barely discernable dialogue which is incomprehensible even when you can hear it. The plot, such as it is, goes nowhere and at two episodes in I was utterly bored. None of the characters are remotely likeable and the acting is pedestrian at best; Kidman gives another of her now oh so familiar dead eyed facially paralysed performances that make you yearn for the actress that promised and delivered so much. Watching this reminded me of that wave of 70's avant garde theatre productions where all of the first act was spent staring out of a window or waiting for a letter to arrive. This is pompous pointless 'art' masquerading as film, don't bother, I've already wasted two hours.
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Can I have just 5 minutes without a woman's appearance being dissected?
leigh-007453 February 2024
I might (read: probably am) naive, but can we collectively at least try to evolve beyond the relentless criticism of female bodies and faces? It's exhausting. Not that it matters, but I think she's actually done less to herself the last couple of years. Even if I'm wrong, a) who gives a kit, and b, c, d & e) she's still really, really good at what she does, including what she does here. For the 9/10 of you that say you "can't get past her face/ lips/ whatever", honestly, just can it already. And while I'm at it, I don't care how old you think she looks compared to her husband either. I'd hazard to guess that none of you are handwringing over the May-December relationships that exist in the 99,530 other films when it's a man who's senior, so check your sexism already.

Is the pacing sitcom-speed pacing? No. Is it even "Succession"-speed pacing? Again, no. It's a slow burn, so know that going in, but it's also a compelling storyline, as "worst nightmare" scenarios often are. I'm into it.
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Episodes in the Wrong Order!
pasinger29 January 2024
What is this modern addiction to telling stories out of sequence?! I definitely think people should watch Episode 2 before Episode 1. It has much more punch and sets the scene for what comes next. You get to meet the main characters and the gist of the story rather than trying to work out what's going on if you just watch Episode 1 first, which is wishy washy and almost had me switching off before I watched episode 2!

Also, I do tend to agree with the other reviews about Nicole Kidman being too old to play a mum with 3 young children, although they could easily have done her hair, makeup and clothes to make her appear younger.
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A Cure for Insomnia
shenzencowboy27 January 2024
I've spent quite a bit of time in Hong Kong over the years and was really looking forward to this. It was extraordinarily disappointing. The characters are uninteresting and hard to like. The pace is positively glacial.

I've never been a Nicole Kidman fan but in this she runs through the full gamut of emotions from A to B. She acts like she has just woken up and remembers she's appearing in a TV show.

I have family members who lived in Hong Kong as ex pats. I'm pretty sure life was never that dull. It could have been really good. There have been some wonderful shows set in Hong Kong.

I believe the book was popular. This was incredibly disappointing and dull.
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soap opera, meh
kyrenaika26 January 2024
If that's your thing, it's well acted and visually stunning. But who knew that the secret lives of the rich and famous could be so boring and pedestrian? Great acting and stunning visuals can't save this from being what it is. A very expensive soap opera. A good amount of diversity, if that's all you care about. Plenty of children, who can't act, they just project. Pretty place, pretty things. A big pile of words that will likely put you to sleep. What's the point of having all that money and all you do is go to boring parties and talk talk talk about your uninteresting and vacuous lives? Looking pretty? The apparel here is meh, as well. But that's the least of their problems. I think the Gus car might be the only interesting character.
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Deserves much higher rating!
shabzyounus25 May 2024
This show is up there when it comes to writing, characters and acting. Just heartbreaking. Should be at least a 7 rating. Gives you so many different viewpoints. It's multi-dimensional. Hong Kong is a great backdrop too. And the whole premise is really thought provoking. What happens to the people who play a part in tragedies? We always think about victims but what about those who have to live with what they've done? That's what this show explores and it does it really well. Nicole Kidman is perfect in the lead role and I really like the Mercy and Hilary characters , thought they were so interesting.

Really worth watching.
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Agree with Other Reviewer: Start with Episode 2!
tkmgpvf28 January 2024
If you watch the opening scene in episode 1 where we hear Mercy narrating tragic events in tiles, then jump to episode 2, the plot emerges more clearly. Scenes make more sense with context around the characters. I am sticking around for the isolated, individual human experiences being revealed (Mercy swimming; Hilary in a bathroom). Character interactions with one other still seem stilted and unnatural - but maybe that's the point. Kidman isn't a deal breaker for me, but when I think about Big Little Lies, and another's reviewer suggestion, Zoë Kravitz as Margaret would have made this series both cooler and hotter.
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What the... ?
idootoonl28 January 2024
When I started to watch the first episode I didn't know what to expect. It has a great storyline and some strong acting. From the beginning you have to sit, watch and see how the story is unfolding. At first I did not connect with the storyline. There is a lot going on. It's an emotional roller coaster with some intertwining storylines but after rewatching the episode I saw, and understand, where we are going.

The visuals are stunning but who did cast Nicole Kidman? I love her, but since she dit some plastic surgery with her upper lip, I can't watch her without being constantly drawn to her upper lip. It is distracting but her overacting is also very distracting and it doesn't the show any good.

It could have been such a good show, read an eight...
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laragianessi26 January 2024
I hate writing these reviews because IMDb makes you write a novel now just to express your feelings for a film. Anyways, I couldn't be more bored with this series. Why is it Nicole Kidman always stars in purposefully confusing tv and film? Long pauses and gestures and strange facial expressions and NO ONE KNOWS WHY! She must think her very presence carries the film. It does not! For a first episode, it is so dull. I'm not going to watch the second.

The extra characters in the film are boring and one dimensional characters. The children running around are more interesting. Oh well. I've wasted my time before. Nicole Kidman is not very fun to watch anymore.

It's not horrible but it's NOT 6 stars.
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If you're an adult, ignore the negative reviews from teens
lovelyxnight5 February 2024
This series is unequivocally above average and sadly the majority of the negative reviews come from kids who are expecting a fast-paced action as their attention spans are short and limited. Think people who flip through social media daily to watch reels; slow burners aren't their thing. This is a well written, well acted, well directed slow burner. The storyline is brilliant and it has me completely absorbed in it and glued to my seat wanting more. The only criticism I suppose would be that there are scenes such as the one with full frontal nudity that seem unnecessary. Other than that, an outstanding series and you can never go wrong with the infallible Nicole Kidman. A must watch!
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Unfortunately I watched episode 2 first....
krystlepies-328-9324279 February 2024
...and it sucked. I saw the reviews saying to watch episode 2 first but it ruined some of the mystery of episode 1. I like trying to figure out what's going on. I don't feel confused when the storyline is told a little out of place and I don't believe I would have if I'd just watched it the way it was intended to be watched. I wished I had just trusted the process. So, don't do that if you don't mind a slow burn and enjoy trying to piece things together.

Also, people are saying there are no likable characters. I can understand that but I actually like Hilary. Not because she's self important, snooty, and stuck up, but because she's who she is and not trying to pretend to be something she's not. David is wanting a change in his life but unwilling to accept the woman he married for who she just is. He's so focused on trying to change himself and her...and if that's not going his way he's self destructive. I think it's still a beautiful story. That's what it's about. Seeing how these people are all facing their own personal challenges and being self destructive in the process, but not completely giving up... just desperate for some freakin peace, love and joy.

I don't have an issue with Nicole Kidman. She's excellent. She plays the character well so far. That's ridiculous that people are so focused on her appearance. She's not Mickey Rourke for crying out loud. She's still beautiful to me.
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Distracted by Nicole Kidman's immobile face
rsvpericgarcetti9 February 2024
It's impossible to evaluate the show because lead actress Kidman's features are so distorted by her over-use of Botox & fillers that, at least for me, it proved too distracting to watch.

Why doesn't someone who loves her -- husband, best friend, agent? (uh, maybe not) -- help her accept that aging is not a crime so she can get back to the varied & fascinating characters she used to be known for? Hollywood seems to be more accepting of women aging than it once was. Helen Mirren, Emma Thompson, Michelle Yeoh and Jamie Lee Curtis, all older than Kidman, are wonderful to watch.

Please Nicole, it's not too late!
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The good old days in HK
hygog1 February 2024
This show has a serious mood; there's no humor or excitement to get your heart racing. However, it does shed light on expat life, especially from a housewife's perspective, which hits close to home for expats like us. Reminding us of the good time there. It's heartbreaking to see everyone leaving Hong Kong now due to all the chaos. Such a fantastic city, and let's hope this show won't end up being the last historical record of its finest moments. The camera work is a letdown, though. It feels too confined and doesn't capture the true essence of modern Hong Kong's awesomeness. This episode clearly is just sets the scene for the story. If you're not into expat life or Hong Kong, it might be a bit boring. Farewell, Hong Kong.
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"Slow" reviews are misleading
jackielle9 February 2024
Any time I look through reviews for dramas/thrillers and the majority claim that it's "slow"...after years of research (watching movies/shows), I now know that it's, in fact, not slow at all. That the viewers must be TikTok generation, 3 minute attention span, simpletons. The only reason I can think that so many believe it's slow is that..it builds? Like, I'm not sure where you guys want it to speed up? The plot progresses and provides background stories (when necessary) at an appropriate pace. It's a good show. Just watch it and stop reading into the reviews.

Here are the extra characters I need to submit this review. Enjoy!
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Kidman is not the right choice here
tvnuhhm28 January 2024
Update to my original review. We watched episode 4 and both agreed, "we out". It has gotten that bad. Kidman's character borders on insanity. The other actors all overplay the roles to the point of being a soap opera. The book may be intriguing, but the director seems intent on treating this like a film studies project, trying to prove how talented they are and instead missing the mark.

A provocative show, with multiple lives intertwined. But so hard to get past Kidman trying to play a wife ten years younger than she really is. The extensive plastic surgery is obvious and she over acts trying to be the mother of two elementary school age children. This is a distraction, and it becomes more apparent when she has her "moments" with close ups. Will keep watching, because the script is tight, but some of the acting is over the top. Another reviewer compared it to a soap opera. Not quite that bad, but it pushes the limit. Some good local scenery, and expect the plot lines to intersect and make it more enjoyable and understandable.
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leightaylor-882137 May 2024
Quite good - very interesting and believable.

Having been a expat and lived in Asia it is very real and a lot of the themes are very relatable.

The storyline is quite good and hooks you in and makes you want to binge watch. We knocked it off in a few nights as wanted to see what happened next.

Ending was a bit disappointing and a let down however, as expected more. You keep waiting for the main storyline to get some outcome or closure but it never seems to get there.

Good cast with good acting - although Nicole Kidman has had so much plastic surgery she is starting to look like Michael Jackson.
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