6.5 out of 10... watchable but irritating
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, it was watchable and pretty predictable. There were so many things that griped me though. Such as it being set in Spain, Erin speaks no Spanish at all, her husband is Spanish and friends are Spanish, yet 99% of the spoken language is English. Jordi only starts to have some kind of character development at episode 5, before that he hovers around the house while Erin goes missing and gets beaten up non stop, coming home bruised and cut and he questions nothing. Erin gets away with everything! A man gets mowed down outside the pharmacy after she follows him and she's on cctv as the last person seeing him and having an altercation, yet you hear nothing of that again.. steals a police car after assaulting them, gets chased down by them until they crash and most likely are seriously injured and nothing heard again.. oh and she stole a child and ran away with stolen gold.. the list goes on.

With all that that being said, I found it watchable but the writing was lazy and unbelievable.
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