Edge of Winter (2016) Poster

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Good Actors but Poorly written
somersetboy14 August 2016
It started off promising. The lead role is mostly played well and everything seemed set for a good movie. The feel and the production value was good. However, as the film progressed, it began to fall flat. Despite a good effort from the lead character, the character is not well written. I am not complaining about initial ambiguity, but at the overall way the lead character as well as all the other characters are scripted poorly. None of the characters have any depth and the whole story became 2 dimensional and irritating well into the film. But since my wife and I had invested good part of an hour by then, we continued watching anyway. This turned out to be an error on our part.

The problem is two fold. The viewer is not allowed to connect with either children even though there is every reason to. The viewer is also left hanging at the end of the movie with a very unsatisfactory outcome. I would not recommend it for that reason.
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Edge of winter, but not edge of seat.
AussieMovieReviews5 August 2016
4/10. Two brothers are with their unpredictable father for the weekend and find themselves stranded in the snow.

I did find at time that the tension was enough to keep you intrigued, but it kind of never explained itself and what it was trying to accomplish.

It had all the makings of a good film but just wasn't, main actor Joel Kinnaman was fairly convincing in his role and the two boys did s great job. The whole thing just fell flat with very sloppy story telling that was basically non existent.

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Dad, what are you doing?
nogodnomasters28 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Elliot's (Joel Kinnaman) life is in a downward spiral. He lost his job. His right arm is in a cast from where he belted his boss. Collection agencies are after him. Now to pour salt in the wound his ex-wife (Rachelle Lefevre) is going on a cruise with her successful husband (Shaun Benson). He offers Elliot a job at the warehouse as they drop off the two boys for him to watch. Elliot is not a role model father. He opts to take the kids shooting which involves a very extensive road trip in the middle of winter. Elliot likes his drink and he doesn't let driving get in the way. Events cause his downward spiral to accelerate as they get stuck in the wilds of Canada.

This is another Canadian drama with the word "Winter" or "Snow" in the title. (Write about things you know.) Much of the film is Elliot bonding, or not bonding with his estranged sons...then the sons coming to terms with their father. The action picks up at the end, but for me the film was much of a snoozer.

Guide: No sex or nudity. 2 blurred F-words.
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It's just alright
Gordon-1123 December 2017
This film tells the story of two sons who go on a winter fishing holiday with their biological father that they hardly know. As their holiday progresses, the two sons are in increasing danger from the elements and from the people they are with.

Despite having an eventful story, I struggle to find the story engaging. It is nice to see a very young Tom Holland, but there is little else to captivate me. Events that normally induce thrill and fear do not induce such emotions in this film. Maybe the story telling needs a little more working on.
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As bad as it gets
Cedric_Catsuits14 September 2017
Joel Kinnaman is a decent enough actor, so I don't blame him for this shambles. I do blame the writer and director, and as they are one and the same then that man is wholly responsible for one of the very worst films I have ever seen.

It's immature, idiotic, senseless, meaningless drivel. Clearly written by somebody not of this world. The characters are so lightweight and ill-formed that they cannot be human, nor can they be the product of a human.

One and a half hours of my life has been stolen from me, time I can never get back. I'm just left wondering who finances these pathetic projects and why? Maybe it looked good on paper - it looked promising to me when I read the blurb - but even good ideas need careful crafting and there is no craft on display here.

Infuriating and pointless.
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Great Acting, Decent Movie
vegicat9 August 2016
No idea why people are harshing on this movie. Yes, the plot is simple, but that's because it's not a horror flick or action flick - - it's a psychological family drama thriller. As in, tense.

There's beautiful scenery, minimal music, and other than a few scenes (not going to spoil that), most of what happens is fairly straightforward. Joel Kinnaman, looking a bit haggard, (the delicious co-star of The Killing) delivers top-notch acting, as do both of the boys. Their relationship and interaction is believable, and thankfully, there isn't any annoying precociousness or preciousness in the kid's characters.

I'm not sure what people were expecting from the movie, but after reading some of the reviews/comments, I watched it anyway, and I wasn't disappointed. If you're looking for something with a lot of violence or gore, or some feel-good story with a dramatic ending, this isn't the film for you. If you are looking for a somewhat bleak story line with great acting, then check it out.
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Well-acted, low-key, predictable
Leofwine_draca12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
EDGE OF WINTER is a low key thriller set in the wilds of the Canadian north. It's a small scale movie, a three-hander for much of the running time, in which a couple of surprisingly ordinary and non-annoying brothers are sent off to stay with their crazy estranged father, played by Joel Kinnaman of EASY MONEY fame. When they confess a new development to him, the news sends him off the deep end and he becomes possessive to extreme levels. It's an intriguing slice of psycho-thriller with a greater emphasis on realism than usual; the performances are generally good, both from the kids (including future Spider-man Tom Holland) and from Kinnaman too. As a thriller, it's not particularly suspenseful, and it does suffer from becoming increasingly predictable as it goes on. Still, it's worth a look if you're a fan of the cast.
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Likely textbook story with a very good portrayal
Duchino4 August 2016
I picked this one to watch because I like a lot of snow and snowbound adventures/misadventures; while not being wildly original and despite that gorgeous Lefevre being shown too little, it does feature Kinnaman's acting chops in quite a genuine portrayal. Having seen him in other stuff here and there, I was impressed. The story could be run on Lifetime's night lineup, but it's not reducible to that – the series of worsening events snowball inexorably without steering too hard toward this or that direction, holding on to a steady thread of realism. It's something to check out for a late chill-out, especially if curious about Kinnaman's role and work.
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Edge Of Winter
dukeakasmudge7 February 2017
I felt like today was the perfect day to watch this movie.It's COLD & windy outside & the weatherman is calling for 1-3 inches of snow.It's a shame the movie wasn't as good as the timing was.Edge Of Winter wasn't anything special.It felt more like a way to waste time when nothing else good is on.After 20+ minutes in, the movie just dragged from there.With about 30 minutes left I wanted to turn it off but I didn't because I already came this far & with not a lot of time left, I might as well stick around & find out how everybody was going to make it out of the situation they were in.After the movie was over, I felt like if I would've turned it off when I wanted to, I wouldn't have missed anything at all.The best thing about Edge Of Winter was the winter scenery & that's the best thing I can say about it.If you have the chance to watch Edge Of Winter but end up missing it, don't worry, you didn't miss a thing
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a pretty good drama movie
exlana13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There will be spoiler in the end of this review

I can't believe this movie (currently) got rated 5.2/ 10 by more than 400 users and probably it will keep going down. I don't understand with the low rating. Edge of Winter is actually a simple but pretty good drama film about a father and his two son stranded in the snow. It's visually beautiful , the camera worker did a very well job withe the cinematography. The acting is also excellent. Joel Kinnaman , Tom Holland and Percy Hynes did a very good job. I must say , the story is a little bit weird and the ending is kinda disappointing ( i'll explain below )but there are some intense-dramatic-sad scenes. Besides the ending , it's a good drama mixed with a bit thriller. I hope this movie will get a better ratings.


The ending is a bit annoying , kind of cliffhanger. I can't believe they just gonna leave their dad there. They could just knock him unconscious and tied him up or something.
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Worst of 2016. See this if you want to fall asleep.
hussain_malic3 September 2016
very poor effort. no story. senseless plot. there are so many problems that its useless even discussing anything.In fact any time spent discussing this movie is time wasted. Please save your time and just watch anything else. I fell asleep during the film and that was the best part for me during the film. I can't believe that this was released and no one tried to stop this film from being made. Shame on all the people involved. Anyways, f it. its over now. And to post this review i have to write at least ten lines about the film so i am just going to continue writing this film so that i can warn people not to watch it.
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psychosis in the north country
Vallbygirl21 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was superb. The plot was vague at times but I found that intriguing and it added to the suspense as it didn't follow a typical psycho killer format. There were clues in the plot that give possible answers to most of the questions as to why a poor example of a father could deteriorate into a delusional killer so quickly and I liked the ambiguity of that. The camera work was quite nice too. The location as desolate as the emotions, but still beautiful. Remarkable work by the two boys. Mr. Kinnamen's character so painful to watch. Frightening but believable. Well worth the watch, for an intimate look at failed parenting and trauma.
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Better Than Average - Psychological Tragedy
arthur_tafero9 October 2019
This film is actually a tragedy. A parent who is on the verge of losing his two sons goes off the deep end. This is not too much of a stretch from reality. I can easily relate to a divorced father who is having trouble keeping his relationship going with his children; so can a few million other men. The fragility of life is extremely apparent in this film. Just one harsh random event can change lives forever. If the car doesn't crash, the rest does not happen. But it does crash. And the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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Wasted talent from young actors
davetree3 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Good grief; who wrote this stupid, inane script or story for that matter. All the way through a tough watch except for the scenes of northern woods. The oldest most stupid clichés of "lost cabin in the woods" abound. Nobody travels in deep snow in a Creep Cherokee (Jeeps are junk),or any vehicle without a shovel to dig out. The father's "lunacy" of possibly losing his kids is totally unbelievable junk written by a trained ape! (sorry apes) The most terrible trash I've ever sat through. The poor kid actors; they tried and even looked guilty as they gushed out their stupid lines. The biggest laugh of all is Amazon wants $10 to watch this drivel!
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Are you kidding? This is a great realistic movie.
pafrisco29 May 2017
Usually I go by the review from IMDb ...

This one I totally disagree with... It holds you on the Edge/ as the title reads. It is about an abusive situation and very realistically done. Most of know someone like this guy or have known ... He continues to make stupid decisions and the kids are trying to respect him as their parent until their sense of survival kicks in. This is a don't miss movie!!!
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A long journey
ropelawshiel3 August 2020
Seemed a lot longer then it was, not a bad drama, the acting was excellent, especially, from the young lead. But it was long drawn out. I would recommend if you like slow build up, for me it it would have been a good short story. Not a total waste of my viewing There are far better thrillers out there to watch.
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Cold and bleak but ok
shemarnold17 July 2018
The setup of the story for the fathers downward spiral was reasonably done and one many part time fathers will identify with. Time was taken to show the relationship between the father and sons which means the climax feels a little rushed. Acting performances are good but some parts of the plot line are baffling. Like when the cabin is burned down so they can escape. Surely a stealthy escape would have given them more time? No movie is perfect and after seeing the reviews I wasn't expecting too much but despite the faults this was time well spent and a nice change from the blockbuster movie norm.
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The Ultimate Deadbeat Dad
lavatch5 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There is a very revealing moment early in "Edge of Winter" when the character Elliot Baker explains to his two young sons is that the reason he is wearing a cast on his right arm is that he assaulted his work supervisor. That experience undoubtedly led to his dismissal from the company. Elliot now has a lot of time on his hands, and he agrees with his ex to care for his two sons when she and her new husband go off on a cruise vacation.

It turns out the the experience will not be a vacation for the two boys. Their dad takes them deep into a Canadian forest for lessons in gun shooting male bonding. But when the unstable father learns that his two boys will soon be moving to London, due to their stepfather's promotion, Elliot makes the conscious decision to kidnap the boys and keep them permanently with him in an out-of-the-way cabin.

The boys begin to recognized the degree to which their father has become unhinged. After the father kills an innocent and well-meaning hunter, the boys hatch a plan to escape from the clutches of their demented dad.

There are no redeeming elements to this unpleasant film that lacked credibility from start to finish. The ending was especially disappointing that offered no closure on the situation of the deadbeat dad. If we are to believe the opening segment, the father continues with life in the woods, never having been charged with kidnapping, child endangerment, and murder.
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Great acting, good plot, decent ending
louisthienp30 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was good in general. The characters were likeable. We get to see the psychological changes the main character goes through and the strengthening of the bond between the brothers.

The plot is basic but still somewhat intriguing. I enjoyed the scenery, the music and the themes explored. I was a bit disappointed with the ending. I wanted to know what happens to the boys next but I guess the cliffhanger does make it have a bit more charm.

Good movie
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davyd-0223720 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Going away with this man can seriously damage your health and well being!....Too many F words in front of 2 boys that Dad is supposed to be looking after and bonding with...This man (the father) is no hero, and he isn't a decent parent unless you give him his own way....hes more than capable of murder and the ending/escape is something of an anti-climax....this is one of those I wouldn't really bother with - decidedly frightening especially if you are under 14 years of age!
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I don't know why this film only got 5 point x total review
maulanwar2 August 2019
In my opinion, tho, this movie was great if not so so. I mean, at least this movie should have got 6 or 6 point more total review
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Could have been so much better than 'meh'
rs-553 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I checked 'contains spoilers' just to be safe.

The acting in this movie was okay but it's a shame the actors had so little to work with. While Percy Hynes White as the younger brother (Caleb) may not be as well known as Tom Holland (who plays his older brother Brad) I actually think he was the better actor of the two in this film. Holland's basic mood and expression for 3/4 of the movie was dour, sullen, and grumpy, while the younger brother character seemed much more like a real kid.

The problem I have with this movie is that the plot just kind of moves along til it ends, with no resolution. The boys drive away in a truck while leaving their emotionally-troubled (and dangerous) father behind in a snowy forest while the cabin they had been staying in burns to the ground. So where will dad go to get out of the weather? Will anyone come back for him? Or does he deserve to die and freeze in the cold snowy forest?

Who knows? We sure don't. The movie ends without any sort of resolution. I would have liked to have SOME outcome to it all, whether I liked it or not. But at the point where that situation could have been handled in another few minutes of story, the closing credits came onto the screen.
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Loved it!
hilljos197631 January 2017
Wow, this movie really caught me by surprise. I remember watching the preview and thinking "whatever". I couldn't really tell what it was about but I saw that Joel Kinnaman was in it so I had to at least see. My first experience with this guy was on "The Killing." Didn't like him or his character at first, but by the end of the series I got it. I remember rooting for him to make it big and then saw him on Robocop and some other big movies. I hope Hollywood doesn't ruin him. I'd like to see more of his "flawed hero" in the future. Could just be me, but I think I could see him doubting himself in certain scenes at the beginning of the movie that wasn't just the character. He needs more roles like these I think to get his chops around. Really, I think he has the potential to turn out some interesting characters given the chance. Now about the movie. Like I said, the beginning of the movie, I thought, came across a bit stiff. Maybe the dialogue, I don't know, people in real life act and say things all the time that I don't really understand why they'd say or do it that way. All the same it was okay. Then about half way through the movie I had to stand up and say, "Holy S--t!" From then on it was a nightmare for everyone involved. This movie took turns I did not see coming and I thought it was pretty realistic. Once it all fell apart I could see the insanity of the situation and it was scary. I've always been interested in how a parent can come to the conclusion to kill their own children. That doesn't happen here but the colors are there. I don't know if this movie is for everyone, probably not. I sure liked it though. I liked it a lot.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Edge of Winter
burlesonjesse510 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hello all movie lovers. Edge of Winter is my latest review. It's a 2016 release and now that it's 2017, I still tend to write about a few holdovers from the previous year. That's until stuff like Sleepless opens up via January 13th. Anyhow, I wanna talk about "Edge" and my mixed assessment of it. Here's what I came up with:

Edge of Winter concludes very abruptly. You sort of wish for ten more minutes of variably taut screen time. The opening interaction between cast members, feels like 2005's War of the Worlds. The final sequence can't wait for the closing credits to appear fast enough. This vehicle fiercely represents the coming of Joel Kinnaman's finest performance. You don't quite know why he goes perpetual psycho towards "Edge's" final half hour. Nevertheless, I've always thought of his acting style as dry and mundane, with a hint of palatable screen presence. Here, his nerve endings and realistic demur come out. Just think of a more subdued Jack Nicholson from The Shining.

Edge of Winter is kind of like The Grey without wolves. The cold temperatures, the isolation, and the peril that the young actors go through (they play Kinnaman's trouper's kids) will at times, creep you out. This is a well-acted film, a character study, and at times, an evenly-paced thriller to boot.

With so many straight-to-video flicks coming out, "Edge" rises slightly despite the fact that it might be too underdeveloped to garner a recommendation. It has the feel of an independent pic. Then, it eventually veers into Redbox territory with wonted movie poster in tote. At 89 minutes, I thought to myself, what is "Edge's" ultimate conflict or resolution? Furthermore, I was trying to figure out the reason for Kinnaman's Elliot Baker to turn so psychobabble, so off the reservation if you will.

Anyway, Edge of Winter's premise involves an estranged dad watching his young tykes (for a weekend) to the dismay of his snippy ex-wife. They are moving to London and he fears that he'll never see them again. From a circumstanced plot point, daddy and the boys go out in the middle of nowhere to practice rifle shooting. As they try to leave, their truck gets stuck in the snow and they have to survive in a remote cabin until help comes in any form. Rob Connolly's direction here is standard, with intermittent shots of the clouds, the moon, and snowy treetops. "Edge" builds to a decent climax only to slightly go off the rails. The basic gist is this: You think you know your good old pops but guess what, ya don't.

In terms of location, well Edge of Winter was shot in Ontario, Canada. It takes place I'm thinking, in the backwoods of snowy Massachusetts. Heck, that's what the license plates on two propped trucks led me to believe.

In conclusion, Edge of Winter according to its wiki page, is I guess cut from original cloth. There's a murder, an equated level of father dominance, and a scene where two people fall through gleaming ice. Whether its outcome is good or bad, "Edge" is adequate, midday viewing that's nothing to anxiously write home about. With a longer running time, a more morose background story, and an attention to a moviegoer's perceptive acumen, it could have been so much better. Rating: 2 and a half stars.
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Nothing here.
bombersflyup16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Edge of Winter is thin and unexplainable, dunno.

A psychotic father threatens and holds his sons captive. Doesn't engage, no suspense, nothing redeeming. Did Elliot forget his medication? Kinnaman's an excellent actor, I've seen it... So this is bad, a very nothing piece. The younger son, fairly annoying.
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